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‎Aug 06, 2009
07:44 AM
You can also check out this thread:
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‎Aug 04, 2009
01:35 PM
Sorry, no idea - I set mine up fairly early in the process before the number of .fm's got too large. I was having a hard time distinguishing between the marker "T" for cross-refs, index markers and context-sensitive help markers, so I made them all bigger & more colorful so it was easier to pick them out.
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‎Aug 04, 2009
10:57 AM
I thought if you're going to be importing one into RH, you might want to know how it needs to look?
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‎Aug 04, 2009
10:51 AM
You might want to check out this thread for the file layout of the .GLO file:
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‎Jul 31, 2009
12:12 PM
I was thinking of when you import or link the FM book/doc into the RH project, there's an "Edit conversion settings for FrameMaker documents" button that opens up a "Conversion Settings" screen. I use a Character Tag to identify my different types of cross-ref markers, so I check off "Exclude from output" so that they don't show up. I haven't noticed an extra space where they used to be in my output (webhelp). Maybe I'm off track with this one...
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‎Jul 31, 2009
09:58 AM
I'm not sure if that's up to date or not - I'm using FM9. You can check the downloads page of the site to check for updates or do it with FM (at least I know you can in FM 8 & 9, that is). If you find multiple updates, be sure to do them one at a time - adobe's FM updates are sequential. Are you running Windows XP SP3? That's been reported as a cause of grief & 7204's - the only solution was to back out SP3 and return to SP2. IT especially seems to affect OLE imports of stuff. Have you contacted Adobe Support with this?
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‎Jul 31, 2009
08:55 AM
Is it throwing up an actual FM error message with codes? Or just a general Windows error message? What's the pxxx version of FM you're using? Is it up to date?
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‎Jul 31, 2009
07:23 AM
Not that I'm aware of - that & the fact that it never seems to remember what your last choice of type of file was - it just keeps flipping back to "All Files" instead of the .fm or .book filter that I previously used. It's almost like they don't want to acknowledge their own "offspring" as a legit type of file ;>) I've hunted around for any maker.ini tweaks concerning this, but have never found any.
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‎Jul 31, 2009
04:35 AM
Yes, you'll need to contact Adobe Support for this one. The licensing site has nothing to do with the forums login/password - they're completely different beasties ;>)
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‎Jul 31, 2009
04:33 AM
Is this question concerning RH or Captivate? I'm not at all sure from the thread.
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‎Jul 27, 2009
01:45 PM
Are you telling RH to exclude the marker in the properties screen? I don't think any of my markers are coming across from FM as spaces.
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‎Jul 21, 2009
02:05 PM
Usually RJ's presentations are recorded and posted later on his blog page ( Not sure if all of it will be relevant to FM8, but some will.
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‎Jul 17, 2009
12:49 PM
Hi Tom, Wow - that's sounds really complicated all right! I'm just starting out in my company's project of shredding apart all of our Word docs (distributed as PDF's) and putting them into a new order in FM. We're using TCS 2.0. Our unstructured FM docs get imported (not linked - RH crashes when I try to do that) into RH for the creation of Webhelp and a .CHM (maybe - CHM doesn't look "new" enough to the managers, so that part may not happen). I've got lots of bullets and numbered lists in the Frame docs and haven't been bothered by any differences between FM and the Webhelp output - that may be due to the work we had done by a consultant in creating a customized fmstyles.css, but I don't know enough about css's to be able to tell. I don't do any further conditioning in RH except telling it when generating the Webhelp to exclude the Comments, Print, and PrintOnly conditions from FM. They're still in my FM docs because they're going to be used for creating PDF's for printing (again, maybe, only if someone wants it). I haven't started dealing with screenshots and graphics in my Frame files yet. After reading a bunch (these forums, the FrameUsers list, Free Framers list, and Art Campbell's TCS Google Groups list) I think I'm going to have problems. Right now I've left space in my Frame docs with anchored frames for them to go & have conditioned them to be PrintOnly. The online Webhelp format doesn't need many screens for the moment and I may try using some sort of DHTML effect for them to pop out when I need them - work still to be determined ;>) I don't have any of those Related Topics things in my Webhelp, but I do have a whole whack of cross-references to other topics that I created in FM and that came over fine to RH. What you describe sounds pretty fancy! Maybe some day I'll get up to your level - I think I need to take some courses or something... Jeff ;>)
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‎Jul 17, 2009
07:16 AM
Hi Tom, I've been trying to follow what you're trying to accomplish in this thread & having a great deal of difficulty. Why all this back & forth stuff to Word & FrameMaker from RoboHelp? I thought that the whole idea of single sourcing is that you do ALL of your writing in Frame; creating separate books for print & online versions out of the common .fm documents that make up the components of each. You say there's only about 30% common material between the two - fine! Use text insets for that stuff and author away. It's a one-way street from FM to RH. When it's time to publish - suck the online FM book into RH and print your PDF from FM for the printed material. What's the big deal? There's no need to screw around stripping "printed" references out of the topics in RH - they're already gone because they never existed in the FM doc in the first place, right? I think your mistake is trying to print PDF's out of RH - it's not a very good tool for that compared to FM IMHO. I don't know, maybe I've just misunderstood what you're trying to accomplish. Jeff
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‎Jul 15, 2009
11:37 AM
1 Upvote
Hmm, this was with a new blank RH project or an existing one? If it's happening with a new project, I'd be tempted to contact Adobe Support.
