Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎May 01, 2019
01:25 PM
Original: Cropped:
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‎Mar 25, 2019
11:05 AM
1 Upvote
Looks like a similar issues was resolved here: LR Classic CC 8.2 crashing on open ^Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 20, 2019
03:08 PM
‎Mar 20, 2019
03:08 PM
Hi mapleleaf56​ Please add your vote to this thread: Lightroom CC for mobile (iOS): Selective edits lag after 1 edit | Photoshop Family Customer Community Our engineering teams monitor these forums and will reach out if they have any questions to help you troubleshoot or report a bug. ^Carissa
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‎Mar 18, 2019
11:33 AM
venttuh​, What file type are the presets? .xmp? .lrtemplate? .dng? In Lightroom CC (Cloud-based version) click on the cloud. Do you see any sync errors? Best, Carissa
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‎Mar 18, 2019
10:40 AM
ezrab65346083​, Have you been able to resolve the issue? Best, Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 14, 2019
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 14, 2019
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
anailfe​ Quick update: If you have access to a computer, you can try the DNG Converter beta we just released. "The Adobe DNG Converter enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files from supported cameras to a more universal DNG raw file. Another benefit of using the DNG Converter is backward compatibility." DNG Converter 11.2.1 beta released for interim new camera support | Photoshop Family Customer Community Heres some additional information on what a DNG converter does: Adobe Digital Negative Converter​ Best, Carissa
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‎Mar 11, 2019
01:52 PM
Glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue; however, we're sorry to hear you lost your edits in the process. Can you DM me your Adobe ID? Best, Carissa
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‎Mar 11, 2019
12:46 PM
gastongordon Sorry to hear you're having a hard time syncing your images. Has your issue been resolved? Best, Carissa
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‎Mar 11, 2019
12:38 PM
Hi xdg876962 That feature is not currently available. Please add your vote and follow this thread: Lightroom mobile: Allow changing default profile | Photoshop Family Customer Community​ Best, Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 11, 2019
11:49 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 11, 2019
11:49 AM
1 Upvote
Hi richhanz​, It looks like a bug has been created for this issue and our engineering team is aware. Please vote and watch for updates via the link you provided in your post: Lightroom mobile: Sometimes deletes all metadata | Photoshop Family Customer Community Best, Carissa
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‎Mar 11, 2019
11:35 AM
anailfe​ It looks like your camera (Canon EOS RP) was released this past February, so Adobe Camera Raw does not yet support RAW files. Here is some additional information: Troubleshoot Adobe Camera Raw Compatibility Photoshop Lightroom Best, Carissa
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‎Feb 14, 2019
04:35 PM
Hi john27rg Edit: The site is an offical Adobe site, just a different platform. This is a way for our engineering teams to interact with our customers directly. There, customers like yourself can report bugs, request features, or give the teams a shout out for all their hard work. The forum thread Pete.Green provided is where we're directing customers that are experiencing the same issue as yourself. You can add your vote and watch the thread for updates from the engineering team. Best, Carissa
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‎Feb 13, 2019
09:01 AM
Hi Everyone, If you haven't already, please add your vote here: Enhance Details broken - All-black preview and final render | Photoshop Family Customer Community​. This forum is monitored by our engineering team who is aware of this issue. - Carissa
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‎Feb 12, 2019
10:55 AM
Hi Everyone, We are happy to announce the release of Lightroom Classic CC 8.2. With this release, we’ve introduced a new feature called Enhanced Details. Photographers using cameras featuring X-Trans sensors should see an improved rendering of their Fuji raw files. To learn more about how this new feature works check out the blog post: Cheers, Carissa
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‎Feb 11, 2019
04:01 PM
Hi sylviah5597893​ We're sorry to hear you're having a hard time canceling your subscription via the Google Play store. Here is a link with more information that may help: Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play - Android - Google Play Help Let us know if we can help answer any questions. Best, Carissa
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‎Feb 11, 2019
03:02 PM
Hi hayleya36473721​, Sorry to hear you were having such a hard time using some of the premium features in the Lightroom CC for mobile app. It looks like you were able to contact our support lines. Was your issue resolved? Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 30, 2019
12:14 PM
