‎May 15, 2023
10:05 AM
The review on the noise reduction panel is 1:1. Not sure you can look at it any other way.
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‎May 15, 2023
10:04 AM
The image was ISO 5000. I have tried it on higher ISO images (up to 125000) and not noticed the problem. I just did one at ISO 4000 and again there was no problem. I will try to find another photo at ISO 5000 and see if there is some quirk at just that ISO or if it was a one off.
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‎May 15, 2023
07:56 AM
Computer: iMac 24" M-1 Ventura 13.3.1 (a) Lrc v.12.3 When using the noise reduction slider, the noise levels do not change. For example: I upload an image and the last amount of noise reduction I used comes up as a default I guess. If I move the slider to the left as far as it will go (1) the noise level does not change. If I move it to the right as far as it will go, no change is visible. Funnily enough, it looks OK on import back to LR. The photo is free of noise and the details are sharp. However, I would like to leave a bit of noise in my photos and have the oppertunity to change settings as needed. Has anyone else noticed this behavior. Thanks, Susan
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‎Apr 07, 2023
11:27 AM
So glad I could help.
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‎Apr 06, 2023
12:21 PM
Try clicking on the little arrow above the brush size on the upper right. Should get you to the drop down screen with the missing items.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
09:56 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks again Denis and Sean. You were both great to help and it is much appreciated.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
09:09 AM
1 Upvote
Here I sit with egg on my face. That was indeed where the discrepancy lie. Who knew? Well you both did and I can't thank you enough for solving my niggling little problem.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
08:54 AM
Lets leave Topaz out of the discussion. The only reason it was in the discussion was because that was when I first noticed the issue. Here is my workflow: 1. Upload raw photos to LrC from camera. 2. Do basic edits including cropping if needed 3. Check crop demenision in the library module and exif does not reflect the crop. It shows the original demension of the photo. It makes no differnce if the photo was cropped to a square, 16 x 9 or any other crop. The exif shows the original demensions. The photo itself does reflect the crop. In other words, if cropped to a square, it looks like the square. 4. Send cropped photo to PS, either do some editing or just send it back, it comes back as a TIFF file as usual and the cropped demensions are now showing up correctly. 5. Send it to PS uncropped, crop it there and send it back, it shows the cropped demensions correctly. All my external editors, PS, Topaz, etc. return RAW files as TIFFs. This phenomenon occurs whether I use CR3 files (Canon) or iPhone DNGs.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
08:35 AM
Thanks Denis. Sorry to not have been clear. I will try to explain what is happening. In LrC, I make whatever adjustments I feel necessary, I also crop the photo if necessary. For example, I take a photo that is 5472 x 3648 and crop it to a square, it should now be 3648 x 3648. However, when checking the demensions in LrC, there is no change in the original demensiion. lt looks cropped correctly but the exif is not reflecting the crop. If I send the cropped photo to PS, and save it back to LrC from there, the cropped demensions show up correctly. If I crop the photo in PS instead of LrC, the crop demensions show up correctly. If I save the photo as a jpeg from LrC then re-import to LrC, the demensions are correct. The photos are obviously being cropped but the correct demensions are not being shown in the library module until the photo is either sent to PS or exported and re-imported. When sending a file to another program for editing, I always send it as a copy with Lr adjustments. It is a strange little bug that may have been happening for years but I just didn't notice it because I rarely check cropping exif and wouldn't have this time except for PhotoAI recropping it a second time (I think the recrop was a result of an AI update that somehow got tangled up with the new beta crop as it hasn't happened since). My work flow for using Topaz is identical to yours. Hoping this is clearer and thanks for helping.
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‎Jan 25, 2023
01:44 PM
I am going to assume after all this time that no one else has experienced this problem or noticed it. The problem still exists although I have found when I export the image as a jpeg, the crop is correct as it is when I re-import it into lightroom. Not usually a big deal but it could be if I don't remember if I have already cropped a photo.
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‎Jan 14, 2023
01:18 PM
I will reset preferences but honestly, I have to do that so often that it almost seems to have become a frequent part of my workflow. If it is a bug, than someone should know about it and try to fix it. OK, I reset preferences and it did not fix the problem.
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‎Jan 14, 2023
12:38 PM
Thanks Sean, I don't crop the original so that isn't a problem. I did however take the uncropped original, did my edits then cropped it. In library, it shows it hasn't been cropped. When sending it to PS, it also shows the photo at the original demensiions. It looks cropped but is it really cropped. There is a bug somewhere.
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‎Jan 14, 2023
12:16 PM
1 Upvote
LR v. 12.1 iMac 24" M1 chip running Ventura v. 13.1 I know there has been problems with the crop tool in the past but they don't seem to be quite the same problem. I upload a photo, make a square crop, send photo to Topaz AI and it makes a square crop from the square crop I already made. I initially thought this was a Topaz problem but I went on to investigate further. After cropping the photo to 3648 x 3648, I check the demensions in LR library and the photo shows the original demensions. However, if I send the original photo to PS without cropping and crop to a square, all is as it should be. The interesting thing is, if I send the cropped photo from LR to PS and save it back to LR without doing anything, the cropped demensions are correct and work correctly in Topaz as well. This problems also occurs with other crop demensions. I have not reset preferences as yet (I seem to have to reset them everytime there is an update now and I am kind of tired of it.). Maybe this bug will get fixed soon if enough people have the same problem.
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‎Sep 16, 2022
11:47 AM
OK, I think I understand now. I'm not really that proficient in PS. I just opened a photo in PS, duplicated it, hit the mask icon which created a mask and then I right clicked on that and the apply layer mask did indeed appear. It was not greyed out and I was able to apply it to the duplicate layer. If this is what you are trying to do, it is working for me.
