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‎Nov 12, 2012
09:09 AM
Thanks everybody for your patience and professionalism (sometimes forum post derail really quickly - this one went longer than I had expected). When I tried a different SGI format plugin from: it came in like I expected (the alpha channel from the .rgba went directly into a seperate transparency alpha channel as opposed to directly (or "Alpha makes layer transparent") on the R-G-B channels). ...but I learned alot (and hopefully others benefitted as well) how the alpha/transparency works in Photoshop - and when I need to work with PNGs in the future (which I do on occasion) - the SuperPNG plugin is a great tool to make that choice. As a side note, I wonder if it would be possible to have an advanced load option on all formats that support transparency to make this choice (not sure where in the chain, and how Photoshop works under the covers, if this is even possible or worth it). ie. something like PNG (as all other formats that support transparency) would use this proposed native Photoshop capability rather than needing to get SuperPNG - and obviously all other formats would benefit/work this way. Thanks again for everyone getting me through my issue! -cheers, Steve
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‎May 07, 2012
08:36 AM
Eccchhhhh. Even more wasted space. I think I'm gone, not that it matters.
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‎Apr 18, 2012
09:43 AM
Thanks -- have posted a couple of threads, I think. I'll review what I did last night.
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‎Apr 07, 2012
03:14 PM
Clearly! But I am a decent engineer. I can put my name on things proudly and I don't have to put effort into remembering what story I told whom and that's priceless! Underpromise and overdeliver. Build a better mousetrap... Yada yada. -Noel
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‎Feb 05, 2012
02:07 AM
My point is that even if you use shapes, at 500%+ zoom level it will still >look< jagged. If the jaggedness of the OP simply comes from the zoom level then there's nothing to be done about this because it's not a problem, if you stop looking at the image through a microscope then the "problem" will go away.
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‎Jan 12, 2012
12:27 PM
Ok, flagship lines, not line. It obviously is not a direct comparison to each other, but is a comparison about what to expect to pay for top performers in software. There are many other examples, and in the final analysis, we have gotten our money's worth. I think we have had a good ride with Photoshop, and if we want more than trinkets, be ready to pay for it.
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‎Oct 10, 2011
04:15 PM
Adobe-admin, Thanks for that clarification, and also for the sticky. The closure had been my guess, as there was a recent upgrade released, so requests, etc., might well be moot. We had such a sub-forum for about EncoreDVD 2.0. Years later, people were still posting feature requests, though about 4 new versions of the program had been released. I think it was finally taken down. Appreciated, Hunt
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‎Jan 20, 2012
06:34 AM
Is it that bad? Would like to try it. Can I enable it on my Phone ? Does it run on Android or is it (was it) iPhone only? The desktop version is almost unusably slow on my aging ARMv6 phone.
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‎Oct 06, 2011
05:09 PM
I happened to have a web view still open in Safari on my retired iPhone 3G and it refreshed into the Jive Mobile view upon establishing a connection to wifi... The Photoshop Windows forum took a loooong time to come up, and interacting with the thing remained very slow. Unusably slow. It even takes a large fraction of a second to scroll the screen, or to turn if one turns the iPhone sideways, and at least 10 seconds to display a thread one clicks on. Jive surely does make some inefficient software! Other than that threads seem readable enough, but I agree - it sure would be nice to force it to a normal desktop view. At least that's interactive! -Noel
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‎Sep 22, 2011
04:40 PM
Noel, Those are my sentiments too. During beta, there were things that we could not (or perhaps, I did not) explore, but in general, I am pleased. For most of the rest, I am sure that someone here will teach me how to do it properly. Heck, up to the last few months of the old Jive, I was sitll learning things from some of the folk here, and I had used that software almost every day from roll-out. Hunt
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‎Sep 20, 2011
07:09 PM
John C, That has been my finding too, but then could have missed a "magic switch?" Hunt
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‎Sep 22, 2011
04:17 PM
> I feel fortunate to participate in forums, where the MOD's use great restraint, but still do a wonderful job - usually totally thankless. Totally agree. I've been to some discussion boards with trigger-happy mods, and it does seem to stifle things. I'm a mod on another board (which is sadly dying), and there's usually a lot of discussion on the private staff-only area before the hammer comes down. Except for spammers, of course.
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‎Sep 19, 2011
03:22 AM
Semaphoric, Along with the lack of extra linfeeds, you may enjoy the improved search, the reinstated format options, the ability to easily return to the actual Discussion page, and higher speeds.
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‎Sep 20, 2011
01:10 PM
OK, here's the solution: The lawrence Hudetz version I signed in with just hudechrome, the hudechrome version I signed in with the full e-mail address, hudechrome@....... Same PW in both cases. Interesting!
