‎Mar 24, 2021
07:01 AM
This is a problem because opening from Photoshop does not allow you to see the images in the windows file explorer view. What was the point of bridge? None of the solutins make any sense. In file Handling in Bridge I am confronted with a list of a billion file types, and all are blankl as far as programs go to open the program with. You mean I have to reset every single one of these things one at a time? UNVELIEVABLE??? But it forces me to browse program files on my hard drive which does not seem like it would work because Photoshop is not a choice, but "Adobe" Then others say to go to settings in Windows, but this makes no sense at all either. (Screenshot hopefully explains better because it looks wrong and selecting any of these options would be a disaster) I am beyond upset right now. You've done it again. Your unstable program has thrown my day inot complete chaos and there s no hope of a solution anywhere in sight.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:43 AM
Sorry for all the comments but I am literally crashing like a bull in a chinashop trying to fix this terrible horrible problem that is unsolvable . I have tried everything and nothing makes sense. I need absolute step by stop instructions because when I go to the file handling, it aks me to select a program file from my cmputer. Photoshop is not one of them. Only "Adobe" or something like that. It does not seem right. AT ALL and I know I will end up making this much worse. Going into Windows settings makes no sense at all either. Unless I am logged into adobe, I probably want the windows photo viewer to show up. The whole point of Bridge is to browse the photos more easily so what happened? Like I said, I need very extremely detailed instrucitons because nothing makes sense at all. And do I edit these preferences from photoshop or from bridge. I am not uninstalling and reinstalling these programs. There has to be a better way to do this.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:32 AM
Where????????????? Why would it be a Windows 10 thing when I only want photoshop files to open when I am in bridge?
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:29 AM
Bridge no longer opens anything in photoshop. I have to go to file explorer and select it that way. It is completely unacceptable and has ruined my day because I have to spend the last few hours on it with noi hope whaatsoever of solving the problem. None of the solutions are working fro me. Of course, it seems to be the update the ruined everyithing. Either the windows 10 comprehensive or the Adobe. We just cannot take four hours out of each and every day to fix things that you break. It is so upsetting.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:23 AM
To answer my own question, yes. I do have to bypass bridge and open each and every file one at a time in photoshop. And of course these changes do not stick. WHAT CAN I DO. I NEED AN ANSWER TODAY. ONE THAT WORKS PREFERABLY!!!!
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:19 AM
And if I go to file exploreer, I can do this. But you mean I have to do this ten thousand times for each and everyo item in the folder?[cursing removed]
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:18 AM
[removed] WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS I AM SO AGGRAVATED. It is always something that I need to spend a day or so fixing because they broke it. Tere is no "open with option" I am beating my head against a wall and I can't take another day of this.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:16 AM
Nothing I do can fix this including going to preferences and resetting the file type associations. Once again spending my entire day troubleshooting something that worked yesterday. This is so aggravating!!! Need very detailed instructions. Take nothing for granted. Has totally destroyed my dat.
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‎Jul 31, 2020
08:16 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, I thought it might be like Lighroom web version. But that is what I thought after much searching. Thanks.
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‎Jul 29, 2020
05:41 AM
I finally decided to try the free Premier Rush app for simple video editing. It says everything is automatically uploaded to creative cloud. However, how do I see this? I am used to working with Lightroom where I can login through a web page (ie. from a computer where the cloud apps are not installed) and see everything I have synced there. In other words, I can go to any computer, login and work with the images that way. As for projects created in Premier Rush, d, it says you can "work from anywhere" but is that only when the app is installed?
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‎Jul 23, 2020
07:50 AM
Does this mean you have to merge all layers as a last step for it to work? I have found that I have actually gotten it to work when I was not thinking about it or actually intending to do just did for whatever reason.
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‎Jul 23, 2020
07:46 AM
Thanks, that was bugging me too!
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‎Jul 22, 2020
01:08 PM
There are so many problems I do not know where to begin. First of all, something changed because now, evenwhen I do not select the check box, I keep doing these destructive edits and I end up starting over. This has happened over and over since the upgrade. I am trying to follow the directions. However, your tutorials do not in any way resemble what I amseeing. I realize that I want to turn off the Setting in which I tell it not to get rid of the cropped pixes permanently. However, I cannot for the life of me, figure out how to tell if it is on or off. I have spent the entire afternoon on this and I am getting more and more frustrated. I also am wondering how to make the content aware feature work. It worked by accident once. However, when I try to get it to fill in the corners on a straightned image, no dice. I am also wondering why the workspace is now black. It seems like the quick selection tool has also changed (and is not as good).
