Mar 15, 2018
05:04 PM
Hi, created a circle selection and copied out a sample from the colour I wish to establish an average rgb value for, as its got subtle noise, so moving the pipette over it on 1 pixel sample sees rgb values altering a bit by a few units. armed with this copy pasted sample to a new file, how do I turn it into a single uniform rgb value colour ? If I gaussian blur it the edges start to encroach and centre goes pale. I have applied Gaussian blur a little but can still get varying values on 1 pixel sample although it has less visible 'noise'. its only 15 pixels diameter. biggest sample I could take without getting spoilt parts with unwanted features. Merlin
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Mar 14, 2018
04:39 PM
Hi, Not done that before so will try it. I have to mask a section of the chair, unlink it , then my fav tool transform>distort to get it to the shape of the recipient leather chair, do I then trim off excess or do I do this using a pre made selection of the area receiving the fabric and how do I get this into the selection ? Merlin
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Mar 10, 2018
08:27 AM
Hi, here are the two images as requested, images in my last post, so is it possible ? Cheers Merlin
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Mar 01, 2018
03:12 PM
Hi, I am about to do some skinning for a flight sim and the sim has a hard coded layer for rivets, i.e we cant get at it in coding or the file to change the way its applied, which creates too heavy a rivet effect. However some clever chap had at least managed to extract the artwork so I can see what it looks like. I reckon if I take that layer which is rivets in shades of grey, duplicate it then ctrl i invert it, and apply a suitable blend mode to how that interacts with the basic paint scheme underneath, then when the sim applies that rivet layer, my reciprocal colours will kill its effect to some degree ! Ideally totally so they vanish. I see the rivet layer already has 84% opacity applied to it. So lets think of just one pixel of that rivet, lets say it is 80% black ( the value if single pixel sample pipette samples the final shade), I invert it and get 80% white, I fuse it into the camouflage colour beneath, that 1 pixel part of the colour now goes lighter, then when the sim runs that rivet layer, as its over the lighter pixel of the camouflage scheme, it wont go darker any more, but will become the same shade as the basic camo colour. So ...Phase said if I simply duplicate the rivet layer, then go ctrl i, what mode should I apply to that layer to get the desired result on the camo layer ? Lets call this resulting layer Camo_RivetNuke. Phase 2. With the default rivet effect neutralised, I would need to create another layer above my Camo_RivetNuke on which I would draw black rivets, then I would adjust their opacity and blend them into Camo_RivetNuke. This blend mode would be such so that over dark green or brown they would go a lighter shade of green or brown and over a light blue or light duck egg green they would go a darker shade of the light blue or duck egg green. What blend mode would be best ? Would I be best to fuse the ctrl i rivet layer into camo to get Camo_RivetNuke layer or could phase 2 exist with phase 1 unfused ? Latter is preferable should I need to adjust the colour scheme for when or if the sim is modified and colour handling changes. Merlin
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Mar 01, 2018
02:05 PM
Hi, here are portions. Merlin
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Feb 28, 2018
02:36 AM
Hi, Two chairs for example, one in a red fabric and another in a black leather, how can one turn the leather chair into the red fabric ? They are photographed at different angles a bit and slightly different designs. I have tried the rectangle selection then create a custom pattern but any imperfection in the matching edges sees a repeat pattern become obvious, and anyway there is no flat view of this fabric. It has to go round curves etc. Merlin
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Feb 12, 2018
12:16 PM
Hi, Altering a fabric in a photo from one colour to an off grey version of the same fabric in another photo. The target (or reference) picture with the 'off grey' I can see a hint of colour , is it magenta, or red, or what. I pipette it and see in colour picker its based on a slightly orangey red. I now wish to adjust the fabric to that grey with a hint of orangey red. Is there a way of doing so other than dragging the hue saturation slider until my photo takes on that hue, then I drag the saturation slider to kill the colour down to a hint only. Seeing that hue in a photo when the colour in that photo isnt at max saturation is tricky. A sort of 'adjust hue to pipetted hue' command. or maybe I should duplicate the photo I am altering, drag saturation slider to max, then alter hue until visually I get that orangey red and note the hue number I need, then apply that same hue drag amount to the photo to be altered. Merlin
