Daniel Presedo
Adobe Employee
Daniel Presedo
Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 06, 2018
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 06, 2018
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
1. If you want to invoke the Crop tool while running the script and allow whoever runs the script to manually Crop their document > use the "Toggle Dialog" on/Off. In your Action Record the Crop then add the button. 2. If you want to just force a Crop then > select the area you wish to Crop with Marquee tool and then Insert Menu item from Actions Panel > select from the Menu > Image > Crop. This will record that specific Crop area.
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‎Sep 06, 2018
08:39 AM
Have you considered using File > Quick Export ? You can set the Export Preference to JPG and then set Quality you desire. You could also add a Keyboard shortcut to expedite the action.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
11:37 AM
‎Sep 05, 2018
11:37 AM
You may want to try using the Face-aware Liquify functionality: Use the Liquify filter in Adobe Photoshop
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
11:29 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
11:29 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for your patience and the test file. Lets look at these options: Are you using any input devices like a Wacom or similar device? If so, are drivers up to date? Have you tried turning off some of the other Photoshop Preference options? Here are some areas we can just eliminate from the checklist. Under Tools uncheck > Enable Gestures and Flick Panning. Under Performance, may want to just switch off Use Graphics Processor. Trying to eliminate the possibility it is related to any GPU functions. Under Enhanced Controls > uncheck Touchbar features. Under the Menu > View > don't show/hide Rulers. Under the Menu > View > Turn Snap on if it is off. OR Turn Snap off if it is on. When you change the Preferences Quit and Restart Photoshop so that we know they take effect.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:43 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:43 AM
1 Upvote
Seems the best course of action is some form of "Screen Recording" to simulate the hand writing. Here is one approach I have done myself: You can actually record brush strokes in Photoshop as an Action and then play it back. It cannot be used in Premiere but if you were to do a screen recording you can record it one way change brush strokes and record it again. Different takes with different brushes all using your one time recording with a Photohsop Action. It's not the most streamlined workflow but it works and the files tend to be large. If you plan to do a one-off and you can screen record it then it might be a useful experiment. At the very least you will have learned what few have ever seen This is the tutorial from my YouTube Channel. And, as I mentioned, if you were to use a screen recording tool with Photoshop > Just enter Full Screen mode and you could make a screen capture video and then use it in Premiere. Good luck!
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:28 AM
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:28 AM
You could select the Mask. Select "Levels" CMD or CTRL + L Choose slider for Output Levels. See attached video. Same thing could be achieved with Layers Panel > Layer Opacity or Fill slider. I just like Levels for additional tricks
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:22 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:22 AM
1 Upvote
Here is the information I found on that model, based on the information provided.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:18 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
10:18 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the additional information. I would still like to try and get a sample file if you have time. Sometimes there are settings or clue's that may not seem obvious. I can be reached via [email address removed as per forum guidelines].
I see Ryan is on 10.12.6, does anyone have 10.13.6 High Sierra?
This is a reach but if you have Automatics Graphic Switching > is it set (uncheck) to always use "High Performance Graphics." ??
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
I see this listed above > Chipset Model: Intel Iris Pro . If this is the model with an Intel Iris Pro 5200 graphics processor then it is possible that (drivers) will be the cause. These onboard graphics processors from Intel, especially early ones, are just not as capable as an AMD Radeon or nVidia graphics card. It is possible recent OS updates or software updates may have made changes that do not allow these features, like Oil Paint, to work reliably so they are made unavailable.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 05, 2018
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 05, 2018
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
Has this been resolved? If not, could you share a sample file? It looks to me that the object being dragged is going beyond the bounds of the document in some way. That causes it to snap back to the start of the move. Has this file been cropped? Or is/was an "Artboard" used?
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‎Aug 14, 2018
12:08 PM
I use Actions all the time for my work and occasionally run into problems like this when I miss something... Are you using File > Automate > Batch .... ? You should be able to select additional parameters to change file locations, names and more. This is what that dialog looks like: Hope that helps.
