‎Dec 13, 2019
08:47 AM
In CC, I generally have no video thumbnails at all, only icons. InCS6, in contrast, I was having almost all thumbnails, but now many change to icons. If I have Photoshop open and drag into Premiere Pro (which is not really moving) thumbs change to icons in Photoshop. Then when I was trying to move 2 video files, in Photoshop, which were being used in PP, I got the message that they couldn't be moved. Of these 2, 1 had a thumb and the other only an icon, but after being unable to move, the 2nd one changed to a thumb. Makes no sense. This is making it very difficult to choose which clips I want to use or refer to.
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‎Dec 04, 2019
09:08 AM
I imported 4 raw files to LR, and edited in Photoshop CC, making some PSDs and tiff. Back in LR, it says there are 11 files, but only shows 5. On is a NEf and its, PSD, 2 are only the PSDs without the nefs. and one is only the NEf with no PSD. I had used once before and if I choose 'all files', it brings those into the panel also, but not the missing ones. They were in a different folder. I found that if I remove that folder, then the 11 from the other folder all appear. But if I click on that folder , then only 5 of 11 show. There are no filters on. Then I tried an experiment and just imported another folder. After just viewing its contents, I removed that folder, and then the 11 in the desired folder show again. But if I go to that folder, 6 disappear again. This is very confusing, and I don't know why it's happening. So if I go like I wanted to import from that folder, it shows 12 grayed out. But when I am actually the folder, it shows only 5 (of 11)
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‎Nov 29, 2019
11:41 AM
It is intermittently working. I was having problems with videos start to encoded, then stop and remain stuck there. So I exported a bunch singly without the encoder. Then I had rebooted and reopened things and used AME to export a video successfully. Then I went to do another and it didn't appear below the previous one. I removed that and tried again, and no. Then I closed AME and tried to reopen and it didn't even open.
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‎Nov 15, 2019
01:45 PM
I see what I did wrong and now it works. Thanks!
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‎Nov 15, 2019
12:07 PM
So the original names in the sequence started off with Synthliboramphus antiquus ANCIENT MURRELET 1308296. jpeg When I tried to import as sequence, pressing that button, so I thought because the name was too long and complex. I used Bulk Rename Utility to replace Synthliboramphus antiquus ANCIENT MURRELET 1308 with Murrelet, so the sequence starts with murrelet296.jpeg. Still can not check the import as sequence box. Will not check.
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‎Nov 14, 2019
12:28 PM
I hadn't gotten around to trying the suggestions till now. I don't see how to import as image sequence. The menu only has import. I don't know how to change the default from 5" Thanks
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‎Oct 30, 2019
11:19 AM
With the Nikon Z7 camera, if the shutter button is pressed while in movie mode, depending on the length held, it produces hundreds of jpegs. This happens by accident, when I think I am in photo mode. If they are scrolled through quickly they sometimes would make a good movie. I know if I imported them all into PP CS6, they would default to 5 seconds each and they would all have to be shortened and then moved to reconnect, which would be extremely tedious if hundreds had to be moved individually. Is there some good solution. I noticed when I go full screen in Bridge and hold the down arrow down, it runs through them just like a movie, only maybe too fast.
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‎Oct 30, 2019
11:09 AM
I since realized that I just need to use a different camera setting, 5x or 4x slower to have it play that much slower in PP.
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‎Sep 30, 2019
02:52 AM
I found under my files, and was able to adjust size to screen and play.
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‎Sep 30, 2019
02:26 AM
I took a long video from my Android phone, cut and edited in PP, and then exported as MP4, as I wasn't sure which format to use. Copied back to the phone and in gallery it just shows as a picture, not playable. (The original icon for the unedited long video in gallery plays)
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‎Aug 18, 2019
10:15 AM
"dynamic site with content stored in a database." What does that mean? GoDaddy is my host.
