Community Expert
Denis de Gannes
Community Expert
Denis de Gannes
‎Mar 29, 2012
03:37 PM
Quote "In the develop module, there is still an unacceptable delay" Unlike the Library module that uses the previews for displaying image the Develop Module uses the Camera Raw cache and rerenders to display the original image with adjustments. Make sure you have allocated sufficient size relative to your Catalog. I have a catalog of approx 18,000 raw files and I have 40 GB for the cache and when I checked it today it had used 39.9 GB.
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‎Mar 10, 2012
03:40 PM
If you need to adjust e-mails you get on threads you may have posted in, you need to make the changes to your "preferences" in your account.
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‎Mar 07, 2012
02:06 PM
@markdphoto "The corrections made in LR will hold if you export but not if you open via PS and ACR." Are you using the "edit in function" from within Lightroom to send the photo to PS / ACR or are you opening the file via PS and ACR? If you are doing the latter then your edits will only be read if you have saved the metadata to xmp.
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‎Mar 06, 2012
01:10 PM
What does NIK say, surely its their job.
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‎Mar 06, 2012
12:09 PM
Yes Lightroom 4 has the process engine that will be in ACR 7.x which will likely be issued when Photoshop CS6 ships. LR has the engine builtin and does not use the ACR Plugin that is used by Photoshop. It is my understanding that ACR 6.7RC has the ability to handle the edits done in LR 4 when you use the edit in function to send a raw file to Photoshop CS5 but it does not have the new user interface to make adjustments using the new Process version 2012. To me it looks like an interim workaround untill Photoshop CS6 ships, maybe someone from Adobe can clarify. So to get the ability to process your raw files with the new process engine 2012 you will need to update either LR to version 4 or Photoshop to CS6.
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‎Mar 06, 2012
09:52 AM
Its possible that it has to build new previews and Camera Raw cache.
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‎Jan 14, 2012
03:35 PM
Lightroom is mainly a file management system using a data base, and software for prosessing large volumes of RAW files from digital cameras so it may not be the best choice for what you are going to do. If you already use Photoshop then that may be better suited to your needs. Just my opinion.
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‎Jan 11, 2012
02:39 PM
On the Mac you need OS X 10.6.8 or X 10.7. Minimum system requirements Macintosh Multicore Intel® processor with 64-bit support Mac OS X v10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or v10.7 (Lion) 2GB of RAM 1GB of available hard-disk space 1,024×768 display DVD-ROM drive Internet connection required for Internet-based services
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‎Oct 24, 2011
03:15 AM
Your Library(Catalog) needs to be connected to you computer (not on a network) since it requires constant fast read /write for every thing you do in Lightroom. Not an option. Could be an option for the actual photofiles provided the "auto write to XMP" is not checked.
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‎May 06, 2011
05:00 AM
Also there is the fact that DVD burning from LR is not supported in Win 64bit. Maybe the fact that another program is doing the DVR burning, having LR open or being used is cauing some conflict in Win 64 bit? Just a thought.
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‎May 06, 2011
02:56 AM
Is this happening in LR 3.4?
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‎May 03, 2011
05:44 PM
Understood but the LR engineers will not be working with LR 3.3 to solve those uncorrected bugs. What they now need to know is what bugs are still present in LR 3.4 and what new bugs have been created by the update. The issue should now be "Lightroom 3.4 Performance Feedback". No need to receive further feedback from users of LR 3.3.
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‎May 03, 2011
05:18 PM
I have been following this thread since it originated. However I am not sure what is being discussed at this point in time is it LR 3.3 Performance Feedback or has it moved to LR 3.4 Performance Feedback. If the latter then maybe someone with the ability should change the Topic header. If the latter then the thread should be closed, since Adobe is certainly not trying to correct bugs in LR 3.3 since the new release 3.4.
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‎Mar 24, 2011
04:48 PM
Maybe you could consider reporting the details using the form which can be obtained at this site. https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform The more details you can provide will assist the troubleshooters to track the problem and make corrections to the program.
