Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
‎Nov 17, 2020
04:34 PM
Delivered as part of Photoshop 2021.
Turns out, as idiosyncratic as the former line tool was, there were plenty of useful applications for it, and we are investigating how to support both two point lines and rectangular lines.
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‎Nov 17, 2020
03:44 PM
The pattern on the texture layer style attribute can be scaled, as Jeff suggests, and it looks OK to me. Checking with one of the engineering teams as to whether something changed with pattern handling between 2020 and 2021.
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‎Nov 12, 2020
01:07 PM
We are looking into ways to restore the functionality lost with the new line tool.
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‎Nov 10, 2020
11:49 AM
*disenoideas Your arrow is a fixed pixel size now; it's probably so large that it hides the line; reduce the size of the arrow and the line will be visible.
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‎Nov 10, 2020
11:47 AM
@they_say_i_can_retouch @Stoneseeker @moldred , Thanks, I appreciate the details. We are looking into ways to restore these benefits of the former tool. @moldred , thanks for your patience; the pipeline for our updates is longer than a single cycle, so even the highest priority work isn't reflected in each update.
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‎Nov 09, 2020
04:10 PM
*Phoebe_Herring , you can use the brush tool with the shift key to draw a straight line of any width. Click once to draw a spot on the canvas, hold down the shift key, move the cursor to where you want the line to end, then click.
There are other aspects of the earlier line tool behavior that don't have as easy of a workaround, but putting down a pixel layer of any width is still straight forward and possible.
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‎Nov 04, 2020
10:52 AM
@CMJRoss_CRE ,
Will do. We are still discussing the changes and will reach out to folks to ensure that we meet the workflow requirements being outlined here. Looks like we have the right folks here to weigh in on that.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
11:20 AM
Hi *FlowstateImagery , the length of this thread is making it hard to track the conversation permutations; we're looking into ways to restore the previous functionality.
I know when is the next question; we're still working out the details; as you might imagine, the lead time on features in development can be long (weeks), and feathering in new work requires coordination that we haven't figured out yet. We're focused right now on how to build the required functionality, and we'll sort out how and when to get that into the right build eventually, but I didn't want to wait for all that to happen before responding.
I understand the need for a quick resolution; for now, the previous version can be installed side by side with the current version, which will not have these same limitations for the time being.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
11:03 AM
Thanks, @renedamkot , I see that the rectangle tool lacks the drawing flexibility to fully replace the unique characteristics that were specific to the former line tool.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
08:49 AM
Hi Chuck,
The line tool now does have on-canvas controls, however at the same time we introduced those two end point handles, we also refactored the underlying line itself to two points instead of 4. I believe the implications to that change are what's interrupting pre-existing workflows for pixel drawing, et al.
We are looking at how to restore those workflows.
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‎Oct 28, 2020
12:31 PM
Thanks for the feedback @lumigraphics and @jake_myler
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‎Oct 27, 2020
11:05 AM
Yikes! Your arrow size is set to 50 cm, not pixels; bump that bad boy down under the gear icon in options.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
08:05 PM
@guy_davis_irezoxg8xt8qi , Thanks for the feedback, guy; appreciate it!
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‎Oct 26, 2020
04:52 PM
The new line tool supports everything you are doing, and I thought of maybe a couple of ways you could be more efficient.
use the line tool with the arrowhead on the end, set to 50px wide, 70px long and concavity @ 20%
Fill and stroke color = red
set the stroke to whatever you want; I used 16 pixels on a reasonably sized document for visibility; of course both the stroke sizes and arrowheads vary based on destination document resolution, but there won't be infinite resolutions that force you to muck with the settings anymore than before.
Draw the line; note that you can adjust either end of the line using the new on-canvas 'handles'
To add the stroke and drop shadow, use layer effects (couldn't tell if you were doing that or not)
Efficiency idea 1: to the right of the small house icon in the options bar are the presets; click the down arrow just to the right of the diagonal line to save a new preset (the small + icon), which records the stroke color and size:
Image is not available
Anytime you need to recall the preset, just pick it from the list and draw; it will keep and apply those settings specifically.
It looks like we don't save the fill as part of the preset, so that could get better.
Efficiency idea 2: Save your good arrows as part of a library, and develop a nice collection of arrows that follow you around across Photoshop's and versions. Just drag/drop the arrow using your move tool into the Libraries panel, and it can be used as your clip art library. Nice thing about that vs. presets is that it saves your layer styles as well.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
02:31 PM
Enjoyed your art.
Most workflows that depended on the line tool to behave like the rectangle tool can leverage the rectangle tool for most of the same uses.