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Feb 11, 2018
01:08 PM
Hi, Looking at the Graffiti tutorial link I see I need to copy the texture to the clipboard, turn off the source of the texture, activate a layer to receive the perspective texture, filter>vanishing point, click 4 times to denote the perspective shape, then edit paste. I do all that but at edit paste my pasted in test sheet of black dots just fills the original rectangular picture shape and doesn't appear within the perspective shape as did the graffiti. Try again and ditto. Failed. Followed the tutorial exactly. Also it would seem I have to firstly create the texture as far into distance as need to go wider than the shape I am painting, then apply filter to the texture, then I would edit out all the parts not needing the carpet.. So is there a way of rubber stamping and it lays down scaled texture ? Merlin
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Feb 11, 2018
10:57 AM
Hi, I am rubber stamping a carpet sample that is on the floor of a room near me (when photographing the room) into that room to mockup the room with that carpet laid, and need the texture of the carpet to get smaller as I progress to the rear of the room. Likewise I rubber stamp grass from foreground into the distance and it doesnt look right unless it is scaled down. In fact any use of rubber stamp on a texture or pattern that is to receed into the distance needs an option for scaling as you go. Be it brickwork, stonework, grass, trees, bushes, carpet, anything. Fundamental stuff here, so has Adobe considered this fundamental need amidst all the gizmos dreamt up over decades and how is it done ? Ideally one would want to enter three values. % scaling at rubber stamp source (100%) for the carpet sample, % scaling at farthest use of tool. Distance across photo tool to be used. have Adobe even dial in >100% if tool was used fwd of the sample. The progression is in fact logarithmic in a perspective fall off. Merlin
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Feb 11, 2018
10:54 AM
Hi, things have changed here, I select photoshop forum, its a community it seems, I post a message and get asked to pick a community from a list before it will allow new thread to get posted, however why is that when I am already in the photoshop 'community' page, furthermore in the drop down list there is no photoshop to pick ! photoshop sketch I see, something to do with an app, and an android, but thats not photoshop., as in PC calibrated screen professional photoshop , wacom pen etc. I type in Adobe photoshop to that window and hit send. I cant see what happened to my post, except it said in red you are not allowed to edit this post. Merlin
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Aug 20, 2017
09:31 AM
For what would be some simple coding to view bmp files by Adobe..., Lightroom would have been the new replacement to what was an excellent DAM software, Extensis Portfolio, (discontinued and Portfolio users not happy !!!!) but Lr doesnt support a native raster file type hat has existed since the inception of windows, that of bmp. All others do. I am gutted. Thats Lightroom of no use, I have thousands of bmp files, and no I am not converting them, as I am making them daily with the progs that by default make them, simulators, and also I have to make them for Msoft Access database displays as it only works on bmp. As such Lightroom falls at first hurdle. Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
04:19 PM
Hi, thanks......Blast !! It could do bmp if Adobe wanted that,. easy enough to make it see a very native format, no point though even contacting them., too big to listen to ideas, lost one customer through lack of foresight. All DAM software does bmp except Adobe's, ...wonderful ! Back to trying to find a DAM software that handles raster images and has an intuitive and easy to use Keywords system with custom fields. Thought I had landed one here for a moment., real shame is that. To have a prog that just does just part of the raster images I have is of no use. To have one that does all files I have, as well as makes a good job of the raster ones, is the holy grail. So far iMatch is the only contender but no custom fields, everything dumped into one massive list, . Developers clearly dont use their progs in a time matters real world way. Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
04:06 PM
Hi, Having trialled ACDSee and found image colours jaded compared to Photoshopand BreezeBrowserPro (BBp), then found it was on sRGB, so set it to AdobeRGB1998, the standard I have all progs and hardware set to, its now generally ok, I open same image in Bridge, its looking like the jaded sRGB, where is the colour management setting to set it to AdobeRGB1998 ? As its an Adobe product they are bound to have it settable to their standard ! Furthermore as its for file selection one needs to see if the image is looking good and worthy of being taken further and made use of etc., or should we be using a non Adobe prog ? I have used BBp but just wondered what Bridge made of things., first use finds it fallen at first hurdle. Somewhere is this colour management setting but where ? Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
