‎Jan 18, 2025
03:31 PM
Hi, Pshop 26.2 and rawcon 17.1.1 I have a sky, basically white, then the far hills are cyan, yuk, then nearer hills are darker. If I was in Pshop and having taken the image, pasted it into channels, adjusted contrast then levels to maximise the white/black areas, I can then use that as a selection. In raw mode I made a mask using colour range, turned on white on black view. then not finding such controls as I would use, had to paint out most of the grey areas with a brush which put down black, but the more subtle areas need contrast and levels to black/white them . see attached image. I see no means of doing that. There is no levels or contrast. I drag the black slider and white on black view of mask vanishes. The masking tools seem VERY PRIMITIVE , cannot do correct masking with them. Used select subject but it selected buildings I had not even told it to, surely it should ask me to click on the subject. Where is magic wand to select the masked area, could do a mask in seconds but instead have to mess about with brushes of varying diameters and feathers, and when doing so the zoom tool , much needed when masking with brushes, is disabled ! Does my head in ! Not impressed by the tools at all in raw17. They need designing instead by the photoshop team ! Merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
01:50 PM
Hi, three examples attached first one distant shot of trees, having to try and fix a reflection from within the helicopter the trees are a different hue, I wish to select the wrong hue part and then say to Pshop match the hue of that at left and/or that at right., by selecting an area with lasso tool or paint in quickmask mode. or pipette set to a large sample. I would prefer drawing an area to supply the most area to sample from. In the second closer to view of ground there is some minor light bleed across the 35mm film, gone a bit orange, so select the grass and trees and say match the hue of area to left. Third example light bleed this time across tarmac, need to sample the adjacent tarmac and say match the hue in that area, likeweise the grass there. to match the strip of grass. perhaps the grass and tarmac in one 'hit' would do it, being all of one correct unafflicted area ? Hope these are ok. any chance of a step by step ? I keep needing to do this sort of thing, messing about with colour balance, hue and tint sliders never seems to get it same. and I spent hours fiddling. In fact I bet many need this. Merlin
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‎Jan 18, 2025
09:42 AM
Hi, I did some tests with the friend who a year or so ago, showed me the wonders of opening non original raw files into camera raw using file>open as>camera raw. So doing so on a .jpg that has never started life as a RAW file in a camera, a scan of a 35mm neg for example. If I open that in the raw editing , create some named masks, then open into Pshop 26.2 using Open option and save the file as a jpg, as I wouldnt want to lose what I had just done as an image, then open that again in same way into camera raw, the masks get lost. If however I brave it and dont even save it, then open it again into camera raw in same manner, the masks are there ! If I use the option at top of raw converter, the downward pointing arrow into square, and check the settings seem good to go, it fails to save the masks. I have just spent 3 hrs editing a .jpg image (scan of a 35mm neg) , and clicked open, then went save as .tiff, so as not to lose what I had done, then went close without saving the jpg, then file>open as>camera raw and browsed to that jpg, it opened WITH NAMED MASKS. Don’t save the jpg you open into Pshop, else it will lose the masks, seems to be the rule. Its all very scary and something needs explaining to all users editing jpg in raw mode here. Save as a copy and choose tiff, then don’t save the jpg. Needs more testing but so far that seems to fix the issue. also with raw converter editor open its tricky if not impossible to gain access to other progs on the pc such as email, the internet, anything, even word doc, took me several goes to try and get a word doc up over the editor so as to make some notes in it. why the heck cant we have a minimise button on that cconverter ? Merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
05:56 AM
Hi, Pshop 26.2 RAW converter 17.1.1 I have a photo taken within a helicopter, after applying dehaze which is an awesome, tool, the sky is now an atrocious cyan colour bleeding down across the farthest part of the landscape, I reach for the mask and gradient tool, drag it down to where the cyan over the landscape ends, and adjust to a better blue BUT the effect fizzles out halfway down the gradient. This needs a logarithmic gradient, so where is the midpoint controller to drag down or even up for those users that dont need effects evenly spread throughout but more near the top ? Gradients need such adjustability on the logarithmic nature of them. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
