Community Expert
Community Expert
‎Jan 03, 2012
05:02 PM
1 Upvote
If I remember Terrazo correctly, something similar might be Imageskill's Tilebuilder for Windows.
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‎Jan 02, 2012
05:50 PM
So, the important thing is to see both layers transform simultaneously as you edit? Not just see one, and have the second occur automatically immediately after you commit the transform?
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‎Jan 02, 2012
04:09 AM
Try this: select and transform the first layer. Select the second layer, and Edit > Transform > Agian (Shift + Control + T).
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‎Dec 06, 2011
09:11 AM
For me, it's not so much the priciple of the change, it's the lack of funds. <Homer Simpson> Stupid economy! </Homer Simpson> I suppose, if I do get the CS5.5 upgrade, but don't fall into the grace period, I'd still have like two years to get the upgrade to CS6.0 before I'd be SOL about upgrading to CS7.0. Maybe I'll win the Lotto or something. I wonder how this will play out with Adobe's European customers, as they already pay much more than Americans do.
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‎Dec 06, 2011
07:26 AM
I'm trying to decide now if the newer features of the Suite, especially Content Aware Fill in Photoshop and Perspective Grids in Illustrator, combined with the 20% discount, would be enough for me to justify the 5.5 upgrade now. I have 25 days to decide (when the discount ends). There's so many other purchases I've been forgoing, other software, lenses, et al., that it will take a lot of thought and consideration. And you just wait, the grace peiod will be, "If you bought 5.5 after January 1, 2012". Damn, Adobe, you used to be cool.
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‎Nov 25, 2011
10:32 AM
The main advantage I see as an owner licenseee of a whole suite edition is if the individual apps were updated as they are ready, rather than waiting for the whole suite to be ready to go. We shall see. By the way, note that there is a Crative Cloud forum: here.
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‎Nov 25, 2011
08:56 AM
Bob the Sign Guy wrote: It wouldn't surprise if Adobe changes up terms to where someone couldn't sell their aging license to someone else. BTW, IMHO the prices in the subscription plan are a giant rip-off for anyone using these products on a long term basis. Going by the prices in the Adobe Store, a one year subscription to Master Collection would cost over $1500 per year ($1548 is $129 X 12). The $129 price X 18 months is $2322. The $50 subscription price some have been mentioning in regard to Scott Kelby's open letter only applied to a Photoshop Extended subscription alone. It does not include any other Creative Suite products. Overall, it is a lot cheaper to keep buying the upgrade boxes. The subscription model only seems useful if someone has to use a certain Adobe product on a very temporary basis. Amen. And remember, the life cycle of CS is now like two years. So, assuming the pricing structure does not change drastically (but who knows?) I can ugrade to CS5.5 Design Premium, from CS4, for $650, and then to CS6 (due mid 2012) for around $400. So an outlay of $$1050 and I'm good for thirty months. An annual subscription at $95 per month over the same period is over $2800! A full version of CS6 would be like $1900 - nearly a grand less! From the CS FAQ: Why is Adobe changing its upgrade policy for CS6? In October 2011, Adobe introduced Adobe Creative Cloud, a complete solution of cloud-based creative services, applications, and community that will enable customers to create, publish, and share across channels and mediums. Creative Cloud will be offered for as low as US$49.99 per month for an annual plan, providing our customers maximum flexibility and lower cost of entry. Given this innovative new offering at such an attractive price, we expect that many of our customers will become Creative Cloud members. To that end, we are simplifying our perpetual license offerings for Creative Suite. This change is designed to streamline our offerings while simplifying the choices our customers need to make. Customers may choose to keep their Creative Suite perpetual licenses current in order to receive upgrade pricing when new versions of Creative Suite are released, or move to Adobe Creative Cloud when it becomes available, at an extremely attractive and affordable price. So, Adobe is doing us a favor by simplifying our options? Whatever they're smoking, I want some!
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‎Oct 12, 2011
05:36 PM
What is so hard about pressing Ctrl+S periodically? Sheez!
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‎Oct 10, 2011
04:02 PM
Duly noted.
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‎Oct 10, 2011
03:12 PM
1 Upvote
I had refered someone to said forum, only to find that one can't post there now. The Illy and Indy Feature Requests are postable; what happened to Pshop?
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‎Oct 10, 2011
02:05 PM
I would not consider myself a "power user", but I had no difficulty getting into the "save early, save often" habit. One of my favorite features of Pshop is "Revert", which doesn't really work if you haven't saved . But seriously, I can't recall ever losing work due to Pshop crashing. I can only recall Pshop quitting itself once or twice, years ago. If there were Autosave, I would be sure to disable it.
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‎Oct 06, 2011
04:26 PM
I already bitched about this: And I want to b i t c h about it again: Jive Mobile is completely, totally, utterly, irrevocably, pointlessly, unusable, beyond redemption. Bring back Web Crossing!