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‎Aug 14, 2018
10:49 AM
There are so many ways to approach this but I have a demo I do every year at conventions that includes using a Photoshop Winter ACTION. There are a lot of super talented Action designers like Seven Styles or Eugene Design. Why use an Action? Photoshop actions consist of a series of menu commands such as i.e. filters, image adjustments etc which can be recorded and played back. So with only a few mouse clicks and in seconds you can get this result: It's one way to do it. And once you start down the path of Actions it's hard to go back Here is a very rough example...
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Aug 13, 2018
01:00 PM
1 Upvote
‎Aug 13, 2018
01:00 PM
1 Upvote
Greetings, It was probably not Character animator but a 3D figure that was prepared (rigged) to be used in Photoshop. 3D rigging is the process of creating a skeleton for a 3D model so it can move. Adobe Mixamo provides a service to do this automatically. Just place a few markers onto your uploaded character and let the technology calculate skinning weights and adjust bones for you. You’ll have a 3D character, ready to animate. If you have a model that has come from Adobe Fuse and brought into Photoshop this is possible. Here is one example of that workflow on my YouTube channel. Or you can also upload a 3d file/character to Adobe's Mixamo service to have it "Rigged." Here is this example on my YouTube channel. I hope this helps! Daniel
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‎Aug 13, 2018
12:48 PM
Is it possible to get a screen capture of this? There might be some other elements of the user interface that could provide clues...
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‎Jul 31, 2018
02:47 PM
From this image posted you do not have a Layer selected... Select the Layer you want to make into 3D and let us know.
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‎Jul 16, 2018
10:53 AM
The scanned files are very large > there is no way to resolve the scratch disk is full issue without reducing the size of the file or using an external hard disk for scratch space. I would try this another way. If your file is only 52cm across by 76cm then I would create that document first. Then I would File > Place Linked - the image(s) you want to use in this document. After you place the file(s) you need in this document you may save out what you need... You can also Right-Click on the Layer with the Placed art and Rasterize it. It will then become part of the current document and unlinked from the larger file. I hope that helps and allows you to finish the project!
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 12, 2018
01:31 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 12, 2018
01:31 PM
1 Upvote
It is theoretically possibly to smooth them out if there was a "Normal Map" that could be applied to the areas like the clothes or arms that appear to have the shaded sides. Check out the "Surface Detail" option in the Print Properties dialog. I do not recall if that can be generated from Fuse. It might be possible to make something within Ps, but I have to do some research on what is possible. I guess what I am trying to say is that it may not be hopeless ...
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‎Jun 21, 2018
12:35 PM
I am curious in some of these cases if the "Focus" of the app is being interrupted. If you are experiencing these issues do you use the New Start Screen in Photoshop? Check Preferences. And if you turn this off do you still have issues? Or if you want to take it a step further, open the Preferences and Turn Off/Uncheck Extensions. Please keep in mind if you turn these off it will disable the Library Panel and other 3rd Party Extensions. They will not be avaible in the Photoshop user interface until they are enabled again in the Preferences. If you turn Extensions off do you still have issues?
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 21, 2018
10:48 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 21, 2018
10:48 AM
1 Upvote
There is no 3D "Rendering Panel." There is the 3D Panel and Properties panel. The Proprieties will update based on what is selected in the 3D Panel. You may choose to render at any time by selecting from the menu 3D > Render 3D Layer or click the Render button icon found on the 3D panel and Properties Panel. For further tutorials on Photoshop 3D please see my channel: Daniel Presedo - YouTube
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 20, 2018
10:18 AM
‎Jun 20, 2018
10:18 AM
I have the same setup and usually it is just a matter of where the primary view is setup. Check Control Panel > Displays Where ever the menu bar is > that is where the pop ups tend to go.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 20, 2018
10:13 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 20, 2018
10:13 AM
1 Upvote
We would need to see the System Information. Are the drop down menu items for 3D grayed out? If so, then Photoshop disabled 3D due to a possible video driver card incompatibility. It may be possible to address this with a driver update.
