‎Nov 08, 2022
10:32 AM
There is a preferences setting under technology previews that allows you to select "pre-2016 for older graphics drivers." Too soon to tell if it helps that much, but it seems to be better (as long as I close bridge before photoshop and do not try to work with an SSD external). I also have not tried the dreaded object selection tool which was guaranteed to cause a freeeze up.
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‎Nov 08, 2022
05:16 AM
It seems as though this setting may have mitigated some of the slowness, crashing and hanging. I have to make sure I shut down Bridge first otherwise that hangs and refuses to close. I also have to work on my local drive and then copy things over to my external drive when I am done. It's annoying, but I have given up.
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‎Nov 07, 2022
10:54 AM
Gee, do you think rolling back GPU to before 2016 will fix the problem of PS 24 just hanging and eating up tons of memory (I have to force quit the app every single time). Plus, I think it ruined my computer because I got a black screen on startup and now it is not running as well as it was (because I had to turn the power off ... god only knows what damage that did). I cannot update my graphics driver. It says the latest is installed. PS has gotten worse with every upgrade. I cannot even use the object selection tool anymore without it crashing the program and having to force quit. I am beginning to think the software just won't work from an external SSD drive either. So frustrating that we have to store it all on our PC. What is the cloud/external storage for if PS will not let us use it?
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‎Nov 07, 2022
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
Yep it;s now November 2022. I have been begging and pleading for an answer. It only started when I set up the external drive. Not LR so much as Photoshop. I think it ruined my entire computer because now I am getting Black Screen of Death and hangs where nothing ever happened before. The software really started acting up for me with the latest updates. It's almost not worth it anymore.
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‎Nov 07, 2022
07:30 AM
OK. I guyess the answer is that we cannot use SSD drives. It is totally irritating and annoying but I guess I will have to work on my internal drive. What the difference is, I have no idea? I did not design this system so I am forced to rely on the answers from people who did. I guess they assume that we will upgrade our systems once a year to compensate for system requirements that were once adequate but are no longer. Just wish I knew that upgrading to Photoshop 24 would totally ruin everything. I am not making giant billboard sized posters. I just want it to work for dumb instagram posts and such. Can't there be a SUPER PRO version veruus a "good enough" version? Ready to give up totally because I am constantly reinventing the wheel and nothign ever stays fixed for more than a minute..
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‎Nov 04, 2022
07:51 AM
I don't know whether I like it or not (it's confusing [removed] that is for sure... and the cloud based applications for photoshop editing are pretty terrible). However, I am now wondering if setting the default loction to "local" (meaning my SSD 1TB storage drive) is the cause of photoshop hanging when I exit? (Which I think in turn caused a black screen of death on my's just a theory but my laptop was fine until I started the whole business with Photoshop + SSD)
I did a whole bunch of random stuff like clearing cache in bridge and photoshop, I started completely over in Lightroom (though that was never the problem).
[And yes, I have a [removed] graphics driver an Intel 620 or something)
Before I did all this, it kept happening. I had to control+alt+delete to force quit phtoshop every time.
However, I hit save to cloud and it hasn't happened again..... YET. But I haven't done a masive amount of editing either.
So I don;t know if opening from bridge is the problem, or saving locally, or doing too much with my [removed] graphics driver, or what.
[I DO KNOW THAT I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO USE THE OBJECT SELECT TOOL. I just have to accept the fact that that useful thing is gone forever, or until I spend $2000 on a new machine].
I just find that the whole photoshop experience has become so bloated in the past two years that it is unusable on any but hte most high end laptops. (16 GB of ram or higher).
Maybe there should be a version for "dummes." I mean it worked fine for me until recently.
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‎Nov 04, 2022
05:17 AM
And to reiterate, I cannot just update my driver: I google this: " Can I upgrade Intel uhd Graphics 620? No, because Intel UHD graphics 620 is integrated with your Intel core i3 or i5 processor. So for upgrading the graphics card you need to change your processor itself."
