Michael Domino
Michael Domino
‎Mar 26, 2019
03:47 PM
Wow - this is brilliant -Thank you very much! It works wonderfully :·) ++michael
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‎Mar 26, 2019
08:33 AM
Hi - I would like to make this kind og dot-effect (Screen) directly in Illustrator if it is possible? For the moment, I drag the design into Photoshop and run the "Pixelate -> Colour Halftone" effect on a selected part of the B&W version of the design. This is then returned to Illustrator as a bitmap so that I can assign spot colours to it... The downside to this is that it is complicated as long as you are in the process of designing, resizing etc... I can run the same effect in Illustraor, but only on B&W artwork. Does anybody know a way to do this? Thank you for your time. ++Michael
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‎Feb 27, 2019
06:23 AM
Thank you both! - It works absolutely beautifully now - I linked the two texframes, set up the pararaph styles with "next" paragraph style, and then added the paragraph property: Start: Next Frame -... Bam - like clockwork! have a great day! ++m
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‎Feb 27, 2019
03:37 AM
Thank you Uwe - I will look into that :·)
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‎Feb 27, 2019
03:31 AM
Thank you - it helps :·) This was also my own best solution - As you say it is at Work-around but if there is no way to format a paragraph to aligne to the bottom of the frame, this will work just fine - Thanks again :·)
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‎Feb 27, 2019
02:21 AM
Hello I am doing a language version of a catalog with at lot of items like this: Is there a way to align just the last paragraph to the bottom of the textframe in InDesign? Thank you for any help :·) ++michael
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‎Feb 19, 2019
03:50 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you very much - Thats it :·)
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‎Feb 19, 2019
02:56 AM
Hello - I am doing a new version of an old book, and I need to make the same effect on one of the photos as on this one: Can anyone help med identifying it? Thank you for your time. ++michael
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‎Jan 29, 2019
04:10 AM
Wow - this I will definately try when things have cooled down :·) ++m
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‎Jan 29, 2019
04:09 AM
Thank you very much - that was just what I was looking for (-I just overcomplicated things :·) ++michael
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‎Jan 29, 2019
03:34 AM
Hi Is it possible to set up a paragraph style that does this to a block of text: The first paragraph has no indent and the following paragraphs in the block has a certain indent? Thank you for your time ++michael
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‎Jan 24, 2019
02:33 AM
1 Upvote
Thank You All - I will try these ideas :·) ++m
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‎Jan 23, 2019
05:37 AM
Hi Manan, Thank you for your answer :·) I dont know anything about scripting, so that would be a bit too much trouble in this case :·) I ended up making a duplicate of the document, and then colouring the captions with the specific paragraph style, bright blue so I could easily find my way from one to the next in the story and then simply delete all the text in between... I was just wondering if there was some function, I had missed. Thanks again and have a nice day! ++m
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‎Jan 23, 2019
12:20 AM
Hi - I am working on a 300 page document in InDesign. In the text, there is a lot of captions for illustrations, that should be processed outside the document, and I wondered if there is any way to select alle the text with this specific paragraph style at the same time and copy it to another location? Thank you for your time ++Michael
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‎Nov 02, 2018
01:23 AM
Thank you :·) This may be the solution... Funny though - I should think it was fairly straight forward to make it happen the way I hoped. but it always is :·) ++m
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‎Nov 01, 2018
07:56 AM
Hello Is it possible to make a fillable form template, which will open a new form every time - and where the user cannot erase/overwrite the original template? In another thread it was suggested to protect the file from overwriting in the finder, but this does not work in alle cases - and not on iPad? I need a form that my client can fill out on his iPad and save - a new one every time... Can this be done in Acrobat, or do I need other software? ++Michael
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‎Nov 01, 2018
07:38 AM
It does not work if used on ipad, which i suppose is quite common... (?)
