Hi again, First about your borders in pdf. You best open a new question on the Printed documentation forum to keep this thread clear. I think I have seen this problem before, so please search a bit before you post a new question. About the alignment. The bold style only makes your text bold, it isn't causing the strange alignments. I think I know what's causing it, but you're not going to like it: it means a lot of hand work I'll assume that this problem is only with individual tables, on those , so it isn't a style sheet problem. If it where in your style sheet, all your paragraphs would be wrong. If you have this exact same problem in all tables, it'll probably be a css issue. As you see in the code, most table rows <TR> and table cells <TD> have a class like class=whs10. This class is generated by robohelp when you create your output. In HTML mode, go to the top of the file and you'll find a <style> tag with the classes from your table. It may look a bit like this: <style> tr.whs10 {styling} td.whs11 {styling} </style> One of these styles must have the text text-align: right; or text-align: center;. Delete all instances of these texts and your paragraph should align OK. I think that most of your style issues are related to the whsxx styles, if you delete these styles from your topic, your styling should mostly reset. You then will have to restyle your topics, by hand... I don't know how many topics you have, but I suggest that you find out exactly what each styling problem is and link that back to a css style attribute. Then, remove that style attribute from the styles in the top of the topic. You can find all css style attributes here, or you can post the issues and I'll tell you the corresponding style attributes. It might be wise to rewrite these topics when you have to add or remove some text, because these topics will give you problems every time you want to change a style. Greets, Willam
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