‎Jan 08, 2024
09:08 PM
Thank you for the clarification, Jane!
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‎Jan 08, 2024
08:52 AM
Well, to my dismay, this issue was not fixed with the update today. Did anyone report this bug? I would, but I am not sure to report it.
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‎Dec 28, 2023
05:51 AM
1 Upvote
OK, I found a brush I would like you to test for me, please. It is called "butterfly" and it is in the legacy brushes/special effects category. It is the last brush in that category for me. Make the brush nice and big, maybe 400 px, and the key is to lower the flow. Around 50-60% or so. Lower the opacity, it works fine. Lower the flow, and you will see the lines. Try it in Beta and regular Photoshop.
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‎Dec 27, 2023
09:29 PM
1 Upvote
I did reset my prefs, and tried to uncheck different brush settings such as dual brush and texture. It still happens. Hopefully it will be fixed in a new update.
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‎Dec 27, 2023
07:39 PM
1 Upvote
I am using the MA oil and Acrylic brushes. Not brushes from PS. I am using a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet with the pro pen, but it happens with the mouse too. I am using the brush in normal mode, at an opacity of 65% and a flow of 65%. Now here is the interesting thing: when I am using the non beta version of PS this does NOT happen. I have screenshots. I used the same brush preset, same canvas, same settings for each screenshot. Yeah, I know the colors are different, but it happens in all colors. It does not happen with all brush presets, but not sure why it happens with some and not others. All I know is that it is UGLY, and should not be happening. Yes, i know it is a beta version, but just wanted to bring it to attention of someone. PS Beta PS NON beta
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‎Dec 27, 2023
01:39 PM
I make a 12X12 inch canvas, and paint with a brush. It appears to make vertical lines on the canvas.
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‎Sep 12, 2023
03:50 PM
OK, but why did this just start happening? It was fine before with the same monitor.
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‎Sep 12, 2023
10:57 AM
So all of a sudden when I save jpegs as a copy, and I open them up in my system (not in Photoshop) The reds are extremely saturated in the jpeg. When I open the jpeg in PS, they are fine. I have several versions of PS, they all do the same thing. I swear I did not change any settings. I deleted my prefs, did not help. Playing around with Windows and PS color management, I finally got it to the point that the jpeg and .psd files look the same. There is still some weirdness going on though. Now the jpeg thumbnails look desaturated compared to the .psd thumbnails. Before it was the other way around. I use pro photo as my working color profile. Also, whenever I open a .psd in PS, it tells me my profile is "p3" and do I want to change to the working profile, which is pro photo. I click yes. I have no idea what "p3" is or where it came from. I never got this message before. What is going on? Windows 10.
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‎Sep 06, 2023
12:04 PM
OK, I have tried these on some images. To be honest, I am not impressed. But I am wondering if they have a use I do not know about. Kind of like using high pass for sharpening. But not really useful on it's own.
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‎Aug 28, 2023
05:27 PM
Fixed in the new update!
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‎Aug 28, 2023
05:10 PM
Fixed with the new update!
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‎Aug 27, 2023
06:41 PM
Instead of select and mask, I like to hold down the shift key and use the old refine edge tool. Why? Because it works so much better than select and mask.Well, that brush is broken too. Just the pointer, no brush cursor. And the skybrush is the same way. On a related note, I wish they would fix select and mask to actually work, rather than just screw up the image.
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‎Aug 26, 2023
05:46 PM
1 Upvote
Can anyone confirm this? I tried to use the sky brush, and it is broken. Instead of a brush cursor, I get the pointer.
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‎Aug 25, 2023
05:21 AM
Can anyone confirm this? I tried to use the sky brush, and it is broken. Instead of a brush cursor, I get the pointer. Also it does not seem to be working at all.
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‎Aug 22, 2023
04:09 AM
1 Upvote
Did you try resetting your preferences?
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‎Aug 08, 2023
08:40 AM
I am using Photoshop Beta version 25.0 on Windows 10. When in select and mask, the brush circle does not show up, only a pointer cursor. I did delete my preferences. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks!
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‎Apr 16, 2023
01:40 PM
Are you using the pencil tool by accident?
