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in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Feb 11, 2022
12:56 PM
Feb 11, 2022
12:56 PM
Just to let everyone know, I have learned that the Stager team is aware of this problem and they are working on a fix. In other words, "Hang in there, help is on the way." The team has been pushing through a period of very high workload (a sprint, maybe?), so it seems there's a lot more in the works. No information about what that is, however.
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Community Expert
in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Feb 08, 2022
06:22 PM
1 Upvote
Feb 08, 2022
06:22 PM
1 Upvote
This is an issue that several people have reported, including me. You can find the thread here. So far, there is no response from the Stager team. You can help this along by reporting the issue in an email to and attaching your Stager logs.
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Feb 08, 2022
05:10 PM
From your screenshot, you have switched to the render view but haven't started the actual render. Click the blue "Render" button on the lower right.
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Feb 08, 2022
02:33 PM
@charliedixon As with the other thread, you need to supply more information. Which "Adobe library" are you referring to? Which item in that library? Do you mean "material" when you use the word "texture," or something else? Which specific file and file type are you trying to import (.sbsar is not the same as .mtl or an image-based material, for example)? What are your system specs, since that also may be a clue? There isn't enough info here for us to be able to help.
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Feb 08, 2022
02:16 PM
True, but not relevant or useful. My question was directed to the OP. We're trying to get at where Charlie's texture problem originates. How and where he created the meshes may be where the trouble lies. I certainly can't reproduce his problem in Stager using a variety of test models, and he hasn't answered my first question as to how he applied the texture. @charliedixon: If you can answer those two questions, how you created the meshes and exactly how you applied your texture in Stager, we may be able to help.
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Feb 07, 2022
03:54 PM
How and in which app did you create the meshes?
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Feb 07, 2022
03:54 PM
Yes. I'm asking how exactly the texture is being applied. He can add a graphic (which comes in as a decal that can be changed to fill) or can use an image applied to "Base color" in the "Base surface" of the Material section. There is no "Texture" field in Stager, so how this was applied might be the clue.
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Feb 06, 2022
03:50 PM
It looks to me as if Stager thinks your texture is a decal. How did you apply it, exactly?
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Jan 30, 2022
02:45 PM
Be sure to collect your log files and submit with a description and a screen grab or two to The more reports the engineers get from different systems the more likely they are to be able to find and fix the problem.
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Jan 25, 2022
12:15 AM
I'm guessing you're on a Mac, and as I haven't used one in years I missed a key. On Mac, hold down all four of Shift, Command, Option and Control. That'll do it.
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Jan 24, 2022
01:15 PM
I haven't seen InDesign break the link to the style in either case, so I may be missing something. In the case of Adjust Layout, make sure that "Adjust Font Size" is checked because it's not a sticky setting. You'll get style overrides that then must be handled with "Redefine Style," but that's reasonably quick to do unless you have dozens of styles. (To help speed things along so you don't miss anything, turn on "Show overrides" in the Paragraph Styles panel.) Create Alternate Layout creates a new, separate style group if you check "Copy Text Styles to New Style Group." That might be easier for you to work with.
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Jan 24, 2022
12:28 PM
1 Upvote
The next thing to try is to reset your InDesign preferences. Close InDesign, then click on its icon to reopen but immediately hold down Control, Alt, and Shift (Windows) or Command, Option, and Shift (Mac). You will get a message box asking if you want to remove your preferences. Click "OK" and InDesign will open in its default configuration. That should handle the problem. You can now import your preferences from the last version of InDesign that you had installed, or simply set them up again.
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Jan 24, 2022
12:14 PM
If you scroll to the bottom of that page on the Berthold site you will find the text that @RRR101 posted. The statement, "The BQ and BE OpenType Basic versions Correspond to the Berthold BQ and BE Adobe PostScript Type 1 versions Legacy," which you were (understandably) confused about means: "The versions we call 'OpenType Basic' are just straight conversions of our original Type 1 font files to the OpenType format." In other words, they don't have any OpenType features--such as additional character sets, alternates, etc.--other than Unicode support. Fonts are software, so a conversion utility like Fontlab's Transtype can extract the information from an old Postscript Type 1 or TrueType font and repackage it in OpenType format without actually adding anything. Berthold calls these "Basic" versions, as opposed to Standard (supports Western European languages), Pro (extended support for European languages), and Pro+ (additional orthographies such as Cyrillic and Greek). Other foundries have different naming conventions. Note also that Berthold offers "Postscript OTF" and "TrueType TTF" versions of some of these fonts. Despite the names, both are OpenType format. Internally, the glyphs are formed using different outline mathematics (Bezier curves vs. quadratic), but for all usual purposes they are the same.
