I am not sure why this is not working. Setup: one button on main stage - instance name is nativeAmericanBtn one movieclip on main stage - instance name is instructions frame 0 has no label and has action this.stop(); frame1 has label "start" timeline at 5 seconds has a 1 sec transition opacity from 100 to 0 I guess I could have use fadeout in code instead or even a timeout function but playing a timeline seemed easy enough. Apparently no since it does not work. When I use like 13 it works. when I use line 12 it does not work. So the scope is correct. Why then is it not playing the instruction timeline? Everything else in that function is working. var nativeSym = new lib.nativeSymbol(); this.nativeAmericanBtn.addEventListener("click", nativeAmericanInfo.bind(this)); function nativeAmericanInfo(){ this.click = createjs.Sound.play("click", "none", 0, 0, 0, 0.5); this.blank.addChild(nativeSym); geronimoONOFF = 1; nativeSym.geronimoBtn.geronimoHL.visible = false; eastmanONOFF = 1; nativeSym.eastmanBtn.eastmanHL.visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay("pages"); this.instructions.gotoAndPlay("start"); // this does not work //this.instructions.visible = false; // this works }
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