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‎Aug 18, 2019
03:28 AM
Well I solved the problem that I originally posted about, that of the Web Photo Gallery (WPG) not reflecting the HTML changes that the Coffee Cup software showed I had made. It had nothing to do with the WPG. It was that features of the HTML had expired and previewed changes were not really taking effect. I downloaded a trial version of the full editor, made desired changes, also let it update some code, and then ran the WPG and created 3 new or updated galleries and uploaded. But the main gist of responses was that my site was out of date, not very searchable, used frames etc. /there seems to be agreement that I shouldn't continue to work in this manner. I don't fully understand all the implications. I have in person directed or shown people my site on cell phones, so I know it is visible and navigable there, though one has to zoom in and out a lot because things are so small. The stat counter that I use doesn't keep track of individual pages, but if I go to their site, I can see total visits, who visited what from where and much other information. The pages with ads also get a lot of analysis from google analytics, which I find less friendly that the stat counter. So if I decided to make a change, how would I start, say instead of running the WPG and adding watermarks then uploading, for a new page, how would it differ? Would I still have a page with the selection of pictures that I want, the links to other pages, and targeted ads if desired? Rather than 'rebuild site' or start over with a new one, what would be a plan to start replacing a page at a time? When I have sent notices to list serves or social media about a new page such as revised Snowy Owls, I have seen Stat Counter record the visits jumping from a few in a week to as much as 400 in a day. It has recorded visits from people in 31 countries in a week. None of this ever generated any revenue though, unlike that from a few chosen clients I already have. So many people give away their digital photos now that it killed about 95% of the business. My database shows that I have had 4475 images of 1100 species of living things in paid publications of books, magazines, signs, websites, but that business plummeted with the desire for and availability of free stuff. I'm not wanting to invest money in something that isn't guaranteed to generate any in return.
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‎Aug 17, 2019
08:39 AM
OK, Further investigation shows that the problem I described is not because of the Photoshop web photo gallery but in the Coffee Cake software. If I change code, in this example simply changing stocklist to subject list in the HTML and use their F11 to preview the result, it shows subject list. But if I look in Windows Explorer at a preview of the frame set, it shows stocklist still. What is strange is that there used to be a button to update the code to CSS, but now I no longer see. Perhaps something expired and that is why it no longer updates correctly. So this is why it stopped working, not because of the Gallery maker.
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‎Aug 17, 2019
07:42 AM
Test Screen Name. Actually Adobe had the directions on how to use the Web Photo Gallery with later versions. I wasn't just figuring out some way on my own. They initially kept a Web Photo Gallery, that, unlike the earlier one, produced dead end pages and I couldn't find where they were stored to add my links to the HTML code. At this point I have been concentrating on compiling videos and am a couple years behind in many subjects as far as updating photo galleries,, because I have thousands of images which I haven't made tiffs yet, the first stage in going on to galleries. I don't think I could find the time to learn scripting. In the beginning, when much younger, I typed in the HTML by hand, but now it is so advanced and far beyond my understanding. Most of my business is from people who know my site and go there to look for subjects, so the fact that I am far behind in adding the new stuff is not good. With the problem I described, the galleries are still created automatically, but for some reason, new HTML changes are not being reflected. It goes to a previous version, though these were also modified since having CS6. The workaround, if I need to change text or a link, is to do so on the page that the macro created, instead of the page that it is supposed to generate from. I've done before, just pasting the code from the right one where needed. Inefficient, but at least the actual buyers would see the new stuff. Most of the ones who just stumble on my site seem to be those who, 'would love to use, and will credit you'. So I feel a bit stuck in a rut. Should I update a whole bunch of pages in this manner for the known customers. I could do dozens in a day. Or try to learn redesigning everything, for the people that seem divorced from their surroundings, unable to stop scrolling their cell phones? I suppose I am the one that is divorced from the reality that this is. I am trying to figure what the priority should be.
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‎Aug 17, 2019
07:07 AM
Nancy, you said that from the outset, my site should have been built differently. I don't know how long you have been at this, but when I started the site, it was typing HTML code by hand. It was probably the earliest version, so it couldn't have been built from the outset with a later one. When Adobe had the Web Photo Gallery, then that may have been the latest. When I had later editors, some code was revised and updated to newer versions like CSS. Now I didn't keep up with the changes in code, and my concentration has been on taking thousands of photos and videos and editing them and organizing scientifically. Now I would like more traffic, though and a redesign of some of my pages. That doesn't mean I want to destroy the organizational links of what is there. Of the examples shown I haven't seen anything near the complexity involved. I have seen some other photographers with wide ranges of nature subjects somewhat similarly organized. I don't know what software of program they are using. I just emailed one I know, but haven't a reply. Perhaps I could start by redoing my home page, which I'm not particularly happy with. I would need to keep its links and its counter to see if there was any increase in traffic. As far as the problem that I posted, it isn't that the macro doesn't run. It is that for some reason, it is not finding the HTML page that has been modified most recently. A workaround is to run it and copy the few lines of HTML code that are desired to the page that has been created, which is inefficient. As far as creating a gallery full of thumbs that link to the full size images, in another way, I don't know where to begin. If I use one of the examples, won't I then have to add my links, counter, ads, if desired, to each page? I just don't know what is involved.