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‎Jul 22, 2020
12:24 PM
I am using Photoshp 21.21. It's the first time I have ever tried this, but I cannot get it to work. The instructions seem simple enough, so what am I missing? I am following this tutorial from several years ago. I was so excited to learn about this, but I am once again tearing my hair out.
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‎Jul 22, 2020
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
Okay. After the last major upgrade (which I hate by the way), I turned off onedrive. After all that effort, I noticed that when I turned onedrive back on, it did install the offending folder in My DSocumets, but it did not seem to trigger the usual avalanche. However, the update seems to have really effed things up in terms of "moving the furniture around on me": jist when I was finally satarting to get it.
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‎Jul 08, 2020
11:18 AM
This might be an interesting solutin but I am not sure I completely understand. My workaround was to move photos I am working on to a local folder that does not get backed up to the cloud. This is working okay (because when I am done working on the photos I move them off the hard drive. I mean, I am not happy with it, because I have to then delete it from light room (after I have exported copies with the metadata embedded). I try to keep all my photos in the cloud (unsynced locally. This is accomplished by selecting "Free Up Space). Ordinarily, [and by that I mean outside of adobe bridge, lightroom or photoshop] I oculd have a sub-folder with 100 photos in it, click on one photo, and ONLY that one will be made available locally (as is indicated by a green check mark in onedrive). It works perfectly well until, the software insists on depositing that aforementioned folder into onedrive (always after their upgrades). Then, it downloads everything in in the My Photos file onto my pc. You can never just work with one photo, or folder of photos. It's all or nothing have to be stored on the pc at all times. For now I have kind of given up and accepted it because I don't want to wear out my hard drive freeing up space, only to have it reappear 10 times a day. So anyway, my question is: if I stop the backup, I am not really sure what that will do. Since it seems to backup from local files to the cloud? Iwant to keep everything in the cloud and off my pac except what I am working on, but photoshop will not allow me to do that.
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‎May 10, 2020
02:16 PM
I want to share a photo album with comments enabled. However, I noticed a typo in a comment I posted and there seems to be no way to edit thge comment....or even to delete it and start over. Is this not a thing? There is absolutely no help anywhgere on planet earth. Am I really the first person to ever think of this. This is annoying!
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‎Mar 31, 2020
07:54 AM
Since so many of us are separated from our physical offices (where we used your Acrobat 10), is there any way to make this one program free to users of Office 365 for Business during the pandemic? I don't want to spend my own money to subscribe as I think another $10 is too much for this one program...although I would consider it as a cheap add-on to my Photography Plan.
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‎Mar 26, 2020
07:49 AM
‎Mar 26, 2020
07:37 AM
‎Mar 26, 2020
07:17 AM
I went back and tried it aqgain in the Creative Cloud aggregate app. It is set to "This PC" (which is actually OneDrive). I tried to change it to the "C:" (local drive) and it refuses to allow me to do this. I am so annoyed I wnt to literally take this whole thing and smash it against a wall. People have been complaining about this for literally almost a decade and NOTHING has been done. The Cloud is no longer "optional" (if it were I would not torture myself with it) and I want a fix for this. Not ten years from now, but NOW!!!!!!!! I just weant the stupid PhotoshopPrefsManager file to stop being created in the adobe folder on ONEDRIVE. When I say that I waaste at least ten hours a week searching for a solution to this, I mean it. I am SO SICK OF IT!!!
