Edward Caruso Photography
Edward Caruso Photography
‎Feb 08, 2017
06:25 AM
There are so many small usability requests that would immediately help are large portion of PS professional retouchers but so little is done. I honestly cannot recall any big improvement over the last few years - other than incrementally getting the UI slightly back to a more usable state.
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‎Dec 02, 2016
10:33 AM
Thats why I suggested here literally years ago to add a warp tool to the liquify dialogue so you can move pixels like painting as well as shifting pixels more fluidly like the warp grid lines. Even if they added more grid lines to warp - there is no mesh feature - so adding warp to liquify would be really helpful for that reason alone.
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‎Dec 02, 2016
09:45 AM
That is amazing. Why can't Photoshop have even 25% of those features in warp? That would fundamentally help my post production.
Now I'm more annoyed at Adobe.
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‎Dec 01, 2016
08:30 AM
Seriously - why do little workflow improvements like this get overlooked while they are messing around with the UI for the millionth time? This one or add a custom color to a path or a way to see which colors have been adjusted in the hue/sat dropdown?
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‎Dec 01, 2016
08:28 AM
this Photoline - do you use it along with PS? I'm just looking for more warping options to correct wide angle lens distortions.
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‎Sep 09, 2016
07:08 AM
I was using CS6 side by side with CC2015.5 yesterday and the UI difference is striking. The older UI is so much more usable, especially when working quickly. I even remember complaining that CS6 had less UI contrast than CS5 at the time. Please get away from this flat UI fad and give your real users (not your marketing target group) what we need to work. Its obvious that you are really stumbling about with it.
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‎Jan 03, 2016
09:04 PM
Adobe - its been a few years since this request has been brought up - any feedback from you?
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‎Sep 03, 2015
02:41 PM
Sign him up then - and please add this pathing fix ASAP. Thanks.
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‎Dec 05, 2014
09:39 AM
Yes I would love to hear any feedback from the PS team about this - if it is even being considered.
The current implementation of warp is very limited. As an architectural photographer - its something I have to deal with all of the time.
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‎Jun 23, 2014
11:29 AM
"Also I can be something of a fusspot, I guess, so wrong or uninformed statements can irk me. "
What is uninformed about any of the requests on this topic? That PW is insignificant in dealing with the types of issues outlined here? PW has its uses (from what I've heard - but not in my images) but cannot correct volume anamorphosis which the requested improvements to the warp tool could help fix.
As a long time PS user I know it takes forever for some features to come out but I'm not impressed when most recent additions are Behance, ipad, type and 3D stuff.
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‎Jun 23, 2014
08:12 AM
yes it is very frustrating why the warp tool hasn't been improved - especially since we are paying for rolling updates now. Christoph - I'm curious about your resistance to this topic? Maybe you have no need for this type of feature improvement for others it could be something used everyday on every image. As we have discussed - PW and Liquify are not able to manipulate images in the same way as Warp. Warp has very little controls available to it compared to PW and liquify. More control points, bezier controls and save/load mesh.
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‎Mar 10, 2014
06:34 PM
but surely it is a simple thing to implement and much needed. not a total reworking of a feature just a slight UI adjustment.
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‎Mar 10, 2014
06:26 PM
with this new CC subscription model - I'd like to see more developmental transparency - you already have my subscription on the books so I'd like to know if important ideas like this one are in the pipeline for development. Or if we are just wasting our time talking about it here.
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‎Mar 04, 2014
05:45 PM
now that PS is a rolling updated subscription product - I want to ask - any update or timeline on finally improving the warp tool in free transform? By adding many more intersection lines (that the user can specify) or even better to have really precise control with bezier curves. I've repeatedly requested adding the bezier curves functionality to the liquify plug-in. That would be really helpful for real world tasks.
(please don't suggest puppet warp - it doesn't really work)
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‎Mar 04, 2014
05:10 PM
I am having this pen tool issue with PS CC - PS CS6 works fine. After closing a path I cannot command+drag and move a point or command+click and activate a segment to access the curve handles. What works is adding an arbitrary point somewhere after closing hte path then I can manipulate the path properly. This isn't normal, anyone else can confirm this? Latest update of PS CC and Mac 10.6.8
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‎Jan 12, 2014
05:48 PM
i have had slow downs that I tracked down to using some streaming services like pandora or google play - quiting and relaunching Chrome fixes it. Recently I had an issue with a Wacom driver and CS6 and Mac 10.9.1 - where the curser during clone sampling was not correct - using PS CC fixed it actually - Wacom needs to fix theor Mac driver for CS6. Unfortunately Adobe doens't split up the forum into PC/Mac - seems like there are many issues that effect different platforms inconsistently.
