‎Aug 20, 2021
09:59 AM
That is not how it happened. When I first downloaded the file, it automatically applied the lens correction, chose Canon and the lens and the profile v.2. I hope I am making myself clear as my husband says I almost always never do. 🙂
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‎Aug 20, 2021
08:51 AM
OK, I have tested all the hardware I could and no problems were found. However, I have found something interesting. Under lens profiles two profile versions are listed for the same lens. V.2 is the one that comes up automatically when I upload photos. If I use the other version none of the lines appear nor does the vignetting show up. Is there a way to disable v.2 so it doesn't automatically affect my photos? Another interesting problem, today I took five photos, same camera, same lens, same settings. The last photo incorrectly identified the lens as an EF mount and the actual lens is not showing up in the dropdown box. These problems have to be associated with the lens profile in LR don't you think?
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‎Aug 19, 2021
05:21 PM
Thanks dj, I will try to check the hardware as you suggest and see what I can find. You don't feel that it could be an adobe profile for the camera that may have gone wrong then? I really appreciate the help. Susan
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‎Aug 19, 2021
01:11 PM
Here is the crop of one of the photos. Hopefully you can see the lines on the bottom and left side. I have eliminated corrupt files and corrupt SD cards. I will not go through the steps I took but you will just have to trust me that the problem is with Adobe. I went back and uploaded some files that I took pre-update and they are now showing the lines too. Went back and looked at all my settings and found that if I uncheck "enable profile corrections" it will remove the lines but crops the photo. If the photo doesn't have lines (seems to be alright at 24 mm focal length) and I uncheck the box, it leaves a really horrible vignette on all corners. I appreciate your thinking it may be a hardware problem but I am really doubtful as I have had no problem prior to the latest update. I have and use two different SD cards and that makes no difference. Thanking you all for trying to help. It is certainly a frustrating problem.
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‎Aug 18, 2021
06:59 PM
Wanted to add additional information. I uploaded two photos from my husband's Pentax and the lines don't show up there. Could it be something to do with Cannon CR3 files? I have had no problem until the latest update.
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‎Aug 18, 2021
06:51 PM
I am using the most recent updated versions of LR ( ver. 10.4) and PS (ver 22.5.0). Yesterday's update has caused some weird artifacts on the edges of all my photos. System is MacOs version Big Sur 11.5 Macbook Pro 2019 16" Camera: Cannon EOS R6 I have uploaded photos to Affinity and Digital Photo Pro 4 and the artifacts don't appear. They appear in both PS and LR and are present on all my lenses and throughout the range of each lens. Rarely seen in the sky portion of the photo but always seen in the bottom and both sides. Attached is a cropped version of the left and bottom side of a photo. Oddly enough, it does not happen if I shoot JPEG, just RAW files. I am now having to crop a considerable bit off the sides and bottom of all my photos. Has anyone else seen this problem?
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‎Jun 25, 2021
11:20 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the help daleducatte. I will try your suggestions the next time the problems occurs. I just rebooted so it will be a while before it will happen again. Susan
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‎Jun 24, 2021
11:24 AM
The problem has popped up again and I am having to reboot. For some reason, option + right click on finder no longer brings up the relaunch option. Any other solutions other than rebooting? Thanks, Susan
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‎Apr 11, 2021
06:52 AM
Yes I know what it meant. That wasn't the problem but I fixed it now. Thanks for your help.
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‎Apr 10, 2021
03:53 PM
Missed the hover reference but that didn't yield anything either. Something must have changed on the last update maybe? Appreciate your taking the time to help. Susan
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‎Apr 10, 2021
02:02 PM
As noted above, clicking on the icon does nothing. I did solve the problem though (see response to Per above). Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate it. Susan
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‎Apr 10, 2021
02:00 PM
I did all that and nothing changes. Thanks for trying to help. I found the solution after spending a few hours I will never get back. Right click on the photo in the filmstrip, not in the preview panel as the options are different. Click on view options, check or uncheck show badges and do the same to ignore clicks on badges. This got rid of the pesky little symbol and also allowed me to revert changes to the original image. I appreciate everyones help and hope this helps someone else. Now I'm off to figure out what Bridge is doing on import that I don't want it to do. Sigh, it never ends.
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‎Apr 10, 2021
01:17 PM
Sorry Jim but it actually refers to a photo that has had changes made in another program. The photos are not missing; I can see them, sort them, develope them etc. Normally you click on the symbol and it allows you to either accept the changes or revert to the original located in the lightroom catalogue. For some reason, it is not allowing me to do that because clicking on the icon yields no results.
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‎Apr 10, 2021
10:00 AM
After opening my photos in Bridge, this symbol turned up on all of them. I know it usually means that the photo has been changed by another program and do you want to import the changes. However, when I click on the box nothing happens - no options are given. This has happened on occassion in the past when I have done edits in PS but this is the first time all the photos have this symbol. I am using the lastest version of bridge, ps, and lr on a macbook pro 16" big sur 11.2.3. It is annoying to say the least. Anyone else having this problem and is there a fix?
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‎Mar 18, 2021
11:02 AM
Worked a treat. Thanks for helping to prevent the reboot process.
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‎Mar 18, 2021
11:01 AM
Full disk access didn't work but relaunching via finder did help as I didn't have to reboot.
