‎Jul 13, 2021
04:02 PM
Yes, I have had this problem too. I think you'll find it is because Bridge is trying to process the thumbs and previews and this is messing up both the order and the images selected. All of these issues seem to me to go back to the changes made to the way Brige caches previews fron CC2019 on. If your Bridge crashes before the renaming is finished, it still records the numbers as used and will rename starting at the number it thinks is next leaving you with gaps in the sequencing too. My Bridge installation doesn't crash when batch renaming. It hangs instead and I have to end the task in the Windows Task Manager. I number mine in chronological order, but Bridge only seems to use whole seconds in the Date/Time Taken, and so if you are shooting at a high burst rate the images are unfortunately out of sequence. That causes images to appear out of order in other windows apps which display in file name order. Adobe needs some expert Business Analysts who can look at workflows and fix these user-unfriendly issues.
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‎Jul 11, 2021
08:09 AM
Part of the new crop logic is there is always a crop. IOW, there is no longer have the concept of "no crop", just a "wide open crops" (full frame, full image so to speak). So the state where the crop is locked to some specific aspect ratio but the image is still not cropped no longer exists. There's a number of ways to save the crop, depending on what you want. You can do a "Copy Settings" and then "Paste Settings: if you have a number of images selected. This can be done from the filmstrip clicking on the three little dots. You can also do a "Save Settings" as a Preset and call it up at any time using a similar GUI. If you only wanted the Crop, you'd probably select first "None" then just click on the "Crop" check box, give the preset a name then recall it whenever you wanted it. You can even save this out as XMP to load but a preset is probably better (XMP would be useful for saving across multiple computers). With the Preset, you could have just this crop but you could have a crop and any of the other settings built there too as seen below where I have crop and geometry in one preset. You could probably save the crop as a new raw default but I don't think I'd go that route. I'd prefer to start without a crop which is how it now works, then paste or set a preset depending on the need, edit that from there if necessary. But that should allow a 'default' though out all photo's.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
06:23 PM
Reading about cleaning the media cache or changing it. I see that it is listed in PP as C:\rob\appdata\roaming\adobe\common But when I look there it, it isn't there. A search for appdata it in Win 10 only turns up an empty folder, in C; default.migrated.
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‎Mar 21, 2021
07:43 AM
1 Upvote
Corrupted registry setting.
Suggest you reinstall Bridge and Make sure your video driver is up to date
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‎Mar 19, 2021
01:26 PM
Bridge CS6 in contrast is all thumbs and all have data. 485 total
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‎Mar 08, 2021
01:58 PM
A couple of Bridge scripts here:
A Photoshop script can easily remove alpha channels without having to know their explicit name which is a limitation of actions.
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‎Mar 06, 2021
01:01 PM
I much appreciate the involved efforts to help with the coding and all. I finally figured out why some do revert and others don't, regardless of date, digital or slide scan. If the metadata, such as description, or keywords are changed in the right panel, that data will always show as current when Bridge is opened. But if the file is not resaved after such changes, Topaz will go to what it was when previously saved. So I created a simple action, resave, which opens the chosen ones in a folder and then choose 'save as' with the same name, so nothing changes, then none will revert. If I just open and save it doesn't change, it has to be 'save as' to be new and saved with the updated metadata.
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‎Feb 27, 2021
02:32 PM
From memory, the custom sort file is invisible, so you need to show invisible files in that directory and then rename or copy and rename etc.
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‎Feb 18, 2021
02:46 AM
I just discovered that the 2nd movie is a Clark's Nutcracker, not a chipmunk. The thumbnail doesn't show the subject and I was shooting both. During the original sort, the wrong assumption was made since it may not have even had a thumbnail or capable of being played at that time, in CC. I see that it is flying and I just worked on creating a video of this species the last 2 days, finished and uploaded and now I find that the only flying one was excluded because I likely couldn't see or play at the time, which was most of the time in CC. But I went to the image folder which is now on another drive and here is correct metadata on 3025363, 4 shots before.
