Guy Burns
Guy Burns
‎Sep 03, 2009
07:46 PM
I forgot to mention: there is one very slight flaw in the script -- it generates an unnecessary comma at the end which I don't know how to get rid of via the script. I will just delete the comma manually -- or maybe the Page Range dialog box will ignore a final comma, so it won't be a problem.
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‎Sep 03, 2009
07:40 PM
Thanks for the script, Jongware, but it is not quite what I need.I think yours generates one huge saddle-stitch arrangement, whereas I want the ability to generate a group of smaller ones (effectively a variable-length perfect-bound arrangement), thus my listing of "numbers of sheets" in each signature as the input. Someone has been kind enough to write an Applescript that does the job. I haven't fully tested it, but really, what is there to test? It seems to work for me. One problem: it can't handle InDesign page numbers other than plain numbers, but I can work around that if I need to. Imposition from InDesign here I come -- run the script, paste the output into Page Range of the Export dialog box, and stand back while the bytes fly. If a script could be run from the open Export window (to allow setting up of the various options), this script (or a JS version) could be carried one step further, not that I'm wanting to at this stage. The start page and the various signature lengths could be entered; options set up in the Export window; then the script could: 1. Generate the imposed number sequence and place them into the Page Range field of the active document; 2. Export the PDF; 3. Call on PlaceMultipagePDF, set to automatically create a new InDesign document and place the PDF pages. It would be a very flexible, simple way of obtaining variable-length, 2-Up imposition from InDesign. SCRIPT TO IMPOSE VARIABLE-LENGTH 2-UP SIGNATURES set start to 1 -- overwrite with your starting page number set s to {8, 1, 0} -- overwrite with the number of pages in each signature; any number of signatures allowed; must have 0 at end to stop. set n to 1 set begin to start set _end to start - 1 + 4 * (item n of s) set outputStr to "" repeat set a to _end set b to begin set c to begin + 1 set d to _end - 1 set halfway to (begin + _end) / 2 repeat while b < halfway set outputStr to outputStr & a & "," set outputStr to outputStr & b & "," set outputStr to outputStr & c & "," set outputStr to outputStr & d & "," set a to a - 2 set b to b + 2 set c to c + 2 set d to d - 2 end repeat set n to n + 1 if item n of s = 0 then exit repeat set begin to _end + 1 set _end to _end + 4 * (item n of s) end repeat set the clipboard to outputStr return outputStr
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‎Sep 03, 2009
11:27 AM
I have changed tack as per a previous post, and think it better if I control imposition on the way from InDesign to PDF, instead of from the PDF to InDesign. Thus, all I need is a number generator and I'm hoping someone can put that together for me. The output should be separated by commas, and dumped to the clipboard. All the variables are integers, except HALFWAY which may be a fraction. LIST OF PARAMETERS The script should explicitly assign all elements of the "S" array the value "0", so that the user can easily locate and overwrite them. The zeroes have a second use: when the script detects a "0" it stops and outputs the numbers to the clipboard, separated by commas. START = 1 S(1) = 0 S(2) = 0 S(3) = 0 . . S(30) = 0 LIST OF VARIABLES USED IN THE SCRIPT BEGIN END HALFWAY A, B, C, D FLOWCHART N = 1 BEGIN = START END = START - 1 + 4*S(N) LOOP: A = END B = BEGIN C = BEGIN + 1 D = END - 1 HALFWAY = (BEGIN + END)/2 WHILE B < HALFWAY Print A (then comma) Print B (then comma) Print C (then comma) Print D (then comma) A = A - 2 B = B + 2 C = C + 2 D = D - 2 WEND N = N + 1 IF S(N) = 0: STOP BEGIN = END + 1 END = 4*S(N) + END GO TO LOOP SAMPLE RUN For inputs of: START = 1 S(1) = 3 S(2) = 1 S(3) = 0 The output should be: 12, 1, 2, 11, 10, 3, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7, 16, 13, 14, 15
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‎Sep 02, 2009
06:37 PM
Something I didn't mention from Jongwares's post. I want to keep this simple, so slugs, bleeds, crop marks are not involved. This is simply a way of using InDesign to get an imposed PDF without involving any other program. If a user wants slugs, larger paper size and so on, couldn't they alter the InDesign document after the imposed PDF is imported? For my needs, the simpler the better.
