Tom, I'm losing my ability to translate from Dissolve to reality. I have not dialog so About is not included in my code. Help>System Info gives me XXXX,8bf NO VERSION .............. My XXXX is a simple title like MATH I have found nothing in Dissolve.r relating to VERSION which I would like to be MATHv1.02.01. I can't see where the Version would be inserted. I've read every Adobe PIPL article that looked like it might help me. Dissolve doesn't make for good documentation!!!! Regards, RONC Here is the latest Dissolve.r installed by Adobe to my PC: // ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED // Copyright 1993 - 2002 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this // file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement // accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source // other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution // of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "PIDefines.h" #ifdef __PIMac__ #include <Carbon.r> #include "PIGeneral.r" #include "DissolveScripting.h" #include "PIUtilities.r" #elif defined(__PIWin__) #define Rez #include "DissolveScripting.h" #include "PIGeneral.h" #include "PIUtilities.r" #endif #include "PIActions.h" resource 'PiPL' ( 16000, "Dissolve", purgeable ) { { Kind { Filter }, Name { plugInName "..." }, Category { vendorName }, Version { (latestFilterVersion << 16 ) | latestFilterSubVersion }, Component { ComponentNumber, plugInName }, #ifdef __PIMac__ CodeMacIntel64 { "PluginMain" }, #else #if defined(_WIN64) CodeWin64X86 { "PluginMain" }, #else CodeWin32X86 { "PluginMain" }, #endif #endif SupportedModes { noBitmap, doesSupportGrayScale, noIndexedColor, doesSupportRGBColor, doesSupportCMYKColor, doesSupportHSLColor, doesSupportHSBColor, doesSupportMultichannel, doesSupportDuotone, doesSupportLABColor }, HasTerminology { plugInClassID, plugInEventID, 16000, plugInUniqueID }, EnableInfo { "in (PSHOP_ImageMode, RGBMode, GrayScaleMode," "CMYKMode, HSLMode, HSBMode, MultichannelMode," "DuotoneMode, LabMode, RGB48Mode, Gray16Mode) ||" "PSHOP_ImageDepth == 16 ||" "PSHOP_ImageDepth == 32" }, PlugInMaxSize { 2000000, 2000000 }, FilterLayerSupport {doesSupportFilterLayers}, FilterCaseInfo { { /* Flat data, no selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Flat data with selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, writeOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Floating selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, writeOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Editable transparency, no selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Editable transparency, with selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, writeOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Preserved transparency, no selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Preserved transparency, with selection */ inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat, writeOutsideSelection, filtersLayerMasks, worksWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination } } } }; resource 'aete' (16000, "Dissolve dictionary", purgeable) { 1, 0, english, roman, /* aete version and language specifiers */ { vendorName, /* vendor suite name */ "Adobe example plug-ins", /* optional description */ plugInSuiteID, /* suite ID */ 1, /* suite code, must be 1 */ 1, /* suite level, must be 1 */ { /* structure for filters */ plugInName, /* unique filter name */ plugInAETEComment, /* optional description */ plugInClassID, /* class ID, must be unique or Suite ID */ plugInEventID, /* event ID, must be unique to class ID */ NO_REPLY, /* never a reply */ IMAGE_DIRECT_PARAMETER, /* direct parameter, used by Photoshop */ { /* parameters here, if any */ "amount", /* parameter name */ keyAmount, /* parameter key ID */ typeFloat, /* parameter type ID */ "dissolve amount", /* optional description */ flagsSingleParameter, /* parameter flags */ "disposition", // second parameter keyDisposition, // parameter key ID typeMood, // parameter type ID "dissolve disposition", // optional description flagsEnumeratedParameter, // parameter flags "ignore selection", /* optional parameter */ keyIgnoreSelection, /* key ID */ typeBoolean, /* type */ "filter entire image", /* optional desc */ flagsSingleParameter /* parameter flags */ } }, { /* non-filter plug-in class here */ }, { /* comparison ops (not supported) */ }, { /* any enumerations */ typeMood, /* type disposition 'mooD' */ { "clear", /* first value */ dispositionClear, /* 'moD0' */ "clear headed", /* optional description */ "cool", /* second value */ dispositionCool, /* 'moo1' */ "got the blues", /* optional description */ "hot", /* third value */ dispositionHot, /* 'moo2' */ "red-faced", /* optional description */ "sick", /* fourth value */ dispositionSick, /* 'moo3' */ "green with envy" /* optional description */ } } } };
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