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‎Mar 26, 2020
07:07 AM
Any idea when someone will at least acknowledge why we are unable to change the location of this preferences folder?? It's the one constant that is unleaashing this train wreck. Amd we don't pay for ICloud and OneDrive so that we have to keep it off all the time. This is a MAJOR PROBLEM. JUST LET US CHANGE THE LOCATION OF THE STUPID FOLDER. NORMAL ONEDRIVE OPERATIONS ALLOW YOU TO CLICK ON A SINGLE ITEM IN A FOLDER AND HAVE THAT -- AND ONLY THAT -- BE STORED LOCALLY ON YOUR PC. However, this one document forces me to keep everything on my cloud storage locally. I don't have the space for it. I will run out because I have a terabite of cloud space and only 107 GB of storage locally. THIS HAS GOT TO BE FIXED. IT HAS GOT TO BE YOUR NUMERO UNO PRIORITY. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING FOR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T WE CHANGE THE LOCATION OF THIS FOLDER???????????????
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‎Mar 23, 2020
01:41 PM
Another massive update and still no way to fix this problem. I am so beyond furious at this point.
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‎Mar 23, 2020
11:47 AM
And I should add that all of this ONCE AGAIN is the result of the massive update. Please stop this crap for now.
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‎Mar 23, 2020
11:40 AM
YES IT IS LITERALLY DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS THIS NOT A THING?????????? It is a catastrophe because if forces my to store ALL of my photos on my PC. I free up space like every day only to have these EFFING photo folders reappear. WHAT IS THE POINT OF CLOUD STORAGE IF I CANNOT USE IT. I ONLY STORE THE PHOTOS I AM WORKING ON LOCALLY. OH MY GOD IT IS ANNOYING AND I HAVE BEEN LITERALLY BASHING MY BRAINS AGAINST A ROCK FOR MONTHS OVER THIS.
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‎Mar 23, 2020
11:33 AM
OK. Thanks to the stupid updates that we do not need in our lives at this moment. All my photos have been redumped onto my PC. There is nothing I can do the make this stop. I did the above. But basically, everytime there is an update it deposits a file called PhotoshopPrefsManager on my one drive. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HOW IN THE WORLD DO I CHANGE THE DEFAULT LOCATION OF WHERE THIS IS STORED???????????????????????????????????????? I have literally been struggling with this since September. And let me reiterate: The one answer I do not want to hear is "just disable OneDrive" There should be a way to fix this so that I can have this stupid thing stored away from one drive. And for the millionth time, I end up freeing up space just for it to all be dumped back the moment my back is turned. C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\OneDrive\Documents\Adobe
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‎Mar 18, 2020
06:03 AM
At the very least can you refrain from "updates" as my life is filled with enough panic and terror right now.
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‎Jan 14, 2020
06:31 AM
I tried updating the location of the app to my local docs folder. There are so many places I need to change it I would appreciate a list of them all..... I still keep seeing an Adobe folder in my OneDrive account which contains the most hated DynamicLinkMediaServer and Photoshop Cloud associates. Where does it keep coming from??? I have tried literally everhthing and six months later I am still struggling with this. I wouldn't care so much if it did not cause ALL of my photos to be stored on my pc despite the fact that on OneDrive, I always Free UP space and I always have files on demand checked. I free up spaceliterally 20 times a day. And it doesn't matter if I totally disable onedrive while I am working on Adobe. It keeps coming back the moment my back is turned. I have no problems on my other pc where adobe is not installed so it must be a problem with this. And no, disabling the OneDrive app is not an option. Especially as the apps are going to try to deposit the folders there anyway. So what happens if it no longer has acccess to this location. I feel like I am not communicating well because this problem keeps coming back. The only thing I found on a Reddit thread was to disable "DLMS Format Support" with no clue how or where to find this. I have searched preferences in Photoshop, Lightroom, and the Adobe CC interface.
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‎Jan 08, 2020
10:29 AM
I did that, but I had to also change it in Photoshop under "Preferences > File Handling." I keep discovering new places where I have to change settings to stop the annoying behavior. However, I don't really believe it will ever stop because I always find another "trigger."
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‎Dec 14, 2019
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
I know how to disable one drive. I want things to stop going there to begin with. Everytime I think I have the problem licked I am reminded of the lyrics, "4000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire" I have yet to find them all. However, after a lot of bashing my head in, I may have discovered a break in the case. In Photoshop (not Creative Cloud apps), Under Edit .>Preferences>File seems to allow me to change it there. At least it showed the default path as going to OneDrive. We will see if it stops this annoying behavior. I am just surprised that nobody has ever pointed this out before in a way that is findable.
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