‎Nov 25, 2018
11:49 AM
This Bridge CC has a glitch. I save my images, which are mostly species in folders and subfolders, according to their relationship, like a phylogenetic tree. For years, in all other Bridges, when I have gotten IDs of insects farther than what I had before, I move to a more specific folder, genus or species, from parent family folder. Now whenever I move a group of files, it stops on a jpg and says it already exists and asks to autoresolve. If I choose this, it moves some files and then says some files were not moved and trying again stops at the next jpeg. If instead of autoresolving, I choose cancel, then it moves them. I tried replace instead and found that the jpeg gets deleted, not moved. Why can't it just move a whole batch of files, without repeatedly stopping and possibly losing files?
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‎Nov 25, 2018
10:18 AM
There seemed to be some glitch . Next time I opened a RAW image the choices weren't grayed out.
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‎Nov 25, 2018
10:14 AM
OK. I see I had to check the open and save in the batch dialog
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‎Nov 25, 2018
09:29 AM
Typing error. It was from CS6. I saved the unmodified RAW file as a tiff and then didn't see it in the folder. I checked to see if saving sent it somewhere else but it didn't. I see that the tiff was shown with recent files and reopened and modified the tiff slightly, as now the adjustments and other choices were not grayed out. I need to refresh the Bridge page, which was filtered to get it to appear again. I s it necessary to save RAW files as tiffs before menus will be available? Also, from Bridge, I tried to run my logo watermark macro on this Plover image and I saw it save a moth picture with the macro instead.
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‎Nov 25, 2018
09:19 AM
Well at least you and others may know now, as I do, how to find where they are, by searching the computer for ATN
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‎Nov 25, 2018
09:16 AM
I went from CS5 to CC so I could view my Z7 files, and now I have one open and can do nothing. I used to press a key combination to start with shadow highlights, but that doesn't work now, and when I look at the image menu, adjusts and everything but analysis is grayed out, so I can do nothing. What is need to do anything at all?
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‎Nov 24, 2018
09:34 AM
I figured out already. I saw where to save the current one, then search disk for ATN and found my main old one and loaded. But then when I ran one I wanted from Bridge as a batch, it stops after showing the image and asks to open the file. Then if I click open, a box opens asking for a file name to open again. Then if I close that box, the image disappears. So this isn't working as before. The action just puts a watermark on. so then I decided to just open an image and run the action. I have to skip the first step, and then it looks like the action plays, but at the end there should be a watermarked jpeg in the folder and there isn't, Maybe it saved somewhere else. this is fatiguing. After a frustrating week of having CC, I thought I was finally going get to work and I got nowhere. Then I thought maybe I needed to take the tour, but didn't need to see about layers, moving things and changing hues, but you can't skip the operations and go to the next step. Then I closed CC and opened CS6 Bridge to use a tiff created, as it can't read the NEF. Now that action didn't produce anything there either. So I did simpler copyright action without the logo of the other. this worked. Back to CC and tried as the macro. Again showed the image, but had to menu choose the file and open, then run the action and that worked. An hour later to find out that I may have to recreate the action and my no longer work as a macro to watermark a whole batch of images. Enough frustration for now.
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‎Nov 24, 2018
07:41 AM
How do I find my old actions and move to where they need to be?
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‎Nov 18, 2018
01:56 PM
I saw that the Bridge script was by Paul Riggot, who was the very helpful creator of the script I had in 2012. I saw that this one had more fields and was 2016, but unfortunately it also went to CS6 , not CC. the Barred Rock script mentions there says it works on CS3 and 4.
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‎Nov 18, 2018
10:44 AM
I was just seeing if LR had any metadata exporting capabilities, that I lost going from CS6 Bridge to CC. I just want to restore the ability to not have to manually enter thousands of records with a dozen data fields to add to my Access database.
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‎Nov 18, 2018
10:40 AM
I went to a reject file to see what would happen . I needed to press the import and then it came in with all the metadata. But now the disk shows only this reject folder. I'm can't seem to get back to viewing the other folders on the disk, where all the other images on the disk are. I removed that, so its empty now. How do I get back to the original directory tree?
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‎Nov 18, 2018
10:22 AM
Is this picture from Bridge useful ? I really don't know how to use LR. If I add to 'my catalog' is it setting a bunch of new folders, when I already have where I know I want them already or where I would file the images, according to subject.
