‎Nov 03, 2018
09:47 AM
First off as you are a paying subscriber, you should be seeing an update for LR, PS, Bridge, and ACR in your Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app. make sure you are logged in and check. If nothing, then your Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App need updating.
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‎Nov 03, 2018
09:38 AM
You first main issue is the partition that external hard drive. MAC does not accept FAT or NTFS, Windows does not support the preferred MAC partitions. But other exFat works for both (for an external drive, do not do this for an internal MAC or Windows drive). Best to create the partition on your MAC. And yes you will loose everything on that external hard drive. Weakness: slower Go and google "partition external hard drive for mac and pc"
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‎Nov 02, 2018
08:22 PM
An no, I am not willing to take a risk on someone else's PC
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‎Nov 02, 2018
08:09 PM
Can a member provide Adobe contact for the O.P.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
08:09 PM
Time to give Adobe a call. If I had this issue I would be removing all instances on my PC of Lightroom, I would uninstall LR via the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application, as Adobe intends. I would use my Windows App removal (like I would remove other products), I would go into Windows Explorer (file manager) and delete the application folders (the ones in Program Files @and any in Program Files (x86), I might also remove Photoshop while I am at it and ACR. If I was very daring I might edit the registry (highly risky), I would defiantly run a registry repair/maintenance utility. Shot the PC down, Turn it on,then go to the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application and re-install LR, PS, and ACR But then I am a retired I.T. pro (IAM, IAS, ISM, Network Mgr) And I can accept the risk. All that because it looks like at some point a install, a upgrade, something went bonkers. All of that is risky, you might loose everything. So, call Adobe.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
04:56 PM
Ok, so, when you looked at exported file size, did you look at the copies on your hard drive, or is this the file size of what is at the web page (gallery) Oh, I am assuming by Gallery, you mean somewhere on the Internet. Like Smugmug, or Fiker, perhaps Facebook.??? And are we talking JPEG???
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‎Nov 02, 2018
04:16 PM
By "exporting" do you mean using the export tool in which you export to a hard drive and/or Plugin. OR, are you referring to using the Publish Services within Lightroom? And if, so, which one?. Here? Or here:
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:54 PM
Can another member comment on my above, I think I mad that all clear as mud.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:54 PM
Keeping your photos on an external hard drive is A-Ok. Now that I see your final statement I think I know what you are trying to do. You want to run Lightroom with the actual application on the Mac Book (as is normal). You also (apparently) want your catalog on the internal hard drive of the Mac Book, and currently you have your images, also on the internal drive, but you want to place them on an external drive, as your internal drive has only so much room. Good news, more than one way to skin this cat. The application, stays in the Internal drive. Your catalog(s) can be on the internal drive, or an external drive. If you have more than one catalog, they do not have to be on the same drive or the same "place" (some of us have just one big huge catalog, some of us go for multiple catalogs, your call, pros and cons for both). Your images, can be on the internal drive, or the external drive, and get this little extra, they do not have to be in thee same folder or sub folder under wherever your catalog is. And as an extra extra Lightroom tip, they do not even have to be available to Lightroom much if the time, if you use smart previews (LR will use the smart previews) . Mind you they do need to be available occasionally (what I am getting here is if the images are not actually in the same place as your catalog, your database, and your previews, if they are on some external drive not connected to the Mac Book after import, if smart previews were created, then LR will still work (it will catch up to those files later). I am no the person to advise on this feature, never used it. So, if you are preserving internal hard drive space you can do any of the following (mix and match) Catalog on internal hard drive. or Catalog on external hard drive (could be slower) Image files (RAW) on internal hard drive or Image files on external hard drive. and Image files within file structure of catalog or image files somewhere else, say a separate folder on the external hard drive. Some people will keep the catalog on their fastest internal drive, use smart previews, keep the images on an external hard drive, after import they might simply not attach that external hard drive (probably need another member to correct/clarify this), and have Lightroom use the smart previews, all for speed.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:36 PM
Ok, so give johnrellis a like and an answered. He nailed it.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
12:37 PM
Ok, on the RAW vs TIFF vs etc issue. Go into your catalog, select a RAW image, and see if your lens shows up. Lets make sure this is a format issue as opposed to an install issue.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
11:54 AM
Now having said all that. If your intent is not to save exported copies of finished work., but to back up your work, then your question is all wrong. If you want a backup of your edits, then you need to backup the catalog, not just the images (previews can be ignored to save space, but I am not getting into that)
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‎Nov 02, 2018
11:52 AM
1 Upvote
Step by step example. 1. Filtered on 4 star and above: 2. Selected those, then right clicked and started to navigate to export: 3. In the dialog screen that will come up, Selected where to export to: 4. Select the format: 5. And what ever other setting you want to change, And click on Export:
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‎Nov 02, 2018
11:39 AM
How are you exporting. Are you doing that from within Lightroom using the export tool??
