No, it won't work (obviously) -
psdparse reads only uncompressed data and the single compression type defined in v6: PackBits (table 2-16). I cannot find a reference to ZIP in the File Formats document and I've never seen it in the wild, not even from CS2 - so how would one actually create one?? Perhaps the OP knows.
Here's a run on a CS2-created PSD; note compression type:
$ ./psdparse ~/Desktop/40843316_2534716d2d_o.psd -v
channels = 3, rows = 1024, cols = 768, depth = 8, mode = 3 (RGBColor)
(color mode data is empty)
Image resources (31334 bytes):
resource '8BIM' ( 1061,""): 16 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 1060,""):16583 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 1002,""): 7600 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 1001,""): 120 bytes [Macintosh print record]
resource '8BIM' ( 1005,""): 16 bytes [ResolutionInfo]
resource '8BIM' ( 1062,""): 14 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 1037,""): 4 bytes [Global Angle]
resource '8BIM' ( 1049,""): 4 bytes [Global Altitude]
resource '8BIM' ( 1011,""): 9 bytes [Print flags]
resource '8BIM' ( 1034,""): 1 bytes [Copyright flag]
resource '8BIM' (10000,""): 10 bytes [Print flags info]
resource '8BIM' ( 1013,""): 72 bytes [Color halftoning info]
resource '8BIM' ( 1016,""): 112 bytes [Color transfer functions]
resource '8BIM' ( 1032,""): 16 bytes [Grid and guides info]
resource '8BIM' ( 1054,""): 4 bytes [URL List]
resource '8BIM' ( 1050,""): 863 bytes [Slices]
resource '8BIM' ( 1064,""): 12 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 1041,""): 1 bytes [ICC Untagged]
resource '8BIM' ( 1044,""): 4 bytes [Document specific IDs]
resource '8BIM' ( 1036,""): 4103 bytes [Thumbnail resource]
resource '8BIM' ( 1057,""): 85 bytes [Version Info]
resource '8BIM' ( 1058,""): 1094 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 4000,""): 268 bytes
resource '8BIM' ( 4001,""): 28 bytes
(layer info section is empty)
(global layer mask info is empty)
merged channels:
>>> dochannel 0/3 filepos= 31380
compression = 1 (RLE)
uncompressed size 2359296 bytes (row bytes = 768)
channel 0 (@ 37526):
0: < 360> 05fafbfcfcfbfbf8fcfffdfdfcfffdf9fc08fdfcfdfefefdfd ...335 more
1: < 378> fffbfdfcfffd00fbfefc00fdfbfc01fbfcfdfdfffcf9fd00fe ...353 more
2: < 361> fffbfdfc07fdfcfcfdfcfcfdfdfafcfefd00fef7fdfefeffff ...336 more
...1018 rows not shown...
1021: < 728> 7b3437373b3c383c3c41464949484e525453544c4445224161 ...703 more
1022: < 727> ff3c5d3b3c342c2c26343b4144434b4d4f4d4a3c3b3d21535e ...702 more
1023: < 728> 0036fe37642d2a2e23252c3336333734362e2219293532645a ...703 more
channel 1 (@ 559903):
0: < 362> 05fafbfcfcfbfbf8fcfffdfdfcfffdf9fc08fdfcfdfefefdfd ...337 more
1: < 373> fffbfdfcfffd00fbfefc00fdfbfc01fbfcfdfdfffcf9fd00fe ...348 more
2: < 348> fffbfdfc07fdfcfcfdfcfcfdfdfafcfefd00fef7fdfefeffff ...323 more
...1018 rows not shown...
1021: < 723> 7f6b72777f828085888d92989a999fa1a1a2a39b97987394ba ...698 more
1022: < 731> 1e656b717876747874778088908f939292959084888c73abbe ...706 more
1023: < 734> 7f5f666d736f727a7168717a827f7f7979766861768484bcba ...709 more
channel 2 (@ 1086844):
0: < 379> 05fafbfcfcfbfbf8fcfffdfdfcfffdf9fc08fdfcfdfefefdfd ...354 more
1: < 388> fffbfdfcfffd00fbfefc00fdfbfc01fbfcfdfdfffcf9fd00fe ...363 more
2: < 362> fffbfdfc07fdfcfcfdfcfcfdfdfafcfefd00fef7fdfefeffff ...337 more
...1018 rows not shown...
1021: < 730> 5b707a818a8e8e94989da2a9abaab0b0b1b3b2aaa9aa84a4cc ...705 more
1022: < 728> 0c6b737b838280858187909aa09ffea26fa49c92989d81b9ce ...703 more
1023: < 729> 7f656e777e7b7e877e78818c928f8e898985746f869592caca ...704 more
... View more