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‎Jun 24, 2011
10:17 AM
Assuming you're using Tabbed view (the default), and you have several images open in Photoshop, they show up as tabs. To get them side by side to work on them, you can click the Arrange Documents button and choose the side by side arrangement. -Noel
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‎Jun 11, 2011
09:43 PM
Howdy. You don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car, but it can't hurt to look under the hood and see what's going on. Below is a graphic showing the mathematical nuts and bolts of a simple Bezier Curve and how it all relates to Ps and Illy paths. The Pen Tool creates the path like this: Click down positions the first anchor point and sets the value of P0. Drag and release positions the handle and sets the value of P1. Click down again positions the other anchor and sets the value of P3. Drag and release positions the handle and sets the value of P2. Then Ps or Illy calculates B(t) and renders the path. Complex paths are accumulations of simple paths like the one above. The P0 of one path segment will be the P3 of the adjacent path segment. When you modify this path by using the Direct Selection Tool (white arrow) to drag handle P1, B(t) is recalculated using the new value and the path is rendered. Same thing happens when you move an anchor point. When you modify the path by dragging the path itself with the white arrow, you are changing the value of B(t). The new value is used to recalculate P1 and P2, the handles, and they move to their new positions. And that's the mathematical basis of vector graphics in a nutshell. Don't get me started on meshes. Peace, Lee
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‎Mar 11, 2011
09:56 AM
You can buy the Middle Eastern version of Photoshop from Winsoft. You can also get special "Mirror Image" Arabic fonts, whoch you can then type into Photoshop left-to-right, and then use Transform to flip it so it's right-reading. It will still be editable, too.
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‎Feb 03, 2011
06:10 PM
Okay, found the drivers. Turns out they weren't nVidia; I had to look somewhere else. But I reinstalled them and it works fine now. Thanks so much!
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‎Jan 27, 2011
05:19 PM
thanks for the suggestion, i'll try it out and see if it works
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‎Jan 02, 2011
07:28 AM
What you need to do is go to the Action Palette, make sure it is not in button mode. Select your actionset then from the flyout menu select "Save Actions" these can be saved anywhere you like. Hope this helps.
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‎Dec 01, 2010
01:46 AM
align didnt work but i just had another idea u can try linear halftone
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‎Oct 06, 2010
09:14 AM
This script also works for contracting selections that touch the edge of the canvas. MTSTUNER
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‎Jan 04, 2011
06:52 PM
i like to eat the France snail..delicious...ha ha ..
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‎Oct 26, 2011
02:55 PM
I really can't stand little know-it-alls. Control-S. Control-S. Tee-hee. Nya. Hee-hee. Aren't you smart like me? This does not work if you have to SCAN A BUNCH of IMAGES. I have lost hours upon hours of work trying to scan booklets only to have Photoshop die a horrible death. YOU CANNOT SAVE INBETWEEN SCANS. thank you photoshop. THANK YOU for torture. and an impregnable scratch disk database which serves no purpose. I refuse to re-scan these ******* images. Computers have ruined our lives.
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‎Feb 22, 2010
06:32 AM
There's so much information missing that it is impossible to offer a proper suggestion. It seems that you're asking the wrong question so all we can offer are the wrong answers. Does this photo publishing web site offer you the ability to watermark your images on their server using a separate watermark image or must you watermark images yourself before uploading? If the latter, you do not want any web image with a transparent background. You want to apply your logo (as a PSD file) and resave a copy of the image as a JPG file. Mahonri1 wrote: Then when the client wanted use of the image we removed the overlay from the mount. You can't mount JPG/PSD/PNG files in a digital realm. Are you talking about a virtual print or a physical print? This thread is not making a lick of sense.
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‎Jan 29, 2010
05:28 AM
i think i'm finally getting there, and you're right, i think half the problem is how i'm evaluating what i want / expectthis to end up like, now i think i've got the transparrent corners going on, it's the border of the canvas that's bugging me, which is why i'm not seeing my corners as transparrent, they are as the area outside the canvas border is white as are the corners between border and rounded image, but with the canvas border there as a line i still don't have my rounded rectangle as this border line squares it off and outlines my image.........
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‎Nov 15, 2009
03:54 PM
Dec9, Going back some years (about CS2), someone here did a nice mockup of the "CSI" Edition box. At first, I thought that your link might have that image. It was very well done, and text on the box was very, very humorous. I'd like to see that artwork again. Hunt
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‎Apr 11, 2016
06:15 PM
Like you said, Photoshop is likely not the problem, here. Even my Matrox Parhelia 128 AGP, which is ancient, now had a Gigacolor (10-bit per channel color) plugin for Photoshop. But then the Parhelia series couldn't do 10-bit over LCD's, IIRC. However, they could output 10-bit (*3=30-bit) all day on analog CRT's, which are easy to come by in 20"-21" fashion--all those old, heavy Sun, SGI, Hitachi displays with the 13W3 connectors you threw away, all with Trinitron CRT's if memory serves, are great candidates for 10-bit display. I'm currently putting a system back together with that Parhelia 128 AGP and a huge Sun monitor. I'll have to post back about the results.
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‎Sep 24, 2009
05:59 PM
Yep. I usually only have to login once a day. But today I've had to login 4 times today. Interesting. At 5:30AM (AZT/PDT) I was logged-in, when I first went to Adobe. Was logged-out about 9:30AM, but I am used to that. At about 11:30AM, I was logged-out again, and there was a major slowdown, including some 404's. Finally got in and logged-on, only to be immediately logged-out. OK, logged-in again, and have been here since about 12:30PM (AZT/PDT). Since about 12:30, speed has been about "normal," and no log-outs. Life is good, and I've declared wine-thirty. Hunt
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‎Sep 16, 2009
09:24 PM
The Layer Styles method has a distinct advantage in that it remains "live": if you edit the path, the stroke will follow along. Stroking the path with the Brush (or any painting tool) is a one-shot deal. If you edit your path, you have to re-stroke. The advantage is that you can use any brush you want, or even something like the Eraser or Clone Stamp (good for removing power lines from a sky). You can either access this from the Paths palette menu, or select a painting tool, and press Enter to stroke the path with the selected tool.
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