‎Oct 27, 2020
06:21 AM
I am following a video about building a website with Word Press and want to change the stock logo to my own. I created one on a transparent background from some shadowed text, and I use as a watermark on photos or videos. In the video example, I'm following he gets a logo from Photopea and makes the background transparent. When I first shrank my logo and tried upload it didn't work, I think becasue it was .PSD. So I flattened and made a jpg, but when I replace the logo with mine, it has a white background and I see no option to make it transparent.
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‎Sep 29, 2020
05:57 AM
Bridge won't show anything under thumbnails, despite being set to show filename, date and size. They won't show colors assigned. Attempts to reset, purge or compact cache haven't helped. I can't even rename a file to correct a spelling mistake, without going to a bulk rename utility. This is making my editing and organizing taking multiple times longer. Other problems are that movies may show no thumbnail at all, just an icon and not play without going to media player. It also assigns wrong dates or times. 7/5/2017 seems to be a favorite lately. I took shots and video of magpies, and shots show times of ~11:30am, while videos show times of ~4:30pm, though all were taken sequentially. I don't know how it is legal to be forced to pay for such a bug-ridden program that makes work so difficult and make operations take so many times longer than they should . And now after an automatic update by Win 10 I keep getting an error message (picture attached)
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‎Aug 18, 2020
06:24 AM
I started having problems with some batch/actions, going from CS6 to CC. The first stage places something on the image, but running on an image in Bridge yields: "The command place is not available." It looks like it is looking for it on a hard drive that is no longer connected. But if I open the image and go to actions, and choose the same action it runs the macro. Though it saves somewhere I don't know, so it is better I go stepwise and stop short of saving, saving manually instead.. Also wondering if I can copy parts of one action to another.
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‎Aug 11, 2020
03:25 AM
Was Win10, CC, but when I noticed that the other open files were not showing along the top, and got them back, the sliders returned.
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‎Aug 09, 2020
01:12 AM
I moved other windows out of the way. Gone, can't figure how to get back, and move around an image..
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‎Aug 09, 2020
01:11 AM
Thanks, I did come across that and incorporated the metadata into my database.
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‎Aug 08, 2020
10:58 AM
I can't remember how to get this script back in Bridge, after technician updated to solve some other problems and its gone again. I spent many hours, adding descriptions, keywords, location and much other data to thousands of files, ready to extract for my database and find the custom metadata extractor is gone from Bridge again.
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‎Jul 08, 2020
02:43 AM
So I have a bunch of files in Bridge ordered according to their file numbers, which corresponds to their times, eg simplified: owl 1001, owl 1002 ........... owl 12. I drag and drop into PP and they come out. owl 12, owl 11, owl 10...... owl 2, owl1. in the list and in the timeline, when dragged there as a group. Thus playing in the reverse order of shooting.
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‎Jun 30, 2020
07:51 AM
1 Upvote
So after going back and forth in this tedious way, between CS6 and CC, I got to the point where in CC, after adding all the metadata I wanted, a search for movies without descriptions turns up none. They all have. In CC, a search turns up about 7 with no metadata, some with no thumbs. I wonder if pressing control and shift before reopening and clearing cache will help. I do so and it looks at first that only folders have no description. But then 20 movie files appear with no icon, playability or metadata. since previous attempts to problem solve also involved resetting preferences before opening. I go and increase the cache from the default to 500K. No change is the result. I use a metadata extractor to pull out all the data into a text file, which I can then manipulate till I import into my MSAccess. But when it runs into a file with no description, it stops on that file and shows no more despite having metadata. After going over all the movie files and playing to see what data I what to add, now I have 20 more with no clue to what they are even again. I will have to do a metadata extraction on all that have description, go back and manually play in media player to add those that this bug-ridden program keeps screwing up. Unbelievable the amounted of time wasted with something supposedly for professional use.
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‎Jun 29, 2020
08:33 PM
Just updating recent files. In CC a number of movie files show or would not accept metadata. I go to CS6 and only a few are lacking some data. I add the data and no movie files are shown lacking any desired data, except one beetle lacks a description. the NEFs have the scientific and common names, but are not visible in CS6. I go to CC and copy the description, but I can't paste into the one movie file because it won't accept data. I go back to CS6 and paste the name. Back in CC only 2 files now show with no metadata. I add some more data that there is a mating pair to some others, and they lose all their metadata. This is a corrupt awful program that I am wedded to because of the years of investment of metadata that is not like midi data in music, won't show in other programs even lightroom I think. Here is a screen shot of a series of Cicadas shot recently. NEFs have the right date underneath. Movies, now lacking thumbs have a date from 3 years ago. they are in order of taken.
