‎Aug 11, 2021
12:48 AM
Yes, I also noticed that with 3D. I just ran into the problem yesterday. In version 22.4.3 nothing works properly in 3D. Only display errors and the texture window always black. In PS 2018 the textures were always displayed more cleanly even without rendering. We took advantage of that and rendered a nice base once and then just multiplied the 3D bent texture over it. Yesterday the old job came back and in the current Photoshop it is not possible to get a clean texture without rendering. That was a real problem, because it was a huge timesaver. Now we have an old computer with a PS 2018 reactivated and need to finish the work there. Unbelievable, thanks Adobe.
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‎Aug 10, 2021
05:40 AM
Here is my Problem, i don't want to double post this:
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‎Aug 10, 2021
05:29 AM
Specs are on my Machine: Macos 11.5.1 (20G80), 3,3 GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon W, 48 GB 2933 MHz DDR4, AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 32 GB
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‎Aug 10, 2021
05:28 AM This happens also to me with the black workspace. but i'm on an intel mac. Above is my Problem + a 3D texture problem. Thanks for the tips. For me there is the problem since the last update of Photoshop 22.4.3. I have previously used version 22.4.1 and there I did not have the problem with the black areas. However the 3D texture problem... but that does not fit/belong into this post.
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‎Aug 10, 2021
03:43 AM
If I disable the Native Workspace under technology preview, it does not get better. also deactivate opencl does not help (of course did restart the app after every cahnge). Or did i miss some Settings to control this? See here:
I am just really despairing, with a delivery ahead of time.
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‎Aug 10, 2021
03:34 AM
dear adobe,
unfortunately the 3D function in the current Photoshop version does not work properly anymore. Here are two images from Photoshop 2018 and the same PSD in 2021. Please have a look at the quality of the texture. It is a 3D mapping, the texture is anchored in the 3D Layer. In the old version, everything works beautifully. And the preview looks sharp. Also, when I open the 3D texture by double-clicking in the new Version, I see only a black workspace and every other image I open is also black. And when I close everything Photoshop also crashes. The bug report is out with the OS dialog to you. How do I explain this to my customer that he now has to accept this poor quality, although he works in-house with the old version and the agency now with the new version because of new Mac computers? It is now no longer possible to install the old version on Big Sur. What do I do now? I have to do a lot of Label, and now I have to have them all rendered again by the 3d artist, which costs quite a bit more money. Is there somewhere an option that i miss to do a better job of filtering/antialiasing the texture?
Specs are on my Machine: Macos 11.5.1 (20G80),
3,3 GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon W,
48 GB 2933 MHz DDR4,
AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 32 GB
The new Version looks blurred.
This is what it looks like if i ope the texture of the 3d layer. And after this, everything is black an Photoshop crashing while closing.
Crash report
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‎May 25, 2021
07:50 AM
again. first did not work.
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‎May 25, 2021
07:47 AM
i mean "can not" be changed or be disabled in safari browser. Also forget to attach an image that is showing the bar in free flow tabbed windows.
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‎May 25, 2021
07:44 AM
Operating System – now Mac Os 11.4, (MacPro Vega Pro II Duo. 3,3 GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon W 48 GB 2933 MHz DDR4 1TB SSD) Are you using any eGPU and external monitor? NO eGPU, 1xMPX Apple Vega Pro II Duo - YES, external Monitor Displayport (otherwise i can see anything on a MacPro2019) Does turning on Appliation Frame (Window > Appliation Frame) helps resolving the issue? – i'm working in Application Frame mode – disabling Application Frame however helps to remove the red bars temp. BUT, as soon as I "tab" all open indesign windows/dokuments in one window and switch through them red bars appear again. What all applications are running in the background? – Photoshop, Illustartor, zoom, Spark, Finder, Safari. Does turning off GPU performance as suggested by Bob helped resolving the issue? – yes, as soon as i click gpu off. (sorry cant change the type format in this form, once clicked it can be disabled for regular text)
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‎May 21, 2021
04:14 AM
1 Upvote
Hi folks, do you also have since the latest Indesign update 16.2.1 so nice red bars in your workspace. I'm working with my Mac Pro on Big Sur 11.3.1 and I'm getting these display errors.... So for now I can only advise not to update further. here is the link for a video example:
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‎Mar 13, 2021
03:57 AM
1 Upvote
I also stumbled across the problem today. From now on I will ignore any Adobe updates. It can't be that with every update the programm has new bug. I don't understand why this is not tested properly internally. Now I seriously have to uninstall my Photoshop and install an old version? Please, before you release the next update, test it. What I also don't find cool is that I now have to set up a test machine for every update in order to avoid such problems in production. Think about when this happens in an agency with many computers. The whole department is paralysed for some time.
