People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Mar 21, 2022
04:28 PM
Have you tried re-rendering? Does it always fail at the same frames? What's going on during those frames? Assets? Effects?
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‎Mar 21, 2022
03:41 PM
1 Upvote
Not necessarily. And I don;t know what you mean when you say "ALL" layers. You need to include any layers that other layers may be dependent on. But in general you would to be sure you're not breaking any dependencies in the compositiopn you're taking them OUT of. Like myl said. You need to be very specific. Show all the layers modified properties. What adjustments you're using how they are affecting layers. Even what's in your other comps could be affecting it.
It's not a catch-all rule to say "all layers have to be included" "ALL" is a variable, it means different things at different times.
It was just a way to try and isolate where your problem is so you can start looking in the right place. Then, hopefully you can start fixing whatever needs to be fixed.
Could be simple...could be frustratingly complicated and make you want to start all over.
You need to show all of your relevant settings. relationships...basically anything you have modified. With all you've got going on in that comp it's going to be A LOT. Fingers crossed that it's as simple as clearing your cache.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
02:33 PM
1 Upvote
If third parties (probably amateur) devs can do it certainly Adobe could if they wanted to. They could even call up one of the thrid party plug in devs and offer them a job replacing the person who said it was impossible.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
02:24 PM
Two of your layers (bottom two) are parented to a layer (31) you are leaving out of the pre-comp. Also you have several adjustment layers. When you pre-compose you are losing all of the translation and effects from those dependencies. That's probably where you problem is. Also could just be a memory/cache issue as Myl said.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
05:22 AM
Visited VCP website a minute ago and saw this message that their installers may have been compromised.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
05:20 AM
Actually you may want to hold off on downloading anything from Video CP before reading this.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
05:15 AM
1 Upvote
Only way to do it from an image (png) would some effect that's has an option to based itself on luminance values. Check to see if AE vanilla particle effects have a luminance option. Also check out the free "Saber" plug-in from Video Co-Pilot. https://www.videocopilot.net/blog/2016/03/new-plug-in-saber-now-available-100-free/
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‎Mar 19, 2022
10:56 PM
Sorry...somethings off.
Are you sure theres only one mask? Sometimes doing a complicated mask like that
you can accidentally click off and the next click will start a new mask.
Have you twirled down the layer and looked at your mask settings?
I suggest testing a very simple mask to see where the problem is.
Just drag a simple square or circle mask (not with pen tool) on a solid layer or something
and make sure everything is working correctly. If that doesn;t work
try emptying your cache. Sometimes a full cache can cause rendering errors.
If you can draw a simple square or circle mask (not using the pen tool) then you know you had to havemessed somewhere along the line drawing the mask.
BTW you also don't have transparency enabled so when you do get the mask to work it's gonna just be black. Clik the little checkerboard icon below the composition window to enable it.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
05:42 PM
From where I stand now, I see scant evidence that AE is a composting tool.
By @Indie767
Got it. Glad you figured it out whatever it was you were trying to figure out.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
02:09 PM
OK. Yes if it's a moving video then you would need an animated mask or rotoscoping but I though your descriptions said there "No motion"
Reading your desctiprion carefully again I'm certain I don't understand.
In fact if not for the words "locked daown" and "tracking" it sorta sounds like you you could just animate
the opacity.
"An image dissolve in inside (over?) a background and dissolve back out"???
What does "inside" mean? In AE layers fade in and out OVER each other, not inside.
And why create a shape in Photoshop, export it is as .png into AE when you could create a "shape" directly
in AE?
And as for you statement about
"AE is not capable of doing this - shapes cannot not roto out or delete pixels within the shape"
What are you talking about? Do you know? I mean you absolutely can using a matte or the Set Matte feature and both sahpes and masks can most certainly be animated. And there are some "auto-roto" options in AE. There's also the AUto Trace feature which I've gotten some pretty good results from in the past.
Both Rick and I mentioned trying a set matte and while I might not be a real expert, I can say for certain Rick knows what he's talking about.
I know much less than Rick but I know this.
Whatever you were trying to do and whatever you did I'm glad you got it
worked out but to me it reads like you figured some incredibly complcated way to fad one layer on over another layer. That or you just phrased your question badly.
Yeah...we're on different pages for sure. Even you descrition of how you solved it makes zero sense to me.
but... there are indefiniable variable so...
Anyway Good luck. & glad you fixed it.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
11:37 AM
My guess is that you haven't closed the mask. As mylennium said you need to upload proper screen shots with close shots of the and your mask settings revealed. A glared , angled, smartphone shot isn't worth much and it's not a good way to ask for help.
