Jacob Bugge
Community Expert
Jacob Bugge
Community Expert
‎Apr 19, 2009
12:24 AM
Tonight, I posted this in the Adobe Camera Raw forum: 16. Apr 19, 2009 12:20 AM in response to: cssadobe Re: ACR color difference with PS CS4 Craig, This will be just a brief addendum to my last post. The disgusting slow performance, navigation idiosyncrasies and general un-usability of this new, miserable and ugly forum format, has slowed all contributors down to where some of the regulars are not posting any more, and even the more determined regulars like me have been slowed down to a crawl. Since the changeover two weeks ago, we have yet to see a new post here by Thomas Knoll, creator of both Photoshop and ACR, or by Jeff Schewe, who wrote THE book on Camera Raw. This afternoon I had been trying to reply to your last post for over twenty minutes before I was able to get back in, but by the time I finally got to the reply box I had to leave with my wife and grandson to get some dinner. Normally, I would have replied in greater detail, but since even the search function leaves much to be desired, I was unable to fetch links to some of the many, many existing threads on this very same subject where lengthy explanations have been given. If you are still interested and determined enough, you may want to browse some of the existing threads. You haven't "bothered" anyone.
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‎Mar 31, 2009
04:20 PM
>However; there should be some mechanism to two parties to have email exchanges with each other.
there is. it's called "email".
>There is NEVER a reason to continue a forum discussion in private because it gets too technical, too complicated or too "convoluted". That thought is just absurd, irrational and plain wrong.
right. that's the whole reason for the forums' existence! you cover that long convoluted issue ONE time, and that ONE time helps others who come along with the same problem.
>It allows anyone even the government to snoop on anyone any time and censor anything.
please stop posting things as FACT when you don't know 100% that you are correct!
>The Act increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eases restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary of the Treasurys authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and enhances the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expands the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Acts expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.
LAW ENFORCEMENT. not anyone.
>Say what you will look up the Patriot act.
yes. please do before posting more inanities. here. i'll even help you in case you don't know how to use "the google".
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‎Mar 24, 2009
11:35 AM
>I won't try to understand why they drop the thread number and repeat what seems to be the message number...
There is a method to the madness, I'm sure. 😄 I don't even wanna know for now... too much else to figure out.
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‎Mar 31, 2009
04:04 AM
OK, I was being nice. I know that the support was the reason a lot of us ended up here.
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‎Mar 16, 2009
07:14 AM
The option exists to have members of communities upload their own. It can also be set up to moderate all avatar uploads. I don't know what decision has been made at this point tho.
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‎Mar 06, 2009
08:24 AM
> And there's always a few that just want to rant without providing any reasoning for their positions.
You think?
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‎Feb 25, 2009
09:50 AM
>Once the preview is announced, we will all have a chance to comment
If past experience is anything to go by, we'll be told to put up with it because the development team gave it their best shot and the main framework cannot now be changed.
Until all the regular Forum Helpers and Contributors just walk-out
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‎Feb 24, 2009
07:41 AM
Thank you for looking into it, John. I really had some hopes about it, for all of us.
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‎Apr 01, 2009
11:12 AM
That last paragraph is incorrect. This part especially:
> if I log onto the new forum using "Goodlooking" (as I must, that being my Adobe ID),
You log on using your Adobe ID, which is definitely NOT your screenname. Unless, I suppose, you choose to make them the same.
I log on with my Adobe ID, which is an email address, and I post as Kath-H, which is my screen name.
I have done the association, so I assume I will continue to log in using my Adobe ID (email address) and posts I've made in here will show up under my screen name of Kath-H. what happens if I change that screenname, which I can do at any time, I'm not sure, but I think the tie-in will hold up.
It sounds as though Ozpeter has *chosen* to use his Adobe ID as his screen name - but he doesn't have to, and if your ID is an email address, it would be very unwise.
The point of doing the association is so that the person with a specific Adobe ID is recognised as the person using a specific forum name in these forums here. That doesn't at all mean that your Adobe ID will show up by your posts.
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‎Mar 19, 2009
07:28 AM
Formatted Text (editing as HTML), but HTML (== the HTML widget) gives you more control (for me: inline CSS).
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‎Feb 19, 2009
09:18 PM
I'm posting to make the DUMB thread drop.
