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‎Jan 04, 2017
03:08 PM
Yea, a few of us complained abut it. Seem to only happen with the PS General forum for me.
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‎Oct 02, 2018
04:07 PM
You might start with a gradient map adjustment layer and see if that does what you're looking for. Gradient Map Adjustment Layer in Photoshop « Julieanne Kost's Blog
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‎Dec 30, 2016
04:38 AM
Thank you so much Dave, this is really helpful I have been working at print office for 5 years and first time i'm facing this kind of problem, never worked with channels before. Original file came to me like this Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Still having problem with this file, i fixed the bleed problem with illustrator somehow, now i'm having problem with color. Print master saying some there is too much black on print. I have to lover black at some points. I feel ignorant, this job is killing me Thanks for help anyway
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‎Jan 02, 2017
06:14 AM
I do not know what you said Not quite sure about your problem: Do you believe that a 2-dimensional image is a 3-dimensional representation of its subject including its inner workings? Or do you actually have a 3d-model? (Even in this case it is not a given that the »feet« inside the »shoes« would have been modelled.)
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‎Dec 27, 2016
04:15 PM
Sounds like Adobe Capture's Pattern generator. There was a thread about it a few months ago, Capture CC's 'Patterns' Feature a part of Photoshop CC? . In addition to the software mentioned in that thread, there is also Richard Kain's Wallpaper add-on, You can also use Photoshop's built-in Scripted fills, but I find the interface too fiddly.
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‎Dec 29, 2016
08:45 AM
Thank you all!
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‎Dec 24, 2016
12:03 AM
Trevor.Dennis wrote: Variations? I think that was dropped with CS4 or maybe even earlier. Variations? Nothing about that in my reply or the link. It points to a tutorial linking Adobe Color CC website where you can upload a Photo to make a Color Theme. That's my understanding of what ecstewart wants.
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‎Dec 20, 2016
09:05 AM
1 Upvote
Then there's the Stone-age Filter > Distort > Shear, if you can get past the super fiddly interface. It is probably best to make a selection across the width of the image, and just the height of the area you want to affect. Unfortunately. Adobe seem to have removed the Default button in the Cloud version, so you need to manually drag the control points off the grid to get back to a straight line [EDIT} Okay. it is there after all - if you press Control, the Cancel button changes to Default.
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‎Dec 19, 2016
02:29 AM
davescm wrote: Trevor.Dennis - good to see the 3D work progressing ! My "Christmas card" on the Happy Christmas thread is a 3D render - just for a bit of practice Dave One of the great things about this forum is that gives you a reason to practice things that might not otherwise come into your day to day use of Photoshop. Even if those things happen to be questionable memes and cartoons that get you into trouble . With 3D I'm of an age where it use it or lose it, and if I don't keep practicing, I'll be back to square one. But being serious, thanks for kicking me into making a start with 3D. There is never enough time though. I was actually really pleased not to be in the top posters list this time round, because it means I am spending more time creating artwork, and less time on this forum. Unfortunately, following this forum is almost as addictive as using Photoshop. Luckily there is a great deal of overlap.
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‎Dec 21, 2016
08:58 AM
Hey, everyone! Thanks for the replies! I ran some tests and I think I'm going to see if I can script some automation to compensate for the remainder leftover on selections to save time manually expanding it. It's good to know this behavior is normal, but on my end, it started when I said it did, so something changed. I'm not new to Photoshop. I've been using it for around decade and a half and I immediately notice when things aren't doing what they've always done. Especially when it's following an upgrade. If this is how it's always worked (and I believe you guys), then some tweaking I'd done in the past to optimize the software for my particular workflow was probably already affecting or obscuring it and the upgrade I'm talking about basically kicked it all back to the proper behavior lol
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‎Dec 18, 2016
03:00 PM
Glad you got it sorted - it's easily missed Dave
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‎Dec 17, 2016
04:53 PM
I really like Libraries and use them as a handy place to store things like logos and anything vector that I might want to use again. You'll have realised that I am not flash with Illustrator, and almost have to relearn it every time I use it, but there is no denying it has some very handy tools and features. Regards other uses, then I can see web designers and similar finding it handy for creating style sheets, and I like the View on Website option with a library made from a project with a lot of assets. That would invariably contain sponsor logos that I know I will need for future projects, and it makes it easy to find those assets next time you need them. My housekeeping is not as good as it might be, because I often loose links after tidying up my files. There is a cruel irony in that
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‎Dec 15, 2016
06:33 PM
Semaphoric wrote: Wondering why some tools seem to have gone missing from the toolbar in Photoshop CC 2015? Learn how to bring them back. That didn't correct the issue but it did give me the idea to switch to the Photography Workspace and it was there. Thanks
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‎Dec 09, 2016
11:44 AM
I've had this happen to me. It was solved by signing out of the CC Desktop App and then signing back in.