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‎Nov 03, 2022
07:39 AM
Not sure how to submit a crash report since nothing crashed, but I can live without the object selection tool since clearly there will be no fix for it. AND btw, I cannot just update my driver: "Intel UHD graphics 620 is integrated with your Intel core i3 or i5 processor. So for upgrading the graphics card you need to change your processor itself."
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‎Nov 01, 2022
12:18 PM
I have unchecked that CL button and Use Graphics processor. I say "OK" but the changes will not stick.
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‎Nov 01, 2022
12:13 PM
This still does not work for me and the latest update was supposed to have fixed it. Oh well, another thing that we have to muddle through without. Hasn't in more than a year. It's my understanding that I cannot just download anew graphics driver. (Inspiron 5482 or soemthing like that). It used to work fine. But how does one submit a crash report when the whole thing freezes and I have to CTRL + ALT + DEL to get out of it?
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‎Oct 31, 2022
02:27 PM
What do you mean, "how it's mounted." I realize the more I get into these things that seemed obvious, the more I realize it is overly complicated, but I just plugged in the drive. It is already formatted as exFat. I mean it is definitely somehow related to the drive because this is a new thing that started. However, it just seems like adobe will not work with anything that is not stored on your computer which is the last place I want to store anything. It's a pain to keep moving things on and off the drive. I have it in the 3.0 port if that is what you mean? I have a Dell XPS 13 which used to work fairly well with photoshop. Now it is awful, buggy and freezes up constantly. I also think that 8 GB of ram is no longer sufficient, but I can't do anything about that right now. It used to be fine. No longer. I am tempted to just throw in the towel and give up because it is inducing a lot of agita and stress. And I do not think I am able to update my graphics processor. I am sure that's the problem but I am stuck with this garbage laptop now. Photoshop seems to have become so bloated it is useless unless I buy the most expensive state of the art machine. I would gladly use the cloud storage version, but working from that is even worse!!!!!
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‎Oct 31, 2022
06:28 AM
I recently moved my work files to an external SSD storage device. However, now photoshop refuses to quit. I have to do ctrl + alt +delete to force quit that and all the creative cloud apps before it will let me safely eject the drive. This seems to be a very old problem going back to 2018. What can I do about this as it seems to be burning out my computer with very high CPU usage. Or is it just that we can't use photoshop with an external drive (not an sd card but an actual drive). What do people with large photo collections do? Why must it always be stored on the computer. Why bother with cloud storage at all? AND THE OTHER THING THAT WAS NOT FIXED WAS THE CONSTANT CRASHING EVERY SINGLE TIME I TRY TO USE THE OBJECT SELECTION TOOL. I spend all day every day troubleshooting problems. [Phooshop not being the only buggy applicatin I have to deal with. Multiply these headaches by ten]. It seems like nothing stays working for more than a day or two. You solve one problelm only to have ten more crop up.
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‎Oct 31, 2022
05:56 AM
This happened to me yesterday. I had just moved everything over to a 1TB SSD and everything seemed to be working. However, I had no choice but to force quit photoshop on exit because it would not let me "safely remove" my SSD. Is there one computer appliction anywhere on planet earth that works the way it is supposed to? The reason I get so upset about this stuff is that I deal with this for quite literally everything. I have multiple applications, MP3 players, etc. that all require thousands of hours of trouble shooting to the point where this is literally all I do all day every day. Developers think that we have all the time in the world to fix things that they break. It has literally been years since I have not spent 10 hours troubleshooting for every minute of work. AND PHOTOSHOP STILL CRASHES AND FREEZES WHENEVER I TRY TO USE THE OBJECT SELECTION TOOL. THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN FIXED WITH THE LAST UPDATE AND IT STILL HAPPENS.
