‎Jul 05, 2022
02:42 PM
2 Upvotes Little video made to show the issue. 1- X key x2 2- Resize Mixer Brush size 3- Paint : Issue : painting with Foreground Color So basically, when these steps are done : "changing Foreground Color" + "Resizing Shape of the Mixer Brush", the Mixer Brush Tool is not working properly.
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‎Jul 05, 2022
02:23 PM
1 Upvote
You don't need all these steps to show this issue : Just select the "Mixer Brush Tool", then hit twice the "X" keyboard button (inverting Background/Foreground twice), and before painting, resize the "Mixer Brush Tool" size, and now, when you paint, it's using the Foreground color.
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‎Jun 16, 2022
08:38 AM
I had never got this issue before, but since I updated to 23.4, now, I have this issue.
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‎Jul 21, 2020
12:23 PM
Yes i know, i wanted to say that for people that could read that and think that buying graphics cards and displays could solve this situation : it's not. My message was unclear, indeed !
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‎Jul 19, 2020
05:52 PM
thread written in December 23 2014. It's hard to expect anything. Even with 10-bits display and graphic cards, Photoshop doesn't care.
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‎Feb 28, 2020
08:33 AM
I'm curious, what is it supposed to do to add the "alt" while clicking on this arrow ?
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‎Feb 21, 2020
10:39 AM
So i have to chose between 21.0.3 with "zoom to content" layer issue and 21.1 with wintab API issue.
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‎Feb 20, 2020
06:28 PM
Yes, it appeared with the last update Adobe Photoshop Version: 21.1.0 20200212.r.106 2020/02/12
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‎Feb 20, 2020
04:30 PM
Hello, I have an issue in a specific situation. And it wasn't here before PS 21.1. On my wacom pen i have put the shortcut "Alt + Right Click" on a button. When i draw a line and i let the pen pressed, if i do my shortcut, it is drawing a straight line. cf picture after. If i restart the wacom service while staying in photoshop, the tool works fine. If i close photoshop and reopen it, the bug appears again.
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‎Feb 05, 2020
12:50 PM
Not fixed here yet too. Alt+click on layer on Windows10
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‎Dec 11, 2019
08:06 AM
Hello ! I usually use the shortcuts in "Layers" panel : Ctrl as Select All Ctrl + Shift as Add selection (+) Ctrl + Alt as Substract selection (-) Ctrl + Alt + Shift as Xor selection (x) And the shortcuts with Alt are using "Zooming to Content" (new feature). Two shortcuts are impacted, and it has not to be, or maybe we have enable/disable this in preferences. Thanks
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‎Dec 11, 2019
08:05 AM Topic opened here, just in case we need more "me too" for this reason specifically.
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‎Dec 11, 2019
08:00 AM
Hello ! I usually use the shortcuts in Layer Panel : Ctrl as Select All Ctrl + Shift as Add selection (+) Ctrl + Alt as Substract selection (-) Ctrl + Alt + Shift as Xor selection (x) And the shortcuts with Alt are Zooming to Content (new feature)..
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‎Dec 09, 2019
02:46 AM
Hello ! I usually use the shortcuts : Ctrl as Select All Ctrl + Shift as Add selection (+) Ctrl + Alt as Substract selection (-) Ctrl + Alt + Shift as Xor selection (x) And the shortcuts with Alt are zooming now
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‎Dec 09, 2019
02:43 AM
Hello ! I usually use the shortcuts : Ctrl as Select All Ctrl + Shift as Add selection (+) Ctrl + Alt as Substract selection (-) Ctrl + Alt + Shift as Xor selection (x) And the shortcuts with Alt are Zooming..
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‎Sep 01, 2017
05:20 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, I can reproduce the problem and solve it. But it's annoying. The problem : When I'm in PS, and do cmd+tab (mac OSX). If I come back to my PS, the "Wacom pen" is stuck and doesn't work properly. If I try to brush something, it makes me only a "point". Same with healing brush or all the tools that needs to be used by "moving" the cursor. To solve this problem, I must put my pen on my wacom tablet, and raise it fast. If I'm fast enough, when I try to brush, it works perfectly... If I do cmd+tab, same bug again, and solve it by raising it fast again... So, what's the problem ? I have done a fresh install of mac OS X, latest PS (all settings to default), latest wacom drivers. Same thing. thanks
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‎Aug 03, 2017
11:03 AM
Thanks for your answer, but there is not any confusion. 77 canon DCP profiles made by adobe : - 72 Profiles with a soft curve in shadows : - 5 profiles with a strong curve in shadows ( all cameras after 2014 : 5DS, 5DSR, 80D, 1DX Mark II, 77D ) And with that kind of "strong curve" you get all the default coming with that : strong shadows, saturated colors (a hard curve makes a localised contrast, and contrast modify saturation). That's why we get our "Strong shadows, clipped shadows, high red saturation in shadows" problem etc. All these problems are caused by this curve. I have mentioned a lot that I have edited the curve of the 5DMarkIV DCP profile with the 5DMarkIII curve, because, 5DMarkIII curve get a soft curve in shadows (before 2014), and so, the shadows are more "corrects", and saturation is gone. I have edited Nikon cameras dcp Profiles too, and there is no DCP profiles containing a strong curve. So, i understand you get a problem with your adobe standard (which is really horrible in fact !), but we are talking about the "Camera Standard" rendering that is to strong in shadows and to saturated (red is more visible than other colors). And, it's about "Tone mapping" (Linear Gamma to a gamma curve), so, the DCP Profile.
