‎Jan 18, 2019
11:18 AM
By closing and opening again, I was able to access the menus, and do as suggested. Thanks..
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‎Jan 18, 2019
09:40 AM
This lightroom classic. The open window says no photo found and I can't access any menus.
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‎Jan 15, 2019
11:46 AM
I have used the speed/duration on normal speed clips before, but didn't think I would have to on integrally slowed ones. Using the other, modify method, does that change all in a sequence or just the desired clips? I have mixed 30fps and 120fps in videos, and I'm not sure which is which. Is there info somewhere that shows their recording speed? thanks.
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‎Jan 15, 2019
11:36 AM
And I don't want it to. I have different drives on at different times and it is a nuisance when this opens and I don't want it to. [Moved to LR Classic from LRCC forum – Mod]
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‎Jan 15, 2019
11:34 AM
1 Upvote
I got a Nikon Z7 camera and I've taken some video at 120fps, and some other with their slow motion setting which is supposed to be 5 times slower than normal. But when I include in videos with 30fps settings, these clips play at normal, not-slowed speed.
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‎Jan 09, 2019
07:18 AM
While things were going well for a while, now I have a problem when I create a new project with Z7 video files, and press spacebar, nothing happens, and in the buttons, there is no play button. If I close the project and reopen it is playable, though wtill jerky or hesitant in parts.
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‎Jan 01, 2019
11:34 AM
When I copied and pasted again it appeared on a 4th track which was highlighted and then I was able to highlight the 3rd, which it seemed I couldn't before.
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‎Jan 01, 2019
11:28 AM
Now Adobe has removed help for PP CS6? Clicking on help or F1 > goes to "not found" I want to paste audio to a new track and add to, not overwrite the original linked to the video. But putting it on an additional track, copying and trying to paste at the position I want keeps overwriting the original's.
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‎Dec 30, 2018
11:17 AM
Actually, it seems that the problem is more related to having dragged files to make videos in Premiere Pro. This does not actually move them, and this was done afterwards.That is when the thumbs disappear. Not having PP open, restarting doesn't help So, compacting the cache didn't help, and any moved videos lack thumbnails, have locked metadata, and now I find won't play in the CC Bridge Window. In contrast when viewed in CS6 Bridge there are no such problems, thumbs, playable. How is it even legal for Adobe to extort money with a required update for an inferior product with no support?
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‎Dec 29, 2018
09:49 AM
Another feature of this bug-ridden CC Bridge. I move some video files, dragging to another folder and they lose the thumbnails and the metadata I entered is locked and uneditable.
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‎Dec 23, 2018
04:26 PM
That was all it needed - snapped to the end of the sequences, thanks!
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‎Dec 23, 2018
01:11 PM
This didn't help, because going to the end, there is no orange handle to grasp, as the picture shows, at the end..
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‎Dec 23, 2018
08:34 AM
The exported video showed a length of 20 minutes, when the edited sequences totaled less than 7. I reopened and found that the work area went far beyond the sequences and wanted to pull it in, as in other cases, but it has no orange end handle to grab and pull in, no matter what magnification I use to try to get to the end.
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‎Dec 22, 2018
02:44 PM
The exported video showed a lenght of 20 minutes, when the edited sequences totaled less than 7. I reopened and found that the work area went far beyond the sequences and wanted to pull it in, as in other cases, but it has no orange end handle to grab and pull in, no matter what magnification I use to try to get to the end.
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‎Dec 22, 2018
10:39 AM
I ordered a 7200rpm 6T drive. The latest video, where is sometimes shaky from shooting at a long distance from a vehicle at some Whooping Cranes, is proving awful to edit, because it is hard to discern which jerkiness is from vibration and which from the stop-start playback. Not only that but I have changed the scale of one sequence from 100 to 130, 150, 200, and 400 and it doesn't change. Spending hours reducing a 17 minute compilation.
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‎Dec 20, 2018
05:32 AM
Seems that the first time I open an image(s) in CC menus are grayed out and I have to close any images and reopen, then menus are available.
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‎Dec 20, 2018
04:33 AM
I tried DNG converter in regard to another problem. When I compared at high resolution to original RAWs, I found a loss of sharpness. So I wouldn't want to replace and keeping both doubles HD space.
