‎Oct 02, 2022
06:20 AM
This isn't working quite as expected. I imported a lot of day folders into lightroom. In bridge they had been cropped , exposure in Camera Raw. Many had keywords added and descriptions. In bridge some lacked these and videos lacked thumbnails. What I liked about LR was that the videos had thumbnails and played. Everything that had keywords or descriptions, locations etc. in bridge was carried over to LR. In most cases those that didn't had keyords in a list from those that did and I could add. there were some without the keyword choice though that existed on the Bridge list but none of the imported had. I went back to Bridge and it seemed that none of the keywords added in LR now showed in Bridge, so I added from there and also to the ones that lacked them. When I went back to LR, none of the ones with Bridge added keywords had them and they still weren't on the list. I suppose that this is because after importing. So what happens if I re-import? the main reason I have kept Bridge all these years is because a helpful Adobe forum person created a metadata extractor, by which I can extract the chosen metadata from a selection of files and subsequently tweak and import into my MSAccess database that keeps track of all my images, published, earnings, all kinds of useful data. Since I can extract from thousands of new images in one step, this saves hours and hours of data entry. If Bridge can't recognize the keywords added in LR I would still have to be wedded to it, unless the metatdata extractor could be likewise used in LR.
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‎Oct 02, 2022
05:21 AM
Great, thanks!
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‎Oct 02, 2022
03:28 AM
In Bridge I can search for all that have no keywords or descriptions. Can I in Lightroom? I want to apply to those lacking.
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‎Oct 01, 2022
11:57 AM
When I imported a batch of folders that had keywords in Bridge, now the same all appeared in LR. so it accepts the same keywords but lacking the ones that aren't on any in the current group, I would still need to import the keyword list to be able to apply ones that are already in the bridge list but not here. I don't want to just add and create duplicates..
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‎Oct 01, 2022
11:55 AM
OK I figured out the importing part and found the directory tree, So I am wondering about the Bridge keywords importability into LR.
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‎Oct 01, 2022
11:51 AM
LR Classic 11.5 Win 11 Attaching Bridge SS as it shows folders I can choose, Where in LR can I get something similar to choose. Only showing imported it seems and so how to select more?
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‎Oct 01, 2022
11:33 AM
So I've had Lightroom for some time, but finally decided to use it, watched 3 videos for beginners and it seemed to skip, the basic thing of how do I show the folders on my hard drive to pick what I want to see?
Also I am wondering I have hundreds of keywords in Bridge in a heirarchical organized structure and Lightroom has none,. can the list be imported?
Also in Bridge I rate things I don't want as 1 and then filter all with 1 and delete. In Lightroom can this be done, or only filter those with 1 or more?
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‎Sep 01, 2022
09:26 AM
This is PP6. I wanted to open a project and files had been moved around to different drives. I find the project and various versions and automatic backups but none will open because it indicates the scratch disk is missing and will a default. So then it won 't open. Since the scratch disk doesn't contain the files, and I thought was just for quick temporary storage or access, why is this happening and what can be done?
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‎Jul 22, 2022
07:00 AM
So after looking at more image modes, it seems that I saved and processed in only 8 bit mode, and saved as LZW tiffs. But after Topaz Picture AI worked on them, they became uncompressed and 16 bit. Is there any advantage to making an 8 bit file 16 bits? It can't add more data that's already gone, just made it bigger, correct? Or is it that the LZW compression save reduced them from 16 bits to 8 and the Topaz just restored it, but again, was the data lost irettrievably and the larger size has no merit?
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‎Jul 22, 2022
05:23 AM
So after reading that, I just did a test on a RAW file and saved both ways. For years I've been saving as LZW thinking I was saving space and now find out I was increasing it, about double. Tens of thousands of files thus saved this way. I will save uncopressed in the future, but I see that saving compressed ones as uncompressed doesn't change, I don't want to use zip as images go to my website or to publishers who don't want that. I've been reducing dimensions in image size and then saving the image with a minus (-) inserted in the name so I know it is reduced and then uploading that, Is there any way to use an action to do this on a whole batch or would they all wind up with the same name?