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‎Aug 02, 2017
06:18 PM
Take a look at my posts, my tests, and the answers : - Canon EOS 5DMarkIV - Canon Community - Camera Raw/Lightroom: 5D Mark IV, wrong dcp profile from adobe | Photoshop Family Customer Community We talk about the same problem. It's about how DCP Files are made for latests canon camera
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‎Apr 23, 2017
08:34 PM
I can't say i can be satisfied with that kind of problem : Black clipped... Red saturation near the strong shadows (finger / hair). Near the strong shadows, there are reds saturated tones. I precise : I just do a clean install of mac OSX Sierra and PS, and opened the raw.
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‎Apr 23, 2017
08:30 PM
Have done some test all the night : Fresh Yosemite and Maverick install : same thing. Fresh Sierra install : same thing. As you can see on this picture, black are completely crushed.. And there is a lot of red in the blacks. On the finger : over saturated reds etc... Near the border of the hair, saturated reds etc. My photoshop and OS are just clean installed.
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‎Apr 12, 2017
10:00 PM
If i open my raw with : Capture one, DxO, viewer (macosx), etc... They all take an "srgb look" with some minors difference with colors etc. That's a fact and i'm ok with it : they all opens the raw with differences. Minor differences... But... Camera Raw have a look very contrasty like "adobe98". My post was showing how i was seing that. In DPP, when i force "adobe98" instead of "srgb", I got the exact same look as in Camera Raw (contrasts etc). And of course, in DPP i have put the raw with all settings desactivated. Just a thing i considere: adobe in their "camera standard" profile tend to mimic the "camera standard" from dpp. That's always the case for all the camera (example above: 5DMarkIII etc.). But for "old" cameras they have done a srgb "look", but for some new camera they have done an "adobe98" look. (you can try in DPP to get image/space srgb/srgb, and try image/space srgb/adobe98, and you will see how the contrast increases).
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‎Apr 12, 2017
05:40 PM
Hello, Canon profiles for recent camera are made with an "adobe98" rendering intent, instead of "srgb" rendering intent. When i open a raw for 5DMarkIII / 6D / 1DX i have a "srgb" rendering intent. When i open a raw for 5DS/R / 1DX Mark II / 5DMark IV, i have an "adobe98" rendering intent. To explain that : When i open a raw in DPP (digital photo professional) : - 5DMarkIII / 1DX / 6D raw file with "sRGB / sRGB" settings, the rendering is ok. - 5DMarkIII / 1DX / 6D raw file with "sRGB / adobe98" settings, the rendering is nok : strong contrast. - 1DX Mark II / 5DS(R) / 5DMarkIV raw file with "sRGB / sRGB" settings, the rendering is ok. - 1DX Mark II / 5DS(R) / 5DMarkIV raw file with "sRGB / adobe98" settings, the rendering is nok : strong contrast. Now, if i open the same raw in Camera Raw : - 5DMarkIII / 1DX / 6D raw file are opened like if it was "srgb / srgb" from DPP, and it's the same rendering, so it's ok. - 1DX Mark II / 5DS(R) / 5DMarkIV raw file are opened like if it was "srgb / adobe98" from DPP, so it's nok. Strong contrast ! To test that, i had made some dcp profile and set them with the colors from the original file, but with the curves of other dcp profiles. For example, i had opened raw file from 5DMarkIV camera but with dcp profile with 5DMarkIII / 1DX / 1DX Mark II / 5DSR tone curve... And the results are : with 5D Mark III tone curve : the image is displayed similar than what i get in DPP "srgb/srgb". with 1DX tone curve : the exact same thing than 5D Mark III tone curve... with 1DX Mark II tone curve : hard contrasts like "srgb/adobe98" in DPP. with 5DSR tone curve : hard contrasts like "srgb/adobe98" in DPP. If i open a 5DMarkIII raw file in camera raw with a profile with 5DMarkIV tone curve, i got the same rendering as in DPP with the setting "srgb/adobe98". So, with older canon camera, adobe has made profile with "srgb" rendering intent (taking in example srgb/srgb from dpp).. And for new camera, they have made an "adobe98" rendering intent (taking srgb/adobe98 from dpp). Is it possible for adobe to make profile and makes it with the sRGB rendering intent ? Thank you !
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‎Apr 10, 2017
03:04 PM
1 Upvote
Just to mention it : I had made several posts about problem concerning "crushed black" with eizo CX271 connected to an iMac 27p. Problem in MacOSX but not in Windows 10 Bootcamp on the same computer... That's why i'm running Windows 10 under my iMac to get a "normal" black etc. Problem still here after more than one year, but this another thing than this post.