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‎Nov 02, 2018
11:07 AM
Thank you for considering my inquiry. Now, having proved my hunch wrong. Look at the following folder (this is on a windows PC, so adjust for MAC): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic CC\Resources\LensProfiles\1.0\ Does that folder have a long list of manufacturers and within them, lenses?? Oh, and a screen shot of my Canon section:(highlighted lens just a coincidence, read nothing into it):
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‎Nov 02, 2018
10:48 AM
Because the lens corrections data (file) is stored on the computer in a folder related to ACR. Now, what would it hurt to just try, see that I am full of it, and report back, nope, no help. And we can move on.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
10:40 AM
Try a different font, even if the one you are using used to work, oh, and check your watermark settings, has the font changed? Lightroom: Watermark not always appearing on exported images | Photoshop Family Customer Community and Lightroom: Where did my Watermark go? | Rikk Flohr's Fleeting Glimpse Images Ineresting, in that last link, author mentions that a OS update can foul up fonts that used to work. Also, in that last link, possibility of deleting current saved watermark, and creating it over again, even with previous settings.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
10:31 AM
Not the point, point is go and install ACR anyhow and verify helpful or bull. check that it is latest version.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
06:40 PM
1. What Operating System? 2. Can you use File Explorer (Windows) or Finer (MAC) to see the hard drive and the files on your computer? 3. Are you sure you were looking at the correct drive. 4. And when you accomplish task (2) double check the hard drivers designated letter, in case it changed (due to conflict). Ilightroom thinking it is looking at an SD card as opposed to a hard drive makes me ask (3) and (4).
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‎Nov 01, 2018
05:24 PM
Supposedly it recreates the preferences file.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
05:23 PM
Have you tried to create a new catalog, then import from a catalog?
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‎Nov 01, 2018
05:09 PM
Not sure which of may various babbling s, you are noting. Was that the link to where resting preferences by holding ALT and the SHIFT key down when relaunching Lightroom?? Tried that to see what would happen (bringing up my test catalog just in case of damage) and no big deal other than Lightroom treating me like it was the first time I brought this version up (welcome.... new features... bla bla bla). MInd you my presets are behaving so nothing to prove as to a fix. It did not, however, fortunately, turn all those third party ones on.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
04:44 PM
So, when you open one of those sub folders (HDR Presets for example) are the presets in that sub folder, or have you created an additional leval of folders?
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‎Nov 01, 2018
04:39 PM
Another possibility I see mentioned in various issues in various forums is a corrupt presets. and mentioning of deleting then recreating. I do not have the steps for this. Perhaps another member??? Ah, perhaps in this thread: Lightroom Classic 7.3.1: Since update, the presets don't work | Photoshop Family Customer Community By the way, appears this problem is not unique to v8
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‎Nov 01, 2018
04:34 PM
Hunting on google, your issue is really bugging me, as opposed to moving on and waiting for another member to solve. I noticed several people advising to reset preferences, so I went and did that to see what occurs. (reset all default develop settings) Screen shot of place to do this (or at least what I did) . Notice all the frigging presets I turned of popping back up on the left:
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‎Nov 01, 2018
04:22 PM
Just to check, a picture is worth a lot more than the words. Following is an screen shopt of waht I see whern I goto the manage option in the LR presets:: In this example, the internal to Lightroom general preset B$W filter has been turned on. Is this what you are doing in this step to make those presets visible?? Moving further down and taking another screen shot: I have turnrd on a 3rd party preset (think I may have renamed), Can not remember if my User Presets was already checked on.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
03:07 PM
A similar posting exist: Lightroom Presets Not Working One possibility came up 3. Re: Lightroom Presets Not Working cmgap May 14, 2018 10:04 AM (in response to callej95372726) Under preferences > do you have Store with this Catalog checked or unchecked. 3rd party presets that you have purchased require that the box be unchecked in order to show up. User Presets can be found in their previous location either by searching or by clicking on the link to Show Where Presets are Stored button. You may need to copy and paste them to the new Lightroom folder in your Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Settings folder Otherwise, likely as johnrellis suspects, a corrupt install (also mentioned inabove posting) OHHH, if the fix/setting by cmgap is helpful, go back into that post and thank her (not me)
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‎Nov 01, 2018
03:02 PM
Looking at where the lens Profiles are kept, I notice its related to Camera Raw. What is your ACR version?? Yes, I know, LR is ACR with extra bells and whistles, but humor me and go and check on your ACR version, update it if not latest (11 I think). see if that resolves the issue.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
02:45 PM
Ok, so I see or assume you went into your preferences, and clicked on the presets tab, and then clicked on "show lightroom develop presets". And LR brought of the folder they are supposedly in ( Roaming -> Adobe -> Camera Raw -> Settings) . Now, while you are in the same folder "Settings" is in, scroll up and notice a folder "ImportedSettings" ( Roaming -> Adobe -> Camera Raw -> ImportedSettings ). Did a bit of experimentation, when in LR, in presets you go and import some, this is the folder lightroom places those in. Now , both folders have worked for me, but go and try to copy some to ImportedSettings. P.S. in LR try the optimize tool just in case. Both folders should work.
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‎Nov 01, 2018
01:40 PM
In the presets tab, click on the +, select manage, see if your missing presets are listed, and just need to have the box checked to display.
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