05:02 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I buy Photoshop 26.1 to get at the RAW converter with masking methods (primitive as they are) I have loads of scanned negs and slides to use RAW converter controls on, gain acces to dehaze, clarity etc. made a load of masks to sort one photo out, 14 or more. opened it into Pshop 26.2, went back next day and all are gone, no .xmp file in the folder the file lives in, .A test discovers File>Open As > Camera RAW, denies an xmp file being made. Only opening a raw file from a camera raw mode setting allows .xmp. I have a Canon EOS 70D and set to take images only as RAW. each one 24Mb ! I get sent images not as raw, and so use Open As method. I have scanned negs, and slides , loads of, to fix., they are not native RAW files, denoise in RAW would be so useful for them, and all the tools it gives for sorting out images. Why is Adobe against non native RAW files ? Its exactly what we need for such. what STUPID THING is this. oh its not a raw file so sod off , it feels like ! so had to work on the next file till 1am then have my evening meal, as unable to save it. have loads to do like that. THIS CANNOT BE RIGHT. Merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
04:53 AM
Hi, Thanks for replying, Easy as the pattern is 90degs to the line, now try a line of 45 degrees, it takes the mortar but places it where it isn't wanted and doesnt match up. for me anyway. How is it done for angled lines to patterns,. I had a roof light on an industrial building, running the length of the roof, tiles above and below. and the metal dividing bars didnt marry up. try for that grille top left and the window far right as well, a line at a good angle to the lines there. Merlin3
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‎Jan 17, 2025
10:01 AM
Hi, just got 26.2 and hoping after 30 years of pshop use, CS6 my current weapon, for intelligent means of painting along a line and Adobes 'AI' assesses what is either side and matches up the pattern, be it brickwork mortar, or roof tile pattern etc. healing brush , no use, pattern doesnt match. have I overlooked any settings ? Having to manually do it brick by brick, tile by tile, There must be hundreds of such edits happening each day, so where is the tool ? Merlin3
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‎Jan 17, 2025
09:17 AM
Hi, ever since Pshop 4.1 I have wanted a brush choice with a far greater spread of softness feather beyond the opaque dark centre., as if the hardness slider was twice as long. Having just upgraded to 26.2 still we have the exact same limiting brush as 30 years ago. Very dissapointing. in 17.1.1. raw there is a brush with far greater soft area compared to centre dense area. Why cant we have that in photoshop ? Why though in raw mode is the keyboard [ and ] keys control over brush size going from 2mm to 6mm in one click, no decent increments, unusable for painting into sharp corners. Even the slider for size goes 1 then 2 and a relatively massive difference in size. Also the feather is back to front, in Pshop far left is soft, in raw converter far RIGHT is soft. Its called feather and in pshop hardness. Its as if raw converter and Pshop are designed by two totally separate organisations. No magic wand to help fill in drawn mask outlines, selections are not as channels work. zoom not possible when brush in use. Alt scroll is the way to scroll zoom but jumps to image centre. I thought by now everything would be really useful and not clunky. Merlin3
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‎Jan 17, 2025
09:06 AM
Hi, CS6 or 26.2 Is there a way to select an area and have it take on the hue of another selected area ? I have a long roof and its got some translucent orange light creep running over part of it from a leaky camera body 35mm era. I can see same detail, just its a different hue. I wish to make it same as the roof beside that orange streak. Either select it as a mask in photoshop, then sample the good area and say source this hue to the masked area, or select the good roof and paint that hue over the wonky area. a hue transfer brush,, or some other way. I also had grass same need., a translucent orange light creep across it. Is there a clever way of selecting the afflicted orange streak area and having a selection made in an auto way ? Capturing the edges fade better than with a brush and softness. using the method again on the trees, colour mode best, but I cannot get them to the same punchy appearance as those immediate left of them, , trying levels contrast hue sat light, on the layer with the painted brush on it, nothing seems to happen much. Whats the trick there ? Merlin3
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‎Jan 17, 2025
08:58 AM
Many thanks, glad that was easy. Not the nice light blue of CS6 but a dirty light blue but better than another grey. the interface is dirty so dirty light blue I guess is in keeping ! To have the active tab distinctive is my desire ever since CS6 took away the visible difference there. If it works dont fix it, I wish Adobe adopted that policy. Its been a constant struggle to be sure which tab is active before doing something. If I can find the suggestions method I will suggest we are returned to what we once had for active tab. Merlin3
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‎Jan 17, 2025
07:20 AM
