‎Nov 15, 2021
10:00 PM
1 Upvote
OK, I tried it again, and now it worked properly. So odd.
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‎Nov 15, 2021
09:40 PM
I have an image of 2 birds. I wanted to move them closer together. I used the lasso tool to loosely select one bird. I used the content aware move tool (CAMT) to move it closer. I decided to use keyboard arrows to nudge it to the exact place I wanted it, and hit the checkmark to apply. Seemed fine. I was doing some further editing, when I zoomed in to see that the bird's beak was looking very messed up. I tried it again, and the same thing happened.When I used the CAMT without using the keyboard arrows, it was fine, but not in the precise location I wanted it. Can I not use the keyboard arrows with the CAMT?
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‎Nov 11, 2021
07:27 AM
I use the crop tool and double click, and it does not crop. Am I doing something wrong? I thought that was the way it worked before. I cannot find any other way to apply the crop. I know i can crop in PS, but I used to be able to crop in Camera Raw also.
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‎Jul 28, 2021
01:55 PM
Well, I was able to make things work by deleting the layer I was working on and starting over. I had my background layer, which I duplicated. I then used a highpass sharpen on the top layer. I then added a layer mask on the sharpen layer, and pressed cntrl I to convert the the layer mask to black. I then was painting on my layer mask with white to reveal the sharpening in only selected areas. I am not sure where I went wrong. After I deleted the layer and redid it, now it is working correctly. I also did the shift+alt to give me the red overlay. This time, I did not have an issue. I wonder if my layer somehow became corrupted?
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‎Jul 28, 2021
01:11 PM
Sorry for the typos! Ugh! Later=layer, brusg=brush.
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‎Jul 28, 2021
01:09 PM
I am trying to edit some photos from a recent photo shoot I did for a friend. I use layer masks a lot in my workflow. I was trying to to paint with white on a black layer mask. For a while, it was working great. Until I decided to press shift+alt to bring up a red overlay. Something broke after that. I have double and triple checked that I am painting on the later mask. First, the brusg behaved like I had the flow set to 1%. I had the flow set to 100%, the opacity to 100%, and the mode to normal. I had to paint over and over aghain before the black changed to white. Yes, I double and triple checked all my settings. When I screw up by leaving the opacity or flow way down, I notice quickly. It was not my mistake. Then I restarted PS. That problem corrrected. Then, I was painting on white on my layer mask. Instead it behaved like I was painting on the layer itself. It gave me a strip of pure white. Yes, I made damn sure I was painting on the layer mask, and not the layer. But wait! The plot thickens! The white that I was painting only showed up in selected areas. Meaning it showed up in certain areas, then when I painted in other areas, it did not show up. This weirdness did not correlate with the areas that the layer mask was blocking out. And yes, yes, yes, I made sure I was painting on the layer mask. And yes, I reset my prefs multiple times, and restarted my computer also. My layer masks continue to give me grief. My PS version is 22.43. I am on Windows 10. Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.
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‎Jul 28, 2021
12:52 PM
My recent files are not showing either.
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‎Jul 28, 2021
12:51 PM
Don't be silly. Recent files are not showing up. I have "Home" selected, as I am sure I have in every update of Photoshop. I do not change it. Do your recent files show up? BTW, I do not use Lightroom, so clicking on lightroom photos will not help.
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‎Mar 25, 2021
01:16 AM
Good point. I just would usually open a new background and select white as the background (I believe it is white by default.
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‎Mar 25, 2021
12:59 AM
The background just has to be pure white. Black will be opaque, and any shade of gray will be partially transparent. White will disappear. The background does not need to be transparent to make a brush, just white.
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‎Mar 23, 2021
11:11 AM
An easy way to fix it is to add a layer mask. Paint on the harsh line with a soft black brush at a very low flow until the line is no longer visible.
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‎Mar 16, 2021
05:17 AM
1 Upvote
PS constantly freezes, moves slooooow, and then it crashes. And this is even sometimes before I have a chance to open an image. It usually crashes during camera raw, lately. I have tried to reset the prefs multiple times. It was running just fine before the update. I check task mananger, and my memory usage is at 97-98% without even yet opening an image, and photoshop is using pretty much all available memory. I am running windows 10 on a PC. 16 gigs of ram. Thanks.