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‎Apr 10, 2017
02:49 PM
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‎Apr 10, 2017
08:08 AM
Hello, I finally found the problem : While putting rendering intent to "relative" (default option in ps color settings ?), i get strange lights, and red in the shadows while opening some raw (raw adobe98, PS srgb), and with "perceptual" rendering intent option, all si finally fine ! normal lights, normal colors. I tried a lot of calibrations with different mode etc... Always the same, all the calibration (v4.2, v2.2, gamma, lut, curve etc) works fine with "perceptual" in PS. But are wrong with "relative".
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‎Feb 17, 2017
03:30 PM
my calibration is sRGB gamma 2.2 D65 v2 matrice in i1Profiler on windows 10 my calibration is sRGB gamma 2.2 D65 v2 gamma curve in colornavigator the problem still occurs
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‎Feb 16, 2017
04:04 PM
Yes this is exactly this problem. I can't understand why is there a difference, or why Camera Raw can't display correctly the good colors. I tried on windows 10 calibrated with i1Profiler and macOS Sierra with colornavigator (same computer, bootcamp) and the two OS get the same issue. If camera raw is not able to give a normal rendering, how is it possible to call it "professional tool" ?
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‎Feb 16, 2017
02:50 PM
1) I open photoshop 2) I open a raw (and it launch Camera Raw so) 3) I can see the blacks crushed in camera raw. I open my I do "open" / "open as smart object" 4) In Photoshop, Black are normal, not clipped 5) I open the Raw in Bridge 6) I press space-barre to load the image in full screen (the raw loads to it's full quality), and black are normal not clipped. 7) I right click (still in Bridge) and "open in camera raw"? 8) black are clipped in Camera Raw So, if i open a raw in Camera Raw, from Bridge, or from Photoshop, blacks are clipped.
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‎Feb 16, 2017
02:16 PM
Hello, My blacks in Camera Raw are crushed, while in photoshop not. If i open a raw in Camera Raw, and open it in Photoshop without changing settings , the blacks in Camera Raw were crushed, and in photoshop, it's normal. When i look the raw in bridge, blacks are fines too. Why my camera raw crushes the black ? (and some red tones too in the strong shadows) ?
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‎Feb 12, 2017
01:33 PM
Hello, My post is to show that i think there is something wrong with the profiles created by Adobe for some camera (5DS / 5DSR / 5DMarkIV), and i will try to explain why here. It's a serious post, and not a whining post etc. I do a lot of retouching for many camera , and i'm stuck with the raw for 5DS/5DSR/5DMarkIV and not with some others (5DMark II/5DMarkIII/6D for example). No problem with Nikon/Sony at the moment. My problem is about tonal response curve included in the dcp profiles. The dcp profiles for 5DS / 5DSR / 5DMark IV are made with an "adobe98-look" tone curve. Resulting in crushed blacks, and to much contrast. Just to prevent some answers : it's not a calibration problem. I'm fine with all RAW for many camera, except 5DS / 5DSR / 5DMark IV, and i tested on many computers, mac and windows. And with different calibrated monitors etc. How to see the problem : 5DMarkIII : When I open the raw in DPP (canon), the raw have a srgb look (srgb / srgb). When I switch to adobe98 (srgb / adobe RGB), the tonal look is "crushed" in black and contrasty. When I open this raw in Camera Raw with the "Camera Standard", the tonal look seems to be in srgb, like in DPP. It's fine so 6D : When I open the raw in DPP (canon), the raw have a srgb look (srgb / srgb). When I switch to adobe98 (srgb / adobe RGB), the tonal look is "crushed" in black and contrasty. When I open this raw in Camera Raw with the "Camera Standard", the tonal look seems to be in srgb, like in DPP. It's fine so 5DS / 5DSR : When I open the raw in DPP (canon), the raw have a srgb look (srgb / srgb). When I switch to adobe98 (srgb / adobe RGB), the tonal look is "crushed" in black and contrasty. When I open this raw in Camera Raw with the "Camera Standard", the tonal look seems to be in adobeRGB, NOT like in DPP. It's NOT fine so 5D Mark IV : When I open the raw in DPP (canon), the raw have a srgb look (srgb / srgb). When I switch to adobe98 (srgb / adobe RGB), the tonal look is "crushed" in black and contrasty. When I open this raw in Camera Raw with the "Camera Standard", the tonal look seems to be in >> adobeRGB <<, NOT like in DPP. It's NOT fine so To summarize : For some canon camera, you have edited your dcp profile to match dpp very well (6D / 5D Mark II / 5D Mark III), but for 5DS / 5DSR / 5DMark IV, the match isn't fine, because it is matching an "adobe98" tonal curve, and not a "srgb" tonal curve. Is it possible that Adobe, makes "srgb look" dcp profile and not "adobe98 look" dcp profile ? Thanks.
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