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Jan 24, 2022
11:44 AM
Google fonts are all OpenType. Internally, an OpenType font may use TrueType (quadratic) or PostScript (Bezier) outlines, but in either case it is an OpenType font. A given font file may not implement most features of the OpenType format, especially if it was simply converted from its original format to OpenType with a utility such as FontLab's Transtype, but it remains an OpenType font. The Adobe announcement about ending support for Type 1 fonts applies only to actual Adobe Type 1 font files, not to OpenType fonts. This is a case where the unfortunate ambiguity of the terminology makes a simple situation quite confusing for most people. You don't say in what way the appearance differs between the two versions of the document, but you have given a good example of one of the frailties of relying on cloud-based font services. If a font version changes, a document that was set using an earlier version may have unexpected text reflow or other issues. For this reason, it is good practice to download a copy of the exact font used in a project and keep it available. Font managers such as Extensis Suitcase Fusion can store multiple versions of a font and will use the correct version for a given InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop document so that issues don't arise. Open Sans is appropriately named. It is open source software and its repository is public here on GitHub. It is not "stored by Google in its repository." Apart from the fact that GitHub itself is owned by Microsoft, open source projects are not "owned" by anyone other than the people actively contributing to them. You can reach the font developers by reporting what you are having difficulty with on the "Issues" page of the repository.
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Jan 24, 2022
11:13 AM
The first step would be to Save As an idml (InDesign Markup Language) file, then create a fresh InDesign document by opening the idml. This will clear out any accumulated fragments of stale information in the document, and your new version should be noticeably smaller than the old one. In each of the Character, Paragraph and Object Style panels, choose "Select all unused" from the panel menu and delete the redundant styles. If you see a warning message asking if you want to replace the style with [Basic Paragraph] or [None], choose Cancel, then repeat this step for that panel. Repeat until all the unused styles are gone with no warning messages. If, after all this, you still get warnings about Type 1 fonts, see if there are any placed graphics (PDF, AI, EPS) that might be hiding them. You would want to replace these with versions that have OpenType or TTF versions of those fonts. Repeat the Save As idml step to fully clear out any remaining crud, and you should have a good copy of the document going forward.
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Jan 24, 2022
10:18 AM
That's fascinating! It happened here with every version of Dimension, on two laptops and two desktop systems running Windows 10 through all of its updates and now Windows 11. These are all i7/i9 systems with Nvidia GPUs and 64GB RAM, so there may be a clue there if your hardware configurations are significantly different. It does sound as if we're seeing slightly different versions of the same underlying issue, though. This behavior stands out as peculiar because until Dimension I had never run into it in almost 40 years of working with personal computers and software on Unix, CP/M, DOS, Mac OS and Windows. I've seen the phenomenon you describe, but not this one.
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Jan 23, 2022
05:58 PM
Hi Ares, I have not seen this specifically, but a variation of it is common. Stager (also Dimension) menus and application frame controls appear to operate normally but suddenly have no effect. For example, the File menu opens and clicking Close responds normally but the file doesn't close. The [X] button that normally closes an app window will respond to hover and click, but nothing actually happens. Keyboard commands are simply ignored. The UI components become "detached" from the app: all the bindings between OS-level and application-level are gone. Windows sees the app as still responsive, so the OS force close and error reporting never kick in. This is common, and because it is also unpredictable I am diligent about saving Stager files after almost every edit, a habit carried over from Dimension. I also save frequent "safety versions" to avoid the "file won't open" scenario, which cost me many hours of lost work in Dimension, because Stager has not yet gained my trust in that regard.
