Community Expert
Community Expert
‎Nov 14, 2014
11:08 AM
I just tried this, and had the same result, with both CS6 and CC2014.
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‎Oct 21, 2014
06:27 AM
Because you did not resample. Same number of pixels in twice the inches. Try checking Resample.
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‎Sep 01, 2014
12:01 PM
A good comparison can be found here: Adobe Bridge CC vs. Lightroom 5 - Which is best for you? | Adobe Evangelists - Terry White | Adobe TV. For me, the thing that made me stick with Bridge is its support for non-photographic formats, such as Illustrator or InDesign files.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 18, 2014
07:43 AM
‎Jul 18, 2014
07:43 AM
I agree about the Photography plan being a bargain. I just wish they had similar plans for some of the other Cloud apps. For instance, Illustrator has always been notoriously slow to add new features, so I would find it hard to justify paying the single-app price every month, but if it were priced like the Photography plan, I might change my mind.
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‎Jul 17, 2014
12:45 PM
1 Upvote
Creative Suite 6
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‎Jul 11, 2014
06:33 PM
I think it's obvious Adobe doesn't want to have these user-to-user forums, so they try to make them as intolerable and unusable as possible. I am convinced Adobe uses Troll-bots to make us get fed up and leave, like Phosphor and so many others did.
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‎Jun 29, 2014
07:05 PM
I have a Dell Ultrasharp U2713H that I paid around US$800 for, and am pretty happy with it. I had one issue with a firmware setting (for viewing full-screen video) that often produced light purple boxes overlaying windows. It's on by default,but once I turned it off, it works like a champ. It's a 30-bit monitor, but AMD's drivers for my Firepro video card mess up the Windows clipboard when in 30-bit mode. There's a new driver out, but my workstation was down for two months; finally got it back running, but had to go out of town for a couple of weeks, so I haven't been able to test the new driver. When buying one of the Ultrasharps, you want one with a model number that ends in "H", not "HM".
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‎Feb 12, 2014
06:16 PM
Richard Dale wrote: . . . To my mind if you change the Dpi it should change the size of the image as there are less pixels per inch and there fore less pixels. Not fewer pixels, more inches.
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‎Feb 01, 2014
02:58 PM
Warunicorn wrote: I dunno about that where Microsoft's concerned. I'm still waiting on freakin' proper Windows 8.1 drivers for my wireless adapter. Apparently, it's like parsing the meaning of life. (Though, to be honest, Windows 8.1 isn't bad otherwise.) And it's not not just Adobe and Microsoft. Hello, yes, AMD, I'm talking to YOU!!! 10-bits my ***!
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‎Jan 12, 2014
04:38 PM
You can still buy CS6 from this page.
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‎Jan 09, 2014
10:09 AM
You're welcome. I must say that I found the new dialog quite off-putting, too. But, once you grok the correspondence between the two, you can see how the new features add power:
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‎Jan 08, 2014
08:55 PM
With my Rulers set to pixels, this worked fine for me:
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‎Dec 11, 2013
07:30 PM
Man, every time I check this thread. I find myself shaking my head in disbelief.
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‎Nov 14, 2013
07:38 AM
1 Upvote
In the option bar, set the brush Mode to "Clear". You can also use the Brush option for the Eraser tool.
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‎Aug 23, 2013
01:17 PM
One of my favorite posts on this forum, from years ago, was, "I understand all about resolution! It's this 'Pixels-per-inch' business I don't get!" The poster din't make it out of the thread alive then, either.
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‎Aug 17, 2013
04:35 PM
What's the deal? Clicking on a thread takes me to that thread, but I have to click the Back button twice to get to the list of threads. Stupid Jive.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Aug 16, 2013
01:06 PM
‎Aug 16, 2013
01:06 PM
adamleewermuthmavs wrote: The problem is that for the last 10 years that I have been using photoshop on a mac, the images always displayed bigger and sharper on the screen no matter if I am connected to a monitor or not. Now that I have upgraded to a mac with retina display the images open smaller than I am use to. I, like the others asking for help are only asking if there is a setting somewhere that allows us to set it up so the images appear like they did before. Lets break out the ruler - Top image is the same picture I used before, on my mac screen in inches at 100%. Clearly it is showing bigger than an inch. Bottom image is the same picture at 100% but on my monitor hooked up to the mac and is really over 3 1/2 inches. This is how it use to display on my mac, nice and big and sharp. I am guessing it is a retina display issue. So without more condescending answers that help no one, is there a way to have the images display on my mac like they do on my monitor - the way they did before I had a retina display? Plug in a regular monitor into the HDMI port, and use that.