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‎Oct 30, 2018
05:46 AM
I have a client who wants to have a fillable form for his staff to fill out on location - inset pictures and make comments on their ipad as they visit dealers. The file should be saved as a new file every time it is opened and filled out. We use dropbox for sharing the files. Does anybody have a smart way of doing this in Adobe Acrobat Pro? Thank you ++michael
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‎Oct 04, 2018
02:19 AM
Thank you Monika - I found that there was already a request for this particular feature: "selecting a clipping path by its fill" :·)
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‎Oct 04, 2018
01:45 AM
I would like to be able to do shadings inside the individual paths like the object to the right. I can accomplish this by either A) paste inside and make a clipping group B) Use the Draw inside mode. Both methods have drawbacks however: A) I need to make a copy of the big path in order to fill it with the body colour, and it gets complicated B) I can only select the object by clicking the edge (stroke) or the shape I drew inside... Does anybody have an idea how this is done easier/ less complicated? Thanks! ++michael
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‎May 10, 2018
04:05 AM
Thank you - I have voted :·) CS 6 is not an option for me as I have grown very fond of the shapebilder tool :·) ++m
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‎Apr 18, 2018
01:27 AM
Oh - sorry - it does light up as selected, but the bounding box of course does not change, and that makes it difficult to see :·) ++m
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‎Apr 18, 2018
01:26 AM
Hi Tromboniator - It is not silly :·) Yes, that would maybe solve this particular situation, but I was hoping for some fix somewhere in the settings or the software? (By the way: in this example the highlight-dot does not light up as selected, when it is inside of another selected object. It may seem unimportant, but when you do this all day it is annoying not to be sure of the selection...) Thank you for your input :·) ++m
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‎Apr 17, 2018
08:16 AM
I do not have any shape tool selected - It is the selection tool (V) I am trying to select two objects and fx. move them. - And the problems is only when using the wacom tablet. ++m
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‎Apr 17, 2018
07:40 AM
Hi Monika - sorry for my late answer.... The difficulties are mainly when I need to select small objects - one or more... In this example I am trying to select both white spot and the the dark brown pupil to move them together. With the wacom it is not possible. The curser keeps displaying the "rotate" symbol untill I have moved so far away from the white dot that I can only select the big white elipse - it totally misses the brown pupil in this case. The magnification is 300%. I also have a lot of unintentional doubleclicks, when I use the Wacom. I need the bounding box for the way I work - and it has no effect when I do... Everything works fine with the mouse... I hope somebody has an idea as I use this setup all the time :·) ++michael
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‎Mar 16, 2018
03:16 AM
I am working a lot with my Wacom pen in illustrator, and it is driving me crazy that I cannot both draw and manupulate the shapes afterwards with the pen... I have difficulties selecting more than one shape at at time and the pen dobbeltclicks when least expected. Also selecting a small object to move it without acivateing the rotate feature is difficult... I have searched the forum, and found similar posts, but no solutions or helpfull tips.... Illustrator 22.1 Wacom Intuous 5 - driver 6.3.29-6 System 10.13.3 ++michael
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‎Mar 07, 2018
04:29 AM
You're right - nice to know I'm not the only one - you do nice work :·) I was wondering if you also have a quickfix for "fit-selected-in-window" - It would be helpful i many cases :·) ++m
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‎Mar 07, 2018
02:48 AM
Beautiful - Thankyou - I was thrown because it apparently is important that you FIRST hold down shift and THEN alt :·) ++m
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‎Mar 07, 2018
01:53 AM
Hi Just thinking... In the old Aldus/Macromedia Freehand, there was a function where you could scale and copy a path in one step. The same way as you can alt-shift-drag an object to copy it to another position. It was alt-shift-drag a corner handle, and I used it a lot. Is there a way to make someting similar i Illustrator? (fx when drawing wheels with a lot of circles inside each other) I know how to copy/paste-in-front and then resize, and use the scale tool and tick "copy", but it is still more steps I know that FreeHand was a long time ago, but there is still a lot of "muscle memory" :·) ++michael
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