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Community Expert
in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Jan 23, 2022
05:38 PM
1 Upvote
Jan 23, 2022
05:38 PM
1 Upvote
Uniquely among apps, Stager (possibly other Substance 3D apps, I haven't checked) completely fails to implement the standard Windows kbsc UI components. [Alt]+[letter] is a convention that opens a top-level menu in virtually every PC app; it even predates Windows. [Alt+F] usually opens the File menu, [Alt+E] the Edit menu, etc. Pressing [Alt] on its own shows underscores on the key character of each top-level menu item (File, Edit, etc.) so that pressing that character opens the associated menu. This applies also to items within menus. [Alt F A] as a key sequence activates "Save As" in a CC or Office app, to take one example. In InDesign, the sequence [Alt T E T] executes Type > Change Case > Title Case. There are dozens of such short sequences built into the muscle memory of any experienced Windows user. Professional users of an OS rely on standard OS-wide UX to speed workflows and any app should conform to the standards of the platform it is running on. This particular UX is so much part of the base Windows spec that Stager and Dimension are the only Windows apps I have used in more than 25 years that don't implement it. This a very basic feature request. Implementing it correctly may incidentally solve another uniquely Stager/Dimension bug whereby the UI becomes "detached" from the app, so that menus and frame buttons behave normally in themselves but no longer actually do anything. Anyone using either of these apps has run into the situation where the app appears to be running but menu selections have no effect. The only solution is to kill the app via Task Manager or Force Quit, with occasionally disastrous consequences for file integrity.
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Community Expert
in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Jan 21, 2022
02:25 PM
Jan 21, 2022
02:25 PM
Perhaps @JMathews will jump in with an update. This isn't a minor issue that can be deferred until a new dot release is ready. It goes to the heart of why Stager exists at all.
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Jan 21, 2022
02:11 PM
I think there's a basic misunderstanding about how Stager works, and 3D in general. When you import a background, it's just a flat background. In itself, it has no depth and does not interact directly with anything in the scene, including lights. If you create a Point or Direction light in a scene, it can't "hover above the landscape." It can only hover above the ground plane. A reasonable analogy, not entirely accurate, is a painted backdrop on a big stage. You can light the backdrop scene, but you obviously can't hover any kind of light in the scene. It's a flat image, just like the background in a Stager scene. When you use Match Image inside Stager (or Dimension), the Sensei AI analyses this backdrop and adjusts the ground plane and perspective to match it as far as is possible. Notice that it's the ground plane and camera that are being adjusted. Even though it may appear to be on the background, a shadow cast by an object will fall only on the ground plane or other 3D objects in the scene. If there is texture or discontinuity in the background image, the shadow cast by a light in the Stager scene will not match that. The background also will not change to match the color of any other lighting in the scene. This is one of the less-intuitive aspects, for a designer, of working in Dimension or Stager. When you change the camera angle to, say, an overhead view, the background doesn't change. Stager tries to avoid this by offering a "viewport camera" that has no image background, so you can build your scene without being fooled by fake scenery. Here is a screen snippet to illustrate the point. It shows a model lit by a pale green directional light. The model material itself is white. All the environment lighting, including sunlight, is turned off. Notice that the background has not changed to match the color of the light, and the shadow of the model does not match the background at all: it is being cast onto a flat plane. The small circular icon near the top left is a directional light from the "Physical Lights" section of Starter Assets, which is the only illumination on the scene.
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Community Expert
in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Jan 19, 2022
06:19 PM
Jan 19, 2022
06:19 PM
This is a major issue with 1.1.1 on Windows, too, so it's not confined to M1 and not to CPUs in general. (I say 1.1.1 because that's when I collided with it, but it's there in 1.1.0 too, based on a quick test.) The problem is visible in all its ugly glory on two different machines here, running different Nvidia cards with different driver versions. Vector file or high-res raster don't behave differently. Each is a slightly different flavor of ugly, but neither is usable for any commercial or artistic purpose. I have submitted logs, examples, and "how to reproduce" info to the team, and I hope you have too. Any way you slice it, this is still a version 1.x project and needs all the help it can get. FWIW, it looks like Stager is pulling in the thumbnail of the decal image or vector instead of the full resolution, because it gets to the point where text is so broken that it's unreadable. The situation is not significantly better applying graphics via UV maps (I tried), so it's not limited to decals.
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Community Expert
in Substance 3D Stager Discussions
Jan 19, 2022
05:07 PM
Jan 19, 2022
05:07 PM
I had this same issue on one machine, but not another. The solution was to sign out of Creative Cloud then sign-in again. That fixed it.
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Nov 14, 2021
04:23 PM
In the current documentation, under "GPU Rendering" the following appears: "For laptops which also include an integrated graphics card, use the NVIDIA Control Panel to set the preferred graphics card to the discrete card." This is true only for Windows 10. In Windows 11, this setting is not controlled by the NVidia app, but by the Windows 11 Settings app. Go to "Settings > System > Display > Graphics." Under "Custom options for apps," add Stager (or any other desktop app) by choosing the Browse button and navigating to the .exe file in Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance Stager. Choose "High Performance" in the options dialog. Additionally, the NVIDIA Control Panel must be reset in order to work correctly in Windows 11. It will crash within a few seconds of launch, so is unusable until reset. When this is done, it correctly shows that choice of GPU is now handled by Windows, not by the NVIDIA Control Panel.