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‎Feb 14, 2021
10:29 PM
every wifi area you go to will give you a new ip address and the way the app is set up means it then asks you to sign in so it can track this new location... yes its a major pain when working on a laptop and I put mine into fight mode as a workaround when I travel
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‎Feb 10, 2021
11:51 AM
1 Upvote
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‎Feb 10, 2021
05:21 AM
As for the cross hairs.:
FAQ: What do I do when I see diagonal lines on clips
As for CS6 not being compatible with W10: it runs just fine on my machine.
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‎Jan 17, 2021
02:36 PM
Ah, I'm a Canon guy and do not know the Nikon line well enough to understand the name-codes.
Glad I was able to help regardless of my ignorance of the Nikon line.
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‎Dec 18, 2020
02:03 AM
script time? I am surprised that no one could tell me the simple thing that I had forgotten during a long period of non-use. Set it to 'save and close' instead of 'folder' before running, and choose any folder if one wanted to go somewhere else. Not necessary to creat new folders either unless desired. SAVE and CLOSE is right answer!
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‎Dec 07, 2020
12:08 PM
/I created a new project and imported the previous into it. It came as all the files in a folder, which if I drag to the track, will be as starting the 2 hour editing all over again. Am I missing something in import settings? With the present original, I looked through without playing and there were no bars of analyzing for stabilization, so I just set to export and went grocery shopping. Done when I returned, opened the file in Windows media browser. It plays with no jerkiness, but the stabiliztion didn't do well on some parts or they didn't have it, so some parts were shaky. It was a very windy day shooting Other parts I would want to edit now I can see full screen and delete some that is not so focused . This was exported as H265 for Youtube 10:29, so I am wondering, if I import this file, edit, maybe stabilize and export again, will there be loss of quality?
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‎Dec 04, 2020
07:11 PM
It wouldn't affect the database. It would just be irrelevant to it. Now all I have to do for 9019877 is see if was published and how much it earned, plus many relationships to groups, Every number is unique and can't be changed..
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‎Dec 04, 2020
07:45 AM
Tried another approach, undoing the automatic heirarchical parenting I then deleted IL and USA as well as Montrose Point, and I didn't lost the parent categories. But all in the Montrose folder were unchecked. I checked the only Montrose in the lower. All theee came back in the upper as ghosts. Unfortunated that I took my home state, with the most files and sub-locations to start these new keywords. It seems I will have to search for all files with keyword locations so I can delete all location and place keywords and start over. I've spent so many hours getting nowhere.
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‎Dec 03, 2020
07:17 PM
So I finally get to the next stage of applying species names to the renumbered files. After a few dozen, batch rename doesn't work any more. The names remain unchanged. After waiting a long time, I try purging the caste and trying again. No help. Try to close Bridge, and it won't close. Have to go to task manager to close and reopen. Then after a few more renamed, the next batch won't change. I finally give up on the bug-ridden, poorly designed CC version and go to CS6 where all the videos with be. Now I can rename videos and jpegs. But to rename the RAW files, I will have to go back to CC, and put the same species names that I couldn't do in CC alone. Just another way that CC multiplies my time spent by a factor of more than 4 over earlier versions. How it can be legal to take forced money for this bug-ridden program is beyond my understanding, but I guess enough people accept and don't complain nor care.
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‎Dec 03, 2020
10:15 AM
I was trying this out and from 4 shots, got a 111meg file. I wanted to use on a website and made a jpeg, and it was only 177kb, when I wanted more like >500kb. I tried different different image sizes and saving qualities but it always came out 177kb. I read that it could be limited unless saved for web, but I don't see any Save for Web in CC.
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‎Nov 30, 2020
06:54 AM
1 Upvote
Crafting Actions Package UPDATED Aug 10, 2014 Added Conditional Action steps to Action Palette Tips. Contains
Action Actions Palette Tips.txt
Action Creation Guidelines.txt
Action Dealing with Image Size.txt
Action Enhanced via Scripted Photoshop Functions.txt
CraftedActions.atn Sample Action set includes an example Watermarking action
Sample Actions.txt Photoshop CraftedActions set saved as a text file.
