‎May 28, 2006
03:27 PM
Thanks again.
I'm gonna try and figure something out. You were very helpful
and I appreciate it greatly.
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‎May 26, 2006
08:52 PM
You should also try embedding the fonts in your text boxes. 9
out of 10 times this solves non displaying text problems for
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‎May 16, 2006
07:18 AM
you're welcome
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‎May 15, 2006
10:00 AM
then the author of the combobox also used an array function
name doesntmatter. to remedy change the name of your prototype
function or edit the combobox code or don't use the
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‎May 15, 2006
09:29 AM
i know of none. this was an active topic when flash mx first
arrived and i don't remember any satisfactory solutions ever being
i could be wrong because it's not a topic that's of interest
to me, but i've been here so long and read so many threads i'm 80%
certain that i'm correct.
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‎May 14, 2006
06:41 PM
you're welcome.
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‎May 16, 2006
09:51 AM
I have managed to get the collision detection working but
there is another problem. I have made this
which shows that when in some places, the snake body movie
clip and the collision detection movieclip are overlapping when i
don't i dont want a collision to be detected. Can you see?
Is there any way of preventing this?? for example can you
make the area of the movie clip fit exactly to the objects inside
Thankyou so much for your contributions
Harry Eakins
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‎May 14, 2006
06:55 PM
try adding the following before any other code in your as
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‎May 16, 2006
12:50 PM
Thank you very much for all the attention that you have given
me. Things still aren't working though.
I really have tried to do exactly all that you have
I wrote:
even though I think I established all this on the "Parameters
And I wrote ( . Still it returned undefined
after I selected a radio button of that group, and then clicked the
"Total Score" button. (which by the way, is where all the AS is
No matter what variation of syntax that I use the radioGroup
remains undefined. I even tried this:
var apple=groupName.q1.getData();
I thought maybe
apple=groupName.q1.radioInsanceName.getData(); might work, but
What I am asking for is: var answer1 = the
I want to click on any button within the radioGroup q1 and
get the radioGroup to return the data (value?) of the selected
In order to do this, I need to understand how to call, by
name, each radioButton and the radioGroup housing them.
Because I am obviously easily confused, would you answer
using the names I've already established.
Finally, please tell me the name of a solid AS2 primer!
Thank you again.
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‎May 12, 2006
02:20 PM
It returns undefined because it is not being defined untill
*after* onLoad, where as the trace action is executed
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‎May 11, 2006
11:18 AM
I would put the other code inside a function:
function updateTime(){
//date stuff goes in here
then call it once a second:
intID = setInterval(updateTime,1000)
you could do the same thing with an onEnterFrame, but then
you'd be making a lot of useless calls....this way you'll only call
it as often as new information is available.
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‎May 12, 2006
08:00 AM
you're welcome.
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‎May 10, 2006
11:57 PM
Well the funny thing is that although you can not load a
large JPEG you actually can load a large SWF. So all you need is a
third party software to produce the large SWFs from JPEGs. Enter
jpeg2swf from .
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‎May 13, 2006
03:09 AM
if you have a specific place to put it you could place a div
tag absolutely using css and then place the flash within the div
If you have no idea what I'm talking about have a look at css
help on the web - its very very basic stuff
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‎May 09, 2006
11:36 PM
im off to do some reading. thanks kglad.
if you'ld like the see my old smoke-particles let me know.
you might have some ideas for what i could do to make it
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‎May 10, 2006
08:22 AM
you're welcome.
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‎May 13, 2006
11:31 PM
Great, it works perfect.
Here's the final function if anyone wants it
function floatMc(float_mc:MovieClip, range_num:Number,
frames_num:Number):Void {
var xMin:Number = float_mc._x-range_num;
var xMax:Number = float_mc._x+range_num;
var yMin:Number = float_mc._y-range_num;
var yMax:Number = float_mc._y+range_num;
var frames:Number = frames_num;
//number of seconds for the tween to take, and how often to
start a new tween
var me:MovieClip = float_mc;
function newTween() {
//adjust the easing class as needed
var xNew:Number = (Math.random()*(xMax-xMin))+xMin;
var yNew:Number = (Math.random()*(yMax-yMin))+yMin;
xTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(me, "_x",
mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut, me._x, xNew, frames,
yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(me, "_y",
mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut, me._y, yNew, frames,
var IntID:Number = setInterval(newTween,
floatMc(hotAir_mc, 20, 62);
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‎May 10, 2006
08:24 AM
you're welcome.
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‎May 09, 2006
09:28 PM
use getURL() to open in a new window.
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‎May 09, 2006
09:25 PM
the following code will display all objects undergoing a
rollOver, including some (or many) that have no mouse handler's
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‎May 09, 2006
08:53 PM
you can't cause the execution of code that's in an
on(release) handler to execute via actionscript. you can put that
code in a funciton and call that function with an on(release)
handler and "...within another movie at a certain time".
those compiler errors are pointing out a name collision.
there are several possiblities, none of which are diagnosable
without looking at your fla. you could try deleting movieclips from
the library until you no longer get that error. that would allow
you to narrow the movieclips causing the name collision.
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‎May 09, 2006
07:18 AM
it's usually better to have flash only send the variables
needed by the asp program and to have the asp response returned to
flash so flash can perform all actions using the returned data.
to send specific variables, use the LoadVars() class. you
have more control over what variables are and are not sent compared
to using getURL() and loadVariables() which are other
functions/methods that can be used to communicate between flash and
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‎May 08, 2006
08:59 PM
1 Upvote
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‎May 08, 2006
08:08 PM
there is no best practice for having an outro movie. it
depends upon your needs.
does each movieclip have a unique outro? or are all the
outros the same. eg, does each movieclip fade out before displaying
the next movieclip? how is the next movieclip instantiated? is it
loaded, attached or on a main timeline frame and you need to direct
the main timeline to that frame?
there's also no best for displaying different "pages". it
depends upon your needs.
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‎May 11, 2006
05:44 PM
you're welcome.
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‎May 07, 2006
01:57 PM
i don't see a problem.
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‎May 08, 2006
08:57 PM
check the flash help files for information on the
asfunction(). it allows the use of flash functions in html-enabled
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