Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
‎May 12, 2021
05:03 PM
I'll announce it here when it comes out.
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‎May 11, 2021
05:29 PM
@al_olvera , we're working with AMD to improve GPU detection; sorry for the complication and we'll have a fix available very soon.
One of the internal tests we run on GPUs to determine if they are in working order is a performance test, and under some circumstances, given the right (or wrong) operating conditions, the GPU may fail that test. That could be why the problem is so sporadic. Either way, we're close to having a patch we believe will settle this issue down. Thanks for your patience.
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‎May 11, 2021
11:33 AM
*Pavel Budin We are aware of an issue when pasting vector content into Photoshop while Illustrator and Photoshop are NOT both running under Rosetta; Apple says the issue is fixed in 11.3; anybody running into this issue on 11.3 or later?
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‎May 06, 2021
02:18 PM
@Leonie , yep, thanks for your patience. I didn't see the thread until a couple of days ago, but we were working on the issue based on input from other sources, too.
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‎May 05, 2021
09:54 AM
The patch is in the works; soon to be available.
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‎Apr 16, 2021
11:11 AM
@Eagle_Eye , the two graphics options were removed because they were causing performance problems on some systems when used. They effectively toggled GPU behavior between 'works better for pre-2014 hardware' and 'works better for post-2014 hardware'. With 2014 hardware being outside of the supported hardware requirements, its removal should not have any impact; if there is impact, we'd like to know. We also added quite a bit of more information to the System Info panel related to GPU, which can help us figure problems out much easier if you run into issues, so System Info output is critical for helping us sort out GPU-related issues.
I believe, however, that the Perspective Warp problem is not a GPU issue, so this part of the conversation is slightly out of place.
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‎Mar 10, 2021
09:43 AM
*MITCHELL HUGHES, Pixels are in the house. 3/10 update.
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‎Mar 10, 2021
09:42 AM
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your questions are completely reasonable. We can do better in terms of executing changes faster; while we have come a long way, now with monthly releases vs. where we used to be a couple years back with quarterly releases, we still have room for improvement.
Predicting release dates is an unreliable and ultimately frustrating exercise for everybody; if you hear something like 'we're working on it', that's a better signal than 'we're considering this request'.
Again, thank you for your patience. I look forward to not repeating this same cycle again, for any feature.
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‎Mar 10, 2021
09:29 AM
@ghfjffdhgk, the pixel mode for the line tool is back as of 3/10. Sorry for the frustrating wait.
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‎Mar 10, 2021
09:19 AM
The 22.3 update posted on March 10 contains the pixel mode for the line tool; I will personally go to the mat defending this tool and it's functionality if anybody at Adobe attempts to change this feature again. I'm a believer.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
01:06 PM
Thanks, yeah, still trying to nail things down; we are modernizing many of the GPU calls and it's possible that things will 'just work' once we get to retiring the offending code.
There were some issues with Big Sur (11.0/1) and external monitors, but I'm not sure that is this issue here, and will keep working on it. Still needs to work in the single monitor case.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
10:28 AM
@Kaz Vorpal , again, apologies for the long time it's taking on this. There isn't a switch to flip to just bring something back like this, unfortunately. We've logged over 50 issues to work through in order to get this simple-sounding functionality back, and we're down to the last eight at this time.
You could use the pencil or brush tool with the shift key to draw a straight line on a layer mask. I realize there are other attributes of the former line tool like the live pivot interaction that are not there, but it's a workaround if using the previous version of Photoshop isn't also an option.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
07:27 AM
As a reminder, as we work to restore the line tool, the previous version of Photoshop can be installed.
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‎Feb 09, 2021
07:49 AM
@JemShaw , we are actively working on restoring the line tool pixel option; the list of remaining work is short now. We do not take your patience for granted, and are working to close this gap as soon as we can. I also anxiously await the day when I can announce this update has landed.
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‎Feb 09, 2021
07:43 AM
@Jeremy Plant , I hear you, I know the October release seems like forever when this line tool went MIA. We were ever so close to having it wrapped up for the 22.2 release, but rather than hold the release and the fixes that were ready, we kept the schedule. The line tool is on its way back, and there is no other work taking precedence.