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‎Sep 02, 2009
06:31 PM
Whoa.. whoa.. let's back track so that I can confirm a few things. 1. I am doing the binding myself, so I use variable length signatures for two reasons. Plus there is a third reason due to a flaw in InDesign. (a) So that images that spread across the centre line are printed on one sheet (where possible); (b) so that there are a minimum number of blank pages at the end of the book; and (c) to overcome the "text on a path problem". You cannot export "text on a path" on pages greater than ~70. A large InDesign file has to be broken up (see 2. The example of 24, 28, 24 is actually taken from a book of mine that is right in front of me, and which I am reprinting. Each of these signatures has a large image that spreads over both pages of the central sheet, so the image is "whole". It's just the way I wanted to do it; and in fact, to some extent the book itself was designed around being able to print "unbroken" large images. 3. Another example from my books is: 32, 28, 28, 32; and yet another: (25 x 32) + 16. 4. I made a mistake in the description: the imposition is actually a series of 2-Up Saddle Stitched signatures, not Perfect Bound (which for 2-Up is simply a series of same-size saddle-stitched signatures anyway). 5. Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure all I need is a number generator that dumps numbers separated by commas into a place where I can access them -- Text Edit, InDesign, or the clipboard. IMPOSING I envisage these are the steps when I am ready to impose (nothing fancy, only 2-Up saddle stitch): 1. Work out the imposition layout. This must be completely flexible for my needs. The only limitation is that imposed by physics itself and the format of books: 2-sided paper, folded in half has four sides. So the signature-length must be divisible by four. Within that limitation, any possible combination is allowed. I may want a book like this: 4, 36, 24, 12, 32, 8, 4, 4,16, 28. 2. I open up the InDesign document ready to impose. 3. I open up the number generator script so that I can edit it. No interface is required -- signature lengths are overwritten in the script itself. The script will appear as (my entries overwriting the "0"s are in brackets): START = 0 [7] SIG(1) = 0 [12] SIG(2) = 0 [24] . . SIG(30) = 0 Page number error routine. Number generator routine. Output routine, inserting commas between numbers. Stops when a signature length of zero is encountered. Sent to either clipboard, Text Edit or InDesign. 4. I then paste the number sequence into the Page Range field, and also paste them into an unused page in the book, so that I can use them in future without recourse to the script. For an 8-page booklet (2-Up saddle-stitch), the numbers would be: 8,1,2,7,6,3,4,5. 5. When I press Export, a single-page PDF is created with the pages in 2-Up saddle-stitch order. But this PDF is not yet ready for printing. 6. The final step is to import the PDF (already in imposed sequence) into InDesign using the PlaceMultipagePDF script. When facing pages is turned on, I have a 2-Up, imposed book with variable length signatures, ready to print.
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‎Sep 02, 2009
11:07 AM
This is turning into a one-person thread, but I may have thought up an easier solution. Instead of using a script to impose the import of a PDF, I've just realised I could do the same thing when I export the file from InDesign to PDF -- meaning, if I type in a long series of numbers in the Print Range field in imposition order, the PDF will already be in imposed order when I use PlaceMultipagePDF to place the PDF back into InDesign. Example: For an 8-page booklet, I would export in the following order: 8, 1, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, by entering those numbers in the Page Range field. Then use the script to import the file. So, if the modification of the PlaceMultipagePDF script is unwieldly, maybe someone could implement the routine for generating the number sequence (see my attachment in a previous post). The output would need to be separated by commas and placed in a blank InDesign document, or put on the clipboard. The user could then just copy, or paste, the numbers to the Page Range field.