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‎Jun 20, 2018
09:56 AM
You just need to tell Photoshop what you want to mask out in this case. There are a few ways to Mask but with what you have here: You can CMD/CTRL + Click on the red ellipse layer > this will make a selection of the red ellipse. Now you could just click on the Mask button at the bottom of the Layer. But what will happen is that it will cutout the background... So CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + I to invert that selection Click the Mask button and there you go. In Photoshop, there are two types of Masks – Layer (Pixel) Mask and Vector Mask. Use masks to hide layers in Photoshop
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 06, 2018
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 06, 2018
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, Dave is spot on. We only use the GPU for rendering the 3D models (using OpenGL) while they are in your document. When it is time to Raytrace we switch the CPU and use as many cores as there are available. I understand the confusion since there are many solutions now that use the GPU for interactive and live rendering (like Octane 3d .) This would be a great time to submit that type of feedback to us here: Photoshop Family Customer Community
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‎Jun 04, 2018
12:24 PM
It's a common problem depending on what app produced the model and the file format. Photohsop 3D does not have a method to define a point of rotation at this time. You can try to "Reset Coordinates" From the 3D Panel > Select your 3D Scene or Model. Open Properties Panel to see 3D coordinates and select "Reset Coordinates" It will center the model at x,y,z / 0,0,0 If that is not working, try and export the file as OBJ and then import that OBJ.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎May 31, 2018
10:21 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 31, 2018
10:21 AM
1 Upvote
I understand your frustration. As a creative individual, the last thing one desire's is an interruption in your work, especially when you're in the zone. It is a real pet peeve of mine here on the Photoshop team. To coin a phrase from a co-worker, it is the "duh moment." That point you are taking out of your creative mojo and have to deal with software/computer problems. I have been trying to identify these types of issues within the Photoshop application so that we can solve them. However, sometimes it is beyond our control when hardware changes or OS level changes happen. We adapt and adjust and try to make it work without any impact to our customers. We are not perfect but we are passionate about there never being a viable alternative.
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‎May 31, 2018
09:04 AM
Yes, try and disable "Perfect Effects 8 Filter 8.5.1" plugin and see if this still happens. (Hold down Shift and start Photoshop)
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‎May 31, 2018
08:32 AM
>>When Adobe Photoshop can't handle only one open document with a resolution of 400 x 720 pixels it is not the GPU<< No, it's the monitor real estate and not size of the document. I love my Macbook Pro for many things but it does have boundaries where it struggles with a variety of my experimental projects 2d and 3d. Honestly, I can bring any machine to its knees and the key is to find a sweet spot where it works for your workflow. There still might be settings between the application and monitor that could yield better results for you. Or it could be the Macbook Pro is just under-powered... and thus why Apple sells them with the Radeon cards. By the by I'm an actual employee on the Photoshop team, so I do care a little about the product.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎May 30, 2018
10:47 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 30, 2018
10:47 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, it's going to be the video card ("Intel Iris Pro Graphics") not having enough memory to drive the extra monitor. It states in this log "OpenGL Drawing: Disabled." which will likely account for the poor experience. Not sure what Macbook model this is but I believe most of the "Intel Iris Pro" bundles also had nvidia GPU cards. But I might be missing something here as I do not see an entry for the nVidia card in this log. However, if this is a model with the nVidia GPU card it might be just needing to go to Control Panel > Energy Saver and Turn OFF (uncheck) the Automatic graphic switching. Then it would for the Laptop to always use the better card. It will use more power so keep it plugged in Hope this helps!
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‎May 30, 2018
09:58 AM
This was a fascinating thread to read and I am glad it seems you have things working again. Thank you for posting that video Mwarren it was super useful to understand your issue. I will take this feedback back to the team.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎May 30, 2018
09:37 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 30, 2018
09:37 AM
1 Upvote
Posting "System Information" would help us understand the issue. My guess, from what is described, is the Mac Laptop may not be able to handle driving such a large external display. It will depend on the video card it has in the Laptop. Having that system info will likely tell us immediately if this is, or is not the issue.
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