‎Jul 22, 2020
09:45 AM
Thank you for sharing your concerns. Camera RAW has a different forum that is managed by Camera RAW team. We request you to post this concern there. The link for it is :
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‎Jul 08, 2020
04:57 AM
The way the clips are placed on the timeline is determined by the way you select the clips in the project window.
If you e.g. lasso from bottom to top the last one will be the first one on the timeline.
You can also use ctrl or shift to select clips.
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‎Jun 30, 2020
07:51 AM
1 Upvote
So after going back and forth in this tedious way, between CS6 and CC, I got to the point where in CC, after adding all the metadata I wanted, a search for movies without descriptions turns up none. They all have. In CC, a search turns up about 7 with no metadata, some with no thumbs. I wonder if pressing control and shift before reopening and clearing cache will help. I do so and it looks at first that only folders have no description. But then 20 movie files appear with no icon, playability or metadata. since previous attempts to problem solve also involved resetting preferences before opening. I go and increase the cache from the default to 500K. No change is the result. I use a metadata extractor to pull out all the data into a text file, which I can then manipulate till I import into my MSAccess. But when it runs into a file with no description, it stops on that file and shows no more despite having metadata. After going over all the movie files and playing to see what data I what to add, now I have 20 more with no clue to what they are even again. I will have to do a metadata extraction on all that have description, go back and manually play in media player to add those that this bug-ridden program keeps screwing up. Unbelievable the amounted of time wasted with something supposedly for professional use.
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‎Jun 24, 2020
04:58 PM
I went to file and new and saw I could add new sequence, but I didn't see any selection with 3840x2160, so thought I couldn't do it. but on closing that I noticed 'from clip' and used that on the first one and it came in at the right size whether played or stopped. I then copied what I did from the other sequence and pasted. Just what I needed, rather than starting over, thanks!
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‎Jun 12, 2020
08:43 AM
1 Upvote
Is it possible to send a screen recording of what's happening exactly?
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‎May 30, 2020
06:29 AM
FAQ: How to reset (trash) preferences.
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‎May 26, 2020
08:50 AM
Can I delete these safely, when I've already made the desired videos. Maybe a lot of wasted apace. Many folders are empty.
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‎Feb 09, 2020
02:32 AM
Simple enough answers. I remember trying this long ago and comparing blown up images and thinking there was some loss, but decided to try again. First I had to find the DNR. On Adobe's site, after searching I found and downloaded DNR 12.1. I saved to desktop, opened and installed and ran. As it seemed it was asking to do a whole folder of images and I just wanted to test, I made a subfolder in a desired target and copied several images to it. (Z7 RAW files, whose images I could see in File Explorer) Back at the converter, I chose that subfolder as source and target. I chose convert and "The source folder does not contain any supported camera raw files" I tried extract. "No embedded originals were extracted" So what is wrong?
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‎Feb 08, 2020
08:55 AM
Convert the Z7 files to .dng files and you should be good to go
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‎Feb 07, 2020
03:10 PM
That's it, thanks!
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‎Dec 13, 2019
08:47 AM
In CC, I generally have no video thumbnails at all, only icons. InCS6, in contrast, I was having almost all thumbnails, but now many change to icons. If I have Photoshop open and drag into Premiere Pro (which is not really moving) thumbs change to icons in Photoshop. Then when I was trying to move 2 video files, in Photoshop, which were being used in PP, I got the message that they couldn't be moved. Of these 2, 1 had a thumb and the other only an icon, but after being unable to move, the 2nd one changed to a thumb. Makes no sense. This is making it very difficult to choose which clips I want to use or refer to.
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‎Dec 04, 2019
01:32 PM
As well as the menu approach, you can also-
Click the mouse cursor on the 'Number' icon in the top left corner-
Or, Click the mouse cursor on the (almost invisible) thin lines that appear on the left of border when images are stacked-
The Stacked images are as a result of your Preferences set in the External Editing Tab-
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‎Nov 29, 2019
11:41 AM
It is intermittently working. I was having problems with videos start to encoded, then stop and remain stuck there. So I exported a bunch singly without the encoder. Then I had rebooted and reopened things and used AME to export a video successfully. Then I went to do another and it didn't appear below the previous one. I removed that and tried again, and no. Then I closed AME and tried to reopen and it didn't even open.