Hi, CS6 had very obvious pale blue when a layer was active. Now I have just upgraded to latest photoshop 26.2 its a horrid grey when inactive is also grey. Visually its a shock as everything is dead flat and not even a highlight shadow on any of the buttons, panel lines, tools, just black outlines. Like it was designed by a child. CS6 far more pleasing to the eye. Even the icons are sharper focused. I have solved the terrible rulers, grey on grey couldnt see the numbers, and the divisions are now 0.2mm and before 1mm tall. what idiot has messed with all this. That ruler fix was using UIcolors.txt to get the backgrounds lighter matching CS6, now I can see the rulers better though divs need making taller .2mm to 1mm. I guess thats deep in the coding and beyond me. I cannot see where in that UI it controls the colour of active layers. or is it another editable file in adobe somewhere ? I also would like to have the active image tab a pale blue, forever struggling to see the active image tab, very bad. end up closing the wrong tab. all we have to go by is 'is the text on it a slightly bolder font' that is hopeless. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2025\Required Cheers Merlin3
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‎Oct 12, 2024
06:00 AM
Hi, @jane-e I clicked that link and saw a non english alphabet all over the page, and hit the back button within a second, have I infested my pc with spam ? That person, single cell amoeba, lowlife, must be legally tracked down and eliminated from posting, will that be done ? Filter >distort >shear and add in a lot more nodes has given me this. If the grid was larger one would be able to place more nodes where needed to match the water, its far too small, why not give us a decent sized box. its 30mm wide which at 2ft from the screen is very small to move a mouse about in. Also try zigzag but no manual control over where the zig and zag go, I need them to coincide with the water patterns. Frustrating no decent controls so user gets the pattern to match where the distortion has to go. Wave has what looks to be controls, BUT after some playing around none gave the number of ripples I needed . needs an extra slider. Bottom line is Pshop needs a tool where as one clicks and drags, where one needs the wriggle to go, it warps just that area with the limit decided by a radius around the click point when starting. Smudge smudges. Also none of these preview on the image so I can’t see if the distortion is where the waves are. They preview in a piddly small box and its only showing the selection layer and not the layer below it. Wish these things were designed by actual users. Merlin
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‎Oct 11, 2024
03:16 PM
Hi, I can add my two pennuth on selecting edges, I am no expert but been doing such 40 years, perhaps in a wrong way ! Extensis used to make add ons for photoshop I recall that managed to make a soft edge that cleverly took out the adjacent colour so no halos existed, also could deal with selection of hair. I seemed to think such clever tools were then added by Adobe themselves. Being a CS6 user I have to do it the old way, 1. paste the T shirt picture into the recipient picture and scale it to size. 2. make the eraser have the same soft edge as the edges of objects in the receiving picture. 3. duplicate the image and save as pre trimmed,turn it off, just incase you goof ! 4. erase round the edge with edge of circle of the eraser half way across the fade edge. (caps lock toggles gunsight/circle). Tip.. I prefer to paint with black in quick mask mode, hit Q for quick mask, black becomes red as you paint, gives the chance to filter > gaussian blur that quick mask if need be, and a good visual on where you are. hit Q again and save the selection etc. Finish off in Channels. Tip. when in channels and the b/w image, my saying is, exit channels via top RGB layer, (i.e. click on top layer, before going back to layers.) 5. delete using that selection 6. with eraser nibble away any darker halo. I feel there is no perfect auto tool, nothing like the manual touch. 7. loss of a few pixels wont show on a big item. I wish when altering brush size that the width of the soft edge remained constant, one is always after same feather width when painting into small areas yet Adobe want to make the edge feather less as you choose a lesser diameter. so end up with harder edges. Does my head in ! maybe CC has now overcome that failing, has it ? Also one needs to match the grain in the image to the recipient image, ( I have started a thread on that) as well as the degree of blur. and direction of light. As for altering colours, I tend to use HSL as an adjustment layer tick box to apply to previous layer. sometimes I end up using colorise. tick box as well in that interface for HSL. also Colour balance. No doubt others have better ways. I am keen to know of such ! Merlin
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‎Oct 11, 2024
02:43 PM