01:33 PM
Hi, Here I am having at last found a raster image cataloging software capable of much needed custom fields as Extensis Portfolio had, though their creation by Lightroom is using a process not intended for such keyword sets, and I now discover out of the box Lr doesnt recognise jpg and bmp . I have managed to get it to see jpg by altering preferences setting, though it is odd that such a common format is by design , told to be ignored when cataloging a folder full of jpg's. However I cannot get it to see my bmp files. I create bmp files for my access database which only works with bmp. I also have my many sim programmes I work with and they create bmp files when stills are captured. Such denial of common raster formats kills Lr for use. I read of this and a workaround to generate jpgs of all the bmp files, D drive is almost full so to duplicate the bmp files of which I have many is nuts. Lr is the only prog I know of that doesnt see such a common basic raster image that has existed since win 3.1 As for cataloging CAD files, vector prog files, and so on, I cant see Lr ever doing that, if it doesnt do Bmp. Gutted... Back to searching for a DAM software for raster images that can do 'custom' fields. ....and I could shake Extensis warmly by the ....hand....throat ! Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
01:11 PM
I want to create 'custom fields' (to use the Extensis Portfolio term rather than whatever Lightroom might call it) from which to select keywords, these custom fields are named :- Emotions, Names, Aircraft Type, car type, TownsVillages,' Birds, mammals, they have no hierarchy but are more typical of what keyword sets real world people would want to make, rather than set out to create hierarchical keyword sets as Lightroom would have us do. When I have a photo of a majestic looking Hurricane aircraft with someone I keep forgetting the name of sitting in a vintage car next to it, I open the 'custom field' called aircraft , from the keyword list inside, I select the aircraft type, Hurricane, and assign it to the photo, I then need to find the name of the person, so rather than scroll through 1000's of keywords in just a standard keywords list trying to see a name that reminds me of who it is, taking 10 minutes or more, I open my 'custom field' called names and see their name in a list of 100, taking seconds., I select it and assign it to the photo. I then open my 'custom field' called emotions and select the word majestic and assign that ! I then open my custom field called car type and easily spot the car type I had otherwise forgotten the name of, saving me 10 mins or more and much scrolling through 1000's of keywords to try and spot it, and assign that. My way 10 secs to keyword a photo, without custom fields, 20 mins spent. To create these 'custom fields' I am told Lightroom can add these but as hierarchy sets, so I first need to have a keyword ( I have chosen to use 'Photos') which I then right click on and choose Create new keyword inside , I type Emotions, then I can add emotion keywords into that 'emotions' custom field , and so I need a keyword from which to generate these 'custom fields', I elected to use the word 'photo' and then right click on it, choose Create New Keyword Inside and type aircraft type, do this again and type names., and again type emotions. I now have:- Photos...and within this keyword I have... names emotions aircraft types and each of these 'custom fields' has a load of keywords inside. ( see previous post for these expanded) Not sure how else I can describe this. I am doing what the link to hierarchy method has us do. Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
09:36 AM
Hi, That’s very promising , though the custom fields are not hierarchical, so peoples names are not family based, However a hierarchy of WW2/RAF/Spitfire might be of use for Alamy though we also would have World War 2 and Royal Air Force as alternate spellings also needing to be applied which would see two parents at WW2 level and two at RAF level, getting tricky ! So, as it applies not just the keyword Sir George Cobham OBE but also the hierarchy that gets to that name, I would need to set it up with some thought. As it needs a main heading from which the ‘custom fields’ are children and I wouldn’t need this to be allocated to the image's IPTC tags when uploaded to Alamy or Getty, I need to give it something meaningful, unless I think of anything better.... Type into field Keyword the word Photo Right click that and choose Create New Keyword inside “Photo” Type the word Names, Then create my names within this,. Harry Fred Sir George Cobham OBE Ltn Fritz Eros Malcolm Tanner Then right click “photo” choose Create New Keyword inside “photo” Type the word Emotion Then create my emotion terms within this happy Tranquil Majestic Romantic Nostalgic This leaves me with a ‘tag’ called Photo that is a waste of a tag for e.g. Alamy, where there is a finite limit to tags, so I will have to delete “photo” from every uploaded image. If only Lightroom had thought about the need to compartmentalise keywords such as place names, or emotions, or peoples names, however this is a small price to pay for the ability to have the equivalent of Extensis custom fields, aide memoire etc . Merlin
