Jan 12, 2011
07:37 AM
What if I could somehow make it where I can change the page filing size, decrease the cached sizes or something so illustrator can have more memory to open this? What is a step by step way to increase memory for this???? Without having to actually get more memory that is... Here's an email I sent someone yesterday about it: I have an Adobe Illustrator File that is a food menu which I created for someone. The illustrator file is very large, perhaps the largest I’ve made, 1.78 Gigabytes. It’s a restaurant menu I made with a lot of photos. When I open it I get this pop up and can not access the file: My systems memory performance when it’s idling is and no programs running (well, sorry outlook was as I was creating this email): My system performance after trying to open it (when I get the pop up) is: Actually, the free space some how increased from the last time I tried to open it, early, and I was thinking that maybe I just need to free up somehow the “cached” being used (in the task manager) and/or whatever is tied up in modified. I wanted to see what you thought. I tried opening it at work and it did the same thing. I tried some ideas from others online with no success and wasn’t sure how to attempt some things. One thing had to do with changing my permission, something about some programs may be prompted when illustrator is being opened. I didn’t know how to change permissions on anything though and there was one other thing that had to do with font management. Do you have any ideas? I was going to ask you on the phone about the “cached” and “standby” space, if that’s something I may need to adjust or something…
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Jan 27, 2018
09:42 AM
In case it helps : the function is available in Adobe Animate : Brush > Brush Mode > Paint selection.
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Jan 07, 2010
03:51 AM
problem solved 🙂
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Apr 02, 2010
03:36 PM
True enough! But it would be fun to do one just via expressions.
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Dec 16, 2009
05:04 AM
Yupp, James should write a book. I'd gladly buy it. He's such a wealth of knowledge when it comes to AI and working around its deficiencies. Mylenium
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Nov 13, 2009
03:21 PM
Simple workaround: With the Render Queue selected, press the ~ key to make it full frame.
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Nov 08, 2009
03:46 PM
I am guessing that when you made your rectangle you used the Fill Pixels (right) option. If you had used the Shape Layer (left ) option to create the rectangle you would have had something to raterise. Paulo
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Jun 14, 2011
05:38 AM
Hi I'm also having the same problem with the Save for Web & Devices Box Greyed Out. I think it's the plugin that's corrupt, as I've tried deleting preferences and seetings. I can't find the photoshop cd to reinstall it. Has anyone got the MAC CS4 Photoshop "save for web plugin" (Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Save for Web CS4/Photoshop/Adobe Save for Web CS4 Prefs) that they could send me. Thanks very much Abi
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Mar 02, 2014
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
> What about AE CS6? Live Photoshop 3D is not supported in AE CS6. Is it still possible to import sketchup files? No. You can import 3D data of many sorts through Cinema 4D into After Effects using After Effects CC (12): Import the Sketchup data to CInema 4D, save a .c4d file, and import that into After Effects CC (12).
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Nov 15, 2009
03:54 PM
Dec9, Going back some years (about CS2), someone here did a nice mockup of the "CSI" Edition box. At first, I thought that your link might have that image. It was very well done, and text on the box was very, very humorous. I'd like to see that artwork again. Hunt
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Oct 31, 2009
03:36 AM
If you don't use InDesign, or if the numbers need to be more graphically embellished than is possible in InDesign, you might take a look at a couple of the AI Javascripts described here. The SerialNumbers script populates a selected textFrame with a sequential list of paragraph-delimited numbers with or without a prefix: The NumberedCallouts script creates additional sequentially-numbered individual textframes, styled like the original: To semi-automate production of a set of highly-stylized sequentially-numbered text objects, the SerialNumbers script can be used in conjunction with the TextVariablesFTROU script described here to create Variables Palette DataSets that can then be batch printed or exported. JET
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Oct 21, 2009
09:31 AM
I figured it out. H.264 has Levels that need to be set appropriately My level was set to 3.1 when it needed to be set at 4.0 since my comp is set at 1920x1080. It just seems unusual that you would need to set that manually. Hey Adobe, there are many examples of this I a lot of your programs. Stop thinking of creating new features. Fix these problems and create faster workflows.
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Apr 11, 2016
06:15 PM
Like you said, Photoshop is likely not the problem, here. Even my Matrox Parhelia 128 AGP, which is ancient, now had a Gigacolor (10-bit per channel color) plugin for Photoshop. But then the Parhelia series couldn't do 10-bit over LCD's, IIRC. However, they could output 10-bit (*3=30-bit) all day on analog CRT's, which are easy to come by in 20"-21" fashion--all those old, heavy Sun, SGI, Hitachi displays with the 13W3 connectors you threw away, all with Trinitron CRT's if memory serves, are great candidates for 10-bit display. I'm currently putting a system back together with that Parhelia 128 AGP and a huge Sun monitor. I'll have to post back about the results.