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‎Aug 15, 2013
05:27 PM
1 Upvote
In Photoshop, 100% means each pixel you see on the screen is one pixel of the image. A 15-inch Retina display has 227 pixels per inch. A 200-pixel by 300-pixel image at this resolution then is 200 ÷ 227, or 0.88 inches, by 300 ÷ 227, or 1.32 inches. pmlink360's screen shot shows this.
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‎Jul 09, 2013
11:40 AM
The DisplayPro is needeed for calibrating the monitor hardware, but you can use another system to profile the monitor. I just got a U2713H a couple weeks ago, and can profile it with my I1 Pro (an older model) just fine.
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‎Jun 09, 2013
03:00 PM
Thanks, clearing the cookis seems to have worked.
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‎Jun 09, 2013
07:35 AM
I the past couple days, I have to log in every time I visit the Forums, even though I have the "Remember me" box checked. I don't even have to enter my information to log in, I just have to click the "Sign in" button. I tried coming through Adobe's home page, where I was logged in, but when I got to the Forums, I wasn't. I don't see this problem with IE or Chrome. Any idea how to get Firefox working right again? I don't have this trouble with any other board I visit, but (fortunately) none of them use Jive.
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‎May 28, 2013
04:42 AM
PECourtejoie wrote: . . . On the other hand, the forum interface is not optimal for beginners, . . . Or anyone else!
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‎May 11, 2013
08:07 PM
Seven months ago. I bought the upgrade to CS6, with the idea that I would use it for at least two years, and then consider any options available at that time. After much thought and consideration, that is still my plan. From what I see from Adobe's product pages, the most salient new features in the Cloud versions of products I use are: Nice sharpening in Photoshop, but a third-party plug-in might be just as good. A real gimmicky type thing in Illustrator I'd never use. A new "Dark" interface, like in PS and Illy, for InDesign (that's the most important new feature? ). I doubt I'll be getting a new camera in the foreseeable future, so my current ACR is fine. And I've got to save up some money for a new video card with Open-GL drivers that work in Win8. And dollar for dollar, I think I'd get more done with a new (or used) 30" monitor, than I would with the likely incremental improvements ahead in the cloud.
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‎May 08, 2013
09:12 AM
I'm definitely going to want to hear some othe users' takes on the new features. "Editable rounded rectangles." Welcome to the 20th Century!
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‎May 08, 2013
07:04 AM
What I'm thinking of doing is going with the $240 Complete for one year, and see how I like it. If I don't think it's worth $600, I can continue using CS6, maybe with a single app cloud license if there's something I can't live without (yeah, right). I have two and a half months to decide. I agree about Adobe missing the mid-tier market. I only really use three apps of the Suite (Pshop, Illy, and Indy), and have been bugged about having to upgrade apps I don't use, just to keep the suite license. And now, three single-app cloud licenses cost more than the complete. I went through all this angst decideing what to buy last year, with the idea that I could just use CS6 for two years. Of course, I still can, but $240 is reasonable enough for me to consider now. $600, thereafter, though . . .
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‎May 07, 2013
10:51 AM
I'm curious to see what deals will be available for the various plans down the road. I dropped over a grand to upgrade the entire Suite seven months ago, which was a tough economic pill to swallow these days, because I didn't want to miss the "One version back" policy next time. Now, it looks like there won't be a next time. Damn, I remember how I used to LIKE Adobe.
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‎Apr 20, 2013
07:16 AM
If you search the internet for images of "Habitat 67", you should be able to find some better candidates.
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‎Mar 05, 2013
07:29 PM
Using IE on two different computers (one Win7, the other Win8) gives Italics, but Firefox gives it to me straight.
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‎Feb 20, 2013
07:45 PM
Are they the same typeface?
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‎Jan 21, 2013
07:18 PM
There's currently a discussion on the Illustrator Forum about this:
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