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‎Nov 15, 2019
01:45 PM
I see what I did wrong and now it works. Thanks!
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‎Sep 30, 2019
02:52 AM
I found under my files, and was able to adjust size to screen and play.
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‎Aug 19, 2019
12:54 PM
Unfortunately, this discussion is no longer about Photoshop. It's about creating a real photography website to help you sell photos online. WordPress is a popular dynamic site platform that runs on your server. There is no stand alone software to deal with. You log-in to your site's online content management system or admin panel to create pages and add new images to your stock library. All content is stored in the MySQL database where it can integrate with an online shopping cart system. The server retrieves data based on user input -- i.e. pressing a navigation button or performing a search query... Getting Started with WordPress « WordPress Codex GoDaddy has managed WordPress hosting available for about $10/month. Managed WordPress hosting is highly recommended because it's optimized specifically for WordPress to keep your site software safe, up to date and running efficiently. WordPress Hosting | A Managed Solution for the Best Value – GoDaddy A couple of responsive stock photography Themes for WordPress. A Google search will reveal many more.... Stocky - Stock Photography - Stock Photography WordPress Theme | Graph Paper Press
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‎Jun 24, 2019
09:27 AM
Looking at that thread, I found that there were about 49,000 files, , 21.7G in the local temp on C, which I deleted, but I wasn't really having any space problems on C, (239G free or 931G) as the folders mentioned above are on internal 4T Z drive. Also used the clean media button, because, why not. But deleting unnecessary preview files on Z will gain a lot, as that is where I lack space, thanks.
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‎Jun 17, 2019
07:10 AM
I had all of these in 2 master folders on a 4T internal drive and am in the red running out of room. I had originally transfereed from a 6T external drive because I was informed I would have better performance, less jerkiness, stopping etc. Since I don't have enough internal storage for all, would it make sense to keep the original sequences, from which videos are compiled for export on the internal, and move the completed projects and/or their exports to an external drive?
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‎May 24, 2019
02:08 PM
And I should add, then no data can be added. Then sometimes ones that never allowed data to be added, unlock and allow.
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‎Apr 27, 2019
10:48 AM
EG: 'The file "301_4909.MOV" cannot store xmp metadata. No changes will occur.'
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Apr 26, 2019
03:06 AM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 26, 2019
03:06 AM
1 Upvote
If you have any numbers inside text fields in the Options bar or Original Ratio is selected from the first drop.down list, just click on Clear button and you will be able to draw freely. As already mentioned above, there are some changes in behavior so you may need to hold down Shift if you do not want to maintain original aspect ratio/constrain proportions while drawing.
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‎Apr 26, 2019
07:57 AM
1 Upvote
I can move the this thread to the Photoshop forum for you. Also, with the Crop Tool selected, could you try hitting the Clear button and let us know if it helps?
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‎Jan 18, 2019
11:18 AM
By closing and opening again, I was able to access the menus, and do as suggested. Thanks..
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‎Jan 01, 2019
11:34 AM
When I copied and pasted again it appeared on a 4th track which was highlighted and then I was able to highlight the 3rd, which it seemed I couldn't before.
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‎Dec 23, 2018
04:26 PM
That was all it needed - snapped to the end of the sequences, thanks!
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‎Jan 09, 2019
07:18 AM
While things were going well for a while, now I have a problem when I create a new project with Z7 video files, and press spacebar, nothing happens, and in the buttons, there is no play button. If I close the project and reopen it is playable, though wtill jerky or hesitant in parts.
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‎Jan 01, 2019
06:27 AM
May not help your situation, but using the latest version of Bridge on a windows 10 machine build 1809 I had no issues moving video files .mov and mpg files from folder to folder; as well as editing meta data before and after each file move. Have you tried clearing your preferences. Just a thought, J
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‎Dec 20, 2018
05:32 AM
Seems that the first time I open an image(s) in CC menus are grayed out and I have to close any images and reopen, then menus are available.
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‎Nov 25, 2018
09:19 AM
Well at least you and others may know now, as I do, how to find where they are, by searching the computer for ATN
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‎Nov 18, 2018
03:03 PM
ExifTool has a steep learning curve, so a prepackaged script might be easier to use. But here's a thread for ExifTool that might get you started: Exporting Bridge metadata to Excel or CSV
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