Community Expert
Community Expert
‎Nov 22, 2016
01:15 PM
Stay safe. Big earthquakes suck. I was the San Francisco one in 1987 - convinced the earth was going to open me up and swallow me, or the powerlines were going to electrocute me. I was 10 miles from the epicenter. I think you have a fabulous direction to go in! I love to see the creative mind at work when tackling a challenge.
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‎Nov 18, 2016
07:54 AM
We weren't using Bootstrap, just plain old HTML and CSS, very simple stuff. We reset the prefs and it seems to be working. So, I consider the issue resolved, thanks, Preran!
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‎Nov 17, 2016
06:31 AM
I don't have any ideas for you, just wanted to say I think it looks great and this is quite the challenge you have set for yourself! Ok, maybe one idea. Try playing with the satin layer style, it's pretty weird and might help with the shiny bits.
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‎Nov 16, 2016
02:29 PM
They are still a thing! Check out meetup.com and facebook. We have a fabulous group in Denver... Denver Adobe Creative Cloud User Group ( I know, it's a mouthful!) Feel free to join us on Facebook... Denver Creative Cloud Users Group | Facebook
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 16, 2016
02:18 PM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 16, 2016
02:18 PM
1 Upvote
If the lighting of your son and the lighting in the image you are pasting him into is very different, it's going look like crap - no matter what you do. Can you post a screenshot? Photoshop isn't magic...
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‎Nov 16, 2016
02:12 PM
Ok - this is one for the experts, because this expert is just plain frustrated! I'm teaching a DW class one on one (luckily only one student...). She is on a late 2014 MacBook Pro with 16 GB RAM running Sierra. No changes show up in Dreamweaver until she does a save as... not even a save. We are creating a very simple html page from scratch, using code view and css designer. Doesn't matter what we change, html, css, do it code view or in css designer, none of the changes show up. As you can imagine, this has significantly slowed us down. Everything works just fine on my iMac - no problems whatsoever. This is a virtual class, so I'm watching her and telling her what to do over GotoMeeting, we can't switch computers or I would. I had her close all other applications and restart DW - didn't help. Any ideas???
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 16, 2016
06:46 AM
‎Nov 16, 2016
06:46 AM
I don't think it can. I use save for web legacy to save animated gifs. Generate is designed to save a bunch layers as image files. You won't likely be creating an animated gif in a file with a bunch of unrelated layers. It would be too confusing.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
12:59 PM
Refine Edge has been replaced with Select and Mask. Select and Mask had a rocky start and didn't work correctly. It's been fixed in CC 2017. Can't help with older versions...
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‎Nov 10, 2016
10:31 AM
You want to use a layer mask for the photo and brushes for blue.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
02:52 PM
I think you forgot to attach it, I don't see anything. If you designed it in Photoshop, it needs to be large enough to print nicely. Let's say you are printing your yearbook at 300ppi. The logo needs to be 300ppi at the size you want to print - so if the logo is going to be 2"x2", it needs to start out that big or bigger at 300ppi. For future reference, this is why logos are designed in Illustrator, not Photoshop.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
02:41 PM
Yes, but what if I want in 2 collections? Feature request, post it here: Feature Request/Bug Report Form
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‎Nov 07, 2016
02:32 PM
Well, a screenshot would help. How big is the logo, what did you design it in? I would love to give you an answer, but you need to give me more information. If it's designed in Photoshop and not large enough, it's going to be low quality.
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‎Oct 27, 2016
07:07 AM
If it's in Illustrator, just change the fill colors. If it's in Photoshop, there are different ways, but a screenshot would help, so would getting this question in the right forum for more help .
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 07, 2016
12:51 PM
‎Sep 07, 2016
12:51 PM
Use layers. You have your drawing of your boy on one layer and color his parts in on different layers - one layer for skin, one layer for shirt, one for pants, etc. The drawing layer is your top layer, the others go underneath. Eventually you want to learn layer masks - this will get you started for now.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 02, 2016
02:44 PM
‎Sep 02, 2016
02:44 PM
PSB... means Photoshop Big. you are making a big file so yes. i recommend 150ppi, but you can probably get away with smaller. RGB should be fine, leave it in CMYK if its already there. trade show graphics, printed on vinyl from an inkjet? inkjets print higher quality at lower resolutions and like RGB. they convert the colors for you.
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‎Aug 30, 2016
07:54 AM
Is your hard drive full? I would start making some backups...