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Aug 19, 2017
05:14 AM
Hi, here is an example, to see this visually would be good if one can post a screenshot as a picture speaks a thousand words. Keywords (our general main list) Airshow 2016 2017 Wheel Road Window Custom Field_emotion happy Tranquil Majestic Romantic Nostalgic Custom Field_names Harry Fred Sir George Cobham OBE Ltn Fritz Eros Malcolm Tanner Custom Field_CityTownVillage Canterbury Shoreham_Sussex Shoreham_Kent Elham Guildford Obviously there would be thousands in the general main list and far more in the custom fields or whatever Lightroom calls them. Please show how this would be created. Cheers Merlin
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Aug 18, 2017
03:26 PM
Hi, Thanks, sounds promising. Am I right in thinking though that it has no ability to split the keywords up into 'custom fields' ? If I am wishing to give 'emotion' keywords for example, seeing the different 'emotion' keywords listed together reminds me of what I have used and can use, ensuring also I spell them a certain way and stick to the existing used keywords. Such acts as an 'aide memoire', else I am very likely to forget some I have used which would be most appropriate. Whilst the typing of the first few characters will show the keyword used, and that's good, to have all keywords of a certain category visible together in a 'custom field' makes for a more efficient and comfortable feel to things. Msoft Access users will be familiar with such practices, Lightroom for this DAM purpose and Access share an approach here for finding files/records by entering existing values. Merlin
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Aug 17, 2017
05:04 PM
Hi, I am considering Lightroom to take over from Extensis Portfolio 8 (dropped by Extensis) for keywording photos. Extensis allowed creation of custom fields, so peoples names, townVillage, animal, Bird etc could then be populated with keywords to act as a safety feature to ensure the same spelling was used each time by simply selecting the images then the keywords from the custom fields before clicking assign. Searching for the name that was used for someone, when you cant remember their name, or a location when memory fails one, is dead easy in a list e.g. 28 long, but crazy in a list 2000 long of just keywords. How is this done in Lightroom ? Also how does one select e.g 5 keywords from existing lists and apply them to several images ? How does one select certain keywords from the lists and find matching pics on two or more keywords ? All essential and possible in what was a great prog Portfolio, but now lost to time. Can Lightroom import the keywords from images if I were to embed them into such in Portfolio ? I presume they would all come in as one great uncategorised mass, needing separating out to the 'custom fields' again. Can Lightroom embed keywords and a description into IPTC for images for transfer to Getty etc ? Merlin
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Jul 24, 2017
03:27 PM
Hi, many thanks, money wise I will have to make do with the canned profiles for now. Cheers Merlin
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Jul 24, 2017
02:02 PM
Hi, thanks for reply, canned profiles, where would I get those ? Adobe or Canon ? Official or user made ? Interested, no doubt more accurate, how do you create your own ? Cheers Merlin
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Jul 24, 2017
12:26 PM
Hi, I have Canon Photo paper Plus Glossy ll and selected photo printing' setting, qlty high. in my Canon i7250 Pixma printer. I have neutral grey block of colour on screen amidst my image, yet it prints with a mild brown slightly magenta hue, certainly not neutral grey. on both printer controls colour and photoshop controls colour options selected. What settings should I use to get a printout matching my image on screen which is a calibrated screen, eizo etc and accurate. the grey is neutral because I took the block colour, made from a pipetted colour, so no noise, just all one rgb value, and dragged the saturation slider fully left on it ! Merlin
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Jun 25, 2017
10:11 AM
