Jeff Arola
Community Expert
Jeff Arola
Community Expert
Jun 25, 2012
06:19 PM
Since the change was made in photoshop 6, it was probably intentional and actions don't always record the steps needed to complete certain tasks without some intervention of the user. You have to tell actions to do certain things like select channels, select certain layers, etc.
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Jun 25, 2012
03:08 PM
See if an action recorded as below works:
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Jun 25, 2012
02:07 PM
Although it is interesting that versions of photoshop before photoshop 6 do record and play the the action as expected, but versions after photoshop 5.5 produce that error, so it does make one wonder about the change.
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Jun 25, 2012
01:42 PM
I don't think that is a bug.
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Jun 21, 2012
10:21 AM
Looks like from the steps in your action that the green channel is the only channel visible. You probably need to put a step in your action to select rgb channels to be able to add an adjustment layer in action. If we knew what you wanted the action to do, we could perhaps offer more helpful advice.
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Jun 20, 2012
12:17 PM
It seems that the script on the ps scripts page is to old to work in cs5. This is a lnk to xtools 1.8 which has the latest version of the droplet decompiler: Just unzip, find the Apps folder and look for the DropletDecompiler.jsx. Then put your droplet on the desktop, Use File>Scripts>Browse in cs5 to navigate to the DropletDecompiler.jsx. Here's an example using the Aged Photo.exe droplet from the ps 6 samples folder: here's the resulting action opened in cs5:
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Jun 20, 2012
11:51 AM
The hex editor idea won't work, but you should be able to use the script in cs5 that c.pfaffenbichler linked to decomplile the droplet to an action.
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Jun 20, 2012
10:58 AM
1 Upvote
The above mentioned script will work, but not in photoshop 6. (ps 6 didn't have the necessary scripting plugins and such) Do you have access to a version of photoshop cs2 or newer? Also if you have a hex editor you might be able to open the droplet and see what the steps are and recreate an action and droplet.
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Jun 19, 2012
11:50 AM
Actually you can save multiple page pdf's in elements. Try something like this: (This is easier if you have the project bin open) 1. Select the first page 2. Right click on that page in the project bin and choose Add Blank Page or as many pages as you need. 3. Use the move tool and drag your pages down into the blank pages in the project bin 4 Then File>Save As>Acrobat.PDF
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Jun 17, 2012
08:33 PM
Sometimes the Rasterize Layer Style produces different results than flattening the layer effects: i.e merging with a new empty layer below. So you might want to verify you get the same results. One example is if you have a stroke added with the stroke option in the tool options bar and a color overlay in the layer styles dialog.
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Jun 13, 2012
11:59 AM
Do you have the Text Engine Options set to Middle Eastern under Edit>Preferences>Type? If you do try changing to East Asian and restart photoshop.
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Jun 13, 2012
10:45 AM
As Noel points out Reset Character should clear things up, but the reason is you probably don't have Standard Vertical Roman Alignment checked.
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Jun 11, 2012
06:32 PM
1 Upvote
By far the easiest solution is to upgrade to photoshop elements 10 or newer, which has no problems with big hard drives and has some new features you may like. It's available for a thirty day trial. Actually versions pse 3 and later have no problems with large hard drives. Here are a couple things you can try which might work: Option 1: Just after double clicking on the pse 2 shortcut press the Ctrl+Alt keys and keep holding the keys until you get the scratch disk preferences dialog then choose your recovery partition as the First. This would only work if you have a recovery partition or another smaller hard drive installed that you can use as the scratch disk. (i don't have a recovery partition on this computer) Option 2. Shrink (shrink volume) your present hard drive down to 1 tb Option 3: If you have windows 7 pro or ultimate you can use virtual xp (downloaded from microsoft)
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Jun 11, 2012
06:01 PM
The reason photoshop elements 2 is giving that message is you have a hard drve bigger than 1tb otherwise pse 2 would run fine on windows vista, 7 or 8. Versions of photoshop elements 2 and 1 can't read the hard drive if it's over 1 tb. Later versions of photoshop elements have no problems with big hard drives.
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Jun 08, 2012
11:01 PM
I'd try resetting the clone stamp tool by right clicking on the clone stamp icon in the tool options bar and choosing Reset Tool and also check your options in the clone source panel. (Window>Clone Source)
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Jun 06, 2012
04:17 PM
What version of photoshop and operating system? A screenshot might help us better understand what's happening.