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‎Sep 16, 2022
09:47 AM
To apply a layer mask to a layer I use the icon on the bottom of the layer panel that is shaped like a square with a hole in the middle. Works on my macbook pro 16" 2019 with PS 23.5.1
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‎Jul 14, 2022
04:54 AM
I know there have been many problems with two different versions of Camera Raw on Mac's. I have posted about the problem myself. Today however, creative cloud said I had updates to PS, LrC and Camera Raw. As you can see from the screenshot, the update for CR is for the version I already have installed not the version needed to make it compatible with LrC's version. I have a Macbook Pro 16" OS Monterrey v. 12.4 LrC v. 11.4.4 with Camera Raw v. 14.1.1 PS 23.4.1 Camera Raw 14.4 Is this another glitch in the attempt to fix the last problem?
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‎Jul 01, 2022
05:22 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, that is where I logged the bug first but it got moved to the Camera Raw section.
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‎Jun 29, 2022
08:49 AM
Mac OS Monterey 12.4 Macbook Pro 19" LRC 11.4.1 Camera Raw (as noted in LRC) 14.4.1 This morning after the latest update, I started getting this message when sending a photo from LRC to Photoshop (see attached screen shot). According to Creative Cloud, all apps are up to date, including camera raw. I did see where this is a problem for others on the camera raw site. For some reason it seems LRC got a new update but PS didn't. Bug????
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‎Apr 19, 2022
05:18 AM
Uninstall and re-install worked for me. Started happening a month ago but after the re-install it started working properly again. Must be a bug somewhere. I did do a bug report.
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‎Apr 10, 2022
05:50 AM
Hope it works for you. I haven't had any problem since the re-install.
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‎Mar 27, 2022
03:27 PM
This happened to me as well. I uninstalled LR and reinstalled it. Fixed the problem. I have a mac and Canon.
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‎Mar 26, 2022
09:01 AM
I should have tried this before posting the above. I uninstalled and re-installed LR and that seems to have fixed the dehaze tool. Even fixed it in PS camera raw plug-in. Weird but I am back to being happy again.
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‎Mar 26, 2022
07:59 AM
I am using a 2019 MBP with monterey 12.2.1
LR is version 11.2
Camera Raw 14.2
PS 23.2.2
Today, for some reason everytime I attempt to use the dehaze, the photo turns blue or black (depending on whether I have the histogram warning boxes checked). It exhibits the same behavior in PS camera raw also. The problem also occurs if I use the masking tool. Anyone else having this problem, It was working fine yesterday. Attached are screen shots showing before nd after barely using the dehaze option
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‎Jan 31, 2022
08:43 AM
1 Upvote
If I am right in what I think is happening, when you export a file to a plugin and then have it sent back to LR, it comes back as a copy with the same name but the addition of "edit" in the file name. For example, IMG001.edit. jpg. If this is what is happening, in the library mode you can go to filter, text, and have it sort out those filenames for you. In other words, if you want only those files with edit in the file name it will pull them up and you can then select them all and delete them all at the same tim.
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‎Nov 13, 2021
03:15 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks you Rob and John for your responses. I really feel like a dolt. Rob is right, the magnifying symbol has always been there. Think I must have had a senior moment and thinking that since there was an upgrade it must have caused the change which wasn't. My stupidity wasn't born in a day; I have been working on it. Again, thank you both for the responses. Hoping to get my wits together, Susan
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‎Nov 13, 2021
08:41 AM
Macbook pro 16" with intel processor using Monterrey 12.0.1. LRC 11 Everything has been running smoothly until today when all of a sudden my cursor changed from a pointer to a magnifying glass. It does it in both the library and develop modules. As far as I know nothing else has changed and there have been no updates to anything but camera raw and that was yesterday and things were working fine since then. Anyone else having this problem? Is it a bug or something I can fix. Not earth shattering I know but very irritating. Thanks, Susan
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‎Aug 29, 2021
07:21 AM
Glad to hear I am not the only one with the problem but I am sorry you have it too. I just made a preset and force LR to use the non-v.2 version of the lens in profiles. No problems since then. I have no idea if you can get Adobe to fix the issue as there are only the two of us with the problem.
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‎Aug 20, 2021
04:04 PM
I am so sorry and now feel terribly stupid. I know nothing about dropbox or public uploading. My age is great and my brain has gotten smaller with it. I don't do twitter or instagram either. Thank you anyway. I will just have to keep digging away at the problem until something either crashes or an update fixes things. Susan
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‎Aug 20, 2021
03:42 PM
My files are shot in CR3, not DNG. Here is where I am at so far. Hopefully everyone remembers that all the photos I took the day before the upgrade turned out with no problems until the day after the update. I knew they had no problems at the time of upload so I decided to download them again to see what happened and all but two had the lines on the sides. So, today I disabled GPU as you suggested and I also turned off the my preset which disabled the lens corrections. I then uploaded today's photos. No lines until I turned on lens correction and chose v.2 under profile. It has to have something to do with profile under lens correction otherwise why would all new uploads and old uploads have the same problem especially when the old uploads were fine prior to the upgrade. Why are there two profile versions for the same lens? Something is going on and I just wish I knew what. This forum does not support uploading CR3 or DNG so I won't be able to post a file. Thanks again for your help. Susan
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‎Aug 20, 2021
03:00 PM
In preferences I originally had global set to adobe default, camera was set to canon eos r6, default was set to preset which I had set up to remove sharpening. That's it. It has been set that way since forever. I have now set global to camera settings, camera remains the same, default is camera settings and my preset now removes sharpening and uses the profile for the camera which is NOT labeled v.2. This seems to be working for now. I appreciate your helping with this. Susan
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