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Sep 29, 2021
12:05 AM
I agree. There's no other option that makes sense to me, logically, ethically or even as a business case. My guess is that the Substance folk who became Adobe "3D & Immersive" (and gobbled up the Dimension team in the process) had simply never heard of Project Felix or the commitments that had been made. Having lived only in the 3D game dev/CGI universe, they had little to no reality on the huge world of design and probably didn't think it significant. After all, they already had a huge customer base of game devs and CGI artists. Why would they care about Illustrator users if they'd never met them? And any top exec strata, insulated from customers by layer upon layer of middle management, anaesthetized by clouds of reassurance, prodded by shareholders, distracted by lawyers and accountants, can lose sight of the real people at the other end of their income streams. Once in a while they need to be reminded. Adobe is no worse than most, much better than many. Management does listen, if you speak loudly enough and present a good case. Bridge used to be the poor stepchild of Photoshop, remember, and was going to be dropped "because nobody uses it." Enough of us yelled (loudly!) that Adobe reversed course. Bridge didn't disappear. No longer in thrall to Photoshop, it is an independent product with its own development team. I'm optimistic that the Powers That Be will eventually do the right thing. They just need a raging mob at the gates, waving torches and pitchforks, to grab their attention and hold them to their promises. That would be us.
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Sep 28, 2021
11:40 AM
The following is an open letter I wrote with Theresa Jackson and posted recently on A number of others in the design community have added their names as signatories, listed under the original post. --------------------------------------------------- Dear Adobe, We have been watching the Dimension community forum and the (vitriolic, for the most part) YouTube comments from long-term Substance users on the recent launch of Substance 3D. Howls of protest are par for the course whenever there is a major UI change, and the noise from the 3D authors will die down. For designers, it’s a different matter. Project Felix was announced at MAX 2016 as a new tool “built specifically for graphic designers.” Felix promised a brand-new workflow for designers to preview and present their work in a 3-Dimensional, photo-realistic context—cutting turnaround time for design approvals, simplifying the design process for packaging and display, and opening new opportunities for product presentation. Project Felix was to be a tool for designers who were not 3D artists or experts. After a rocky start, Dimension began delivering on that promise. As it matured it became faster, more practical, and easier to use. We could forgive frailties and missing features, knowing they were under active development. Then, with Adobe’s acquisition of Substance, development on Dimension abruptly stopped, with no reason given at the time. The Substance 3D launch made clear that it is for 3D digital artists: existing Substance users who are now Adobe customers. The intro video for Substance Stager, the app that Dimension should have become, begins with the words, “Creating 3D art is all about producing stunning visuals.” There was no ready-for-press production artwork anywhere in sight—not a fold, not a die line, not a spot varnish layer. There was no trace of the original Project Felix promise: “Built specifically for graphic designers.” Designers may occasionally iterate a flat design by going back and forth between Illustrator and a 3D representation, but most of the time the process starts and ends in a 2D app, with exact dimensions and placement of artwork. Visualization in 3D comes later: client presentations, ad concepts, point-of-purchase or in-store displays. Zorana Gee recognized this in her 2016 presentation: “Let’s face it, working with 3D is really challenging … but we’re committed, and today we’re introducing a tool that balances power and ease of use for all designers, and this is Project Felix.” This is an important distinction. 3D artists and 3D modelers create objects and scenes that are an end in themselves: the digital creation is the product. Designers create layouts and production-ready artwork destined for physical output, to be seen in real life, in store windows or exhibition halls. The only Substance tool of considerable use to a designer is Stager, which realizes the promise of Project Felix without the limitations that continue to frustrate Dimension users. Stager is what Dimension should have become. The Substance 3D announcement included a blatant hand-wave: designers on Creative Cloud can continue to use Dimension. We are expected to believe that Adobe will finance the maintenance and development of two products with a heavy degree of overlap and very different underlying engines, using the same engineering team. Adobe has promised to keep Dimension around indefinitely, but currently the app installer is hidden from view for new users unless they turn on “Show Older Apps” in the Creative Cloud desktop app. Dimension, then, is defunct. No amount of public relations spin can disguise the fact that it is now a zombie app. Its fragilities and important limitations will not now be addressed, ever. The promised upgrades went to Stager instead, and Stager is unavailable within Creative