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‎Sep 02, 2009
09:27 AM
I thought I'd have a look at the script to see what I could make of it. The last part is this: 1. function myPlacePDF(myDocument, myPage, myPDFFile){ 2. var myPDFPage; 3. app.pdfPlacePreferences.pdfCrop = PDFCrop.cropMedia; 4. var myCounter = 1; 5. var myBreak = false; 6. while(myBreak == false){ 7. if(myCounter > 1){ 8. myPage = myDocument.pages.add(LocationOptions.after, myPage); } 9. app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = myCounter; 10. myPDFPage =, [0,0])[0]; Line 8: is that creating a new page? Line 9: Is that selecting the next page from the PDF? i.e. if myCounter = 3, page 3 of the PDF is going to be placed. Line 10: Is that the one actually doing the placing? QUES In Line 9, if instead of myCounter, an array was used with myCounter acting as a pointer -- Array (myCounter) -- and that array held the imposition transform, would that work? For example, normally the pages would come in as: PDF InDesign 1 -> 1 2 -> 2 3 -> 3 But the imposed pages might be (these are just made up): PDF InDesign 5 -> 1 4 -> 2 17 -> 3 Array would therefore need to be set up as: Array(1) = 5 Array (2) = 4 Array (3) = 17 And line 9 would be changed to: app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = Array(myCounter);
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‎Sep 01, 2009
09:02 PM
Upload file
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‎Sep 01, 2009
08:59 PM
SCRIPT TO IMPOSE AN INCOMING PDF I need a script that uses a modified version of the sample script supplied with CS4 (called PlaceMultiPagePDF.jsx, or the Applescript equivalent). Instead of placing the pages sequentially: 1 –> 1 2 –> 2 3 –> 3... the script would place the PDF pages in 2-Up Perfect Bound imposition order. The arrangement is outlined in the attached document. It would be very flexible to allow for any combination of signature lengths. As a simple example, for a 8-page booklet, the script would place the pages from the PDF in this order in InDesign: 1 –> 2 2 –> 3 3 –> 6 4 –> 7 5 –> 6 6 –> 5 7 –> 4 8 –> 1 I have written a Pidgin BASIC code that handles the page sequencing (see attached document), but I have to steer clear of actually scripting it -- my programming skills end at MS BASIC ca 1986 (which I still use occasionally on my 512k Fat Mac as I can't get anything out of modern BASIC). Why did they ever complicate things with Java and the like? Anyway, I have manually stepped through my flowchart several times and haven't come across an error, so all that is required ("all" he says, in hope) is to interrupt the pages coming from the PDF, and instead of 1 -> 1, 2->2... the script steps in and says "Whoa there... you're not going to page 315, you're going to page 297. Would it be that simple? As simple as inserting a bit of renumbering code as per my flowchart? I hope so. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
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‎Aug 23, 2009
08:39 PM
Peter has written three scripts which overcome the problems alluded to above. I have started a new thread to alert users to the scripts:
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‎Jul 21, 2009
10:04 PM
Righto Mark, if you want another scripting challenge, sink your teeth into this one:
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‎Jul 21, 2009
09:58 PM
I started a post in the InDesign forums: to see if I could overcome a limitation of Indexing, but it appears that the limitation cannot be overcome within InDesign, and judging from a private response by Peter Kahrel, an easy solution may not be possible with scripting either: The other approach you suggest (selecting a topic and having a script act on that) isn't possible because a script can't see which topic you select in the interface. There may be other ways to implement what I want, so I thought I would try here. This is what I would like to be able to do: 1. I go to Index > Reference and click on the topic I want to modify. It turns blue. Assume I click on Burrows, Bert. According to Peter, a script cannot access a selection, so this method of selecting a topic is not possible. So, in that case, the script asks me for the Topic I want to modify. It would do so like this in a four-pass loop, or a single dialog box if that is easier to script (my responses are shown bold😞 Enter the Topic you want changed (Level 1): Burrows, Bert Enter the Topic you want changed (Level 2): Enter the Topic you want changed (Level 3): Enter the Topic you want changed (Level 4): 2. The script then asks me to enter the new Topic levels, again as a four-pass loop (my responses are shown bold😞 New Level 1: Burrows New Level 2: Bert New Level 3: New Level 4: 3. The script grabs all the page references from Burrows, Bert and dumps them into the new topic as shown in (2). If the topic I originally selected has sub topics, all those sub topics must remain as sub topics. e.g. if Burrows, Bert has this structure: Level 1: Burrows, Bert Level 2: girlfriends Level 3: Level 4: After I run the script, the result should be: Level 1: Burrows Level 2: Bert Level 3: girlfriends Level 4: Of course, when the index is in final form, I could quite easily manually edit it by inserting paragraph returns (and applying new indented paragraph formats) to achieve the same result as the script -- but I'd have to be certain the index was in final form. Any comments most appreciated. Why do I want to do this? To illustrate why I want to do the above, I have uploaded the first 2 pages of the draft index (no where near complete as yet) to: In there you'll see that the two Akiloff girls have already been sub-topiced (I did that as a test to see what it looks like), and I would like to do the same to Burrows, Byrne and others. As they are now, I could do it without a script because there are very few entries, but when the index is finished, I expect all topics to have more entries than shown. On the other hand, I do not want the Burns entries (and certain others) sub-topiced. To do so would complicate the look of the index (I think).