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‎Jul 15, 2009
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
Make sure that you have FM9 started and just sitting on its blank welcome page; you don't need to have any book or document open. Then try opening RH8 for HTML and importing again. Let us know what happens... Jeff ;>)
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‎Jul 15, 2009
10:27 AM
If your comments refer to the entire document and are short, then you can always use the File > File Info screen. I personally use the conditional text because I'm leaving notes to myself all over my current work in progress. Jeff ;>)
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‎Jul 14, 2009
12:59 PM
I know that Adobe's R.J. Jacquez has a series of webinars on his blog ( ) about integrating FM to RH.
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‎Jul 10, 2009
05:54 AM
This sounds like something you'd get when using structured FM. What flavour and version (pxxx) are you using?
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‎Jul 09, 2009
08:51 AM
Try this one: Colum got a little carried away on his typing ;>)
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‎Jul 08, 2009
12:05 PM
You need to do a "Save As" and select Document 8.0 as the version.
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‎Jun 30, 2009
12:52 PM
Remember, this isn't really a FM problem - it's all due to Microsoft tightening things up in SP3. I would try out the trial and see if it fixes your problem; if it does, then upgrade. If it doesn't, nothing lost - you're just back to where you started & will end up having to fix things up by hand after all. You really can't expect old software to keep up with new hardware or O/S changes!
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‎Jun 24, 2009
10:01 AM
That's the weird thing about Adobe - the patches are sequential, not cumulative. Got to do them in order ;>)
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‎Jun 19, 2009
07:57 AM
Hmm, don't know about the referenced images problem (because none of my templates have a referenced graphic - no wait, I lie - there is one that has a corporate Nike-swoosh-like image. Ok, just looked at it - the image is also in an images folder on the same drive as the template - n problem opening it, but it is slow to display). The maker.ini tweak is this: Since there are 2 maker.ini files on a WinXP machine, I edited the one in C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Adobe\FrameMaker\9. There's a section (I think, or maybe I just added it) called Directories In that area I added: TemplateDir=network drive letter:\path to folder containing the templates In my case it reads like this: TemplateDir=P:\Departments\QA Department\Jonas Documentation Conversion Project\doc_projects\Jonas\project
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‎Jun 19, 2009
07:09 AM
Hi Tyler, If you are only copying the templates locally to save yourself the hassle of navigating to the network drive location each time you create a "New" document, there is a tweak you can make to your maker.ini file to make it always point to the network location by default instead of your local templates folder. I've done it on my system and it works great. Let me know if that's the case & I'll dredge my memory on what the change is ;>) Jeff
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‎Jun 16, 2009
12:09 PM
I'm not sure you can when you do an import - it's a one-shot thing each time. I know that if you link, then you can export & re-import your settings... Jeff
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‎Jun 08, 2009
07:16 AM
Hi Eileen, I would highly doubt Adobe would be putting much effort into adding/correcting the RH7 version help anymore since RH8 is their current version... Jeff ;>)
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‎Jun 04, 2009
11:27 AM
Yes, that's what I mean - you're ok; they're not, because they're missing the integration provided by the TCS. I remember somebody asking RJ Jacques during his FM to RH webinar if you could do linking with the individual products - "no go," he replied. Importing works fine (although some weird stuff can pop up if your FM docs consist of a book of books). Jeff
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‎Jun 04, 2009
11:26 AM
Are the graphics in an anchored graphics frame in FM? If they're not, then RH doesn't bring them in. I had a head-scratcher today around this fact until I remembered reading the RH help file about what gets pulled into RH from FM & what gets ignored. Jeff
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‎Jun 04, 2009
08:13 AM
It sounds like your counterpart isn't using the TCS 2.0 - I think that's the only configuration where you get to link FM docs into RH. Jeff
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