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‎Oct 05, 2011
05:57 PM
So I went to the Photoshop>Windows boookmark on my phone, and this out-of-date, un-navigable thing came up. NO, NO, NO! I want a WEB view! I suppose at this stage little red flags are too much to ask for, but how do I get rid of this monstrosity? UGH, UGH, UGH, i HATE IT
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‎Sep 22, 2011
04:17 PM
> I feel fortunate to participate in forums, where the MOD's use great restraint, but still do a wonderful job - usually totally thankless. Totally agree. I've been to some discussion boards with trigger-happy mods, and it does seem to stifle things. I'm a mod on another board (which is sadly dying), and there's usually a lot of discussion on the private staff-only area before the hammer comes down. Except for spammers, of course.
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‎Sep 22, 2011
03:56 PM
Hadn't noticed the http thing, but two thumbs up. I'd like make the displayed text be different from the aref tag without having to switch to the html editor, though.
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‎Sep 20, 2011
07:30 PM
I see there's an "unmark as helpful" button. Maybe there could be an "unmark as correct" button.
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‎Sep 20, 2011
05:21 PM
Can I easily sett ALL forums to the Disussions tab, not the (default) Overview tab?
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‎Sep 20, 2011
05:08 PM
Is there ever a truly correct answer for most questions here? Does anybody really know what time its is? Does anybody really care? As I was walking down the street one day . . . Sorry. What I want is those little red flags back!
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‎Sep 18, 2011
06:55 PM
I could never understand why Jive insisted on dithering GIFs, until you clicked to view "the real thing". What else is new? Are the random linefeeds history (I hope!)?
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‎Sep 18, 2011
06:32 PM
I've been wanting one of the NEC Mutltisync 30 inchers for a long time: The Spectraview models come with an X-Rite Eye1 that plugs into the monitor itself, not your computer. If you already have an Eye1, NEC sells the software by itself as well. When, oh when, will my budget allow it? You can save a bit of money by ordering a refurished one form NEC's site, though.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 24, 2011
05:12 AM
‎Jun 24, 2011
05:12 AM
In the Photoshop menu, Window > Arrange > Tile. Note that the pictures will still be in two individual windows. If you want them side by side in the same doc, you need to expand the canvas of one, and drag the other one into it.
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‎Jun 11, 2011
05:19 PM
One feature of Illy I sure wish Photoshop had (anongst several . . . ), is the "Transform Each" command. And, when you see what some people can do with a Gradient Mesh, you wonder, "Who needs pixels?"
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‎Jun 11, 2011
06:07 AM
You culd also just use the Pen tool in Photoshop, and then stroke the paths. Illustrator has the advantage that the stroke is updated if the path is edited, whereas with Photoshop, you have to erase your existing stroke, and then stroke again with the edited path.
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‎Jun 07, 2011
02:54 PM
Uh, nuthin' to read here. . . move along, folks . . .
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‎Jun 07, 2011
07:30 AM
But this produces the feather that the OP is trying to avoid.
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‎Jun 06, 2011
08:04 AM
Here's the reason (from 😞 Russell Williams 11 days ago The reason that some people like the way it works now (which is the way it worked in every version except CS3), and objected when we changed it in CS3, is this: They are making a selection of something within the image that touches one or more edges -- a sky or building, for instance. They then expand, contract, smooth, and / or feather the edge, in preparation for using the selection as a mask on an adjustment layer to darken the sky or blend another image over the building, for instance. If the selection is also modified along the edge of the image, an unwanted border is created along the image edge (a light line along the top of a darkened sky, for instance). So the reason that those commands are disabled is that since selection edges along the image edges aren't affected by those commands, those commands wouldn't do anything at all in the "select all" case, since *all* the selection edges correspond to image edges. With the CS3 behavior, where feathering or shrinking modified all edges of a selection, even if they were at the edges of the image, correcting the resulting selection along the edge of the image requires hand-painting or hand-selecting those pieces that touch the edge to get rid of the unwanted shrinkage, smooth-age, or feather-age. Avoiding the problem in the first place requires making the selection, then switching to quick mask mode, and using Filter->Other->Minimum... or Filter->Other->Maximum... or Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur instead of Contract, Expand, or Feather selection. (I actually don't even know off the top of my head how to do smooth). Any actions that modified a selection no longer worked properly if the selection touched the edge of the image. So this is another one of those cases in Photoshop where the "right" way for something to work depends on which way you look at it. Are you trying to make borders with selection commands, or are you trying to modify selections of objects in your image that happen to touch the image edges?
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 06, 2011
05:26 AM
‎Jun 06, 2011
05:26 AM
This is how I do it: Select all. Enter Quick Mask mode; use "Color indicates selected area". Select all. Edit > Stroke (Width = amount to contract, Location = Inside; Color = white (255, 255, 255). Exit Quick Mask mode. The selection is now contracted with a sharp edge.
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‎Jun 03, 2011
06:21 AM
1 Upvote
If you know what the native resolution of your display is, you can enter that in Edit > Preferences > Units and Rulers > New Document Preset Resolutions > Screen resolution. If you view the image on another display, though (say, connecting your computer to your large-screen HDTV, or on another computer), you'll be back to square one.
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‎Mar 11, 2011
09:56 AM
You can buy the Middle Eastern version of Photoshop from Winsoft. You can also get special "Mirror Image" Arabic fonts, whoch you can then type into Photoshop left-to-right, and then use Transform to flip it so it's right-reading. It will still be editable, too.
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‎Mar 10, 2011
03:22 PM
Non-Roman fonts are found by scrolling down towards the end of the font list.
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