This could be the result of default margin and padding on your <h> tags or you may need to set to header image to display: block; I would first initially zero out all the margin and padding on you <h> tags. Instead of spliting everything like you have below: margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-top: 5px; Intially set all the margins and padding on your <h> tags to zero and see if the space goes away: margin: 0 0 0 0; /*top, right, bottom, left/ * padding: 0 0 0 0; *top, right, bottom, left/ * if it doesnt the next thing to try is setting the image to display: block; header img { display: block; } Having said all of the above and relooking at your css I see you have the height of the header set to height: 150px; and yet the image is only 123px high. It's best practice not to set heights on your html, left the container adjust to the height of its content, then if you want some space you can add some margin or padding to the container. Try the below code: (you don't use pt for sizing text on the web you use px or em or %) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta ="charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style> body { margin: 0; } .header { width: 956px; margin: 0 auto; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #000000; background-color: #EAE6EB; overflow: hidden; } .h1 { float: left; color: #000000; font-family: Segoe, "Segoe UI", "DejaVu Sans", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 40px; margin: 5px 0 0 25px; font-weight: 200; text-shadow: 0px 3px 4px #433A3A; letter-spacing: 15px; } #logo { float: right; margin: 5px 25px 0 0; } .h2 { color: #000000; width: 956px; background-color: #EAE6EB; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #000000; font-family: Segoe, "Segoe UI", "DejaVu Sans", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 35px; font-weight: 100; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 15px; text-shadow: 0px 3px 4px #433A3A; margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom: 20px; clear: both; } </style> </head> <body> <header class="header"> <h1 class="h1">AETHERSOUP</h1> <img src="images/aethersoup-can.png" alt="Aethersoup Logo." width="60" height="123" id="logo" title="Aethersoup Logo."/> </header> <h2 class="h2">Web Design</h2> </body> </html>
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