Hi, I see a spatter effect tool , one click and its a spatter with varying size dots and varying opacity. but as soon as I drag the tool along I get the exact same pattern laid down repeatedly so it becomes a streak with normal dense centre. I want what might be termed a spatter cap airbrush, as you spray from left to right you get dots of varying sizes appear, not a continous line. and not a repeat pattern, so just like the real thing. I am doing edges of small waves, wanting to paint along the edge and get water spatter. I could dip a toothbrush in white paint and finger tip stroke it using a frisket mask if it was a painting or scale model, but I also would reach for my spatter cap and fit it to the airbrush, adjust the pressure and spatter it., moving left to right. Which tool number and settings gives this ? I am CS6 Cheers Merlin
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‎Oct 11, 2024
02:22 PM
Um ??? I want to make a straight line wavy or wriggly so it matches the ripply water, and you say to draw a straight line use a ruler ? anyone else care to add such jewels of wisdom ? Merlin
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‎Oct 10, 2024
01:05 PM
Hi, CS6 I have copied flipped vertical a boat hull bow and using it as a reflection in water but it needs to not be straight. Q1. What tool can I use to wriggle it a bit ? over its length it needs several wriggles. Being CS6 I hope the tool is in my arsenal. I have flipped the hull and rubber stamped it into the water as a layer, knocking out the white tops of the ripples by using that area placed into channels and whte/black contrast maxed out carefully. then made the layer multiply 48% to get the darker reflection. The brown was hand crafted in ! needs some white edging perhaps at the hull, Then darken the hull in places to show the water has gone up that high. Q2. Wondering whats best to do that darkening, burn tool perhaps. Its my friends scale model boat Revell/Airfix and some surgery.. (dry land display only) photo'd then edit paste into the local docks ! Carefully photographed scale height and angle. Got the angle a bit wrong so now it must go away from the dockside ! (rotate deck to be level with dockside then skew made it appear to be sinking ! ). Out on the water the angle relative to dockside is less of an issue. Cheers Merlin
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‎Oct 02, 2024
02:27 PM
Hi Stephen, I got as far as this:- 1. sample an area of uniform colour and lightness, avoid shadows etc. there waaas such immediate left of the figure. 2. paste above the figure layer, name it noise and right click make smart object. 3. with that layer active run action, need click first line below action title. creates a grey looking layer, entire scene develops a fine grain noise. 4. magic wand outside of figure, sample all layers off. 5. use the selection made to delete the grey layer except for the figure. thats the stage in attached image. noise pattern different to the sample. Thinks now what ? when action ran I didnt get to see wher it ran and stopped at. two red ticks obviously dont get run. How do I get the noise like the area sampled. Surprised its not captured its subtleness size etc. What didnt I do to cause the mismatch ? what action in what is a long list, longer than that in the posted image, is next to be run ? I havent the time to go trying to make a noise pattern that is seamless. Thats a make big enough to cover the subject route, whilst I was after a sampling gathers evidence on the pattern, size and softness route, hoping Pshop had clever processes to sample small and make a continuous effect from it. If the pattern is like a pot of maggots then a pattern that is random pixels of differing grey value isnt quite the same. see attached image. D Fosse. so your steps are:- Add noise amount 1.3 % (monchromatic checked) but is that uniform or gaussian ? Add noise amount 1.0 % monochromatic unchecked, but is that uniform or gaussian. Gaussian blur radius 0.2 or 0.3 pixels. The GB also blurs my figure, so should I be applying those noises to a neutral grey layer over the top of the figure ? what blend mode is then applied to the layer ? I ran with Gaussian each time rgb 140 140 140 and uniform, see results attached. Again thats a random set of pixels, if the noise has some kind of pattern, then that wont replicate it. Not sure why noise could gain a pattern, but in my case its not so random. study the noise in the ship side and whaat was created on the trousers. Merlin
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‎Oct 02, 2024
12:33 PM
In the first part, I commented on how one may extract a large flat area of grain using the "High Pass" filter, or by using a common retouching technique called "Frequency Separation". I expected that you would research these keyword clues for more information on these topics. Hi, I have looked at videos on both the High Pass filter and the Frequency Separation. In High pass he takes a copy of the image (girls face) creating a smart object allowing adjustments thereafter etc and runs the high pass filter,. It accentuates and picks out detail texture areas. I can see this of use in my case picking out my grain in my sampled area of noise. So I think I am getting the idea of that being applied over my human, overlay mode etc. In the Frequency Separation a duplicate layer of the girls face is made, twice, one for texture and one for colour, then texture differences picked out, and on the colour layer Gaussian blur applied until any texture is gone, then the two are brought together as one