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‎Mar 16, 2021
12:31 PM
Love knowing that option. Nice to know. I will give it a try the next time the problem occurs. Susan
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‎Mar 16, 2021
12:29 PM
It did not have full disk access so I added it to the list. It has been working fine for the last couple of days though so maybe it healed itself. Appreciate your taking the time to respond. Susan
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‎Mar 13, 2021
09:44 AM
I am using BigSur 11.2.3 on a 2019 Macbook Pro & LR cc ver. 10.1.1. When I delete a photo from the disk in LR, it does not go into the recycle bin. If I close LR, reboot my computer it shows up in the trash. If I delete a file or photo from a library on the Mac, it works as it should. I can delete a file from my computer, go to the recycle bin, empty it, shut down the computer, reboot and whatever I deleted from LR then shows up. If I accidently delete a file and want it back I won't be able to find it without going through the rebooting process which is a pain. I couldn't find anyone else having the problem but would love to see a solution.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
03:56 PM
If you are asking me and not the original poster, as noted above, I am using Macbook Pro 16" with Big Sur. LrC is up-to-date ver. 10.1.1. I have used slideshow without problems previously although not since November.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
12:18 PM
Here is a screen shot of the message I get when the program stops responding.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
11:52 AM
I am having this problem too. I get a message that the application is using too much memory and to shut down all other applications (although nothing is running except LRC) and then I have to force quit. I am using the newest version of LRC on a Macbook Pro with 16 GB of RAM and 1 Tb. of storage with 861 GB available. I have exited LR, rebooted the computer and tried again but nothing helps. Any help would be appreciated. Susan
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‎Feb 04, 2021
12:00 PM
Thank you. It has been reported.
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‎Feb 01, 2021
01:55 PM
Using Macbook Pro Big Sur 11.1 LR Classic 10.11 PS 22.1.1 Import photo into LR, do a bit of editing. Export from LR to PS. Replace sky. Send back to LR. Export to HD. When trying to preview photos on HD, the ones with sky replacement hang up in Mac's preview pane. It is only the photos with sky replacements. The screen completely freezes. If I follow the same editing steps without the sky replacement, the photo displays fine. The photo can be seen in the file folder and in LR, just not in preview. Other edits done in PS don't seem to cause this problem. Using my own skies doesn't seem to make a difference either. It is a wierd glitch and frustrating because I use preview a lot (maybe the photo gods are trying to tell me to leave the skies alone :))
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‎Nov 21, 2020
07:06 AM
Thank you both for the replies. Turns out my computer crashed and I had to replace it. Everything is working fine now so that must have been part of the problems. I appreciate your help though.
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‎Nov 14, 2020
10:04 AM
Mac OS Catalina vs. 10.15.7 with LrC updated to current version. When I delete a photo, LR asks if I want to delete from lightroom or the disk. Previously, choosing delete from the disk always sent the photo to trash. Since the latest update, those files don't show up in trash unless I shut down the computer and reboot it and then I am able to see then in the trash can. Files from other programs show up in trash normally when I delete them. Is this a bug with the latest update and is there a fix?
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‎Mar 11, 2020
10:10 AM
I'm having the same problem. The text box is a pale yellow and the text is white. Completely unreadable.
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‎Nov 20, 2019
11:25 AM
Thought I would just reply to all your comments as you took a great deal of time in trying to assist. Firstly, the problem has somehow righted itself after a complete reboot of everything. Just to answer your questions about the images though, they were not stacked and they were tiff files. Nik never prompted me about any problems, just LR after importing files back. Hopefully, the problem will not recur. I did try the experiments you suggested and everything worked properly. One thing I did notice with the problem, when I would first click on the imported photo a very brief image with the correct changes would show up. It would happen very quickly but you could see that the changes were in there somewhere. Again, thank you David. Hopefully this was just a minor glitch that has taken care of itself.
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‎Nov 20, 2019
10:37 AM
I am running LR Classic v. 9.0 with Mac OS Catalina 10.15.1. I have a MacBook Pro 15" retina with 16G of memory. I have had only minor compatibility issues until this morning. All of a sudden edits done using Nik software ask if I want to import changes made from the disk or import changes from the HD. This is new but at least I can tell it what to do. The main problem is with edits made in PS. 21.0.1. When I save the photo in photoshop and it opens in LR's develop module as a tiff file as always but the changes I made do not show up. If I open the same photo in the Library module the changes show up. The really weird part is that when I export them as a jpg's from the library or develop module they show up with the changes made by PS. If I export the file as a tiff, it also shows up with the changes. This is becoming frustrating. Any suggestions or anyone else having the problem? Thanks for any assitance, Susan
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‎Dec 27, 2017
08:29 AM
Another update. Spent all day on the phone with Apple techs (by the way, the service was excellent.) It was determined that the computer was fine but the problem most probably lies with PS or maybe my external HD. They eventually had me pull three photos, one from the computer, one from each of two external HDs. I put them on my desktop, opened all three at once in PS, ran all three through the program I was trying to use, one photo after another with all three open. Worked perfectly. Not sure where to go from here but they still think it may be PS related or perhaps a problem with my external hard drives. My next step may be to transfer all photos to an new external HD and repair the old one. What a chore that will be. Thanks for all the help everyone. Susan.
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