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‎Mar 09, 2009
06:34 AM
I was using SM 1.1.14 on my laptop that I received the sign up page and afterwards could stay on all the time, even after browser and computer Shutdowns. if I knew which cookies had to do with the forum I'd delete them and start over on this machine.
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‎Mar 05, 2009
05:38 AM
Claudio posted on Feb 23 and no one replied. He posted "No comment? :(" on March 4. I answered with what I know... that I would be amazed if there was not a forum in Spanish. If I knew for sure I could say so but I don't so I didn't.
What I almost said is that I think there are folks in the experts group who speak Spanish and someone from that group might want to host in a Spanish forum. But I won't commit that anyone will be interested and didn't want to add that tease. I haven't even broached that subject with them and won't until I know what forums are available in what languages. But there is some hope there.
And that is all that I know.
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‎Mar 05, 2009
07:16 PM
It's moot point, Ozpeter.
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‎Mar 24, 2009
04:11 PM
>Dov Isaacs - 3:26pm Mar 4, 09 PST (#21 of 70) Adobe Principal Scientist - PDF Publishing Workflow
>Adobe Technical Support is not supposed to refer callers to the User-to-User forum to fix or workaround bugs. User-to-User forum referral should only be for "how do I do" type questions where the caller indicates that they don't want to pay for the Technical Support call or if the "how do I do" question is beyond the scope of what Technical Support either knows or could look up in any of their "how to" scripts.
sorry to go off topic, hi mr. isaacs, i don't know if you're interested, but here's another example of a customer being told by customer support to get help from the forum rather than helping them themselves.
lena jang, "Adobe CS2 - installing issues - On Windows Vista" #8, 24 Mar 2009 4:11 pm
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‎Feb 18, 2009
12:27 AM
>Lack of red flags to show new content and also not being taken immediately to the last two posts since one's last visit would be a game-stopper as far as I am concerned.
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‎Feb 25, 2009
08:05 AM
Gosh I hope being a designer is not a criteria for being on the adobe Forums.
I use Adobe personally. I use it to convert Documents to PDF that I can upload to my website. And up until last summer my Electronics Association website. I Also use to make PDF forms or convert documents to fillable Forms for my own use.
But that does not make me a designer. That makes be a user of Acrobat or Acrobat pro since version 4.
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‎Mar 02, 2009
05:28 AM
I think they are to do with overall site content monitoring (or selected) - part of what makes the whole thrust of the Jive software quite different in scope from this one.
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‎Feb 19, 2009
06:26 AM
>the home machine is the one i did the combine id thing on. maybe THAT has something to do with it.
Don't think so, I'm permanently logged in 3 places, obviously I only linked on one of them.
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‎Feb 24, 2009
06:54 AM
I've got older versions of a lot of things, I've also got newer versions. Part of the reason is that I want to see things as an average user might, but in this case, and in that browser, I use a plug-in to Firefox for some of my other volunteer work, and that plug in hasn't been stabilized to work in ver 3. So I've avoided upgrading on that computer, and probably will until they tell us the plug-in is ready.
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‎Feb 17, 2009
03:00 PM
John Cornicello wrote:
>Yes, adobeforums.com has a permanent cookie available. But it is disabled at the moment because everyone who wants to have their message history preserved in the new system later this year needs to log out and log back in to get the prompt to associate their current Adobeforums account with their Adobe account.
May I humbly suggest that an announcement to this effect should be added to EVERY Adobe forum so we all don't keep complaining? Placing the statement here does little to stop the confusion/grousing.
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‎Feb 19, 2009
09:20 PM
I'm posting to make the DUMB thread drop.
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‎Feb 19, 2009
09:19 PM
I'm posting to make the DUMB thread drop.
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‎Apr 14, 2009
08:06 AM
donmarcydede wrote: Could Adobe be part of a terrorist plot? Probably. But you want to go to the Reader and Acrobat forums to complain about those programs. This is where we complain comment about the forums themselves.
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‎Apr 27, 2009
04:33 PM
I am going to lock this thread now because it has gotten pretty long and a lot of it refers to messages in the old systems. I will have a new one started. Thanks! John
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‎Mar 04, 2009
06:14 PM
The limitation to CID-keyed (OpenTypeCFF) fonts was another detail I'd failed to grasp: there's a lot going on here. Thank you, Thomas.
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‎Jun 27, 2008
04:58 AM
Meanwhile I found the source for RAL CIELab
values (and RGB,CMYK); programs, palettes etc.:
English versions are available.
Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann
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