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‎Jan 28, 2021
06:11 PM
I used the patch tool and spot healing brush after that to get rid of the guy's little feet, and I got an almost perfect result. Try that.
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‎Jan 28, 2021
04:11 PM
I have PS set up to use my "D" drive as well as my "I" drive for scratch disks. My "D" drive is an internal, the "I" drive is external."D" drive is the primary scratch disk. It has about 1.5TB free space. My "C" drive has precious little space, it is a SSD, and I am trying to keep as much off of it as possible. Most of my programs are installed on the "D" drive. I have about only 7-8 gig free space on the "C" drive. The problem is PS appears to still be using my "C" drive as a scratch drive for some reason. When PS is open, I will get a message form my computer telling me to free up more disk space. I check my "C" drive, and I only will have like 150mb free. PS still is working ok for the most part when that happens. When I close PS, I get my space back on the "C" drive. I am on Windows 10, and PS 22.1.1.
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‎Dec 08, 2020
03:48 AM
I think it is ALWAYS a good idea to back up your hard work in a different place than within the adobe program, like an external drive, for instance. Just make a folder called patterns, you can load them to Photoshop anytime you want.
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‎Dec 08, 2020
03:32 AM
1 Upvote
Use the gradient tool.
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‎Nov 05, 2020
08:39 AM
Then why do I have the issue on my device, I do not have a shared license, and none of the fixes work for me either?
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‎Nov 02, 2020
08:34 AM
Ok, I tried that, and it did not work for me. Really frustrating.
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‎Oct 29, 2020
03:20 PM
1 Upvote
Use a pressure sensitive pen and tablet, start with low pressure, increase pressure in the middle of the stroke, decrease pressure again at the end of the stroke.
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‎Oct 28, 2020
05:56 AM
I know this is not helpful, but I just wanted to say- thanks to you- I now will be calling EVERYBODY I know pickle-brained idiots! Love it!
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‎Oct 28, 2020
12:38 AM
I have been in communication with Adobe tech support via chat for like 4 hours now trying to get the neutral filters to work! The "supervisor" had me update my windows, which took a long time. He was awesome. Told me to check back after I did that and reinstalled photoshop. I got another guy. He had never heard of the neural filters. Asked me where I got them??? Well, from Adobe, of course! He had no clue what he was doing. He said, "I will make your filters work." He was clicking around, no clue what he was doing. I am beyond frustrated that I cannot use the "cool new features" I am paying for. Really, Adobe? I did not have this trouble with the last major update. Please do not delete this message. I am a paying customer, and should not have to go thru this just to make the new Photoshop 22 work properly.
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‎Oct 27, 2020
06:31 AM
It has been nearly a week since therollout of Photoshop 22, and Adobe still has no fix for this? I havertried all the workarounds that folks have provided-- none work. The only 2 filters I am able to use are the smart portrait and the depth haze. The rest of the filters-- I have a gray cloud with an exclamation point, a grayed out download button, and a message that says filter not available. That is unacceptable. The reason I feel that way is that I understand there will bugs in new software, however this appears to be a simple issue of the filter not downloading from Adobe for certain people for some reason. I do not understand why it cannot be added to the creative cloud account of paying customers, so that the neural filters may be downloaded. I am sick of Adobe saying how wonderful they are when I and so many others cannot even get them into our photoshop program.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
09:31 AM
I think you need to deepen the shadows on the second image to match the sirst image. Also the 2nd image looks like it has some type of cloud effect over it.I makes the colored car look unatural in comparison.
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‎Oct 24, 2020
03:16 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, everyone else also has that problem. I guess they just need to fix it.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
05:58 AM
If your image is really complex, you will never get a perfect result. You may hev to use several selection methods to gwet the best result possible.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
07:22 AM
But it is not illegal for Adobe to take my subscription money every month, and then roll out a program I can't fully use? If I paid for a washing machine that only half worked, I would get a replacment or a refund.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
05:59 AM
I tried that fix also, not working. My download button is always grayed out, cannot click it. Says filter not available.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
05:51 AM
I cannot even click download, my download button is grayed out.
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