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‎Jul 22, 2022
04:32 AM
Yes, 16 bits. I alwys save from my raw files, tiffs with LZW. Likewise for slide scans. So for example a slide scan image which was originally only 37mg, well within my website limit of 64M, comes out of Topaz Photo AI at 110M. Dimensions are the same in Image Size. So, since I don't want to use jpeg, I actually have to shrink the size of the picture considerably to be under 64G.
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‎Jul 22, 2022
04:20 AM
thanks. this was useful. A little different from the direction, no "open in ACR" but "open in Camera Raw", so I assume that meant the same. Or if I just had the images selected, then they would open there. I tried with a number of images, and the exposure was usually improved, even when I did some that only had 2 images. Previously, I had let Bridge automatically stack images in the folder for HDR, figuring this chose the similar ones. However doing and opening the stack in camera raw would only show one non-mergable images so I had to unstack each group and then load. so I wonder what the use of stacking for HDR was. I think that the more modern shots I was doing just had poor light at the time, as they didn't seem to have the vibrance of the scanned slides I took more than a decade before, but glad to see how this all works.
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‎Jul 21, 2022
09:03 AM
I processed some scenics that are scans from slides, full frame, in topaz AI software. Though the tiffs were originally saved compressed as LZW, they come out much larger, without the compression. My website accepts up to 64M, and many are over 100M, eg example 143M. I had a compress action but when it goes to save it says it will be larger with lavers. I look and there is only 1 layer, that says layer 1. I flatten anyway and it becomes background and saved, it becomes ~ 100M. So then I go back to compress using LWZ and it is back to 143M. I posted a similar thread about trying to reduce the size in 'image size' and also had images coming out larger instead of smaller when reduced there. What is going on? I din't want to have to go over every image and reduce each's measurements. When there were only a few I would do so and save with a minus (-) put after the name, but this is a lot of trouble when so many are coming out gigantic.
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‎Jul 21, 2022
03:59 AM
I haven't tried HDR before though I have shot sequences with that in mind. So in Bridge I found the menu item "Auto stack for HDR/panorama, and it made several groups, but now I don't know how to proceed. These are RAW images. If I go to Photoshop, I see no groups, but am asked to choose images, so how is this used? I see in the folder that it made some groups, maybe for panorama that were not really intended for such, but missed several series of identical scenes that were shot with HDR in mind.
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‎Jun 18, 2022
11:30 AM
Several times this has happened. I am viewing files or videos in Bridge and the window shrinks back to the icon on the taskbar. If I hover over that, I see a preview of the folder and contents of what I was just on, but it won't open. In another case, just the filename showed and that desktop turned from blue with icons to gray and blank. In one case, I rebooted as all the other icons shrank and became response and I had to reboot. Last time I used task manager to restart Bridge.
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‎Jun 18, 2022
11:25 AM
When I review my images in Bridge, I press the space bar and get a full screen image, I press arrow to go to following ones sequentially.. This doesn't work with videos. If I'm on the icon and prss spacbar, nothing happens. But if I am viewing an image file selected thus, full screen, and press the arrow key and the next one is a video, then it shows and plays full screen. I prefer this to using the smaller preview above the metadata. Isn't there another way to do this? Videos are often adjacent to an image file.