Unfortunately, as a brand new user you verbal assurances aren;t worth much either. It's common that new users think they've done something they haven't. By seeing your settings we can see for ourselves what you've done.
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‎Mar 17, 2022
12:07 PM
How are you making it scroll in an endless loop? With an Expression>?
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‎Mar 16, 2022
11:21 PM
1 Upvote
Probably better to use a track matte. Here's a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgbXGqYMxq4
Or I'm ssure theres tutorials in the official help where you found themask tutorial as well.
Track Mattes! Sweet
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‎Mar 16, 2022
11:05 PM
You need to prepare the file in illustrator first to make sure it will have editable layers.
You do that by clicking on the file in the layer menu then choosing release to layers.
Here is tutorial on how to do that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez9BGTGs6cE
You can save the file as .ai or .psd
If you did this correctly when you import it into AE you should get prompt asking if you want import it as a single file or a composition (for an .ai file) choose composition set footage dimensions as "layer size". Open the new composition and your three layers will be there all on their own layer.
The import process will be worded slightly different for a .psd file but in theory it's the same.
The search I did for the tutorial was "importing editable layers to after effects"
That search will return results for .psd files as well if you're interested to see the difference
BTW duplicating the layer twice and then masking each one and centering the anchor points.
For that just search for "how to use masking in after effects"
For moving your anchor point to the desired position (so the layer "rock back and forth") use the Pan Behind (Anchor Point) Tool on the toold bar. Shortcut "Y"
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‎Mar 16, 2022
12:01 PM
1 Upvote
Yeah it lloks like you need some scripting for that.
Have you looked into the sourceRecAtTime() expression? It automatical resizes a shape layer so that it always fits perfectly around a block of text. You could parent the lower line to the shape layer (with its anchor point left alaigned) and the turn off the visibility of the shape layer. But I'm not sure if the expression will work if the shape layer's anchor is not centered, you would have to test it and see.
If the anchor does have to be centered you could try applying Create Nulls From Path in the windows menu.
That will apply nulls to every vertex on the shape layer that will stick to them wherever they move.
Then you could parent the lower line to the left null and it should follow. You might want install the extended version of CreatNullsFromPaths which is here https://lesterbanks.com/2017/10/create-nulls-paths-extended-features/
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‎Mar 16, 2022
09:47 AM
I don't understand. You're literally looking at a video that explains how to do the animation. Are you running into some specific problem understanding something in the video? If so please give specific time stamp and description about what exactly you are struggling to understand.
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‎Mar 16, 2022
09:36 AM
It might be helpful to others if you can explain what the problem was. You'll get a "correct answer" added to your profile
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‎Mar 16, 2022
09:32 AM
Not really "work arounds", just how you would do it. A work around implies something is not working the way it should be.
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‎Mar 16, 2022
09:23 AM
Why can't you move the anchor point of the top line to left? Maybe if you describe the animation that requires you to have a centered anchor point?
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‎Mar 11, 2022
05:28 AM
It would be pretty simple to just open illustrator and increase the artboard size, and update the file in AE no?
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‎Mar 10, 2022
08:11 PM
1 Upvote
Abode needs to start over again, from sctrach.
By @e.motion
That's how they broke it in the first place.
old code is slow code.
By @e.motion
you seem to have a good understanding of coding, maybe you should apply as a programmer.
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‎Mar 10, 2022
07:51 PM
Do you have your audio set to mute if playback is not real time? I would also try tweaking anything that directly related to rendering and performance playback...disabling hardware acceleration, multi frame rendering, disabling and reeneabling your audio drivers.
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‎Mar 10, 2022
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
I would guess this has to with your systems available meory and or cahe space.
rendering 30fps for 20 seconds will logically take up more system resources than 8fps for 20 seconds.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
12:03 PM
If I needed such a file, my first look would be Wikipedia… Just a thought.
By @Abambo
For sure. I was searching for something else and just happened to see those. Whoever uploaded those logos did quite a job. They're indistinguishable from the actual seals. I'm not sure how one could actually tell if their recreations or not.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
09:10 AM
Upon doing a search for "secretary of state" on Adobe Stock I was presented with a set of three us government seals for president, vice president & secretary of state. The image is marked as "editorial use only". While it is totally legal to sell public domain images (although ethically questionalble)
why are these images marked as editorial use only?
Just curious
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‎Jan 05, 2022
03:27 PM
You'll need to share your render settings and stuff
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‎Jan 05, 2022
10:29 AM
When You open the original AE project and look at the audio waveform does it reflect the missing audio?
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