We are reviewing the processes that will improve our responsiveness.
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‎Feb 09, 2021
07:30 AM
@Phillip Park , I know, it's disappointing we couldn't wrap up the line tool adjustments; just too many loose ends to ship in the condition it was in.
We have been working on this feature, it was ever so close to making it this time. The remaining to-do list is short now.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
03:06 PM
@mischa_elbert , there was a separate issue that caused certain files to generate program errors, often on Save, which combining or hiding layers was a workaround. The January 2021 release of Photoshop (22.1.1) included a fix for that problem. I believe that is separate from the lagging issue; one user indicated tablet driver compatibility as a possible relation; anybody having issues that does NOT have a tablet? We are investigating.
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‎Jan 20, 2021
02:38 PM
Thanks @deoxygen7 for the note; try unchecking the 'use native operating system...' preference in Performance> Advanced to see if the behavior changes.
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‎Jan 20, 2021
10:45 AM
We have to look into the blank canvas issue for sure, but there may also be a flaw between the OS switch and how Photoshop determines the 'right' GPU.
Photoshop will designate the GPU that is driving the monitor that displays the first open Ps document (that is a change that happened earlier in the year).
At this point I'm presuming that the blank document comes from Ps and the OS not agreeing on the same GPU when the eGPU is selected without an external monitor.
We can do some testing on our side to determine whether our logic is bad, or the timing of the switch from the OS is confusing it.
Can you tell me (either @JohanElzenga or @deoxygen7 ) which display is designated as your Primary display?
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‎Jan 19, 2021
10:50 AM
@JohanElzenga @deoxygen7 can you say whether this changed with an update to the operating system or Photoshop (or both)?
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‎Jan 19, 2021
09:51 AM
@deoxygen7 , did this used to work differently in a prior version of PS for you?
Photoshop never supported multiple GPU configurations. It locks onto the GPU that is driving the monitor at launch. But We did recently change the way we designate GPU resources at launch to make it simpler, but may have overlooked a scenario.
If it did support multiple GPUs, the time it would take to swap the data back and forth between GPUs would defeat whatever benefits that the faster GPU would provide.
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‎Jan 11, 2021
11:05 AM
*jdearing, @chris_mccann_6652317 , there will be a minor release coming out very soon that will not include this change, but a more extensive change is coming very soon thereafter that will have this working. Thank you for your patience; we'll get this right soon.
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‎Jan 11, 2021
11:01 AM
@jfclemay , it'll come back. Thank you for your patience. Note that there may be minor bug release coming out in the very soon that will not include this change, but rest assured, it is hot on the schedule to be released soon.
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‎Dec 24, 2020
10:47 AM
Thanks, *BenKN77 , we intend to restore that functionality very soon. Thanks for your patience.
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‎Dec 15, 2020
03:21 PM
*RedRockMatt , I can't wait to do that. 🙂
(but have to)
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‎Dec 15, 2020
01:30 PM
This thread is getting very long and dense; in case it wasn't being stated clearly enough wherever you joined this conversation, we are working on restoring the line tool functionality that many here have noted to be important to key workflows. Thank you for your patience; as many have stated, the previous version will work as a stopgap until we get the update out there.
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‎Dec 09, 2020
05:17 PM
@Deono , the December release was closed to code updates at a time where our tool conversation was still active. We are working on restoring the missing aspects of the former line tool as soon as possible.
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‎Dec 09, 2020
05:09 PM
@Tom Winkelmann , I am sorry we weren't able to wrap up the line tool restoration in time for the December release, but we will be delivering adjustments soon.
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‎Dec 09, 2020
05:08 PM
@Cyrille Poussin , the thickness of a line is controlled by the stroke control:
Though as many have pointed out, there were additional capabilities, especially around drawing in pixel mode, that we are working on delivering, and soon. The changes were not complete enough to include in the December 2020 release, but we are working on restoring these key aspects of the former line tool and getting that out to you as soon as possible.
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‎Dec 09, 2020
05:03 PM
The Path Options you showed above governs the width of the line that represents the stroke of the path, but not the 'width' of the pixels of the line; to set the stroke (and effectively width), use the Stroke controls:
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