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‎Aug 19, 2016
08:25 AM
1 Upvote
What kind of certifications and to what end? Just curious - I'm an Adobe Certified Instructor and don't recommend it. I also discourage my students from becoming an ACE unless there is a clear advantage for you like a job or money. The tests are not fun and are expensive. The classroom in a book series is great - you want to order each book for each app. Going through them on your own is tedious - I use them to teach. Lynda.com is awesome. You might also consider taking a class - I teach one on one online.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Aug 09, 2016
09:21 AM
1 Upvote
‎Aug 09, 2016
09:21 AM
1 Upvote
I love the quick selection tool - it's my favorite! It also takes a bit to get used to it. Everything that Barb said and: It's a brush - and the size of your brush also sets the tolerance. Bigger brush = looser selection. Use your bracket keys (next to the P) to make your brush bigger and smaller as needed. Don't let the edge of brush touch the stuff you are trying to not select. It expands on it own - as you are experiencing. Selecting the background is tricky - select the person, then you can always invert your selection after. Practice and patients...
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‎Aug 09, 2016
09:07 AM
I don't think you can - you have to change accounts.
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‎Jul 27, 2016
08:31 PM
1 Upvote
He looks like a naked Cookie Monster, but I've had a couple glasses of wine...
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‎Jul 27, 2016
04:39 PM
Expressionism is my favorite.
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‎Jul 27, 2016
09:41 AM
1 Upvote
Deke is my favorite - I always recommend him to my students. I also think for newbies it's very difficult to learn from videos. You have to have some experience under your belt. I bet my career on that one as an Adobe Instructor!
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‎Jul 27, 2016
09:39 AM
Whatever kids k-12 hate... I've never met a kid who likes contemporary art. I love it. If they think they can do it better - it's contemporary art!
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‎Jul 25, 2016
08:50 AM
You can use extract inside of Dreamweaver, they removed it from the cloud.
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‎Jul 16, 2016
10:58 AM
Sorry to rain on your parade! But at least you have one opinion, for what it's worth...
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‎Jul 15, 2016
01:18 PM
I am not going to take them. My ACI status means absolutely nothing. It doesn't get me more students or classes, Adobe Certified Training centers don't honor it - they use uncertified instructors over the certified ones because they are cheaper. It's a complete waste of time and money for me. The ACI program is the dog Adobe kicks... I have students asking about certification all the time, I discourage it unless they know for sure will benefit them. If it went back to the way is was before, I would consider it, just because it would be a simple quick thing from home. But to make me go out and sit a whole new test? No thanks. I beta tested the last Dreamweaver test, there were a bunch of questions that were just plain wrong, not to mention stuff that wasn't even in the program anymore. I took it in Aug. 2012. I had until Oct. 31 that year to renew. They told me, Oct. 31 that I passed... I feel like Adobe is trying to get rid of ACI's - my experience in the past 8+ yrs has not been positive.
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‎Jul 15, 2016
01:10 PM
ping and jif... I'm not changing it now!
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‎Jul 15, 2016
01:07 PM
Adobe has taken up a significant part of my life! I do have hobbies - one is digital scrapbooking - using the Adobe apps! The other is art. I picked up a pencil a few years ago and started drawing. I trade artist trading cards with people all over the world. I trade on Illustratedatcs.com if anyone is interested... It's tons of fun and now my office is full of art supplies - acrylic paint and Copic Markers . I also love Disney. I love to trade Disney pins, I have an awesome trip all planned for Sept. with my cousin - no husband or kids allowed. I have a 16 and 12 yr old, so they don't need me much anymore, giving me time to do art. I wish I could actually make a living doing art and do it all the time. As for Adobe, I've been using Photoshop since version 1 and have made computer games, owned a web design business, owned a photobook company and now I teach. Teaching has been so slow.... good for art, not so good for Disney trips . I'm considering an actual job... too lazy to really look for one and hoping the perfect one just falls in my lap ;P.
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‎Jun 25, 2016
08:12 AM
I concur with sandee... InDesign Publish Online... It's fun and if you already know InDesign, easy, peasy.
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‎Jan 30, 2016
02:31 AM
‌im on a 27" iMac, everything is current and up to date, running El Capitan. I Have tried multiple types of files, single PDF, etc. nothing works. I also made one in CC and tried to open it in XI, same blank screen. Its not the files That are the problem.
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