Cloud. Stager is a far better tool for designers than Dimension. Its performance is superior, it has the features that were once on the Dimension roadmap, and even in pre-release form it was more robust. That only makes the decision to exclude Stager from a CC subscription even more baffling (or offensive, depending on point of view). Designers now face the choice that confronted photographers when the original Creative Cloud subscription service launched: pay for a full suite to use a single point product or be stuck without upgrades forever. They do not wish to pay a premium subscription for multiple apps they don’t want, don’t need, and won’t use. Adding insult to injury, there is a lower-priced Substance plan for users of Painter/Sampler/Designer (3D artists who don’t need Stager) but not one for designers wanting to realize the original promise of Felix who only need Stager. Dimension shows up in the CC apps under “Design” but not under “3D.” How condescending. We don’t believe this is good for Adobe. From the customer viewpoint it is a broken promise and a betrayal of trust. For Adobe it throws away a potential upgrade market: happy Stager users might consider expanding into 3D authoring and subscribe to Substance 3D; ticked-off Dimension users, abandoned by Adobe, are more likely to dig in their heels. The simplest and best good-faith move at this point is to drop the pretense that Dimension is a supported product and make Stager a dual-suite product operable under either a CC or a Substance 3D license. In the end, customers value integrity in the companies they deal with, and an honest admission with a good-faith remedy goes a long way to repairing damaged customer relationships. Trust is a precious commodity, quickly broken, hard to repair. We don’t see any scenario in which Adobe recoups the lost customer goodwill other than the above approach. So, Adobe, stay as loyal to your customers as your customers are to you. Keep your promises. Alan Gilbertson, Designer Theresa Jackson, Designer, Photographer, Trainer
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Dec 12, 2020
01:56 PM
We are all diminished by his passing. Marc, your tribute is thoughtful, beautiful, and appropriate. Thank you for that.
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Dec 12, 2020
01:23 PM
1 Upvote
That faulting module is the Visual C Runtime. As a first step, you could try uninstalling and reinstalling your various VCR versions and see if that clears things up. If not, go to Settings > Troubleshoot > Additional troublshooters. Scroll down until you see "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" and run that against Id CS6.
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Dec 11, 2020
09:30 PM
The world of InDesign is diminished by his passing. He will be missed by all whose lives and careers he has touched.
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Jan 28, 2019
04:24 PM
It's not just Mojave, or even Mac OS. I found the exact same (mis)behavior occurring with a fresh install of Windows 10 and a fresh install of PP 13.01 on my desktop (Dell XPS 8920, 24GB, AMD Radeon), but not on my Dell XPS 15 laptop (32GB, Nvidia GTX1050). CUDA is enabled on the laptop. All drivers are up to date. The entire CC install on the desktop machine was onto an essentially virgin system following a clean install of the current version of Windows 10. On the desktop system, the longest I got between crashes was about 2 or 3 minutes. Dragging a clip from the bin: crash. Double-click on the project panel to import assets: crash. If PPro didn't crash, I could play the timeline maybe once or twice, but after a couple of minutes and a very few edits the spacebar was no longer operative, the program panel blank. Audio might or might not play, but the CTI did not move. Attempting to save the project at that point generally, not always, resulted in a crash. Trashing preferences did not affect the behavior whatsoever. Unchecking Import Workspace with Project didn't help either. Uninstall/reinstall did not affect the problem. After running into this on some legacy footage, I tried a fresh project using the tutorial clips and audio---assuming, perhaps naively, that these have been thoroughly tested---and if anything the situation was worse, even to the point that bizarre glitches showed up randomly in some clips (added single frames, one per clip: some red frames, some a duplicate of an earlier frame in the clip giving the appearance of a bad jump cut) after they were added to the timeline.
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Mar 01, 2016
01:51 PM
Kaleel, this is less of a problem than it may seem. Your local WAMP/XAMP development environment can use the generic, DW-friendly permalinks without affecting your live site, which has its own permalink settings. That's how I work with DW when I use it with WAMP. I don't know what the engineering challenges are in having DW interpret friendly permalinks rather than working directly with the MySQL indexes directly, but I suspect this is far from trivial. I'd rather the dev team put the time into making DW quicker, smoother for responsive design and a lot more robust, given that the workaround for permalink issues is so simple. In the last year I've found myself working less in Dreamweaver and more with Brackets, because the combination of Brackets, Chrome, and Chrome's "Inspect Element" feature is so much faster and never freezes or crashes.
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