‎Jan 21, 2022
09:51 AM
So with the CC updates, that I feel like are an extortion scheme, I now find that with my new camera I had no thumbnails for anything. I updated and was able to see the RAW files but not the videos. They can be viewed in Nikon's free program and played as well, but in CC Bridge of Photoshop, just a box, can't play nor add data. As at some point I use a custom program to extract the metadata to add to my database, this is a major problem. Windows media, also free can play the videos but I can't do anything in CC.
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‎Jan 21, 2022
09:50 AM
So with the CC updates, that I feel like are an extortion scheme, I now find that with my new camera I had no thumbnails for anything. I updated and was able to see the RAW files but not the videos. They can be viewed in Nikon's free program and played as well, but in CC Bridge of Photoshop, just a box, can't play nor add data. As at some point I use a custom program to extract the metadata to add to my database, this is a major problem. Windows media, also free can play the videos but I can't do anything in CC.
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‎Jan 15, 2022
09:34 AM
It's not, related to save a copy, as the action works for almost everything else except in this folder. I notice it and some others were taken with the Nikon D6. Not sure if I tried jpegs from that before.
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‎Jan 15, 2022
09:06 AM
I have an action that saves tifs as jpgs to upload for my web site. In a folder of gyrfalcons, the one I chose stopped and gave a choice to save as PSD. I don't know what is different about this that won't save as jpg. I looked and it has no extra layers or channels. So I tried saving as jpeg 2000 and it came out as jpf zero bytes and no thumbnail. Then I tried saving as PSD, and then trying to save that as jpg, and it won't. I tried some others in the folder and same problem. I just can't figure what is different about these that I can't save thus.
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‎Dec 16, 2021
04:22 AM
Lightroom doesn't open on my computer. It says error reading catalog. I never created one and after installing this is the message, so I've never used here.
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‎Dec 16, 2021
03:48 AM
Some scanned slides have purple fringing. Found a youtube video and it says to use the lens correction panel in camera raw. In CR 12, I don't see such a panel.
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‎Dec 04, 2021
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
PP CS6. Doing many nature videos of birds, I use gamma when the light wasn't so good and they are darker or lighter than desired. I try to use as I would contrast for photos.
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‎Dec 04, 2021
06:31 AM
In a video of a shorebird in the water, it was a very dull day, and there is not much contrast. I applied levels and was adjusting the RGB gamma as I have in hundreds of other videos. If I move to the right, it is pink, to the left green. Never had this happen before. I first had shadow/highlights which improved some. I found that if levels is above s/h, this happens, but if it follows then it doesn't change the color.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
03:47 AM
Here is edit history checked in Bridge metadata. In earlier versions I used to be able to view changes made in Photoshop in the panel.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
03:42 AM
Turning on the hidden, did not reveal an appdata folder where Bridge said it would be. But using %AppData% took me to appdata folder. I can't remember the original route to the camera raw cache where I wanted to delete it. If I now go to CR preferences, it says D:/CR cache, which is the new one I created. I had purged the old one which I can't find, and gained a lot of memory, and Photoshop opens faster, but many thumbs in Bridge stubbornly refuse to show the changes made in camera raw, unless I go there to view.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
03:41 AM
Is that windirstat an app needed to install?
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‎Nov 16, 2021
01:24 PM
I posted this first in Photoshop as it was related to appdata, but continuing, is more relevant here: I keep getting spinning circles and things take so long. I wanted to open 2 files in Bridge, while Photoshop was already open and it took 6 minutes, and to just to shadow/highlight and levels, the total time was 14 minutes. In Bridge, most of the RAW files don't preview the crops and adjustments made in camera raw. I went to preferences, as saw that the Camera Raw cache is listed as in C://users/myname/appdata. but when I try to look in file manager directory tree, it shows no appdata folder. I wanted to delete it and put it on the D: drive. I purged what it showed in preferences and took about 10 or more minutes. I am trying to make more room on my C: drive and wonder about folders such as AA5677B8DE244720A76DD5D0758E8372gs and BD7B9A37BB7E408FB57BF97CA8DB371Cgs . Are these important. When I try to see what is taking up so much space on the C: drive, what I see doesn't seem to add up to the amount used. I did gain a bunch of space purging the invisible CR cache though and am reassigning to D:. So that made no difference to Bridge previews. In the picture, all were cropped and edited in CR. The first NEF should look like the tiff made from it, sizewise as that is how it is in CR. Regarding the others, all should be about the same size, but some show the preview and some don't, so show uncropped. This makes it very hard to compare images and weed unwanted excess.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
01:06 PM
I keep getting spinning circles and things take so long. I wanted to open 2 files in Bridge, while Photoshop was already open and it took 6 minutes, and to just to shadow/highlight and levels, the total time was 14 minutes. In Bridge, most of the RAW files don't preview the crops and adjustments made in camera raw. I went to preferences, as saw that the Camera Raw cache is listed as in C://users/myname/appdata. but when I try to look in file manager directory tree, it shows no appdata folder. I wanted to delete it and put it on the D: drive. I purged what it showed in preferences and took about 10 or more minutes. I am trying to make more room on my C: drive and wonder about folders such as AA5677B8DE244720A76DD5D0758E8372gs and BD7B9A37BB7E408FB57BF97CA8DB371Cgs . Are these important. When I try to see what is taking up so much space on the C: drive, what I see doesn't seem to add up to the amount used. I did gain a bunch of space purging the invisible CR cache though and am reassigning to D:.
