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Jul 29, 2017
04:22 AM
Do the video play OK outside of Premiere? What is the format of the videos?
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Jul 29, 2017
03:41 AM
Is it just 1 particular video that crashes Premiere? Have you tried creating a new project file? Give more details on what is happening to help us give further advice.
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Jul 28, 2017
11:04 PM
Here is a page of troubleshooting with Photoshop. It includes things like trying to start in safe mode which could reveal that the problem is an extension. Solve Adobe Photoshop problems and issues by keeping it up-to-date
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Jul 26, 2017
04:27 PM
Hi Peru Bob, Having both Program Files and Program Files (x86) suggests both 32bit and 64bit applications have been installed. We don't know which Adobe programs in which folder. It could be that Premiere was installed as 64 bit, Photoshop as 32 bit.
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Jul 26, 2017
03:49 PM
A guess - have you tried making sure you have the 64 bit version of Photoshop rather than the 32?
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Jul 26, 2017
03:40 PM
An underlined layer occurs when you have a Clipping Mask applied to that layer. This is the case with Photoshop and Illustrator.
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Jul 26, 2017
03:29 PM
What exactly do you see in this additional frame being rendered? Is it just black for example? Here are a few things that pop into my head that may be helpful but am just guessing possible things that could be going wrong: - Look at your sequence and make sure you don't have any content beyond the point you want to include. Then, when you export, you can choose to export the entire sequence and there should not be any unintended content or frames at the end. - If you have deleted content after the end frame and have tried exporting with in and out points, perhaps check the video. Put that on the timeline in a new sequence and go to the last frame to check if it's right. Or do this in some other video player. It may be something as simple as when you play the video, the particular player ends with a black frame. The above are just some suggestions based on guesswork on what's happening. If you could share more, that would help with finding the exactly cause and solution.
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Jul 26, 2017
03:13 PM
Hi Vandalski. Could you give more information on what you have done and what is going wrong in the process. Do you have any CC products on your Windows computer? have a look at the link below about installing CC products and the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app. It is hard to give more specific help without more detail of your specific situation. Download and install Creative Cloud apps
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Jul 25, 2017
10:30 PM
So to clarify, are you playing the sequence and Premiered continues to go through the various frames of the sequence but the video looks to be frozen? My suggestion is to test with other video clips to see if it is a specific one that gives problems. Of it is happening with all clips, even simple short ones, try create a new sequence, or a new premiere project. Testing is sometimes a process of eliminating possible causes - is it the video file, Premiere file. Once you eliminate some options you could test hardware related things - like does the project work on another computer (if you can access one for testing). regards Dean
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Jul 21, 2017
08:05 AM
Hi Ingris, To clarify, are you concerned that since your Audio Hardware Preferences show 44.1 kHz and your audio files are 48 kHz, that when you export a new rendered video, your audio will be downgraded? If the answer is yes, you need not worry. The preferences you see there relate to your computer's devices for recording and playback of audio from Premiere. So for example, if you plugged in a new headset, the Audio Hardware Preferences would have options related to what that device supports. Your internal files would not be modified on export to the device settings. When you export your video, you choose the quality for video and audio independent from the Audio Hardware Preferences. To your question about changing the greyed out 44.1 kHz, that is not possible as it relates to the audio device's capability. Dean
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Jul 20, 2017
04:33 AM
I have experienced the same thing. I did manage to open the file and get it to work. My experience (Windows): Saved the project all seemed OK. Opened the project by double clicking the file. Got the error that the file may be damaged. Closed Premiere, then opened the file by browsing to it. The file opened fine. So, for me, it was not that the project was actually corrupt but something in the way Premiere was trying to load it. What is your OS and how are you opening the file?
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Jul 19, 2017
09:30 PM
The screenshot looks normal to me. What did you want it to look like? If you select part of the image and then apply a filter, the effect will only be applied to the selected area. The Spherize filter makes a graphic look like it has been applied to a sphere, which means that straight lines become curved. In your texture, the cracks appear as curved consistent with what the filter is meant to do.
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Jul 19, 2017
09:11 PM
Hi Hannah, This issue is not uncommon and Premiere has a feature called Link Media that makes what you;re experiencing less painful. Have a look at the video below that explains it quite well. Use Link Media to quickly locate and relink offline files in Premiere Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorials
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Jul 19, 2017
03:10 PM
Since you've identified a clip that has caused other problems in your sequence, I'd suggest deleting it, saving your project as a new file and then try export. See if it manages to complete without the file. I've seen problems with a single file causing he whole project to fail.