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‎Dec 10, 2016
07:43 AM
A variation on this, which might be useful if you had very tight kerning, would be to make a Work Path from the text. For each letter you want a separate gradient on, add a Gradient layer with the work path active; the work path will be used as a vector mask for the gradient. Alt+Click on the vector mask thumbnail in the Paths panel, to select all the control points, and Shift+Click on the desired letter with the Path Selection tool (the solid black arrow), to de-select the path for that letter. Press Delete, and the gradient will disappear from the rest of the letters, leaving it applied to the desired letter.
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‎Sep 02, 2018
03:41 AM
At the first you should change image mode to bitmap (image/mode/grayscale) then you should change image mode to bitmap (image/mode/bitmap) finally save image as a bmp format with depth 1.
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‎Dec 09, 2016
02:51 AM
I take Illustrator files into Photoshop all the time. I do this because I need PNGs for sites like Redbubble and Society6. First I create a document in Photoshop matching the size I need. I make sure it has a dpi of 300. Then I copy the Illustrator image and Paste it in the Photoshop document. I then am asked if I want it to be a Smart Object. I say yes normally as I can alway change it. You can also import the image through your libraries.... just depends on how you want to do it. If you want to see what it looks like on a background that is not clear, then create separate layer for a background that is not clear (what ever color you want). Theoretically.... you can create another layeer and merge the vector image down onto that layer (making it a normal photoshop layer). Then you can select all and then go into Image>Adjustments..... then play with the Brightness/Contrast or Color Balance. Then you can make it darker or lighter. This is a step that I do not need to do as I never have issues... but an idea for you to toy with. Granted if you do this it will no longer be a vector. I hope this makes sense.
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‎Dec 06, 2016
08:29 AM
Basically, I just use the wand to select an area I want to make a fill layer for, so I can change the colors of the pattern. I adjust the tolerance depending on the design. They are saved as .tiff and .jpg. The wand is easier to use than the quick selection tool because of the nature of the patterns I have. I use the different patterns as tiff files to upload to our print database. Thanks.
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‎Dec 16, 2016
06:54 AM
Fascinating stuff, guys. I was intrigued and had to try it out. After a couple of test runs that didn't bring any additional detail (and often even made things worse) I got the hang of it. In general I like the results, but they are not invariably better than a single high definition scan. Look, for example, at this detail from my current main project, a restauration. The original is only about 12 mm high and 9 mm wide: Nähen-Obstkram Detail - 2400 SPI Scan: Nähen-Obstkram Detail - 10 x 2400 SPI Scans combined to hyperresolution image: There is an increase in detail in certain areas for sure. Especially the diagonal black strokes in the lady's hat are suffering from less aliasing in the hyperresolution image. In other areas the effect doesn't seem to go beyond a glorified Blur filter: The cheeks, the paper structure itself and so on. Maybe you could even argue that in areas of more spacious color application the hyperresolved image (at least in this sample) is encountering a certain loss of detail. Which brings me to another question: Are there any ways to quantify or measure the level of detail in an image? Of course I don't just mean pixel resolution. Sometimes two versions of an image (say, two different scans, or images taken by different cameras) can be so close in quality that your eyes can not really make out which one is the more detailed anymore, at least not without comparing many, many reference points. Have you guys ever seen/heard of/used a software or tool that can basically compare two images and say with a high degree of reliability "yeah, this one's more detailed"?
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‎Dec 01, 2016
09:08 AM
Actually... Now it's there. I guess you have to open the Background Contents dropdown menu and then use your scroll wheel to scroll down before it appears. Thanks for providing the answer. Thanks for your help! Dear Adobe: Horrible design flaw.
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‎Nov 29, 2016
11:39 AM
No I think updates are available but Abdobe dont like you putting there programes on new computers so will not help you update anything.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 23, 2016
10:41 AM
‎Nov 23, 2016
10:41 AM
One thing I've done in situations like this is to make a duplicate layer, and then use the Smudge tool to extend the image a little past the edge. You pretty much work perpendicular to the edge,except where there's some linear feature, in which you extend the feature out along its length.
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‎Nov 23, 2016
06:52 AM
What Operating System are you using? Are you using the sliders on the doc window? or the Hand tool? Can you move around OK with the Navigator panel?
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‎Nov 21, 2016
01:23 AM
Trevor.Dennis wrote: Good posts Semaphoric. I am going to be bookmarking this thread. Yep, some nifty geometrical thinking there
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‎Nov 18, 2016
05:44 PM
What does it look like when viewed at 100%?
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‎Nov 18, 2016
01:32 PM
What country are you from? For the USA, you can download free Digital Elevation Maps from the U. S. Geological Survey, specifically from The National Map: 3D Elevation Program​. I don't know if you can use this data directly in Photoshop, but if you search the Web for Terrain Modeling Software, you should be able to find some tools.
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‎Nov 18, 2016
08:35 AM
This was the issue. Thank you for your help.
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‎Nov 17, 2016
10:36 AM
See here: Configuration error in Adobe Creative Cloud or Adobe Creative Suite
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‎Nov 17, 2016
01:54 PM
OK that worked!! It seems to be the only way to do it.
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