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‎Jun 28, 2020
06:54 AM
Clearing the cache, compacting, purging, reseting did not help. These files are destroyed and won't even open or play in Nikon view NX-i. This happened because Bridge frequently assigns a wrong date to movie files, which may be years past. I checked my database and corrected some dates, and the thumbnails turned to icons and are no longer playable in Bridge, Windows media, Premiere Pro or Nikon view NX-i. The latter says that the size is too small and must be at least 160x120 pixels. I have checked other movies where Bridge gave a date years past or a camera lens not owned in a decade and View NX-i has the right data. Lately Bridge has been giving the right date but the wrong time. So I'll have a mix of NEFs and MOVs taken in the afternoon and all the movies have times in the hours of 10 or 11 pm or even the next early morning. This defective and dangerous product should have never been released to the public in such a bug-ridden condition, and it is outrageous that people get good salaries and Adobe extorts so much through it's subscription scheme. I may be able to recover some of the most recent corrupted files from a backup, but I don't know how many were ruined before and the backups were overwritten already.
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‎Jun 24, 2020
04:58 PM
I went to file and new and saw I could add new sequence, but I didn't see any selection with 3840x2160, so thought I couldn't do it. but on closing that I noticed 'from clip' and used that on the first one and it came in at the right size whether played or stopped. I then copied what I did from the other sequence and pasted. Just what I needed, rather than starting over, thanks!
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‎Jun 24, 2020
04:20 AM
Well I do hate doing that, as it sets so many things the way I don't like, but doing so did get them to load faster. So I wonder what was bad before - that I like to see the date and file size under the thumb, that I like a lot of history states, that cache sizes were increased during the on phone help, trying to solve other problems, that I don't like a whole lot of extra stuff showing in the metadata side panel? As I try revert to my own remembered preferences, I will note if this builds up again, As this is a drastic nuisance, I wish there was a more specific solution, but I've done it now, thanks.
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‎Jun 24, 2020
04:13 AM
So following the procedure, I would normally do of looking at the full screen image and rating and going on to the next, which would normally average a second or 2 per image, waiting for the images to fully load to the crop, in 3 minutes, I did 8 images. or ~22.5seconds per image, 10 to 20 times as long, on hundreds of images. How efficient is that?
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‎Jun 24, 2020
03:34 AM
Still another problem with CC Bridge that should never have been released in its current bug-ridden state. After doing my cropping and sometimes exposure adjustments in RAW, I go to then rate and weed the results in Bridge. Only none of the results are showing. XMP hidden files can be displayed but are not having the effect, so the images look as though nothing was done. Or after a long period of time, a row may show the effects. I press the space bar to get full screen, rate and arrow to the next one, and then after a few, no crop again. I tried clearing the cache and purging and enlarging the camera raw cache from 5G to 50G but no effect. This never happened in CS6, but of course the only reason I got CC was to read Nikon Z7 files which they wouldn't make available for CS6.
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‎Jun 24, 2020
03:21 AM
1 Upvote
Yes I wish I hadn't forgot, as it would have saved me a lot of typing. I am unclear on your meaning. I can creat a new sequence without a new project, and copy what is in the project, with the trims done so far, into that sequence? A new timeline?
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‎Jun 23, 2020
03:28 AM
1 Upvote
Because this is CS6, maybe the answer is no. Going to sequence settings, I see no custom. The clips are 3040x1960. The preview is 1920x1080 thus apparently causing the crop cutting off much. I can type 3040 and 1960 in the preview boxes, but it changes nothing and reverts back to 1920 and 1060 when I look again. To clarify, when the sequence is stopped, the preview overfilles the frame so much is not visible. If I play the sequence, then it shows as a normal size. If I change the scale under motion, to 50 instead of 100, then the preview will fill the frame, but the playback with show a crop with large black edges. So in the first case an export will be of the preview size, and it will be cropping out much. Hard to edit when half the picture is missing. In the 50% case, it will preview with the clip correctly filling the frame, and export thus but playback will show a reduced view with large black borders, making it hard to see what needs editing. In either case no stailization can be done because the parameter don't match, so it seems I will have to abort, and import starting over with the desired parameters to match the sequence.