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‎Jul 20, 2009
07:34 AM
Back again. I thought I'd better try rebooting OSX, tossing all scripts in Script Panel, reloading your script from scratch and including the new version of "update". When I did that and tried it on my Test file, the update worked. I'll give the script a thorough workout tomorrow and let you know how it goes in CS4.
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‎Jul 20, 2009
07:21 AM
Mark, I think I'll settle for the script that leaves the link updated. Replacing the "update" line in your script with your newer version does all sorts of weird things. Computers amaze me how they can be so inventive. 1. I replaced the original "update" line with your newer version, and saved the script under a new name. 2. Clicked on the first image in my Test document and ran the script. 3. The second image was selected (not the first), it sharpened, and appeared to update. 4. Tried again -- the image that was processed was always the one after the selected image. 5. Other errors crept in: "no image selected"; resampling but not sharpening; not updating. Amazing. You wouldn't believe the numerous permutations of errors that cropped up. So back I went and copied your script from this site, pasted it into a blank script and away it went. Maybe my computer was just playing games with me. Anyway, I'm sticking with the script that doesn't update. It works quite well. I'm going to put all this into a PDF soon, explaining what has been created here, and then I'll start a new thread over in the InDesign forum introducing this great new script. Is it okay if I include your script (acknowledged of course) and make it available via Mediafire to whoever wants it? I'll make everything up into a zip package: script, SHARPEN, InDesign test file, and an explanatory PDF.
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‎Jul 18, 2009
09:46 PM
Mark, thanks for the updated script. It fixed the "not opening InDesign at the end" problem, but the un-updated link still remains in CS4. That's really not worth worrying about though. I have removed save and close from the Action, and let the script do that (as per your suggestion). The script is located in a folder so that when I go to Window > Automation > Scripts the script appears. This is what happens when I double-click the script: 1. At the end of the process, InDesign is activated. 2. The image 'blinks' for a second or so (if the file size is large) while it is updated. 3. The image appears sharper, but the yellow rectangle appears in the Links panel. 4. If I zoom in, the image pixellates as if the image has NOT been updated. 5. If I zoom out to the original size, the image again appears sharpened. 6. If I update the link manually, everything is fine. It would appear that InDesign is only updating the image that appears on the screen. Funny thing. There must be something not quite right about how CS4 interprets this line of the script: update item link of (item 1 of This_Image) Maybe CS4 is only updating the preview image that is contained within the document, and not updating and applying the altered link. Is that possible?Can the link be updated, but not applied? Could the script force the issue by mimicking the manual process? In Pidgin Applescript it would be something like: SELECT AND CLICK ON: Window > Links > Update Link
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‎Jul 15, 2009
08:27 PM
Mark, your new version appears to work a treat, though I will be extensively testing it on a wide variety of images before I let it loose in my book. Two minor points: 1. The image, after processing, is updated in InDesign, but the Links panel reports that it is not updated -- it has a little yellow triangle next to the image. It would appear that although InDesign did update the image, that updated info is not remembered by InDesign. Sounds like an InDesign problem. 2. At the end of the script I am still in PS. No problem whatsoever. I may change SHARPEN so I do stay in PS with the image open so that I can edit the image. But most of the time I would like to return to InDesign. I've tried putting: tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4" activate end tell or simply the command activate, before and after 'update link'; before the subroutine listing; at the end of the entire script; but I am always left with an error message. How do you make InDesign active at the end? Finally, this Red LIon, is that in Knutsford? How often do you visit? Since you won't accept payment (I think you're underselling your skills), I'll contact the pub and arrange for a voucher for half a dozen pints, if that's possible. Take your mates down there and toast the 'script luddite' Tasmanian you've been helping.