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Jun 05, 2012
01:16 PM
Would resetting the current tool options work: (javascript) // ======================================================= var id6 = charIDToTypeID( "Rset" ); var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id7 = charIDToTypeID( "null" ); var ref2 = new ActionReference(); var id8 = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" ); var id9 = charIDToTypeID( "CrnT" ); ref2.putProperty( id8, id9 ); var id10 = charIDToTypeID( "capp" ); var id11 = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ); var id12 = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ); ref2.putEnumerated( id10, id11, id12 ); desc3.putReference( id7, ref2 ); executeAction( id6, desc3, DialogModes.NO );
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Jun 04, 2012
07:03 AM
From the photoshop help manual: " In the JPEG Options dialog box, select the options you want, and click OK. Matte Offers matte color choices to simulate the appearance of background transparency in images that contain transparency. Image Options Specifies the image quality. Choose an option from the Quality menu, drag the Quality pop-up slider, or enter a value between 0 and 12 in the Quality text box. Format Options Specifies the format of your JPEG file. Baseline (“Standard”) uses a format recognized by most web browsers. Baseline Optimized creates a file with optimized color and a slightly smaller file size. Progressive displays a series of increasingly detailed versions of the image (you specify how many) as it downloads. (Not all web browsers support optimized and Progressive JPEG images.)" In my experience almost all browers people use now support the Baseline Optimized option, which is what i usually use if the jpeg is bound for the web. Those format options don't really mean much if your not planning to use the jpeg on the web and you'll get even smaller file sizes by using File>Save for Web
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May 30, 2012
05:53 PM
If you have one of the painting tools selected and the path active you can also just press the enter/return key to stroke the path without a dialog box. (it uses your last setting for simulate pressure and uses the the paint tool you have selected to stroke the path)
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May 29, 2012
05:51 PM
In your screenshot you have a shape layer selected. In order to stroke paths you need to either save the path if it's a shape layer and make a new blank layer to add the stroke or make your path using the paths option instead of shapes and use a non shape layer, smart object, adjustment layer to put the stroke on. In other words the active layer needs to be a pixel layer (such as layer 3 in your screenshot) in order to stroke a path with one of the brush tools.
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May 26, 2012
08:48 PM
1 Upvote
What version of photoshop? If it's cs3-cs6 i believe you can do that in the Clone Source Panel. Window>Clone Source Or clone or copy the pixels to a new layer and then flip and move the layer into position.
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May 26, 2012
12:21 AM
Filter>Filter Gallery>Stylize>Glowing Edges.
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May 24, 2012
06:17 PM
Yeah what's up with that font size. That's just terrible. I guess anybody that can read that isn't using a high screen resolution. They didn't make the rest of the page match, so you when enlarge the page, the rest of the stuff is giant.
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May 23, 2012
06:14 PM
Sorry, i gave the location for the windows version.
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May 23, 2012
05:50 PM
Change the ruler units to pixels by either right clicking on the ruler or going to Edit>Preferences>Units & Rulers
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May 22, 2012
09:22 PM
Usually you get those tapered ends by either using a tablet with pen pressure on for size or using the stroke paths option with pen pressure checked (pen pressure enabled in the brush panel and in the stroke path dialog)
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May 20, 2012
08:16 PM
I've noticed that a few times on windows 8 32 bit, photoshop cs6 32 bit with 4gb of ram, a nVidia 8400 gs graphics card and open gl seems to work fine.
I guess that's probably some kind of glitch.
One way to get back the dropdown is to click on the Curves Display Options in the flyout menu and then just click OK in the dialog.
Added: It doesn't seem to happen if the crop tool is set to Classic Mode.
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May 19, 2012
09:00 AM
I'm just a user such as yourself so i don't have any inside knowledge on how the updater is supposed work, but if your still on the beta you should uninstall that and download the release version, which is a thirty day trial. When more updates are released you won't be able to update the beta.
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May 18, 2012
12:16 PM
EJ Printer, Are you using the beta version of photoshop cs6? The beta version will not update.
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May 17, 2012
11:31 PM
Do you remember what the name of the filter in paint shop pro was called? Or how you did that in paint shop pro? I'm not really clear on the effect your showing. Message was edited by: R_Kelly
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