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Jul 18, 2017
04:16 PM
1 Upvote
I've converted videos at different frame rates without any significant impact to the playback or quality. My guess is that if you output 23.976 fps to 24 fps, it is unlikely that you (or broader audience) would notice any issues. I would suggest not having Frame Blending on. When you increase the frame rate, frames will be added and frame blended makes these new frames a blend of the frame before and after (so a semitransparent overlay). This can work in some situations but not for others. If there is not a lot of movement in the video, adding frames without blending should look fine. The best way to be sure is to test a different approaches and see what looks best to you.
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Jul 18, 2017
04:00 PM
So the problem is that Premiere is crashing on you? It could be graphics card related. Have a look at this article that talks about it in relation to AMD GPU: Fix Adobe Premiere Pro has Stopped Working error – TheITBros
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Jul 18, 2017
03:51 PM
1 Upvote
Hi JianC112, Could you give more details of your export settings? Thee quality is influenced by the level of compression. Here's a video that explains the export settings. Best Export Settings Premiere Pro (2017) - YouTube I can give more advice after hearing more about what you have done. Dean
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Mar 26, 2017
03:17 AM
Sound like the codec used by the Sony camera for 4K is not supported on the LG TV. Try export it from Premiere to H.264.
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Feb 26, 2017
03:18 AM
Hi Lucian, Here's an Adobe page with the plugin installer: Camera Raw installer for Adobe Photoshop CC and CS6 Here's another link that may be of interest: How to Open NEF Files in Photoshop: 14 Steps (with Pictures) Dean
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Feb 25, 2017
11:07 PM
Hi Harry, Following Jo's question - when you say your project is 1GB, do you mean the sum of all content in your project rather than the Premiere file? I'd suggest you try transfer the content into a clean file. Options are: - Just try a 'Save as' to create a new version. - Select everything on your sequence timeline and then copy everything, create a new file with a new sequence and paste. Dean
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Feb 25, 2017
10:59 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Kathy, There is a long discussion on Bridge and Lightroom at: Lightroom vs. Bridge? Dean
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Dec 26, 2015
06:51 PM
Look at: Plugin-based content doesn't work on Chrome - Chrome Help
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Jul 06, 2015
04:00 PM
1 Upvote
This error typically appears when the Flash player is in use, preventing a new install. You should close all browsers or other applications that may be using Flash (which could be an Instant Messaging application for example), It will be worth looking at the Task Manager and close any Flash Player related processes (they have 'FlashPlayer' or 'FlashUtil' in the name).
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May 28, 2015
04:59 PM
Of course older versions of the Flash player are not ideal.The orginal post as I recall mentioned problems and asked for previous versions. I disagree with saying an old version is "a great way to get a malware infection". Yes, you are more at risk with an older version but this type of statement suggests you're almost guaranteed of getting malaware with an old version of the Flash player. That's quite a bold assertion, I am sure the current version of the player will get further updates. That does not we're actually at risk now until the future version confirms further security enhancements have been applied.
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May 26, 2015
03:54 PM
Have you tried different browsers? If so, what ones have they been?
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May 24, 2015
07:31 PM
I haven't used them myself but here are a couple of options: Photon Flash Player for iPad (not free) Puffin Web Browser Free
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May 22, 2015
10:19 PM
Can you give the URL to the chat room? What browser are you using? It's hard to give a solution without more details of the problem. It may not even be a Flash thing. I'd suggest you go to: In the above page, you can test your Flash Player, and there are links to information on enabling it on different browsers. Plus there are some other links for Windows/Mac installation problems.
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May 22, 2015
10:14 PM
You can download older versions of the Flash Player including the one you mention at: Archived Flash Player versions If you're having trouble installing Flash Player (whatever version), give details of exactly what the problem is, and your Operating System.
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May 18, 2015
03:59 PM
Hi, You have a screenshot of the Flash Player Help page wheree you can test the version you currently have installed as well as be told what the latest version is. There are also links to show how to enable the Flash Player, plus some 'still having problems' ones. Try those. If they still don't work, report here what you have done and what browsers you've been using.
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May 18, 2015
03:54 PM
Hi, Here are some links with explanations. I'm using the English ones: Flash Player Help - Here you can test the version you currently have installed as well as be told what the latest version is. The latest version is Adobe Flash Player Install for all versions - Here is where you can install the latest version. I'd suggest you test and reinstall if you don't have the latest version. If you still have problems, post here about exactly what happens in the process of installing to help identify what is going wrong.
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