‎Dec 10, 2020
02:38 AM
Seems the Brush preview still isn't fixed?
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‎Dec 10, 2020
01:17 AM
@mark_dahm I sincerely hope that includes 'being able to create a path/ vector mask with it'…
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‎Dec 01, 2020
08:48 AM
Who cares about a 'leaderboard'?
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‎Dec 01, 2020
12:57 AM
In addition to the 'pixel' option: what's also missing now, is a tool to quickly draw a line PATH of specific width in any direction.
Unless I'm missing something the only 'workarounds' are to use a 'shape' (one shape for every line, which very quickly fills the layers panel) or the rectangle tool (where I can only specify height if I also specify width), then transform. Which makes the only realistic workaround: Use PS CC 2019 until this is fixed.
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‎Nov 26, 2020
02:08 AM
The label I see is "Acknowledged".
And I agree there is no working solution whatsoever (at least for what I used it for: to create a path with a fixed width). I'm back to PS CC 2019 for now.
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‎Nov 20, 2020
12:59 AM
Same on OSX 10.14.6. No red preview color, so no way to visually judge the hardness of the brush. Kudo's Adobe. I'll stick with CC 2019 for now.
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‎Nov 12, 2020
02:01 AM
This bit is to copy a path a third party made (in a jpg) to a working 16bpc file. Then it does a few other things. In the workflow for this particular customer I use 3 to 5 consecutive actions with some manual work in between. Might be handled by a script, but I'm more comfortable with actions then with scripts 🙂
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‎Nov 11, 2020
02:31 PM
Well, it's a only a few steps (shown in the screenshot in the OP) in a longer action. Assumes a few specific files open, but I guess you can just run those specific steps (select, copy, close). Few steps down in the first action in this set:
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‎Nov 11, 2020
06:52 AM
Haven't tested, since I cannot let the action select the tool (unlike for example the brush tool, that can be set from within an action), so it would require me to add a stop and manually set the right tool every time before I run the rest of the action. Not exactly a viable workflow. For now I'm back to using PS CS 2019. Edit: Tested it: even with Path Selection Tool active, the action won't copy. Manual copy does work then.
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‎Nov 11, 2020
02:50 AM
I use an action in my workflow to copy a path from a jpg and paste it into a tiff. Used to work flawlessly from PS CS6 up to and including the previous version of PS CC 2020. Now I get this:
Screenshot20201111at11.34.52-532b7e9f-d5f8-44dc-bfb8-699c357d1927-823947220.png The layers palette and the part of the action:
Manually it won't work either, *unless* I first select the Path Selection Tool.
Also, I see that if I use 'Open files into Photoshop layers' from Bridge, the default filename is "Untitled-1" again. A while back (PS CC 2019?) it got changed to "Untitled1" from that. Not sure what is preferred, but it would be nice if you make up your mind, so I don't have to keep changing my actions that rely on the exact filename…
In short: *please* stop breaking what didn't need fixing in the first place… MacPro, OSX 10.14.6
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‎Nov 07, 2020
01:38 AM
@Robert Hurt On the "the behavior of the shift key on scaling":
Not entirely sure what you mean, but there's a tick box "Use Legacy Free Transform" in prefs > general. That makes the shift key force proportion when scaling, as it should.
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‎Nov 04, 2020
09:16 AM
Any update on this? I've started using PS CC 2019 again, because of the assorted issues of the newer versions…
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‎Nov 02, 2020
10:56 AM
That's only a workaround for the pixel problem. I use the line tool all the time to create straight paths (not shapes) of a specific width. I need four anchor points. Not two. I could use the rectangle tool, but that would be less precise and a *lot* more cumbersome.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
02:50 AM
@mark_dahm I use the 'line' tool all the time to draw paths of a specific width. This makes that impossible.
Guess that means I'm forced to reverting to the previous version to actually get work done. Kudo's. Looks like Photoshop actually gets less usable at every update. Please fix this.
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‎Oct 21, 2020
06:59 AM
WHY is this still (21.2.4) not fixed? It's annoying as hell. Side note: related; when using for instance the 'Elipse Tool', pressing shift ('force proportions') only has an effect when the shape is changed (mouse movement). In PS CS6, pressing shift immediately forces proportions. As it should be.