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‎Apr 06, 2021
07:15 AM
My problem is that everything was working perfectly until I decided to move my pictures (not lightroom catalog) off my laptop. It hung and froze constantly. I had to select Ctrol Alt Delete to get it working. I did not even have to kill the program. Just bring up the Task Manager. But it is still annoying and I want it to run perfectly. I noticed the problem of not being able to "Add" only copy from the SD card to my C drive. That is also unacceptable. I realized that it just doesn't work with an SD card so I gave up and put some of the folders back on my laptop (as annoying as that is). Now that ieverything is pointing back to my local C drive, it still hangs. I am going to try the windows virus scan exception trick, but I am not hopeful. The upshot is that it is now worse than before. I have even tried disabling the graphics card under preferences. I have disabled auto write metadata to XMP. I know I do not have the greatest amount of Ram *8GB) but it was working just fine before with more than twice the photos. Now, it is exponentially worse. Using lightroom cloud is no good because I cannot do much editing there (and does not show the IPTC fields). And I have copies in One Drive and I also have copies on the SD card. It's annoying because the whole point o flightroom is to find Everything by keyword or whatever. But I guess I need a top of the line laptop for that. What's the point of the cloud or external drives if you cannot use them?
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‎Apr 06, 2021
06:38 AM
But lightroom cloud has almost none of the editing options that classic does. But I effed it all up good and proper anyway so now I cannot use anything.
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‎Apr 06, 2021
06:37 AM
I dec ide to give up and move certain files back to my local drive and now it still hangs indefinitely ((I realize I never should have messed with it, but the damage is done. It will never work prooerly ever again). I seem to have messed it up forever. I gues I cannot use this anymore because control alt delte to get it running is not an accpetable work arojnd/
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‎Apr 06, 2021
05:42 AM
1 Upvote
OK. I keep running up against this annoyuing thing. I noticed too that I cannot "add" ever since I moved all my photos to an external SD card. Now I am finding out that everything needs to be local? WHT IS THE POINT??? I do not have that much room on my laptop and I keep the catalog local, but the phtos on this drive where they will not be clogging up my laptop. But now LIghtoroom is not working correctly. It takes forever for it to load. Actually, in order to get it to "respond" I ahve to go to task manager and select the program I wnnt to "end task" but not actually do it. This is not an acceptable workaround. I have tried disabling the graphics card. I have tried everything. Thing is. We use these SD cards because I was sold a bill of goods about now I do not need a gigantic laptop beause I nave OneDrive and an SD card. But lightroom does not work correctly with either of those. I DO NOT WANT MY PHOTOS STORED LOCALLY. Such a complete mess. I do not know what to do. Do I have to buy an external drive? I guess I do?? Or will that not work either? I would like to know before I spend $100 on something that does not work. I was led to this thread because when importing phtos into the drive, it will only let me copy not "add." There needs to be an entire rethink of how people are using laptops because it is becoming more and more impossible to get anything over 150GB without spending $10K
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‎Mar 31, 2021
05:53 AM
I don't remember exactly what finally fixed it. It seemed like I was on the right track the whole time. It was related to Preferences pointing to a folder that probably moved (because I had moved all my photos to external drive). But It seemed like I tried to change the locoation several times before it atually worked. But I set the folder in Preferences > File Handling .> Cloud Document Directory to the file I wanted it on (on my local C drive) and it seems to have solved the problem.
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‎Mar 28, 2021
12:38 PM
Just when I thought I finally had it all right. I recently moved my files (but not catalog) to an external SD Drive. At first I could not overwrite mistakes, but then I reformatted the disc and it worked. Now, whenever I open photoshop I get this annoying message. "couldn't open the edit log file phtoshop edit log edit logging is disabled." I do not remember disabling it. But I have a feeling it is now pointing to a defunct file. This question was asked four years ago. There was a link to an obsolete page which explained the answer. Somehow it seems related to Preferences, History. But I do not see what I am doing wrong. But it is driving me crazy. BTW, I usually search for a few hours before I give up and post to this forum. I cannot believe something so seemingluy simple is so elusive.
