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‎Nov 12, 2012
01:20 PM
1 Upvote
Adobe has been known to blacklist serial numbers if they found they were fraudulent. One way is that the counterfeiter might have handed out the same number to more than one customer.
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‎Nov 08, 2012
02:34 PM
Noel Carboni wrote: Not to put too fine a point on it, but when Gimp and Photoshop differ, it's Gimp that's not performing up to "standard". -Noel Noel, I would be interested in a reference to the differences between Photoshop and Gimp. Is there document/link out there that would explain those differences and where Gimp does not perform up to standard? Gene
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‎Nov 07, 2012
10:02 PM
1 Upvote
I got called away, so excuse me for not getting back sooner. I did not know you were using a tablet. If you disconnect the tablet does the mousepad or trackpad give the same results? If so, you may try resetting prefs. I do not know if you are using a Mac or PC (Windows and Mac) If not then you may have to troubleshoot your tablet and check your tablet's maker for the latest drivers.
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‎Nov 07, 2012
11:14 AM
If a tool is not performing the way you expect, try resetting that tool by right-clicking on its' icon in the Options bar,and choosing "Reset Tool" from the context menu. Also check your foreground/background colors at the bottom of the Toolbox. They should be black/white. Press D to reset it if it isn't.
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‎Nov 03, 2012
09:08 PM
Well,leastways Apple tries to render PS thumbnails. Microsoft for some reason doesn't and I ended up buying a third party codec pack. Rather spend a little bit and get results. I've gone the route of posting in Microsoft tech forums and getting nowhere. It's project management priorities and policies that limits what the Adobe programmers do as well as the amount of cooperation from the OS (both Apple and Microsoft) side and whatever their priorities and policies are. Stuff beyond my control. Buying a software license only entitles us to only so much.
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‎Oct 25, 2012
02:57 PM
Thanks for the update and screenshots. Too many times people asking for help vanish and we never know what advice works and what doesn't. Adobe staff does monitor the boards and it can alert them to difficulties as well.
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‎Oct 22, 2012
10:11 AM
I like Deke McClelland. His training videos are online at along with 83,000 courses covering other types of software. I pay the $25/month fee, but no exercise files,yet still his videos are excellent. If you go to check out a course, for example "Photoshop CS6 One on One" some of the lessons are free, just to give you an idea of what to expect and whether you want to go with this site. has companion apps that allow for access on the iPad and smartphones as well.
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‎Oct 21, 2012
02:25 PM
Well, thanks for the update. I had thought it was an easily remedied registration problem. Since PeachPit Press is unresponsive, you might just be able to get a refund from Amazon on your Kindle purchase and go for another format. Gene
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‎Oct 20, 2012
05:53 PM
From your screenshot it looks like you haven't signed into your account or created an account. Click on Account Sign In and create an account if you have not already. You need to register your product before they will give you the files.
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‎Oct 09, 2012
05:00 PM
Thanks Mike, I was looking for a different subject header. Need more coffee. So it seems to be a problem in earlier versions, I can't duplicate it in X. Please mark your question as answered if there are no further issues, it can help others' who might be experiencing this problem. Gene
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‎Oct 09, 2012
03:01 PM
MMikeHH wrote: Thanks Gene - I appreciate your attempts to solve this one. Did you see the message I posted re. the strange crossover effects from one document to another? Mike No,that message is not listed in your profile. Anyway glad that got it. Gene
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‎Oct 09, 2012
02:55 PM
I'll go look for it and read it. I did come across this help document that suggests the problem in 9 might come from have more than one doc open:
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‎Oct 09, 2012
02:48 PM
Ok, thanks for the quick reply, it's all I can think of at this point until a AA9 owner can step up to the plate. I know you got electronic paperwork to process and I hope we can get you on the way. Gene
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‎Oct 09, 2012
02:38 PM
While you are waiting, Mike. I did notice you mentioned the command was grayed out on some documents. Could it be that the Security settings on the document block commenting? If I set security on a PDF, my Type Tools are grayed out. I hope I understand that's what you are telling me. Ctrl + d or File > Properties, then clicking on the Security tab for that document should indicate if Commenting is permitted. If it has been, the author has to set the document to allow commenting. Gene
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‎Oct 09, 2012
12:59 PM
I'll try, Ziad You can try and contact whoever typed up the coupon. They have the original document and the program that created it, they should fix it and post a new PDF. Acrobat can do minor edits, but it is not a proper Arabic language creator or editor. First be sure that "enable right-to-left language options" is checked in your Acrobat preferences: Maybe that will fix it. If you can't get the people who designed your coupon to fix the problems, you can save the PDF as a Microsoft Word document and edit in an Arabic version of Word. Word should have proper Arabic fonts and right to left text flow. Then you convert to PDF from Word's Acrobat tab. It is not the best answer, but if you cannot go back to the place that designed your coupon, you may have to redo it in a proper editor and export it to PDF. The command in Acrobat to convert your PDF to Word is: File > Save As > Microsoft Word > Word Document This is not an easy question Gene
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‎Oct 09, 2012
12:25 PM
So double clicking the typewriter text with the Typewriter Tool does not bring back the text cursor and options? I used to have AA9 but I never tried it out. I guess Adobe did overhaul it more than I thought.