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‎Mar 24, 2011
04:25 PM
Quote "LR 3.3 regularly freezes up while working in the Development module. Usually seems to be when I am using the lens correction tools." Maybe you could give a little more detail e.g Working with individual files? applying correction to a batch of files? Manual corrections or auto?.
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‎Mar 22, 2011
05:39 PM
I am sure you will see improvements to these areas in Lightroom, as I see it LR 3 was a new rebuild, new process engine, new noise reduction/ sharpening and introduction of Lens correction profiles. The rush to meet the introduction of PS CS5 seams to have left them short on the testing of the upgrade and they are now struggling to deal with the performance bugs introduced with LR 3.x. JMHO. Raw conversion software is still in a rapid stage of development and other software providers keep pushing the envelop, Capture 1, DxO, Bibble, Aperture and others.
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‎Mar 22, 2011
05:27 PM
Only to the extent that ACR/Bridge does in Photoshop.
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‎Mar 22, 2011
05:10 PM
Jeff also said "Could Lightroom force fit a pixel based editing module into Lightroom? Yes, I suppose but the interest in producing yet another pixel editing tool is simply not there." Market conditions in the future might dictate otherwise, but I do not think Abobe will develop Lightroom to the stage where it would be an alternative to Photoshop CS.
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‎Mar 22, 2011
03:05 PM
The reality is LR is designed to be an alternative to ACR / Bridge not as an alternative to Photoshop CS. Lightroom is ACR with file management capabilities using a data base structure and some other tit bits.
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‎Jan 21, 2011
04:57 AM
A further update to LR is not due until after the first week in March so we will have to wait and see if it is included then. You can be sure it will be well publicized if it happens.
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‎Jan 14, 2011
08:43 AM
The Previews are used by the Library Module the Develop Module uses the Camera Raw cache.
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‎Jan 14, 2011
03:06 AM
https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform The link is to the form used to report this info to Adobe but I do believe they are paying particular attention to his thread.
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‎Dec 25, 2010
07:34 AM
During my working years in the banking industry the marketing department always indicated that only about 10% of disatisifed customers make formal complaints, the rest just choose alternative providers. In the case of Adobe, because of their profile in the market the ratio may not be that low, but I am sure that a signficant amount will make alternative choices.
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‎Dec 02, 2010
03:49 PM
I am a user of Lightroom since the Beta v3 before the release of V1. I have always upgraded to the latest version up to the present version LR 3.3RC. My main operating system has been Win through XP to Vista and now to Win 7 64bit. Info on my existing system is as follows. I have followed the forums since the use of the original Lightroom betas and while I have not experienced any major problems I can accept that some users experience major performance issues. My main use of LR is for developing my raw files from Olympus E300 and E510 and I must say that the improvements over the past few years in the process engine, particularly process version 2010, has been very good. During this development period of Lightroom I have also used and continue to use several third party raw processing software including SilkyPix versions 2 through 4 and Bibble Pro versions 4 and 5. These products all have their individual strengths and produce very good/excelent output files. Presently I use Lightroom as my main raw processing software but I recognize that the processing of raw data from Digital Cameras is still in a rapid development stage. The main reason for the use of Lightroom is the quality output of version 2010 and the improvements to the sharpening and noise reduction features in version 3.x.
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‎Oct 20, 2010
03:27 PM
Lewis I think it would be best if you post this problem as a new thread with an appropriate heading.
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‎Sep 02, 2010
01:57 PM
Maybe some one who is having problems with the latest version Lightroom 3.2 should start a new thread "Why is Lightroom 3.2 so slow" and let this thread be put to rest. Just so we can focus on the existing problems.
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‎Aug 31, 2010
06:44 PM
Surely this thread is obsolete, we have gone through LR 3.2 rc and now at LR 3.2 official release. Comment on LR 3.2 not 3.0.
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‎Aug 15, 2010
04:52 PM
I use Olympus camera equipment and there are no lens profiles available for my lenses so I have not tested.
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‎Aug 15, 2010
04:38 PM
If this is a significant issue, then I think Adobe should include it the help file.
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‎Aug 11, 2010
11:59 AM
Yes if you are a mac you can dump 3.0. If need be you can put it back. If you are on Win the RC update would have overwritten 3.0.
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