Please excuse me for writing in such a testy manner, but I had the problem once before that the path tool did not work properly and Photoshop always crashed and it cost me some nerves until the problem was solved. I am just tense!
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‎Dec 09, 2020
03:05 AM
@JeffreyTranberry in the lastest Version 22.1. PS still does not show the brush preview. System is Big Sur, latest. Vega Pro II Duo. Made a clean system install and cloud install.
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‎Jul 21, 2020
05:21 AM
Okay, thank you very much. It's working fine for me so far. Been testing for two hours and still no beach ball, great 🙂
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‎Jul 14, 2020
07:26 AM
Yep, still waiting too... Maybe Adobe struggles with new optimization on apple silicon updates and metal, so that is bug is not that important. Next Os is at the horizon and that could put some pressure to adobe. For me, I don't use Photoshop since then anymore. Some day Photoshop could work, hope the best.
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‎Jun 14, 2020
05:16 AM
I just wanted to let you know that I canceled my subscription today. Apparently, no more feedback. I will gladly get back in if my problem should be solved. In the meantime I work with the competition and save my money. unfortunately I have to clean up my Adobe Cloud disk space as subscription only provides 2GB in the free plan. So the video is missing. Happy bug hunting to all of you.
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‎Jun 10, 2020
07:08 AM
@alexxi - hey if it happens the next time, could you please make a spindump for the adobe people to investigate:
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‎Jun 10, 2020
07:06 AM this is the other thread. 🙂
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‎Jun 10, 2020
06:55 AM
@alexxi – Wacom, no. not for this demonstration. If everything would work i would use my wacom intuos pro s (PTH-451). But I had nothing installed that could cause problems with Photoshop, to be sure it's not a Plugin or any other failure. Puh, nevertheless i'm still happy that im not alone with this. @charlotte – Yeah,yes this is the other weird behavior which is new in the last version. What we are discussing here is another bug that is also present in the previous versions. The workaround for your Problem is to hide the rulers or use hue/sat as an adjustment layer.
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‎Jun 10, 2020
04:08 AM
Version 20.0.9 has the anyoing bug that you can't overwrite image files! You have to manualy remove the COPY from the file everytime you save it. And make sure you give the Right one to your Client. First, i was not Aware of it, so my Client get the wrong Picture 🙂 no go.
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‎Jun 10, 2020
03:58 AM
Thanks for your Feedback AleXXI, so you get a freeze during normal use? And you turned off the rulers too? I don't need rulers and it happend all the time between 40-min. and 1,3 hours. Crazy that your other Workstation works. I got a Vega Pro II DUO. Hope they use the same Driver as yours. So that it we could exclude this as a potential Problem. Still wating for an Answer from an Adobe Engenier... I Did check my Hardware twice with Apple Diagnostics and TechtoolPro12, both were ok and everything passed. Here is my Video to demostrate that it happen without Rulers. Sable Amanda has had an other Bug/Problem. Mine was the freezing if i work normal and use the pathtool, to do some old School cut Outs and i don't use the destructive Menue Hue/Sattuation etc. and no Rulers. I Think both are the Problem Photoshop and Catalina. Today i was testing and older Version of PS (20.0.3) and it did not Freeze, but i can't overwrite any file with the Version. Another potential workflow breaker. I'm going crazy, the old cheese grater works best for me at the Moment, unbelivable.