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‎Nov 09, 2021
09:07 AM
I used to be able to have a color label, such as green by pressing 'control 8' but now I have to use the menu. Used to have edit history, when checked in preferences, but now it is on the metadata menu, but empty, nothing there. Windows 10.
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‎Nov 07, 2021
07:22 AM
Every image I open in CC has a grid. I have to use 'control H' to get rid of it. A nuisance.
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‎Nov 05, 2021
04:07 AM
I couldn't reset preferences by the directions as I indicated, and every time I open an image I have to deselect the crop tool and then the grid as both are automatic. A nuisance.
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‎Nov 05, 2021
03:55 AM
1st suggestion, change preferences link: "Windows 10: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] SettingsWindows 10: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings" In Users, there are 3 folders: default.migrated has an appdata folder but its only folder is 'local' public, and the one with my name have no appdata folders. 2nd suggestion. Deselecting crop tool. That worked. There was still a grid and I looked in view and deselected extras and that went away also. Thanks.
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‎Nov 04, 2021
07:41 PM
Whenever I open an image, it is displayed with a crop, when I don't want one necessarily. and now it has a grid of horizontal and vertical lines making it hard to edit. I don't know how this started but I want to return to choosing when I want a crop.
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‎Nov 02, 2021
04:56 AM
I didn't try the suggestion because I restarted or rebooted the computer and the problem went away. Now a new problem. When I open anything, a crop appears around it that I don't want automatic.
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‎Oct 25, 2021
04:26 AM
Instead of the box coming up with choice of foreground, background, or content-aware, when I select and press delete, nothing seems to happen except in the history 'clear' appears. If to work around this, I go to edit and choose 'content aware fil' then I get the weird screen shown and new layers are created. If I close and reopen CC, no difference. If I try to update and click open on the result, nothing happens. In the midst of a big project and now progress stopped.
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‎Oct 03, 2021
12:27 PM
I wanted to see if Lightroom would give the correct times that videos are shot, like Nikon ViewNX-i does and Bridge does not, as indicated in my Bridge post. but I couldn't even install, getting an error message, and no solution.
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‎Oct 03, 2021
12:23 PM
I am so sick of the extra time and work regarding my organization of files due to this problem that has plagued me for years and no updates or versions has ever corrected. I have 3 attachments. In the one of Bridge, note that after the 1st 3 NEFs, the time (shot) for .MOVs jumps 5 hours. (10:56am to 3:57PM) This is always the case with movies, out of time sync with the images before and after. When I later change the file names to my own numbering system and add names, I can never see the order taken again by sorting by date. In the Nikon's ViewNX-i attachment, note the correct time for 302_0679 is 10:57am which is correct. I wondered how Lightroom would handle this so I downloaded and tried to install, but got the error message in the 3rd attachment.
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‎Sep 24, 2021
10:40 AM
I had set crop ratio to 4x3. I thought I had used this for years as my main ratio, without changing the size. But now I just cropped a picture and saw it shrink. I see it says 4 in x 3 in. I tried clearing the crop, starting over but it keeps putting in inches. I may have cropped a couple others where the size was not so drastic and not noticed. Can't I just crop with a ratio, not dimensions? Never mind I see I just have to change one of the ratios without inches. Not sure how it changed before.
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‎Sep 24, 2021
08:14 AM
In metadata, edit history is checked. But there is nothing in the metadata panel below DICOM, where I would expect it when viewing a tif. It isn't anywhere.
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‎Sep 24, 2021
03:48 AM
So I did another project and ripple edit and ripple delete both worked. Started another today and they worked for a couple of clips and then no longer, back to zooming out, selecting all, moving up and zooming back in to edit. I don't know what changed.
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‎Sep 23, 2021
09:07 AM
Yesterday, I was editing better even without the W or Q, using ripple edit. I had made about 1600 videos before without this tool, so this was quite a time saver. Also I discovered ripple delete, and duration with ripple, all saving me lots of time. Today however not only do Q and W, not work but neither does ripple edit. I watched the video again. Got the yellow bracket at the end of a clip I wanted to trim and when I move it, the clip doesn't shrink, nothing moves up or happens. Also ripple edit is grayed out whereas yesterday I used a lot. Now it's back to clumsy highlighting all the following clips and dragging after any trim. This is on a Windows 10 machine. Picture shows I have the ripple bracket, but moving to the left, nothing happens. The bracket moves but no trim.
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‎Sep 22, 2021
05:30 AM
following Adobe tutorial How to trim and shorten video clips | Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials
But when I try to remove a section using the letters, nothing happens. I trim the end of one, and then have to highlight all following clips and drag to that end to get rid of the gap.
Also if I remove from the front of a clip, and then move up to the previous, it seems like I must also highlight and drag all following clips. Is there a better way?
For example I have a clip of a perched bird. When it takes off, I like to slow the action to 1/3 using duration at 33. If I use the ripple function there, all the following moves back nicely to make room. but then when I cut where the bird has flow out of the scene, ripple edit won't let me then move up the following to that point. Then if I remove that footage, I have a gap, and again have to zoom out to select all following clips and drag to fill the gap. As I do this with most such take-off clips, it seems like a lot of extra work that might have a solution to shorten the time involved.
[Title edited by mod]
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‎Sep 07, 2021
01:45 AM
1 Upvote
Bridge Not a wireless mouse. I seem to notice only in Bridge. Sometimes if I am just selecting a whole group of files to move, they all open. In contrast in Camera Raw and other circumstances, I open several and click the arrow to go to the next one in the row and nothing happens. I click again and again, and it is stuck on the first file. Frustrated, I leave to do something else. Then I come back and it has moved to the bottom of the list.
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