The bracket accelerator is quite handy for resizing the width of the former 'lines', but the width and height controls in the options panel also allow you control for width and height, as well as location on the canvas (X/Y).
If you are especially missing the 'Path' option for the line tool, then the pencil or a flat brush should let you paint those same lines. Bracket also adjusts brush size; if I'm missing something about your workflow, let me know.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
12:20 PM
Ah, I see! Thanks for the video. The former lines were rectangles, and you can do the same thing with rectangle tool that you did with lines, however I think one of the handy elements of your former workflow was that the width of the line was consistent across use, so you could more easily draw 4 lines with the same width using the old line tool than if you used the rectangle tool. So this same workflow is possible, but drawing a consistent width each time takes a little more manual work than it used to.
You can accelerate your workflow by using the option key after you draw the first horizontal rectangle. Click with the option key down in the left margin to pop the 'create rectangle' dialog; it will place an identical line in the new position for you, eliminating the work of having to manually match the width of the previous line (they will all be the same); and in fact eliminating the work to manually draw any line whatsoever.
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‎Oct 25, 2020
06:15 PM
@CMJRoss_CRE ,
> That still doesn't work to change the weight of the line itself
Is there a reason why you need the line itself to be anything other than zero pixels if the width of the stroke can be any stroke size? I suspect I'm missing something in your workflow that mandates that the lines be rectangles, but I'm not getting it yet; thanks for your patience.
On the arrowheads, the reason the arrowheads no longer scale to the weight of the line is because the line is always zero pixels; to get any arrowheads, it needed to be pixels.
It can be pretty convenient to save line presets in case you need to quickly switch between different arrowhead settings and line widths. Perhaps using presets can fully restore the quick access to the arrow + arrowheads that you need for your workflow.
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‎Oct 25, 2020
06:03 PM
*Blah_blob, The line tool switched from being a 4 point rectangle/line that could be stroked to a two point line with zero stroke (lines do not have weight; this is the same behavior for the pen tool when you create a segment). It was not an arbitrary change, but one based on the mechanics of the underlying switch.
The former pixel option did allow for lines to be drawn on the same layer, but that option is also possible with the "Combine Shapes" drawing mode (in the options bar) and this new design as well. Shortcut key is shift (release so as not to lock the angle).
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‎Oct 25, 2020
05:56 PM
@tomwalker55 , if the line is not showing up, check your stroke alignment; should be center or outside.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
05:46 PM
That worked; thanks!
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‎Oct 23, 2020
05:12 PM
Getting and access denied message there, Chuck
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‎Oct 23, 2020
04:33 PM
Caps lock does it, but then ya-gotta uncaps lock it back, so maybe it's a wash.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
04:14 PM
Yep, @charles_uebele , 100% agree.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
03:47 PM
@ericpwl13 , to clarify, Stroke is how you adjust the width of your lines, now; the ability is not gone.
Let me know if you have a workflow that is stumping you and I'll be happy to see whether that capability is moved or removed.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
09:06 AM
Gotcha; thanks for the feedback, Jeremy, and sorry again for the workflow bump; I do understand how something that sounds minor can have a major impact.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
08:56 AM
Stroke now handles the job of Weight, and weight was removed; you can stroke a line to any width, just as you did a weight.
You may not see the stroke if your stroke alignment is not centered our outside, so check on that.
If you want an arrow that has a separate fill and stroke, you can use a Layer Effect, like this:
The arrow you drew in the first example can be drawn with a white fill and white stroke, and a black stroke layer effect.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
08:41 AM
Sorry this change was disruptive; the pixel option disappeared not because we wanted to remove it, but because the lines were redefined as two end points instead of a four-pointed rectangle, and two point lines by definition have no width to stroke (path tool is the the same way).
While we look into how we might be able to accommodate this request, here's a couple tips that may restore your workflow:
1. You can rasterize lines to make them pixels at any point
2. If the main benefit of the pixel option for you was to prevent a bunch of new layers from being created as you drew the lines, you can hold down the shift key at the beginning of drawing the second line, and the second line will appear on the same layer as the first line. That technique may effectively give you the result you may be looking for.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
12:12 PM
Thanks, Jake, for this info; very helpful.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
08:41 AM
You can use Layer Styles to stroke both the arrowhead and the line, if you need them both.
Additionally, consider saving a preset for your line tool so you can expedite selecting the line with the correct arrowhead and line attributes.
I do think we should add a quick way to apply your stroke layer style to the options bar; that is a good feature request, since that is not saved with the preset.
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‎Oct 21, 2020
07:41 PM
Hold the shift key down to NOT create all those layers; you can select all the lines by selecting that layer, and all the lines change (eg, stroke).
Yeah, that arrow editing needs to get better.
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