Hi, The trouble with that route is I dont have the picture in with the grain to visually match it to. I have to have the RAW window overlapping the target photo and both at same magnification, but then as you say low teens on size, the only slider lacking though is contrast, as the difference in tone between the darker and lighter grain I wanted to reduce, roughness one would think controls the amount of tooth, like fine and coarse emery paper, but didnt affect this shadows highlights effect. I guess further refinement in photoshop would do that, or maybe in raw controls basics. That said I then did another 12 25 50 ans then went to raw basics but found contrast slider simple made everything go lighter, not lessen the tone between the lighter and darker grain, tried black and highlight sliders, no joy. Which settings to lessen the tones and bring the grain differences nearer each other ? I seem to recall a way of selecting part of a photo then using its grain to make a solid colour the same as the grain selected ? Merlin
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Jun 24, 2017
02:07 PM
Hi, CS6 I have some backgrounds I need to erase in still life shots and fill with a suitable colour, but creating a new colour is artificial and false, until it has 'noise' its very artificial and doesnt belong to the photo at all. I need it to have the same pixel noise as the existing picture. I have dabbled with noise in the past, but using the noise filter never matches that of the existing picture. I need to create backgrounds such as those formed from placing still life on a coloured sheet which runs backwards then arcs upwards. The other option would be to lay such sheets out and photograph them I guess then edit them in., even then I am imparting a different noise maybe to that of the target photo, though it would have been taken on the same camera. Altering an existing noise is even more difficult if not impossible. With creating a new colour I can have the colour I want, trying to find a coloured cartridge sheet of the colour required isnt always possible. Merlin
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Jun 16, 2017
04:28 PM
What make you think that BreezeBrowserPro is getting that information from the Images EXIF data. because as already said they say Pshop isnt copying the data to exif in jpg. They wouldnt say that if they didnt expect their program to find that data in the exif. If their prog expected to find that data in the G*&%$ then they would have said Pshop isnt copying it to the G*&%$ of the jpg. I open a Canon RAW file and see the focus points, I save image as jpg and BBpro doesnt show focus points on the jpg. What is the solution, some independent software company's plugin or what ? ...or is 'this mess' something everybody has to accept and live with ? Do other progs show the focus points for jpg saves from Canon RAW files in Pshop ? Anyone ? Merlin
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Jun 14, 2017
10:45 AM
Hi, What make you think that Canon Cameras recorded Focus Point are recorded in EXIF data? I do not believe focus points are in any EXIF standard. ...because the program BreezeBrowserPro I use to view my photos and show focus points, they said looks like CS6 isn't copying the full EXIF data to jpg. I am never using save for web, only File Save as and choosing jpg or tiff. Is it that Adobe Photoshop has no ability to save the focus points data to jpg ? Is there any way around this ? Merlin
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Jun 14, 2017
07:39 AM
Hi, CS6 having made thousands of jpg files from cr2 raw files I now find CS6 out of the box isnt saving the focus point data with the jpg. Pretty fundamental stuff failing. Where is the setting to fix this please anyone ? Merlin
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May 29, 2017
10:25 AM
Cheers, Alt key is the secret ! Now is it possible to select e.g. 4 points on the upper layer then 4 destination points on the lower layer and have pshop to marry the upper to the lower ? Saves all the rotating and scaling to get best fit. especially where image fills the file and the transform corner boxes are inaccessible. Merlin
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May 29, 2017
09:34 AM
Hi CS6 scaling two images that I wish to match up. set uppet to 50% opacity, edit>transform, move gunsight to where I have matched the photos so as to keep that area matched. despite moving the gunsight icon that appears in middle of transform box to where I want the scaling to happen from, it doesnt act as the origin of the scaling. I lose my already matched part of the image. I thought this icon could be used as scaling origin, apart from rotation origin. How does one scale a layer from a specific origin ? Better still, to be able to select points on one image and then their target locations on another underneath and have pshop rubber distort for best match ! That would be fantastic, so useful and a fundamental image manipulation tool. Afetr all these years of development these two requirements need to exist. Merlin
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May 29, 2017
09:17 AM
Hi, CS6 A very vital thing to do...and need. select a layer, ctrl A on keybpoard (select all) , edit copy, select recipient psd file, edit paste, says Layer 1, when I had an intelligent name for it,. How does one have the layer name travel with the copy process ? Merlin
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