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‎Jun 19, 2020
06:38 AM
I reverted to the previous version. NB: Which you should only try if you have your settings on a backup somewhere, because of another bug:[settings][filter_by]=all&topic-reply-list[settings][reply_id]=20565398#reply_20565398
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‎Jun 18, 2020
04:49 AM
MacPro 2010, OSX 10.14.6. When editing a text layer, sometimes the 'old' version stays visible, although it's not in the layers panel. Might be triggered by cropping, not sure. I first saw it after straightening an image using the crop tool, then trying to level the text again. Three video's of the issue. 1) Issue 2) at first everything is okay, then I use the crop tool and the issue comes up. 3) if you try to select the 'ghost' text, it disappears.
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‎May 11, 2020
07:19 AM
Any update on this? It's still the same in PS CC 21.1.2...
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‎Jun 28, 2019
08:25 AM
I don't think that 'that picture is tagged with a rating system five stars'. I think what you're seeing is the 'outline' of the stars. Not sure why anyone thought showing them by default might a good idea, but maybe be they thought it was easier to click them if they were permanently visible (which they should not be IMHO. 'On mouseover' would be plenty) In this screenshot I gave the image a two star rating, to show the difference: .
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‎Jun 21, 2019
06:45 AM
Sure: At the end of the video. Al first it seems to be okay, then it deselects the four images and I end up with JB_20190618_Kaemingk_1199.tif selected (the one to the right of the psd). Not entirely sure what causes it. Might be the second cmd-tab to switch back & forth between Bridge and PS causing Bridge to hickup.
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‎Jun 20, 2019
09:30 AM
This issue is probably related (issue started in Bridge 9.0): If I select multiple images in Bridge (for instance to 'Load into PS as layers') I expect them to stay selected, even if I for instance save the layered image into the same directory afterward. Seems they don't, now: New image is selected for a brief moment, then the image right next to it. (Posted that here before :Bridge CC : User Interface change wastes space | Photoshop Family Customer Community )
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‎Mar 07, 2019
01:48 AM
Same here. The latest version of Bridge sucks on so many levels it isn't funny. Bridge CC : User Interface change wastes space | Photoshop Family Customer Community
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‎Feb 05, 2019
11:50 PM
The 'split' might or might not be justified (that's why I said "it might be intentional"), but the point is, I can longer filter for them. So in that case a new filter option for these types of layers would come in very handy 😉
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‎Feb 04, 2019
07:06 AM
As the title says. When I filter for adjustment layers, Solid Color (Color Fill) layers don't show. Same goes for 'Gradient' and 'Pattern', so it might be intentional, but it's not how PS CS6 used to work & it kinda breaks my workflow. Is there an optional setting I'm missing?
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‎Feb 04, 2019
04:02 AM
In 20.0.2, I cannot select multiple points in a vector mask (by Cmd+drag) if the vector mask is switched off.
The "set density to 0' workaround works, but it's a nuisance.
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‎Apr 30, 2015
07:11 AM
When for instance working in "Lights Dim" mode and cropping an image, after finishing the crop (hitting R), the photo will dim. Going to the next image and back solves this, as does making any kind of other adjustment.
100% repeatable, happens also after restarting LR (didn't try reboot).
MacPro 2010, OSX 10.9.5
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‎Jan 02, 2014
08:21 AM
Yep. 100% reproducible after re-starting PS.
Cmd click on the vector mask in the layers palette works as expected, cmd+click on anything in the paths palette selects the vector mask highlighted in the paths palette...
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‎Jan 02, 2014
08:05 AM
Nope. Still there today (after a longer session).
Not sure what triggers it, but you need to have a layer highlighted with a vector mask that has a feathering.
If I highlighted on the layer "Metaal", that vector mask will be selected, if I highlighted on the layer DoorGlas, that vector mask will be the selection, regardless of what path I Cmd-click...
Image is not available
I'll see if it's still reproducible after a restart of PS...
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‎Dec 04, 2013
11:21 AM
Same here.
Up-to-date PS CC on OSX 10.6.8 on an iMac 11.1
Annoying when I need to make a small correction to a clipping path for instance, but need to see the original...
Workaround works, but shouldn't be needed.
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‎Nov 12, 2013
01:56 AM
This one might have been solved. Haven't come across it in a while.
I'll try to see if I can reproduce it later today.
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