influencing ‘add’ layer over the original image. Not sure I need the colour aspect though. However my sampled area is small compared to the figure. Whilst in these vids the sampled area is same size. I can’t see how my sample after high pass filter etc can be applied over a much larger image. I could scale it far bigger but that’s not sampling the grain, the pot of maggots are now a pot of lobworms ! I was needing Pshop to take an area and sample the grain size and shape and then apply that to anything I wish, , many times bigger to the sample if need be. What am I missing here. Does the action then do that , yes I get a screen full; of noise, its missing the soft nature though, very coarse, now wondering what actions make it match the boat. Excuse me if I am being thick. I have never explored all these wondrous things, medium level editing, quickmasks, pasting between channels, editing in channels, altering with levels, enough to edit things out or in, photomerge etc. actions to repeat steps I did, adjustment layers, raw adjustments, thats my lot. I can follow a step by step, makes sure anything I am expected to know about but haven’t experience of doesn’t end my journey. And Hi D Fosse. I don’t see Luminance in the apply noise dialog box. However a friend with CC also only sees what I see. I have a feeling those options are not available to me but to him with CC, puzzled. Merlin
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‎Oct 01, 2024
03:11 PM
Hi, Thanks D Fosse, I will also try that. and report back on how it looks. Stephen, I am a little lost having run the action it creates a layer, but then... not sure when in the process I get to select an area that needs sampling, in fact the boat has large areas of 'off white' (HSB 72%B) to his left, with no detail on them., ideal for sampling. How should I indicate the area to the action ? Each action runs one step and stops. Not sure how I have the layer apply the effect over just him, etc. Can you give me a step by step on this ? Cheers Merlin
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‎Oct 01, 2024
06:28 AM
Hi Stephen, Most grateful to you. Will the downloaded SmartNoise CS3.atn file work in CS6 ? I will try it out on my image, as you can see there is a uniform area of colour near him to sample. I can understand that if the recipient image is very mixed content than extracting the noise pattern and size could be tricky. I would love to see tutorials on editing one image into another, they must solve the noise matching else the images will stick out like a sore thumb. Adobes 'add noise' is woefully short of whats needed. There should at the very least be a noise size slider and noise softener, as blurring the image isnt good. To know a bit more about how to add noise and use layers and other blending modes is something I need to do. I see one tut here but its having to use the sand grain size noise and its too simple and precise for whats needed if pebbles are more the size. variances in colour would also nbe useful, amazed Adobe have overlooked this filter all these years. Feel free to try yours out on my sample I posted. Merlin
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‎Sep 30, 2024
01:58 PM
Hi, I have a link saved to the answer but old links from 10 yrs ago or so are no longer functional, forum wasnt called ecosystem, whatever that actually means ! start again ! I have taken an extract of a figure from one photo and pasted it into another image beside a boat, scaled to correct height, it doesnt belong, despite blurring edges and giving same blur overall, and matching HSL, it needs to have the same amount of grain or noise as the image its now in, its lacking such. There is 'add noise' but it has no control over size of the noise, or pattern. it gives too fine a noise with well defined edges to each pixel, its like coloured sand versus pebbles. I try for monochromatic which at least removes the unauthentic coloured single pixels nothing like any image I have seen, certainly this one. It has no blur of the noise either which the command also could do with. With that its nothing like the larger noise visible in the boat image next to my addition. boat noise more like a pot of fishermans maggots by comparison. I look for the control over the noise size, there is none, even in latest Photoshop as a friend looks and finds its not changed in 20 years. I am CS6. Now this is basic fundamental stuff, anyone adding one image into another needs this control. yet still Adobe havent got it. I do add one image into another and dread this stage as they dont match, needing noise controls. I think someone showed me how to sample the recipient photo and apply its noise size and noise pattern to the incoming image,. Links dont work anymore forum broken them. So how does one sample the boat noise and apply its pattern and size to the incoming image of a human ? image attached Cheers Merlin
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‎Sep 18, 2024
12:33 PM
Many thanks, 1920 x 1080 72dpi it is then. for all my images and page creations. Merlin
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‎Sep 08, 2024