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‎Apr 28, 2022
01:30 PM
What else is one to think, when months pass, telling Adobe techs, that if you search by rating, the only choice is reject. And videos give wrong dates and times. This is not just on my computer, as Adobe techs verified and also I checked with someone else who has the adobe extortion subscription. One can absolutely not get through to any real person to do anything about these and other problems. And though I am obviously connected to the Internet and just updated Photoshop, there is no new corrected update for Bridge, as repeatedly pleas to the Adobe help techs to pass the unresolvable problems to management has changed nothing. So I am connected, paying ~$11/month for defective programs I can't even use, because it is saying my subscription can't be verified as I try repeatedly to open Bridge. I can update CR and Photoshop but can't be verifed to open Bridge. What a toxic, bug-ridden system, with either humans with their heads in the sand, or automatons that already are in charge and immune to communication.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
04:47 AM
This is the screen I was using to adjust and resample tiffs to a smaller size. Usually if it indicates, after adjusting size measurements so that it is under 64meg then it does appear to have that size in Bridge after saving. If there was some way to have an action automatically adjust the measurements with the ratio remaining the same, to arrive at a certain files size, eg <64meg, that would be ideal. Asked why such large files, the answer is that with a camera that produces large files, eg ~60meg, they are large to start with. After using Topaz on ones that were cropped only slightly, they may become over 100meg. Do I need them that large, not necessarily. It depends on what a client might want. But am I going to shrink my files, after using a camera with such great detail, so that I would have to lose all the time and processing spent, and start over again - no. 16G RAM. I had ~180G of space free on the internal D drive where I have the cache, but since posting initially I went on a trip and downloaded a lot of files that are on it till I prepare them for permanent storage on the external drive which is 12 T and has ~4T free.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
04:30 AM
In my initial post, I tried to make it clear that this was just one tiff, that doesn't have extra channels or layers, or paths and don't see how it differs from all the others that save as tiffs normally. Now however all my personally created actions have disappeared and only the default ones are there.
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‎Apr 09, 2022
09:47 PM
On my site, I can't upload tiffs over 64meg. After processing in Topaz, some are much bigger and uncompressed. Sometimes I have an image that is a little bigger, eg. 68. I may reduce a dimension and it says 58meg. When I save and compress again, it may come out much bigger, like 80meg, which makes no sense to me. Now I have some big ones, over 100 meg. In image size I reduce the dimensions and it says 58meg. I save and compress and I have to go over all again when I see now it is 80meg. What it says in image size has no relation to what it is saved.
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‎Apr 09, 2022
05:16 AM
I have an action that reduces the size, adds water mark and copyright notice to images and saves as jpeg. For some reason, one tif stops at the save and offers to save as PSD. If I manually try to choose jpeg, it is not a choice, only jpg 2000, which doesn't even show up properly. I've looked, and there are no extra channels, layers or paths than any default tiff, and have tried the action steps manually and don't see why this differs from all those that work fine.
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‎Feb 21, 2022
09:26 AM
Did you notice in my post that I said that the Adobe tech experienced the same thing on his computer? And a parameter that works in CS6 but not in CC is because of my computer?
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‎Feb 21, 2022
08:13 AM
So I had another problem, where search wouldn't find anything, whatever the parameters, and the Adobe tech found it necessary to update Photoshop and reinstall Bridge. It solved that problem. So then I've been making tiffs of many species in folders spread throughout my directory tree. In preparation for a submission where I was going to select and further process some, I went through a lot of folders and gave gave the desired ones 5 stars, so I later extract all at once. But then of course I found that after 3 updates, the search will only find rejects, so would have to go back to each folder and find them all over again. Is rating just considered unimportant to the technicians who update so frequently without bothering with this? Lucky I keep the better working CS6 on my computer. I can't see any newer raw files, but these were tiffs and in a few minutes, the specific search picked out the ones for me to copy to a submissions folder where I batch processed them. So ridiculous to have to pay monthly extortion for something that is inferior to CS6 in many ways.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
12:03 PM
I don't know much about codecs. I export .265 for youtube. I just don't want to make the kind of mistake I made with my Custom built Rain computer, supposedely able to handle all my photo, audio and video needs. this was Windows 7 Ultimate. 8core AMD 16G RAM. I spent ~$2500 and I was getting blue screens from the beginning, and then the country went out of business or something as I could no longer get tech help. I was mainly using for Photoshop CS6 and Cubase 8.5. Later when I started doing video with PP CS6, it wasn't bad till I did a lot of stabilizing. At some point the computer wouldn't boot up and a relative got it going again but recommended updates. The processor was repasted. I'd be in CS6 and the computer would just reboot. I added a new video card, bigger power supply, new and doubled RAM and nothing made any difference. I could still use with PP but then that started rebooting also. Initially I was able to run Photoshop CC but still sudden rebooting occurred. then I had a problem where it wouldn't even run and could get no help as tech help said there is none for Win 7. I have been doing since on my Win 10 laptop, but lots of jerkiness with videos when adding stabilization, or freezing and this wasn't even 4K yet. I am wondering if there is a recommended brand, EG Dell with the capabilities to handle what I want to do, rather than some custom built thing whose components don't seem to work together after a total investment of over $3000.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
10:13 AM
What windows system parameters could handle this well? IE without freezing, stuttering etc.