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‎Jun 22, 2020
04:29 PM
1 Upvote
I wonder how to do that.
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‎Jun 22, 2020
12:17 PM
I am finding .AVI files that no longer have thumbs nor will play. I came upon some that showed thumbs and were playable, but they had the wrong creation dates. Bridge often applies false dates to movies, years before, as well as putting camera models that I didn't use and haven't owned for many years. Checking the correct dates in my database, I changed, in description and camera data, as I have often needed to for .MOV files. In this case, the thumbs changed to icons, and they won't play in Bridge nor media player and won't even import into Premiere Pro, saying wrong file type.
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‎Jun 22, 2020
09:52 AM
1 Upvote
I didn't notice till I'w edited the clips of a scenic project, that it was cropped, as I used the wrong settings at the beginning. When it is stopped it shows the right size, but when it plays it crops in. Is there any way to salvage by changing to the correct parameters, or do I have to strt over with the right parameters.
When I have mixed clips of different sizes in a project, I have recropped in a project, so that for example one such as this looks shrunk when stopped so when it plays it is the right size, but then one can't stablize, when the original settings are wrong, so since all of the clips are wrong in this, I don't want to do this way.
[Title edited by mod]
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‎May 30, 2020
08:34 PM
Not following touching. I make space for it to expand if slowing. If faster, it should shrink.
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‎May 30, 2020
05:22 AM
It used to be that if I changed the duration, the length of the clip would change accordingly. Now however the length is not changing. So if I increase the duration, I have to drag out the end, or it will be clipped. If I have already trimmed unwanted parts off, extending and refinding where I wanted to have it end before, takes more time and is wasteful. Is there some setting that got changed?
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‎May 30, 2020
05:18 AM
I should be able to queue and keep working on new compilations, but it seems that if I have recently rebooted, I can queue a video, but if I finish another and add to the queue, it doesn't appear. I have to cease work and use the export function instead.
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‎May 26, 2020
08:50 AM
Can I delete these safely, when I've already made the desired videos. Maybe a lot of wasted apace. Many folders are empty.
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‎Feb 09, 2020
02:32 AM
Simple enough answers. I remember trying this long ago and comparing blown up images and thinking there was some loss, but decided to try again. First I had to find the DNR. On Adobe's site, after searching I found and downloaded DNR 12.1. I saved to desktop, opened and installed and ran. As it seemed it was asking to do a whole folder of images and I just wanted to test, I made a subfolder in a desired target and copied several images to it. (Z7 RAW files, whose images I could see in File Explorer) Back at the converter, I chose that subfolder as source and target. I chose convert and "The source folder does not contain any supported camera raw files" I tried extract. "No embedded originals were extracted" So what is wrong?
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‎Feb 07, 2020
03:53 PM
Still another problem with the multi-bug-ridden program Bridge CC that is part of the subscription scheme. After hours and hours of correcting wrong dates that it assigned to videos - where there is no thumbnails so I can't even see the subject, unless I go to CS6, I was ready to put species names in front of the unique file numbers assigned to each file. I did Waterfowl, then Owls, then was trying to do some squirrels and nothing happened. I tried deer. Nothing I tried to close Bridge and it won't close. I can paste the desired name to a single file but batch stopped working. To close I will have to use task manager and lose the search selection that I had made and start all over. I think 6 hours or more trying to do what normally would be expected to be one hour with CS6, which worked far better. (But can't read Z7 files)
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‎Feb 07, 2020
03:10 PM
That's it, thanks!
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‎Feb 07, 2020
08:55 AM
How do I delete unwanted, no longer needed metadata templates?
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‎Jan 19, 2020
09:36 AM
I don't sign out of CC. I may have to close Photoshop or reboot the computer, as I would on a trip, as I can't have it running 24/7.
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‎Jan 19, 2020
06:41 AM
I go on long trips and stay in remote areas with no Internet access. Every time I open CC, I am asked to sign in, so I have to wait till the end of my trip to view, weed or edit anything?
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