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‎Nov 18, 2018
09:34 AM
Photoshop cs6 would not recognize Nikon Z7 files, so I was forced to update to CC. I had a metadata extractor that would would extract chosen fields to a text document that I could then tweak to import into my MSAccess database. Now I find this only worked with CS6 and I don't want to manually enter thousands of data records. I then wondered about Lightroom and installed the classic. Imported one recent folder with 27 raw or mov files, and now what? I see no metadata, It doesn't recognize all that has been already entered in Bridge? Default is none. If I choose new, it looks like I have to reenter everything in blank fields, likewise with presets. All my thousands of phylogenetic-organized folders with almost 200,000 files are supposed to be individually imported and treated thus. I am clueless as too how this is useful and improving my workflow which has now come to a halt till I import data into Access again.
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‎Nov 18, 2018
08:36 AM
I needed to update from Photoshop CS6 to CC so I could view my Nikon Z7 files. So now I find that my metadata extractor doesn't work with the CC Photoshop, only CS6. A forum member was kind enough to create that for me, so that my categories such as species, subject, headline, date, location, city, state, country, etc could be extracted into a text file that I could then be imported into MSWorks database, modified and refined to then import into my MSAccess database, where I keep all the info from all my images. This saved me from re-eintering all the image data of thousands of images, in all these fields by hand. This is why I hate forced updates that ruin my smoothly working workflow.
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‎Nov 18, 2018
08:31 AM
So now I find that my metadata extractor doesn't work with the CC Photoshop, only CS6. A forum member was kind enough to create this for me, so that my categories such as species, subject, headline, date, location, etc could be extracted into a text file that I could then be imported into MSWorks database, modified and refined to then import into my MSAccess database, where I keep all the info from all my images. This saved me from re-eintering all the image data of thousands of images, in all these fields by hand. Now I'll see if any help is available for the for the undesired update, that has screwed my workflow as feared.
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‎Nov 15, 2018
10:16 AM
This Bridge is incredibly slow. To add keywords yesterday to a lot of files took hours instead of minutes. Today I am trying to paste descriptions. 1st it takes so long to click on image and shift click another for them to all be highlighted. Then for the box to be available to paste the name in, and then for the naming to take effect. In the old Bridge, I could see at the bottom, the file numbers spinning by at a rapid rate. With this, each one says generating thumbnails and then even when I think it is finally done, I go and look at one, and there is still no name and I have to repeat. This last batch is only 39 selected. This is exactly what I hate about forced updates. Something that was working quickly and smoothly is replaced by something much worse, to gain a lot of bells and whistles that I'll never used. And all because, they won't update the ability to view RAW files any further in CS6, which is all I wanted.
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‎Nov 15, 2018
03:03 AM
Well that is disturbing. I went ahead and subscribed and the helpful agent installed it separately. As I paid plenty for the various versions leading up to and including CS6, to have it stop working is just outrageous.
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‎Nov 14, 2018
10:18 AM
I have Photoshop CS6 and interested in the subscription CC photoshop.
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‎Nov 14, 2018
09:26 AM
The CS subscription will coexist with my CS6, not replace it?
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‎Nov 03, 2018
04:19 AM
My mistake was viewing in the ViewNX-i where they don't appear at all, even as icons. I see that they are in the same folder viewed in Bridge. I do not have lossy compression selected but the files are smaller , for example 52.97meg down to 46.07meg which is about 87% the size of the original. To visually compare the 2, 1 of each of which is visible in each program, I zoomed the same size dng in Bridge to compare the nef in ViewNX-i. First side by side on 2 monitors, and the dng looked slightly less sharp and less contrasted - slightly washed out. I made sure that I hadn't any exposure changes on the ViewNX-i that would account for this. I thought this could be due to the different monitors, so then I flipped back and forth on the same monitor, but still the differences show. It was actually more noticeable on a less sharp image, where the top of the head of a hawk was a cleaner line. The ViewNX-i software is extremely slow and tedious to use compared to Bridge, doesn't have as many filters, and so on, and is just a temporary means till I figure the best way forward. I need to try some comparisons and conversions of CS6 recognizable RAW files to see how they may differ.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:41 PM
I downloaded the DNG convertor and this seemed like a great solution as it does a whole folder, rather than having to do each singly. I was uncertain what would happen to the jpegs and .mov files in the folder, so I copied 3 raw and 1 each of the other 2 to a test folder and then ran the converter, to covert in the same folder. It indicated that it converted just the 3 RAW, but there are no .dng in the folder, just the original 5. Did I miss something? I wanted it to just use the present file names, so the new ones would be the same, only ending in dng instead of nef. Was it necessary to change default 'document name' to something else? It said the conversions took place and Z7 is listed as recognized so I don't know what's wrong.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:12 PM
That's might be a solution, I should look into. I guess the problem would be with these 45meg files all duplicated, the diminishing space on the 6T drive would go twice as fast. Thanks.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:08 PM
Thanks. So if RAW files were read, modified by cropping, exposure, metadata added etc. and subscription lapsed, they would not be viewed and info would disappear. If one then resubscribed would the changes have been saved or would all need to be redone?