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‎Jul 15, 2009
03:10 AM
Thanks Mark for the feedback. The script seems to work near perfectly, but I've yet to fully test it. As I said, I'm pretty dopey when it comes to scripting, and you were right: I was selecting the image with the black pointer instead of the white one. QUES 1 There's something I don't understand here. When I run through the process manually, and get to the change image resolution, I simply type in the new image resolution in Image > Image Size > Document Size > Resolution. I never touch anything else, and it works perfectly. I just checked, and when I change the resolution, the Document Size doesn't change, but the Pixel Dimensions do. Which is exactly what I want. i.e the number of pixels changes, but the image dimensions (in inches) stays the same (otherwise, when linked to InDesign, the image will be the wrong size). If I only need to change the resolution when I run through the process manually, why can't the script do the same? i.e just change resolution, and the pixels change in sympathy? Or doesn't scripting work that way? In particular, your code says, in part: resize image height (Image_Height * (300 / Resample)) Is that part necessary? Doesn't changing the resolution change the number of pixels automatically? QUES 2 Your code says: close with saving But my Action (SHARPEN) ends with a save and a close. I assume I can safely remove "close with saving". QUES 3 Lots of my images are behind others and I have to use Command-click to get to them, which doesn't work with the white pointer. i.e the contents are not selected. I have to go to Object > Select > Content. Is it possible to recode the start of the script so it does that automatically? i.e. always selects the contents of whatever is selected? No big deal if it's not possible. It would just slightly simplify matters.
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‎Jul 15, 2009
12:59 AM
Mark, do you mind if someone uses your script as the basis for one that works in CS4? Any further posts re this thread, should be posted in a later thread that supercedes this one: Thanks.
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‎Jul 15, 2009
12:54 AM
No workee! Comes back with "Where is CS2?" I don't know how to put this without causing upset, because I know users of this forum are only trying to help this dumb cluck. But, whoever would like to get paid for writing me a script, please gmail me at gdburns. I'm completely useless with scripts. A total 100% imbecile when it comes to scripts. I want to buy a script as per my PDF, because discussing scripts and moving them in and out of folders is beyond me. I'm off to the other thread to close that down (as far as I'm concerned), so that I can concentrate on this one.
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‎Jul 14, 2009
07:08 PM
This thread has come partly unstuck because Mark over at wrote a script and posted it after I started this thread. He mustn't have seen this latest one. However, the script is not working yet, so until it is I'm still after a working script for which I'm happy to pay.
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‎Jul 14, 2009
06:59 PM
Mark, tried the script by changing names to CS4 and it came up with this error in the 5th line: Adobe InDesign CS4 got an error: Can't get effective ppi of rectangle id 30600 of page id 27052 of spread id 27016 of document "Test Script.indd". Also, why do you need to resize the image height? I only need the resolution changed. You can download CS4 for a 30-day trial, though it's a pretty big file, about 1 GB.
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‎Jul 13, 2009
07:20 PM
Mark, don't give away for free what I'm happy to pay for. Check out: If the script you responded with works, try it on my test file, tell me if it works, and how much you want for your time. I tried very slightly modifying one script, and several hours later gave up. Scriptings not for me. I want to pay someone to get one working for me. Go for it! Guy
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‎Jul 13, 2009
09:27 AM
There’s more on offer from this thread than a few ‘points’ or ‘question answered’. There are dollars as well. I need a script to do a certain task in InDesign CS4 and Photoshop CS4 and I’m prepared to pay a reasonable amount. Full details of what I require can be downloaded as a PDF from: As part of the process, you will need to test the script on an InDesign document called TEST SCRIPT. The test document, plus a Photoshop Action that the script will be required to be call upon (SHARPEN), can be downloaded as a 88 MB zip file from: If after reading the PDF you think you are capable of writing such a script, please gmail me at gdburns, telling me when the script might be ready, how much it would cost, and how I would pay you.
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‎Jul 10, 2009
09:48 PM
I'll have to forget trying to attach it here. This is the link:
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‎Jul 10, 2009
08:01 PM
Trying to attach.