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‎Jan 11, 2014
05:50 AM
Are you using a wacom tablet? I had some compatability issues with the latest driver that effected cloning but this was on a Mac.
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‎Jul 07, 2013
06:18 PM
has everyone with brushing issues here checked that flash in a browser isn't running something heavy - like music streaming services? also try setting GPU prefs to basic or off. resarting PS after you switch like Noel said. I'm pretty sure its one of those 2 things - at least that solved any brushing issues for me in the past.
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‎Jul 03, 2013
06:39 PM
I think its a longstanding Flash issue with Chrome (I'm on a Mac), kind of annoying but Chrome syncs all of my google stuff so I'll be sticking with it. Maybe listening to streaming services on other browsers would work fine.
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‎Jul 03, 2013
05:55 PM
Are you running any flash music streaming sites while working? On CS6 I sometimes get brushing slow downs while listening to google play or pandora. Restarting the browser (Chrome) fixes it for me.
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‎Feb 05, 2013
09:16 AM
anyone tried or heard of this plugin?
I desperately need a better warp solution than what CS6 offers and found this:
HSC edit/Grids
Doesn't look that polished but it seems to offer warping with a denser grid. I contacted them about a trial, waiting to hear back.
it even says you can turn your grid into Bezier curves which is what I'm looking for.
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‎Jan 19, 2013
06:27 PM
any feedback on this? In other forums someone made a mockup showing a kind of badge next to the color ranges that were adjusted. Would be very helpful.
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‎Jan 19, 2013
05:16 PM
what I think is needed is for an option in Liquify to use a Bezier curves (like paths) adjustment. So we can can transform objects and areas a bit more smoothly than the push/pull of Liquify. And you'll be able to go back and forth between these 2 methods. then by doing this in the Liquify dialogue you have access to freeze and thaw brushes so selective areas can be protected at will. and in the end you can save a mesh and load it onto something else like a layer mask. By adding transform to Liquify and giving a more dense transform grid the user would have a really powerful image transformation tool.
Maybe I should make this a new topic and flesh it out more.
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‎Jan 19, 2013
05:15 PM
what I think is needed is for an option in Liquify to use a Bezier curves (like paths) adjustment. So we can can transform objects and areas a bit more smoothly than the push/pull of Liquify. And you'll be able to go back and forth between these 2 methods. then by doing this in the Liquify dialogue you have access to freeze and thaw brushes so selective areas can be protected at will. and in the end you can save a mesh and load it onto something else like a layer mask. By adding transform to Liquify and giving a more dense transform grid the user would have a really powerful image transformation tool.
Maybe I should make this a new topic and flesh it out more.
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‎Jan 18, 2013
05:04 PM
why? Maybe it works better in the dialogue than it would as a tool. I think Puppet Warp is a almost a good idea but very poorly implemented as it is now. I want aspects of PW incorporated into the Liquify filter. The save and load mesh feature of Liquify is very important and PW doesn't have that.
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‎Jan 16, 2013
08:24 AM
I know I voiced by displeasure during the beta stage with comparisons in UI contrast from CS5 to CS6 but it didn't really get anywhere. the change was made, time was spent on it and that was it. the early UI changes were really really difficult to use. i'm sure they will work on it more for CS7 - something always seems to change (UI or icon wise) with each release. I find the CS6 UI icons to be especially worse than the CS5 icons.
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‎Sep 05, 2012
02:34 AM
thank you very much Paul. I did this and it couldn't be easier - I guess we can close the thread now? If a simple script can take care of a task like this - I'd rather Adobe engineers spend time on something else (like my bezier curves warp tool idea!)
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‎Sep 04, 2012
02:17 PM
Hi Paul
If you had a path named Path 1 that you want saved - how would you change the script?
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‎Sep 04, 2012
01:54 PM
make a script that removes all paths except that clipping path - have it named something in the script and exclude it. or find someone who can write one - i think there is a PS scripting exchange online somewhere.
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‎Jul 23, 2012
06:57 PM
about the modal dialogue box - i think it is absolutely necessary for liquify to use this - w/o i dont think it could have all of the features it has now. see puppet warp - a severely limited tool w/o a dialogue box (no save/load mesh!) - that i feel was designed for new users who would be put off by a separate dialogue box. if they change liquify to break it out of the dialogue and it loses functionality - all heck would break loose.
adobe finally added load last mesh and the gpu options to liquify so i dont think it will be touched for awhile at least.
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