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‎Aug 15, 2019
11:45 PM
I looked at some examples. Adobe Portfolio say they'll start me off with a gallery and a contact. I have a scientifically organized website with hundreds or thousands of pages, with many interconnecting links. Every image has a unique 7 digit number and in the larger image, what the image is appears with common and scientific name. Although I have come across a few cases where I did not type the right link, and need to correct, 99% go to the correct species, family, order or whatever. The problem I described is not related to the website, but to why on my computer, did changes to HTML code (done in Coffee Cup editor) suddenly stop being reflected. \The refrigerator analogy seems less apt than, 'your car looks old, buy a new one.' You may be able to drive to Alaska and back, but the mileage is poor. Now I thought Web Photo Gallery was removed not because it didn't work well. It was first replaced with a version that you could no longer modify and add links to, producing dead end pages. I thought it was more, that we are giving something away free that we can make more money by selling something new. In each 'update' of photoshop, since CS3, I have lost some capability that I liked and made my work flow better, in exchange for bells and whistles that I never needed or wanted, with the exception of delete to background. I once used to be able to select 'ALL' images in a folder and its subfolders, while now if I want to I have to select all images 'that do not contain zzz or xxx, to get the same result. Currently, I had to finally go for the CC scheme, simply because the camera raw for the Nikon Z7 would not be supplied for CS6. The result is that my movie files no longer display thumbnails in Bridge, just icons, and they may not accept the metadata of location, description etc. If I go to CS6, they all have thumbnails, and accept the data, which then may or may not show in CC. But in CC all the NEF files are icons with no data. So I have to go back and forth between the 2 versions to view and add data. And the search function stopped working in CC, so if I want to find which files lack descriptions or keywords, I have to stop and look at hundreds of images individually. When I asked Adobe tech support for help, she took remote control of my computer, tried several things that didn't work, and said she needed to talk to a supervisor and would call at 7pm the next day. The call never came and I got an email that my case was solved. Also, 'updates' continually indicates that CS6 has 2 updates I need, but going to get them, doesn't work. Adobe tech told sent me a link to something that should work and it doesn't. I have tried Lightroom and found that all the metadata entered into Bridge is gone. I have spent over a thousand dollars on various Adobe upgrades and now have to go back and forth between 2 versions that each half work. So I am pretty distrustful of investing more money in Adobe products when I have spent so much and the latest doesn't even work and am lied to about helping and solving problems, Although I see, as expected, it seems I am not going to find an explanation to the original or any of these other problems here, other than spend more, I am open to answers to suggestions that weren't addressed, Such as, if the links work, galleries open to the desired image, why is updating the code important? I had thought about modernizing my home page and a couple of others, but why would I want, as in examples I looked at, want a whole lot of images stuffed on a page with no separations or information about them? It seems that junk your site and start over is not very practical or helpful.
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‎Aug 15, 2019
04:54 PM
I am not sure how to respond, as it is addressing a different matter from what I asked. My concern was that the gallery generator stopped responding to changes in HTML. This is on my computer, before going to the web. You are indicating that my problem is that searches won't find my pages and they aren't designed for the tiny screens of cell phones? Perhaps I would get more traffic then? The main purpose of the site was to have pages linked so that if I produced a new or revised a gallery. I would post a link to various social media groups I on, and once someone is there, the organization is such that they can find things by relationship, such as species, families, orders, etc. With the sample page, if one goes to it, and clicks on a thumbnail, the larger, watermarked image comes up. What would be different with revised code? It is tedious that I can't just add a new image to a page, I have to redo the whole gallery. But once I select the images, the gallery creation is automatic. A Photoshop action adds the watermarks, and then I upload. A later page, with targeted ads;
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‎Aug 15, 2019
12:57 PM
Perhaps macro is the wrong word. The way the Photoshop Web Photo Gallery creator works is the following. You select all the images you want if a folder, choose the template that you want, and press the OK, then a gallery is generated with thumbnails. Clicking on any thumbnail links to a larger image. This was part of Adobe Photoshop's own program. All I did was add some links to other pages. What would be the proper termination? EG:
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‎Aug 15, 2019
07:19 AM
I suppose it is so unlikely that anyone is knowledgeable about this to help, but I am out of ideas. I have carried forth Web Photo Gallery through several generations of Photoshop since CS3, manually putting the files in proper places as per directions, up to CS6. I use, as those pages were modifiable and my whole website with thousands of pages is based on the macro and the ability to modify and add links to other pages. At some point modifications have been frozen, so that any changes made in the HTML editor show in the test, which is saved, but when the macro is run in Bridge, there are no changes. For example I had a macro in a folder for a spider gallery called Arachnid gallery. I copy the folder and rename Arachnid test. I then make modifications in HTML, even as simple as changing 'stocklist' to 'subject list' and view the result in the HTML viewer, and it shows 'subject list' and is saved. I then go to Bridge and choose some images and run the macro which is in the new folder Arachnid test (which didn't even exist before, so I'm in the right folder), but running the macro, it still says stocklist. I can't make sense of this. It is the same with any other galleries that I modified at a certain time. I searched all the drives of the computer for Web Photo Gallery and thought it significant that, beside the one in Program Files, there was another that was in C:Users\r1\Appdata\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramFiles\Adobe\AdobePhotoshopCS6\WebPhotoGallery and within also was the new Arachnid Test. I thought Aha, but in that folder was just the modified frameset, and it also had 'Subject List' So I see that this virtualstore is creating copies of modifications, but they still aren't used running the macros.