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‎Feb 06, 2022
09:25 AM
1 Upvote
No solution to my post about the find function only able to find rejects and not any number of stars. On the phone, the Indian tech found that his version had the same problem. This is the latest version. Bridge was reset, losing all my preferences, but after resetting them, each time I open Bridge, they are reset againg. This time, when I go to the tools menu, photoshop is gone again, along with the batch that I want to use again. In this case, since I want to work on tiffs, I was able to go back to the last fairly reliable version, Cs6, and create a new batch and run it to compress the tiffs. the only reason I went to CC was because it would not recognize my raw files from later cameras. Otherwise it was better in every way, than the bloated CC Photoshop and Bridge that took 4 hours to open 41 raw files and make tifs that I then couldn't use the batch on. Also CS6 readily showed thumbs and played my videos from my camera, until recently where now that can't play or show the 4K videos that CC doesn't either. It seems that all these upgrades just remove things so they can put back in the next update as there is no real improvement, but people have to have an excuse for being employed.
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‎Jan 29, 2022
02:00 PM
I think it is 8G RAM, can't remember where to find. 260G free on this D: partition of internal HD. Called Adobe tech help about the lack of stars in search function for rating. Told to call back in several hours. did so, and he wanted to reset preferences, which I preferred not to, as I dislike losing my settings. Agreed to though and it did no good. He also said, despite my 2 messages about CC missing something, if was fine. I was concerned that I would get no help over the weekend if there was no solution today. I heard a dial tone - had hung up. No help and only upset my preferences. And the error message about CC came up again, and I installed a 3rd time.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
09:41 AM
This is a Nikon Z9 camera. Windows 10. The only way I could finish the last reply was by closing Bridge, and thus now I can't see the files. I had seen that after purging cache, thumbnails of those I cropped weren't reconstituted still. Afraid opening again will lock up. Looking at the camera, it looks like most of the videos were 3840 x2160 at 120fps. Currently on internal D drive of ASUS laptop. A quick look before possible lockup again, showed most videos ~50meg, some >100 or >200. cloud error message again after reinstalling.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
09:22 AM
Taking the recommended steps made no difference. Also in this latest Bridge I can't use the find function with rating for anything but rejects. I can't choose any number of stars. I have restarted Bridge several times, rebooted likewise, and only choice for find is rejects. I gave 1 star to a bunch that I wanted to delete, but can't thus select them all. I was using camera raw to crop a lot in my latest downloaded folder and then I got the spinning circle, so I went, shovelled snow, ate breakfast and other things and same. Closed everything and rebooted. Still practical lockup. Then trying to respond here after taking the steps and couldn't finish typing as it just halted. Got a message that CC was missing or corrupted, so reinstall. Did so and then the message reappeared. Almost 3 hours now since I was able to accomplish anything with constant waiting for spincircles or lockup just to finish typing words here. The cloud, horrible idea, work efficiency reduced to zero.
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