More then a dozen Scripts for use in actions
Example Download
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‎Nov 29, 2020
06:00 AM
I realized this occured when my shutter speed dropped to 1/30th of a second on my camera. (so it was, in effect, 30 frame not 60)
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‎Nov 23, 2020
03:44 AM
PS installs the script link in to Bridge for the tools menu when it is installed.
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‎Nov 15, 2020
04:16 PM
Oh, I understand now.
No. The conversion will only change raw image into DNG images. There are two possible scenarios. If you have any tif or jpg images, after the conversion process you will see a comment at the end saying that X images could not be converted because they were the wrong kind.
1) An untouched raw image will be turned into a DNG image.
2) A raw image that already has a sidecar file will take that sidecar data and transfer it into the DNG container file. This is important for you to realize so that you do not expect to lose the changes you've made (you will not) and/or expect to see all of the sidecar files still sitting around after the conversion. Change that, you will but you can then toss them and the converted files out.
I suggest you take a folder of (say) a dozen images of unchanged raw files, changed raw files, and JPG and TIF image and observer yourself what happens. BTW. DNG converter will NOT automatically remove/trash any images, YOU have to do this. What I do is to sort the images in that folder by file type and then select and trash the original raw images (and any adjacent sidecar files).
Good luck!
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‎Nov 15, 2020
02:13 AM
comments have been deleted
poster has reported to the forum moderator
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‎Nov 09, 2020
01:10 PM
As I have said before, they made it take longer to crop, as you can't move the box, but must move the subject into it, which may take several drags if its far out. And you can't modify exposure or anything till you uncrop. 2 steps, where before there were one and the 1st takes longer so multiple times longer to do a series. So 1 hour of a download may take 3 or more. So the trash basket was removed. Before I would highlight a whole column, and keep unselecting the top, going down the line. Clicking trash would put all below as possible trash, but when I came upon I didn't want to lose, I'd click trash again and all below would not be trash. Now this doesn't work and by clicking trash on the row and clicking again, then they remain trash. I couldn't get rid of the trashcan on all of them, and next thing I pressed done, missing cancel and 17 flying Short-eared Owl shots were deleted. Because I download manually they were still on the camera, and I recovered but this is unbelievably the stupidest Camera Raw imaginable, with no way to untrash evident. It is apparently a cynical scheme to make it so unworkable that people will use Lightroom. I have, tried it don't like it. I don't think it even recognized the thousands of keywords and metadata I applied in Bridge. I asked a professional photographer who uses Lightroom to show me how she rough edits. After that, I showed her how much faster my method in Camera Raw is (now was) and she switched to using that. A lot being said about loss of freedom in the US. Adobe is heavily involved in depriving us of doing things the way we prefer, with their unwanted automatic updates, on top of their monopolisitic subscription scheme.
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‎Oct 31, 2020
02:29 AM
Sorry, but I have to comment. Just like the latest Camera Raw makes my operation takes several times longer, so does a change in Bridge. It seems like these developers are bored and have so much time that they have to increase the workload on others. So I have shot a lot of Arthropod specimens. I don't want the date shot, but the date the subject was collected. So I could just overwrite the IPTC date or paste it in. But it came to my attention that there was still the other date under camera data. Formerly I could just copy and paste the above data in a couple of seconds. Now I have to click and a menu comes up where I could go back decades on a calender, or shorter, about 15 typing or arrow steps, taking 30" compared to 1 step, 1" to 2 ". 15x as long multiplied by hundreds of images. And I don't even want a time but have to accept noon, which is wrong. What are they thinking?
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‎Aug 18, 2020
06:24 AM
I started having problems with some batch/actions, going from CS6 to CC. The first stage places something on the image, but running on an image in Bridge yields: "The command place is not available." It looks like it is looking for it on a hard drive that is no longer connected. But if I open the image and go to actions, and choose the same action it runs the macro. Though it saves somewhere I don't know, so it is better I go stepwise and stop short of saving, saving manually instead.. Also wondering if I can copy parts of one action to another.
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‎Aug 11, 2020
03:25 AM
Was Win10, CC, but when I noticed that the other open files were not showing along the top, and got them back, the sliders returned.
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‎Aug 09, 2020
01:11 AM
Thanks, I did come across that and incorporated the metadata into my database.
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