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‎Jun 24, 2019
09:27 AM
Looking at that thread, I found that there were about 49,000 files, , 21.7G in the local temp on C, which I deleted, but I wasn't really having any space problems on C, (239G free or 931G) as the folders mentioned above are on internal 4T Z drive. Also used the clean media button, because, why not. But deleting unnecessary preview files on Z will gain a lot, as that is where I lack space, thanks.
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‎Jun 24, 2019
07:29 AM
I see I would gain ~75G with the preview, but only ~5G with the autosave.
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‎Jun 24, 2019
07:27 AM
I am trying to make more space on my internal 4T drive where my video sequences, projects and exported compilations are stored. I am in the red showing lack of room left. I asked in another post, if it would make sense to move the projects and completed exports to an external drive, while keeping the sequences referred to on the internal for fast reading. but that had no response. So now I am wondering if the preview files could be deleted. Reading, I see that it says they are used to reference whether there was rendering. It seems most of the folders are empty but some have files in. I had been previously advised that rendering before export was unnecessary unless there was some problem, so I don't normally do so. Although when editing, it seems every that almost time I press the space bar to play a clip. after some modification, it renders. Then another folder is full of auto saved files. Since I have already completed videos, exported and uploaded to YouTube, there is no need for any of them is there? Thanks if anyone answers, because progress has ceased till I create more room.
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‎Jun 17, 2019
07:10 AM
I had all of these in 2 master folders on a 4T internal drive and am in the red running out of room. I had originally transfereed from a 6T external drive because I was informed I would have better performance, less jerkiness, stopping etc. Since I don't have enough internal storage for all, would it make sense to keep the original sequences, from which videos are compiled for export on the internal, and move the completed projects and/or their exports to an external drive?
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‎May 24, 2019
02:08 PM
And I should add, then no data can be added. Then sometimes ones that never allowed data to be added, unlock and allow.
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‎May 24, 2019
02:07 PM
Usually I am able to add the info I want, such as location, keywords, description, etc. Occasionaly, I get a message that the file doesn't have xmp and can't hold info. Stranger is when I have all the metadata entered and saved, but then maybe as in the present case, I went to add something to the headline. It said it can't hold data, and then all my previous info is wiped out and all the fields are blank. This is CC with .mov files
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‎Apr 27, 2019
10:48 AM
EG: 'The file "301_4909.MOV" cannot store xmp metadata. No changes will occur.'
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‎Apr 27, 2019
10:45 AM
Another problem in this bug-ridden CC Bridge. Sometimes, I can add no data to the raw Nikon .mov files, though usually I can. In the current instance, I was adding more data such as location, description, keywords and other to those in a Bridge search, with about 153 .move files. I had been lucky and only 1 had given the message that data could not be added. So I was finalizing, adding another keyword to some, and I got the message that some could not accept data and now there were 11, such files, and they had lost all the previously added keywords, description, headline, title, everything. As it took an inordinately long time for selected files to highlight that they were selected, and then accept the input data, in the first place, this is extremely annoyting. I previous cases .mov files that would initially accept no data, later for unknown reasons became receptive to such. Also, as in CS6 Bridge in the camera data sometimes a date of a previous year. like 2007 is entered instead of the present one, and a lens 80-400mm that I haven't owned for years is recorded instead of the proper lens.Occasionally even a different camera. This is despite entirely new memory cards and I don't know where such ancient memories are stored to be applied. In Nikon's own software the wrong info is not recorded.
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‎Apr 26, 2019
02:19 AM
In CS6, I had a crop which was drawing at no particular ratio, any dimensions or size I wanted. Now I can only find ones with ratios, none of which I want, in some instances. I think one was called unlimited before.
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‎Apr 26, 2019
02:16 AM
Sorry, I know that. Ishould have posted in Photoshop CC forum instead of Bridge, as that is where the problem is.
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‎Apr 23, 2019
09:38 AM
In CS6, I had a crop which was drawing at no particular ratio, any dimensions or size I wanted. Now I can only find ones with ratios, none of which I want in some instance. {Thread renamed by Moderator}
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