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‎Dec 29, 2022
08:14 PM
In phototshop beta 24.2.0 neural filters do not work. I get the message that the filter has been disabled due to an error.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
01:16 PM
I cannot remember which update broke the liquify tool. All I know, it works fine in PS 2021. There was an update that broke it. The forward warp tool does not allow me to make smooth adjustments. It ends up a with a "stairstep" effect that I have to use the smooth tool to try to fix. But it doesn't really fix it.
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‎Sep 21, 2022
08:19 AM
1 Upvote
Oh my goodness! I am such a dummy! I just realized that my capslock was on! DUH! Nothing to see here, folks!
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‎Sep 21, 2022
08:10 AM
1 Upvote
I go back and forth between PS 23.5.1 and the Beta version. I like to use brushes, I use them constantly. I have my brush cursor preference set to full size brush, with a center crosshair. After I have been working in PS (Either version, as I specified above) all of a sudden my brush cursor changes to just the crosshair with no brush outline. I cannot work without seeing the brush outline. Going back into preferences does not help. Closing and reopening PS does not help. Switching from Beta version to 23.5.1 version (or vice versa) Does not help. Once it happens, it happens in both versions. The only thing that fixes it is to reset my prefs. Doing that at least once per day if not more is a big PIA! Then I have to go through and fix all the rest of my prefs to how I like them, and then restart. Is this a known bug? I do not remember it happening before this latest version. I am using Windows 10. Just performed an update about 2 days ago to Windows. Thanks!
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‎Jun 21, 2022
04:08 AM
I always save my brushes tomy external drive in a folder just for brushes. That way you can delete the brush set from Photoshop, and just import the original file again. I do this for all my stuff. I just works for me.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
12:00 PM
I have the 23.2.0 version of Photoshop. I recently went to filter-other and I found something called "Material filter." It gave me a an error message saying, "Caanot complete the Material filter command because the json parameters cannot be read." What is the Material filter? I have never seen it before. And why isn't it working, LOL!
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‎Feb 03, 2022
08:16 AM
I always save my brushes outside of Photoshop, on an external hard drive.
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‎Feb 03, 2022
08:11 AM
1 Upvote
There is really no automatic filter to give you the look you want. I would suggest to become more familar with Photoshop, so that you can gain a better understanding of how to accomplish what you want. Do you have a link to the video you are following? Sometimes, certain actions and filters work better on some images than others. The person who created the video may have picked an image that showcases their particular action or filter. Sometimes it may not work on all images.
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‎Feb 01, 2022
02:35 PM
Youknow what? I think it was my fault for having so many brushes and actions loaded. I cleaned them all out, and now the problem is solved. I still have them all on my external drives, but I have to be careful about loading so many at one time.
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‎Feb 01, 2022
01:41 PM
I have Windows 10. When I 1st open Photoshop it grabs about 23 gigs of memory, and stops responding. I can see this in task manager. Sometimes if a wait a bit, usually about 5-10 minutes, it will start responding, and Photoshop will let go of all that memory. It always happens right away on start up. Once it starts responding, I usually have no other problems. But it is really annoying, to say the least. Sometimes, it never will respond and I have to close and open it several times. Photoshop 22 does not have this issue.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
08:45 AM
1 Upvote
I see you are using a layer mask. If you are painting with black on the area you want to be invisible, it sould be invisible. But yet it is still showing? If you paint with black it should not show. Am I missing something? Please clarify what exactly you did that is not working for you.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
08:37 AM
1 Upvote
I think it is impossible to make that readable. There is not enough resolution there. Sorry.
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‎Dec 08, 2021
03:36 PM
Photoshop 23.0.2 release on Windows 10.. My gradient tool is acting strangely. I am using the "classic" gradient tool. I took an image and used the gradient tool to darken the side of it. I chose a very dark green, almost black color. The dark color was at 100% opacity, and the other end was 0% opacity. I used it on a latyer above my image. Normal blend mode. The gradient was making my image lighter instead of darker. It looked like I was using a a gradient from dark to white, but I wasn't. I tried the same thing in Photoshop 2021, and it worked as I would expect it to. Is this a bug? Anyone else can confirm this?
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