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‎Dec 19, 2018
07:55 AM
I find it outrageous, that just to be able to see camera raw files for the Z7, and they won't allow that update for CS6, I have to sign up for a lifetime subscription to bug ridden CC to continue to view the NEFs and their data. And that I apparently don't even qualify for phone support on such an issue. I have to move files between folders often , when I get some arthropods identified further and move them to a family, genus or species folder, and when there are 7 or 8 jpegs, it stops that many times, saying each is already there, and asking what I want to do about it, and saying some files weren't moved then I have to move again, get the error message, repeat, etc.. So I can move them with CS6 Bridge, but can't see NEF thumbs or their data. Also in CC, to select a bunch of images to do anything such as add data often takes minutes instead of seconds. Then when enlarging thumbs in CC Bridge, by pressing the spacebar, I was getting'not 100% available and seeing fuzzy images that I could have accidentally deleted as unfocused when they really were sharp. And when I first open images in CC and want to make adjustments, all is grayed out, till I close and reopen them, Then sometimes it says some disk is not available on first opening, and I have to hit try again many times. There are other problems that I didn't have with CS6, but I need to see my Z7 nefs, so lifetime payments.
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‎Dec 19, 2018
07:27 AM
Though the video does not freeze as before, there are some momentary hesitations and jerkiness in some places. Does the choice of scratch disks affect, and any suggestions there?
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‎Dec 18, 2018
02:16 PM
Should I have deleted the media cache as well as media cache files. Each 41,000+
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‎Dec 17, 2018
11:32 PM
I moved are redid the latest video that was stopping and it made a big difference. I moved the whole 'unused video' folder to the internal drive and loaded Piping Plover sequences, of which there are dozens of Z7 files and also playing without stopping, so definitely alleviated the freezing problem. How do I check the media caches. Thanks!
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‎Dec 16, 2018
03:34 AM
Using the externals sounds like it could well be a good reason for this problem, and I will definitely try moving some for a problem video that I need to redo. However to move all my video source sequences would be a much bigger problem. My images and videos are all organized by subject matter and are mainly of living things sorted phylogenetically. So there are parent folders for birds, Arthropods, mammals, etc. Then subfolders, such as Orders, Families, even to species. Many videos don't accept metadata such as keywords, so organizing them would require duplicating the whole structure of thousands of folders, and not done readily. Also I don't think the internals have enough space for all the video sequences. But if the test works, this would be a good long term plan, to store and organize videos separately. I have to redo one that I uploaded to youtube at Accipiter cooperii COOPER'S HAWK immatures - YouTube It has mixed sequences from both the Nikon D4 and Z7 cameras, and although it looked OK compiling and editing (as far as I could judge despite the repeated freezing), on youtube, the larger Z7 files are cropped with the bird's head cut off. I had made an earlier video setup for the Z7 instead of the D4 and that one used both types but didn't have the problem, while this was set up for the D4.
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‎Dec 15, 2018
11:26 AM
This picture will show the usual basic setup. D is mostly a backup of Z. Z is where video projects and exports are. Y is where all images and videos are stored W is a backup for much of Y G is just some miscellaneous stuff. Used to be the C drive but quit rebooting and replaced, everything reinstalled on current. Y and W are external, the rest internal. Sometimes I have more externals connected. I have about 16 more, mostly backups for smaller selections. Does connecting more slow things down?
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‎Dec 15, 2018
07:34 AM
I noticed that I missed the part about the rollback. Looked that up and saw my Graphics Card needed updating, so did that. Might have helped a bit, but still lots of freezes, requiring stopping and starting again in sections. Custom made computer by Rain that was supposed to solve all my mulitmedia, photo, audio and video needs. Windows 7 Ultimate AMD FX(tm) 8150 8-core processor 3.62GHz 16G RAM 64 bit os
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‎Dec 14, 2018
08:54 AM
Neither action solved the problem. I was able to use the frame by frame button, and delete a lot of useless footage that made the smaller segments play better, with less freezing.
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‎Dec 13, 2018
03:12 PM
One of my Nikon Z7 sequences is 1.47G. When I try to play it. the slider keeps moving but it freezes and I can't tell what is happening. Then it turned sky blue about halfway. This is PP CS6. Rendering didn't help.
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‎Nov 27, 2018
08:00 AM
No it did not help. If I return to CS6 and move files, even thought the new RAW files can't be viewed, they all still move without problems or questions. And no another problem I open a file and want to change its crop because it is too long. I usually use 3x4 ratio but this would be too tight. I don't seem to have a choice as in the CS6, to have no particular ratio, and want none of the presets. I can bubble crops and all kinds of nonsense, but can't simple draw the crop as desired without regard to ratios.
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‎Nov 26, 2018
03:55 AM
So because a well working CS6 couldn't read Z7 files, I had to join the CC lifelong subscription scheme and now I can't even simply move files between folders without multiple attempts and possible data loss. How does one notify a company that won't allow phone calls even, once you've paid and installed for the bug-ridden program? Outrageous.
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