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‎Mar 26, 2021
09:45 AM
Where do I switch to NTFS? In photoshop? In windows? When formatting the SD card (which I am pretty sure will erase it). Erasing it is not the worst ordeal I have encourntered, but I wish had known that before it just opened and let me dump everything on there. I was able to point my entire lightroom catalog there no problem. It is only when trying to overwrite an existing file (like if i make a mistake) that it gives me this error. I can always delete the file and send it there, but that is twice the number of clicks. When you do 1000x a day, that is 1000x more clicks. Thus, I cannot just "live with it." 3 Answers Insert SD card, go to Computer. Right click the SD card icon and click on Properties. Click the security tab. Click edit under the Group or user names display. Click on Everyone (so that it is highlighted) then below in the permissions for Everyone area, tick Full Control.
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‎Mar 26, 2021
07:32 AM
Will formatting erase the drive? Ugh So annoying. Everyday I solve one problem. Every day a new uphill seven hour battle. I certainly do not want to erase the entire drive and start over for nothing. I tried sharing and nothing and giving myself "Full access". I also tried the controlled access. It is off.
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‎Mar 25, 2021
05:51 AM
Actually, it worked for a while and stopped. So I reinstalled Photoshop (even though I had no inpiut as to the order these things are installed. Hoever I now know for a fact that I had PS 22.3 and Bridge 11.01 Installed. However, I uninstalled and reinstalled PS and it seemed to have worked in that it filled in the file handling options. But, it made it worse in that now photoshop says it has no room to open anything.I closed and started over and it seems to be working, but I don't know. Furstrating to finally get things working the way you want, only to have a Tsunami come and wipe it all away in a single afternoon when your back is turned.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
01:48 PM
But the version numbers in Photoshop and bridge do not match. (I am not home, but the Photoshop is like 22.3 and bridge is something that starts with a 11.01). I wish I were home and could look, but they are not even remotely the same. How would I ever know if the latest version is not installed that matches Bridge. But yes, it automatically gives me a message like "phto shop is updated." So I guess I need to turn that off and never get another update as long as I live?? It makes no sense. How would ever know which version belongs with which? I guess it is another thing I have to live with and spend hours worrrying about.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
09:54 AM
Thanks, this "open with" Photoshop is not an option fro me in Bridge. (Although once I opened with Windows Photo Viewer) I was able to right click and open with Photoshop. But that is two steps for every file, forever. I don't know why the whole thing just like totally blew up suddenly. I did a windows update which may have caused it. But any updates I do, I do because I have no choice. So if Adobe is downloading newer versions of Bridge than Photoshop what am I supposed to do about it? CTRL + ALT +SHIFT while simultaneously opening Bridge and resetting seems to have fixed this problem (although this in itself is somewhat of a pain). It is better than uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Creative Cloud App. There are too many updates and I spend literally two hours a day, just getting things to work that were not broken until the updatess. Like every single day.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
09:49 AM
CTRL + ALT +SHIFT while simultaneously opening Bridge and resetting seems to have fixed this problem (although this in itself is somewhat of a pain). It is better than uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Creative Cloud App.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
09:49 AM
CTRL + ALT +SHIFT while simultaneously opening Bridge and resetting seems to have fixed this problem (although this in itself is somewhat of a pain). It is better than uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Creative Cloud App.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
09:48 AM
CTRL + ALT +SHIFT while simultaneously opening Bridge and resetting seems to have fixed this problem (although this in itself is somewhat of a pain). It is better than uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Creative Cloud App.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
07:20 AM
Do I have to uninstall light room too!! LIKE EVERYTHING!!! I AM SO ROYALLY PISSED RIGHT NOW. I am starting to wonder if any of this is even worht all the hassle that I have endured over the last two years.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
07:18 AM
WHAT!!!!!!!!! I only do the updates that are forced on me. That is a huge burden on my time right now because it literally takes forever to install photoshop. I may have to unistall eveyrthing? I never installed an older app. Before I do this I want very detailed instructions on where it all went horribly wrong. I am so sick of this.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
07:05 AM
Mine are all blank and it doesn't allow me to select Photoshop. Only browse a folder on my computer. Does not seem right. PLEASE EXPLAIN IN DETAIL HOW TO DO THIS. I AM SO UPSET RIGHT NOW!!!
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