01:56 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, 1920 x 1080 webpage creation. should it be 300dpi or 96dpi or what ? Just wondered why 8pt text was looking good on one page and minute on another ! the good one was 1920x1080 300dpi and the minute (small) one was 1920x1080 96dpi. In my head I thought if one makes a page a certain pixel width and height thats it, for website use, one cannot have different dpi for that, but I stand corrected. if printed the 300dpi would be a lot smaller., though website page isnt for printing, they are for viewing on monitors. (mine is anyway !) so what dpi should these be if being uploaded to my website which is HD. Merlin3
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‎Jul 08, 2024
03:14 PM
Hi, I need to copy from one psd to another a layer adjustment value (levels), How is this done ? I can copy paste layer styles , but see no means of bringing across to another psd file layer adjustment values. Cheers. Merlin
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‎Jul 08, 2024
02:54 PM
Hi, I can select the colour at top menu and it changes, but selecting the colour in the left side coloir picker doesnt change, I have to copy paste the hex value or write down the RGB and type these into the colour box at the top menu, then it works. I always mix my colours using the left hand side box, so its a pain that one doesnt alter the text colours. is there a trick in migrating the mix there to the top most box that is for text colours ? I often find I have dabbled with coliurs for my text at left, then during editing find the upper box hasnt the colour. Merlin
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‎Jul 08, 2024
01:59 PM
Hi, I have my text layers in the same colour and wish to change it to another colour. I am CS6 How is this done ? I follow a method select text layers , select T at top, click colour box and nothing happens. By colour Box I presume the coloir picker, where I have the new colour waiting. Maybe that works for a later version. Merlin
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‎May 06, 2024
03:45 PM
Hi, I have just tried out the method of windows key and printscreen, repeatedly, and locating the C drive folder they go to ( I never save to C drive) I can now bring these into Pshop. So then the file>scripts>Load files into stack and browsing to the Picures on C drive, I can get a file with layers from them. then select them all and Edit>Auto Align layers. and they get combined into a single photo. Easy and it works. EXCELLENT. three stages and job done. Just a question of remembering the three steps and locations. Then remember to delete off from C drive. I only ever save to D drive normally. The key thing is windows key and printscreen allows multiple copying, the screen dips darker momentarily. No box to denote the area, just the entire screen gets copied, I am good with that. THIS IS A GAME CHANGER FOR ME. Merlin
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‎May 03, 2024
09:03 AM
Hi, the websites I need to do this on, don't lend themselves to the techniques mentioned. I can get the image captured and saved in a minute, whilst saving files to a folder then opening and converting into a single file (I have yet to find a way to do that) is not as quick. I am however not wanting to lose my place whilst moving about on the photo. Sourcing its source and copying it that way, I have tried that at times and its a dead end. It has to be quick, and so copy copy copy paste paste paste, is such. Just need a clipboard manager that Photoshop works with. I was so surprised to find that Ditto shows the thumbs, and no means of pasting them. all I need is a clipboard manager like the Lsoft one, but capacity for far more copies. Merlin3
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‎May 02, 2024
12:09 PM
Hi, Let me clarify. I have an image on someones's webpage which when clicked on the + icon now shows a part of that image at max resolution, as I move it around I am seeing part of it at any one time, so if I can hit printscreen then move it and printscreen then move it and printscreen, etc until all is captured. (and I must not visit photoshop after each printscreen, else I lose my position where I got to on the image, ) then and only then maximise photoshop, and paste the copies one at a time into a photoshop .psd file, creating layers as such, thats what I need. Ditto doesnt allow paste, yet its a paste clipboard manager, with a thumbnail selected, Ctrl v does nothing, there is no highlight a thumbnail paste option. With the Msoft one only three images are allowed, though it says 25, its 3, and at least I can select a thumb then ctrl v and it pastes. 3 is no use , I just did 12 for one webpage image. I want to keep it simple, not end up in 2 progs, scripting and so on. Just want a clipboard manager that allows selection of thumbnail then ctrl V and it pastes into an existing .psd file, so I end up with 12 layers. then I crop to just the picture and then use arrange layers align. and get one large image. HTH Merlin
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‎May 01, 2024
02:50 PM
Hi, I have many open files all exact same size and attributes, I need to get them into one psd file as layers. How is this done. I am CS6 Cheers Merlin3
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