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‎Oct 09, 2012
11:56 AM
In Acrobat X, the Typewriter tool is now called the "Add or Edit Text Box" and when the cursor is clicked on the document, Font type, color, line spacing, and size become active. The tool becomes greyed out when finished, so you must double click the added text to edit it and make the options active again. Gene
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‎Sep 18, 2012
11:17 PM
Thanks for letting me know,Mike! I always wonder if what I typed helped someone or just went into the Cloud Bitbucket. And oh yes,welcome to the forums. I hope there will much more good advice to come your way. Gene
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‎Sep 18, 2012
10:16 PM
All I can suggest then is to create the PDF from another authoring app,Word, or InDesign. Acrobat sees the text as an "image object",not a vector (type) object. Use PS to import images into your page. It may not be what you want to hear,but I'd rather see you get on with your project.
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‎Sep 18, 2012
10:04 PM
I just finished a lesson on editing in Acrobat X. Basic advice: Edit the document in the source program. A Photoshop PDF is editable in Photoshop. Acrobat cannot edit a Photoshop PDF. Your text should still be searchable. I did a basic word search and an advanced search on a Photoshop PDF I created when I opened it in Acrobat X. Gene
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‎Sep 06, 2012
06:47 PM
I am somewhat disappointed myself because the browser also kept a record of online PDFs that I accessed. I would welcome a function like this to where I can also remove pdfs from the list that I no longer need. But I do have somewhat of a handy tip for Windows 7 users. It is the "Jump List." Simply place the Acrobat X icon into the Windows taskbar. By right-clicking on the Acrobat icon,you will see the 10 most recent documents you have opened. Not enough? Right click on a blank area in the Windows taskbar. Choose Properties,and in the dialog box click on the Start Menu tab,then on the "Customize" button. At the bottom of the "Customize Start Menu" dialog is "Number of Recent Items to display in Jump Lists" The default is 10. You can set it up to 60. Usually 30 works for me. All taskbar items will remember the last 30 items accessed,and you can remove or pin items to that list.
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‎Aug 29, 2012
01:12 PM
If it is a Background layer, Easiest way is to double-click on the locked layer in the Layers panel. A dialog will open up giving you options. When you are done setting them, clicking OK makes it a floating or unlocked layer. If it is a floating layer that has been locked,the lock icon at the top of the layers panel will unlock the selected layer.
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‎Aug 27, 2012
07:17 PM Under "Help and Tutorials."
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‎Aug 20, 2012
06:33 PM
1 Upvote
You can keep the 64 bit version by unchecking it under the CS6 unstaller under Windows x64. (Control Panel > Software and Programs > Adobe Photoshop CS6) The 32 bit version will be removed. IMO doesn't hurt to keep both. Most of my files do not require more than 2GB ram and I can use the 32 bit Twain plugin with my scanner. 64 bit PS does not have this. Then there are plugins from third parties that may not support 64 bit yet. So it's nice to have around. It won't get in your way,Bridge calls up 64 bit Photoshop by default and graphics files associations go to the 64 bit version,unless for some reason 32 bit is open. Let's see what others say. I'd be interested. Gene
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‎Aug 19, 2012
04:31 PM
Nice catch,Noel. I was pretty sure he was talking about the "Backspace" key. I never used the Alt + Spacebar command which works for most any Windows app. Well,there goes the old standard "reset prefs" advice.
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‎May 14, 2012
07:58 PM
It's $400 for the upgrade,$1000 full USD. Standard is $200 upgrade/$700 full. Choose wisely as they say.
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‎Apr 17, 2011
09:36 PM
Just an interesting note. Bridge does allow the change of the interface language without paying for an extra license for that language. Microsoft Office 2010 allows users to purchase language packs ($30 for each language). Changing languages does have legit uses. For licensed users,it'd be nice* if Adobe might make it a free or pay option without requiring another full price license. Also posted to Feature Requests before anyone asks. Gene *Of course making note that what I consider nice and what Adobe considers nice might differ slightly.
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‎Feb 16, 2011
09:17 PM
BonaireGuy wrote: Because a full 16-bit number would allow for a numeric range of 0-65535. A range of 0-32768 excludes access to the other 32767 values possible in a true 16-bit number (i.e. values 32769-65535). Does that help explain what's missing? 🙂 Jake Yes indeed. Thanks. Since Jeff Schewe explained the difference between a full 16 bit and 15+1 is negligible and Chris Cox explained the math is more efficient at that level,then I'm OK with the 16 bpc label for both values. It does explain why my color picker ranges to 32768 instead of 65535. Now I hope I never have to explain this Gene
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‎Feb 16, 2011
06:24 PM
Ok,32768 is 1 + 15 zeros or simply a 16 place (bit?) number,so why call it 15 bit-anything if you must reserve 16 places? What am I not getting?
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‎May 30, 2010
09:18 PM
the_wine_snob wrote: Gene, Good to know that the Mystic product is working for you. I also agree about just getting the job handled, rather than waiting for some corporation to "do the right thing." Thanks for reporting on Mystic, Hunt Thanks Hunt, I also want to add the Ardfey codec as well. I've had that for a while and it works nicely,rendering quality thumbs in Explorer and Open/Save dialog boxes. It works along side of Mystic too. For those who don't know: We're basically a tech solutions forum,and though it may be fun to rant,and accuse Adobe,M$,and Apple of less noble motives,we want to try and get other users out of the ditch,and get the conversation going in that general direction. Gene
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