Hi Tiboine, We're sorry to hear the issue has returned. To help us understand what might be happening, please answer the following questions the best of your knowledge. How many files does your catalog have? What is the size of your catalog? Are your images store on a local drive, external hard drive or a NAZ? Have you tried opening Lightroom in Safe Mode? Does the speed improve? On Twitter, you mentioned: "yes. I have tried it all. yes, it got better on that other account. but that's no solution." Do mean another Windows account? You also mentioned you already reinstalled Windows and did a clean install of Lightroom. What other troubleshooting steps have you taken? Please feel free to post links to articles you used as a reference. Since reinstalling Windows, have you also verified that your drives are up to date as well? What is running slow? Startup, slow on importing/exporting images, brush strokes? This will help us narrow down what might be causing the issue. How slow? Any detailed information such as: how long it takes in seconds. Ex: Exporting 50 photos takes 12 minutes or 5 brush strokes take 9 seconds before you have cursor control again. Please DM me the following items via a sharable link such a Creative Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc: A higher resolution video of the issue? Your system information, which can be found by going to Help > System Info while in Lightroom. I've also reached out to you with direct message. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 30, 2019
09:35 AM
ancientlore​, you're very welcome! We're so happy we were able to help! Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 26, 2019
05:12 PM
kristent24467796​, You would have been logged out of all your devices once your password was changed. To be safe, go ahead and change your password, via your Adobe account, one more time and be sure to check the "Sign out of all the active logins except current." Best, Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Jan 25, 2019
09:39 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 25, 2019
09:39 AM
1 Upvote
dhruvald53410593 It sounds like you might need to clear you cache. To do this, go to Setting > Local Storage > Clear Cache. Let us know if this helps. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 25, 2019
09:34 AM
kristent24467796 We're very sorry to hear about this. Were you able to deactivate all your devices? Best, Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Jan 25, 2019
07:06 AM
‎Jan 25, 2019
07:06 AM
Hi ancientlore I have an update for you. It looks like this is a bug the engineering team is aware of and hoping to fix for a future release. We're very sorry for the problem this has caused. I'm reaching out to you via DM with additional information. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 25, 2019
07:01 AM
clausn69105402​, You may have accidentally started the trial. Don't worry though, your images will still be there, you just wont have access to any of the premium features after the trial ends. Common questions about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC for mobile and Apple TV Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 25, 2019
06:57 AM
clausn69105402​, That is a great question. Once the trail ends, you will lose access to the premium features such as the ability to sync across all your devices. Here's a helpful FAQ : Common questions about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC for mobile and Apple TV Let us know if we can help answer any other questions. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 22, 2019
12:00 PM
Hi ancientlore​ The engineering team wanted to know if you performed the migration on your Windows machine? ^Carissa
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Jan 22, 2019
08:39 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 22, 2019
08:39 AM
1 Upvote
Perfect! We've sent these over to the engineers currently reviewing the previous logs you submitted. We've also made them aware that this is not happening on the Windows version. I'll let you know as soon as I have an update. Thank you for your patience. ^Carissa
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‎Jan 18, 2019
02:41 PM
ancientlore​, Can you clarify the following: ancientlore The view in Lightroom online looks like it does on Lightroom for Mac and my Android phone. I don't have the Windows PC in front of me at the moment. So it appears that roughly the same albums are missing in all the versions I can see right now, including online. You are also unable to find the missing albums via Photo Editor | Online Photoshop Lightroom correct? Additional questions: Can you gauge how many albums disappeared? Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 18, 2019
02:29 PM
ancientlore, Thank you for providing this information. We're sending this over to our engineering team. We will reach out if they have any questions or updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Best, Carissa
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‎Jan 18, 2019
01:44 PM
Hi ancientlore, Oh no! We understand this is extremely frustrating. Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge: Can you see any of your albums or photos here: Photo Editor | Online Photoshop Lightroom When did you notice this start to happen? Do you see this happening on all your devices? Have you paused the sync? How long ago did you migrate your Lightroom Classic CC catalogs? Please gather the following information and reply to the DM I send you with a shareable link (ex: Creative Cloud, Google Drive, Dropbox Etc.) 1. System Info: In Lightroom go to Help > System Info. 2. Full & Mini Report: Click on Lightroom>Preferences>Account and hold down the Alt/option Key and click on Full report. Once the full report has been captured, similarly capture the mini report. Best, Carissa
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‎Dec 18, 2018
09:48 AM
Hi AliBnMajed​, Here are a few articles that may help answer you question regarding Lightroom CC for a Tab S4. Let us know if this helps. The Galaxy Tab S4 is a great productivity machine precisely because it’s an Android tablet | PCWorld Best, Carissa
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