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‎Jul 10, 2009
07:41 PM
Thanks for the responses. The effective ppi is the ppi as reported by InDesign. If the image has been scaled differently in the 'x' and 'y' directions, InDesign reports two: effective ppi = 270 x 350. Call them EPPIx and EPPIy. I want to choose the smallest. SHARPEN is an Action I have generated which applies an Unsharp Mask with edge mask. If I understand Xbytor2's response, this is what I should be doing in Applescript (not Javascript): 1. Extract the smallest effective ppi from InDesign, and using that number, change the image resolution in PS. 2. Call upon JS (from within AS) with something like: app.doAction ("SHARPEN", "MY ACTIONS") OPTIONAL: * Upon return from JS, ask: More sharpening? If "Yes" apply new amount to Unsharp Mask. * Loop until "No" 3. Upon return from JS, in Applescript: save, close, depart Photoshop, Enter InDesign. 4. End Applescript. QUES: Do you think the optional steps are an unnecessary complication to the script? It is quite easy to simply open the USM window and apply new values myself and watch the effect. Attached is a PDF with more details, including a complete Pidgin Applescript for the task. If it won't attach I'll upload to Mediafire.
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‎Jul 10, 2009
04:19 AM
This is, in rough outline, what I want to do: 1. From within InDesign, extract the effective ppi of an image in the 'x' and 'y' directions. 2. In Photoshop, apply those numbers in a certain way to the image so that the effective ppi becomes 300 in Indesign. It's a simple formula that you apply to the Image Resolution. 3. Then I want to apply an Unsharp Mask with an edge mask to sharpen the image. This involves quite a number of simple steps. I have written out the whole procedure in Pidgin Applescript (a combination of Applescript, BASIC and English) and it works perfectly. I have to do Step 1 manually, but for steps 2 & 3 I have generated an Action, with a modal control for step 2, which pauses and asks for input. I want to know the best way to approach this task. Someone has told me (outside of these forums): Your best bet will be to post in the scripting forum. It would need to be Applescript because I don't think Javascript can do multiple applications at once. However, I'm not positive, but I don't think Open as Smart Object is available in the Photoshop CS3 Applescript dictionary. Maybe that's changed with CS4? Also, when I worked on the script dealing with layered Photoshop files, it created many seemingly insurmountable problems... Michael Hale responded to a previous thread of mine ( suggesting JS instead of Applescript: I would recommend that you use javascript for several reasons. First it is cross platform, second there seems to be more people on the forums using JS than AS, and last but not least in this case you can not work with the Action Manager API using AS. You would have to create and call JS functions from AS. So, I am left with: Applescript because it can handle multiple applications at once, but JS because it can handle Actions. What is the best way to approach this task? AS or JS? 1. Extract some variables from a selected image in an open InDesign document. 2. Open that same image in Photoshop and change the Image Resolution (a calculation is involved) 3. Call up my Action to do the rest. 4. Ask if more sharpening is required, and the amount. Loop at this step until the answer is "No". 5. Save and close the image in Photoshop, and return to the selected image in InDesign to see the effect. Any suggestions most appreciated.
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‎Jul 08, 2009
05:46 PM
Thanks Kasyan for the help. And Thomas: unfortunately, scripting is no fun for me. I'll look into all the suggestions mentioned, to see what I can make of it. Thanks again.
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‎Jul 08, 2009
03:30 AM
Thanks Kasyan. Where do you find such info? I've searched these four documents: • Adobe InDesign Scripting Tutorial • Scripting Read Me for Adobe® InDesign CS4 • Adobe Introduction to Scripting • Adove InDesign CS4 Scripting Guide: Applescript but there is not mention of effective ppi. So, I've another question. I've noticed that some of my images have a two part effective ppi, in the 'x' and 'y' direction, such as: 654 x 723. Can you tell me the names of those variables?
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‎Jul 04, 2009
09:00 AM
Thanks for the info, Michael. I checked out the Scripting Guide you mentioned, and even though you said "you do not use actions", the Guide seems to say you do. But I've probably misunderstood something. Here is what it says in part: To make the Emboss filter scriptable: 1. Open Photoshop, then open a document. 2. Choose Window > Actions, then choose New Action from the Actions palette menu. 3. Name the action, then click Record. 4. Choose Filter > Stylize > Emboss. Aside from that, you've answered my question -- this scripting is beyond me. I'll have to choose either to pay someone to write me a script, or tackle what I want to do manually.
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