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Apr 01, 2010
07:50 AM
hi. i solved this problem, (xx_XX is your setup disc language. For exampe AdobePhotoshop11-tr_TR (turkish)) 1-download ps cs4 eng trial from adobe sites 2-copy from all file from \Adobe CS4\Photoshop\Adobe CS4\extensions\AdobePhotoshop11-en_US\Assets (trial expanded path) to original setup disc same path. if ask replace "replace". 3- open Instructions.js with notepad from original setup disc \Adobe CS4\Photoshop\Adobe CS4\extensions\AdobePhotoshop11-xx_XX 4-and Instructions.js with notepad from trial path Adobe CS4\Photoshop\Adobe CS4\extensions\AdobePhotoshop11-en_US and copy from trial Instructions.js between first column and help files contains cloums. (keep firs line contains in orginal file) 5- and save this file. 6-install photoshop 7-go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Locales path and rename your language folder 8-start photoshop. im using now english. my language folder name is "tr_TR". i chanced to "_tr_TR".i rename it again when i use photoshop my language.
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Oct 11, 2009
05:47 AM
1 Upvote
Bingo. That is the solution. I am a "a layout person and a graphic designer" actually. And yes baseline shift works perfectly. So if you center-style the text, slde the baseline shift, and BAM, you are centered. Its funny to me that there isnt a anchor point orientation selector like there is in Illustrator or InDesign. I spent over an hour poking around looking for it. I guess it doesnt exist in AE. I really should.
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Jul 28, 2011
08:04 AM
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Jan 30, 2019
10:42 AM
1 Upvote
Import the PSD file into Illustrator and make the package. All fonts will be exported!
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Apr 23, 2010
12:05 PM
I'm having the same issue... but none of the methods have worked out for me in the discussion, does anyone have any other suggestions? I've tried doing to windows utility cleaning, ran the CS4 clean script, uninstall and reinstall multiple times, tried going through the trial (same error), loaded the program on a disc and tried to run it from the E:/, copied all the files to the C:/ and named the folder Photoshop CS4 (no luck there)... Here is a screenshot of the error, thanks for your time in replying to my message:
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Aug 12, 2009
03:15 PM
Correct! it was placed as a link image and that does not work.
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Jul 24, 2009
02:33 AM
Why not simply install a multi-user enabled CMS like Joomla or even a blog software like Wordpress? It sure is possible to do that all manually, but honestly with "proper" software available for free, I wouldn't bother. Too many things that can go wrong with functionality and security. Installing and configuring takes 5 minutes... the biggest hurdle is configuring and sytyling it, but since you know HTML well enough, you should be able to deal with CSS formatting or at least pick a template/ skin that suits your needs and modify it... Mylenium
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Jul 17, 2009
01:01 AM
As mentioned, the bootstrapper is a normal part of the Windows installer system. Nothing to worry about. Mylenium
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May 18, 2017
09:32 AM
He asked what he was doing wrong and he was told, he's using AVI in AE, they suggested he use something better (although nothing is worse than AVI) AE doesn't have a good compressor, which is why an AE tif sequence will be 5mb per image, whereas it'll be under 1mb through AME.
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Jul 11, 2009
05:14 AM
As John said - no way. If a PDF of the file exists, it may be possible to extract separate pages in PS and illustratorand even get partially editable objects, but it will never be the real deal as doing it in InDesign. And then again, even if you are able to edit the data, getting it printed might be another thing, as possibly rasterized elements from PS will never look as sharp and sexy as their vector based brothers could in ID, not tho think of the whole color management dance... Mylenium
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Oct 10, 2013
04:21 AM
You may consider the following: To have an JPG or PSD or ANY other file with no edge exiding 10.000 pixels. This is something related to printer capabilities rather then illustrator's. I reduced the file from 23.000 pixels on the largest side to 7.000 pixels and it worked. Try it.
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May 16, 2018
10:10 AM
Also, too many fonts will slow down your computer. You don't want them all installed. More reason to be able to point AE to a different font folder
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Jun 25, 2009
03:33 AM
No, there isn't. There couldn't really be one - smudging is a pixel operation whereas AI is still a vector graphics program. You can deform the paths and contours and in turn this will affect rasterization, and you can use gradients, meshes and blends for soft transitions, but that's as good as it gets. True blending of pixels is only possible in PS. Mylenium
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Jul 13, 2017
01:48 PM
Red Giant's Line (part of Universe) does this too (even though you're a bit restricted on the shape of the path).
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Jun 03, 2014
09:41 AM
Yes, I understand this. When selected on a solid black layer, no where on my tool bar do I see the words fill. I can generate a fill but it doesn't do what I want. When applying a gradient overlay, you can't drag the alpha of one of the gradients and actually have it be alpha from the gradient screen....or, you can, but it doesn't apply to your solid. What you have to do is create either a ramp ( which is counter intuitive as it doesn't seem like a standard linear gradient ) or make a gradient overlay THEN use that gradient overlay as a lumme matte for that solid. Or, at least, this was the method I had to use.
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Oct 06, 2010
08:15 AM
The After Effects CS4 (9.0.3) update fixes several problems, including a problem with Wacom drivers and After Effects performance.
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