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‎Jun 10, 2020
02:48 AM
Same here with Tif, i am currently testing different Photoshop versions on my MAcPRo 2019 with Catalina. This happens with Version 20.0.9.
But I can't overwrite pictures either. Even if Photoshop suggests it and has full access to all folders in the security settings, just save a new file with a copy on the back and don't overwrite it even it asks to do so. This is a real problem because if you don't pay attention it can happen that you give the "old" picture by mistake and later on the newer one is overlooked with "copy" on your full desktop.
So, I know this is not all Photoshop – it is this over secured Catalina Os. But why are other apps able to overwrite files?
Updating to latest Version maybe helps but... later versions still freeze on my new Mac Pro (made a thread already) after an hour.
I'm using Photoshop since version 2 but now its getting more worse every update in my opinion.
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‎May 27, 2020
07:45 AM
Sable Amanda please see this thread, disabling the rulers should help for now:
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‎May 27, 2020
07:42 AM
Have you try to disable the rulers, if they are shown? Seems to be another annoying bug.
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‎May 27, 2020
02:46 AM
Today I tested with MacOS 10.15.5 and PS 21.1.3 - same result. After about 58min. PS stops reacting and I can only stop it in the process. Then the whole system stops responding and the login screen appears. Did a screencast, video upload if necessary. I can't emphasize enough how annoying this is. To use such an unreliable software in the professional segment. I hope that the problem is solved soon, otherwise I will seriously consider to cancel the subscription for my company. Spindump:
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‎May 22, 2020
03:05 AM
So, to make sure it's not my Vega graphics card, I put an old RX 480 in the new Mac Pro and tried to reproduce the error again. It worked. The error also occurs with the RX 480. Just if it helps to nail the bug. Spindump is here, second ist crash report. Settings change after restore default prefs. Disable Flick Panning, enable Overscroll, disable Snap Vector Tools & Transforms to Pixel Grid, disable View PixelGrid.
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‎May 22, 2020
01:08 AM
Unfortunately no, I always work without rulers. Because then things run more smoothly. As rulers were shown in the past, Photshop always felt a bit less fluid while pan or zoom. If you had a look at my latest video, you could see that i don't have rulers on. Also I made a system dump for Apple and send it via feedback app. see what comes out in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I'll just continue working on my old Mac with Sierra and photoshop 2018.
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‎May 21, 2020
02:14 AM
Maybe its good to now, as I saw an other user pointing out das the imagefile size could be also a potential trigger. My settings: auto save untouched (10min.) Image is 545,6mb @ 16bit - 4297 x 6107 px sRGB 300dpi. Local saving and working on the apple ssd. "The issue does seem to be more common when opening or working with larger files (500+ MB) but there is no consistency." - Zach Chione ( )
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‎May 20, 2020
08:38 AM here you are
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‎May 20, 2020
02:30 AM
Hey Jeffrey, I have now come to test the new version 21.1.3 and unfortunately there is no improvement in sight. I made two spindumps and also a screencapture from the whole working process to the end. Photoshop simply refuses to work after about 50min. As if you use a test version with time limit! I don't know if I should open a new thread now or leave this one? Spindump 1 & 2: Video:
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‎May 09, 2020
01:20 AM
Sound like my problem. But i'm using the pathtool for an hour. Good that I'm not alone with it, bad that there doesn't seem to be a real solution for weeks unless you go back a few versions (PS2019). So it's more the program itself than the operating system. I have also worked with competing products (Pix... & Aff...) and both of them are not frozen. But no agency standard yet. Here are my reports on it from an "f...." expensive Mac Pro from work. On a clean install... just to make sure 🙂 So there are no damaged prefs or so. (I erase my hole workstation... just because of photoshop2020)
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