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‎Nov 02, 2018
03:02 PM
For example, I see that all the Z7 data I entered in Nikon ViewNX-i, such as location, city state, country, is not showing up in Bridge, where there is now a separate folder, where I suppose that data is stored. The date, that the camera actually stored is shown. This is with a few jpeg shot images, as CS6 doesn't recognize the RAW files. In contrast, I see that my previously shot files with Bridge metadata, such as city, state, description, IS showing up in Nikon ViewNX-i. So I am wondering about LR.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
02:52 PM
I don't have LR now. I said that I tried it years ago and when I didn't see my metadata that was enter in Bridge (description, location, headline, dates added from scanned slides, etc), I wiped it off. But now my CS6 version doesn't show Nikon Z7 raw files or any metadata, so I was considering a trial of LR again, and wondering how much it recognizes of RAW files that have been cropped, lightened or darkened so they appear thus in Bridge, though nothing is permanent. Also, I know that if I use Nikon ViewNX-i, I can see the Z7 Raw files, make crops, changes in exposure etc, that are all impermanent, and any such changes are not visible in Bridge, and require doing the same things again to view there. I know that if I permanently save such modifications as a tiff or jpg file, then it will appear pretty much the same anywhere. I also don't know understand about Photoshop CC subscription, and if any such changes or addition of metadata remain or exist only in the 'cloud' and disappear or are undone if subscription lapses.
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‎Nov 02, 2018
02:38 PM
I am looking at 'plans'. One is $9.99/month with 20G storage. Another is $19.99/month for 100G storage. I don't actually want any of my stuff stored in a web cloud. I have almost 6T on an external hard drive. Is storing your stuff on the cloud a necessity? I don't know how subscription works and am happy with CS6, but it won't read my Z7 files. If you modify your raw files, add data, etc., make tiffs, are these stored on the web and if your subscription expires, you lose all your changes, ability to read the RAW files and metadata? Or is new stuff still on your local computer, and nothing is lost, but you just can't read or modify new files? [Title edited by moderator for clarity]
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‎Nov 02, 2018
02:05 PM
It seems I tried LR years ago and it didn't recognize any of my saved metadata, such as description, location, etc. I just tried a search for such a question and found one unanswered since 2015. I consider this very important, before I try LR again. I don't want to reenter data of thousands of pictures again, or add to new stuff in LR and then have to do so again in CS6 Bridge.
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‎Jul 13, 2018
06:18 PM
how to? And when I press help in the program now, I get: Not Found The requested URL /en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WS58a04a822e3e5010-1f09756312695358696-8000.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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‎Jul 07, 2018
05:39 AM
This problem's strangeness has increased. I put the external HD with the images on my ASUS laptop instead of the PC, and the result is the same. but then I tried other folders on the drive, including from the same trip and no problem. This folder was originally copied from one on the C drive of the ASUS before weeding and editing, and the original is still there and doesn't show the problem. And then as I started going through the images in this one folder, I found that all of the latest ones lack the problem and then those before a certain number start showing it, but it is intermittent. A blurred image may be followed or surrounded by sharp ones. (All this is only at the original full screen level, and enlarging, they all show sharp) and then before a certain point, it seems that all the rest have this problem, to the earliest in the folder.
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