Stephen Marsh
Community Expert
Stephen Marsh
Community Expert
Aug 17, 2016
12:53 AM
My 2 cents, and yes I have read the entire thread! Out of all of the colour models (not spaces) in the chart, only LAB is self defining. Lab is the undisputed/known source – all you then need is a destination colour space (not mode, that is part of the space) and conversion options to get to the final numbers (which may or may not be in-gamut)… and the final numbers are of course dependent on the space (unless LAB, which is self defining). Also keep in mind that CMYK has many different colour values that can equate to exactly the same LAB value.
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Aug 16, 2016
01:53 AM
Hi Ray, try it! :] Hint 1: The code did not list a source file, only a target folder... Hint 2: The output sample listed three files, when no file was explicitly input! I can describe the code in more detail if desired, however I am interested in your results from my previous sample. P.S. Will you be running ExifTool on a Mac or Win OS?
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Aug 15, 2016
05:20 PM
Glad to help davidmcbo. Another similar topic can be found here: Re: Extract metadata from jpeg file in PS CC 2015.5
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Aug 15, 2016
05:14 PM
Aug 15, 2016
05:14 PM
OK, here is the ExifTool code: exiftool -r -File:ImageWidth -File:ImageHeight -File:ColorComponents -JFIF:XResolution -JFIF:YResolution -IFD0:XResolution -IFD0:YResolution -IFD0:ResolutionUnit -csv '/Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/test' > '/Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/exiftool-metadata-dump.csv' -ext .jpg The output looks like this (reformatted for display from .csv): ======== /Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/test/IMG-CMYK.jpg Image Width : 2448 Image Height : 3264 Color Components : 4 X Resolution : 72 Y Resolution : 72 Resolution Unit : inches ======== /Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/test/IMG-Gray.jpg Image Width : 2448 Image Height : 3264 Color Components : 1 X Resolution : 72 Y Resolution : 72 Resolution Unit : inches ======== /Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/test/IMG-RGB-SFWL.jpg Image Width : 2448 Image Height : 3264 Color Components : 3 The first two images were saved via File>Save As, so they have more info in them to extract. The third file was saved via Save for Web (Legacy) excluding all metadata, so there is less info available. You would perhaps need to do a find/replace in a spreadsheet program to replace the Color Component column, changing 1 to Grayscale, 3 to RGB and 4 to CMYK. I can explain the CLI code in more detail if required (I have applied faux syntax highlighting to help break up the various components). This code is formatted for the Mac OS, MS Windows would use straight double quote marks " and the expected \ file path formatting. Hope this helps.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Aug 15, 2016
04:23 PM
Aug 15, 2016
04:23 PM
I second xbytor’s ExifTool recommendation, it is only one line of code (I’ll share the code in a separate post). JJMack is correct that Bridge is most likely the best place to do this with Adobe apps, the following script by Paul Riggott covers most but not all of your metadata options. It might be “easy enough” to graft on the missing bits: https://www.ps-scripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=24358&sid=6529114a378b6e37ff888bf74ba105cf While another Bridge option can be found here, again not all required metadata is covered: Scripts | Image Metadata to CSV File.
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Aug 09, 2016
02:19 PM
Just wanted the OP to know the difference, not knowing the expectation or how literal the topic title was intended to be.
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Aug 09, 2016
11:31 AM
I have not tested, however it is my understanding that Adobe do not allow editing of the raw file, even if it is just adding metadata (DNG being the exception). The metadata would be applied to the ACR database or XMP sidecar files. The venerable ExifTool will directly write metadata into a proprietary raw file (rewriting the entire raw file).
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Aug 07, 2016
11:31 PM
Aug 07, 2016
11:31 PM
Forgetting Photoshop detecting faces for this example, however if this metadata was in the image from another product (Apple Photos, Google Picasa etc) then one could potentially do something with the face metadata from Bridge or Photoshop. Here is some metadata exported from Apple Photos, the image is width is 2448 and the height is 3264: <mwg-rs:Type>Face</mwg-rs:Type> <mwg-rs:Area rdf:parseType="Resource"> <stArea:y>0.493500</stArea:y> <stArea:w>0.178000</stArea:w> <stArea:x>0.454000</stArea:x> <stArea:h>0.237000</stArea:h> <stArea:unit>normalized</stArea:unit> Off hand I am not sure how one would translate the normalized X/Y/W/H coordinates back into pixels.
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Aug 06, 2016
06:21 PM
Karffe, there are many sources of information on RegEx on the internet, web pages, interactive tutorials, videos etc. You could start by searching the Adobe Bridge and InDesign forums for the terms Regular Expression/RegEx (Bridge) and GREP (InDesign) for specific uses. A general internet search for the same keywords will kick up a whole lot more. A great interactive tutorial/tester can be found here: RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
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Aug 05, 2016
04:34 PM
If you are referring to the “code” that is typed in once the “use regular expression” checkbox has been ticked: Regular expression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Also known as GREP or RegEx for short.
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Aug 02, 2016
05:49 PM
Perhaps this link will help: Prepression: Acrobat Pro – Converting RGB Black PDF Content to CMYK Black
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Jul 23, 2016
04:35 PM
Jul 23, 2016
04:35 PM
I guess it would defeat the purpose of saving time, since you're pressing play on action A, x number of times anyhow I think that you misunderstood. It does not defeat the purpose of saving time, let me explain… Action A is only played once. It does not matter if it has 1 or 100 steps, the action needs to be played at some point on your other layers anyway. Or as you mention, the action could be simplified or have steps unticked to turn them off for the purpose of recording faster, then tick them again to turn them back on. To repeat Action A, the play step is duplicated by dragging the action step to the new action icon, like this: Once you have a number of duplicated steps, you can shift select multiple play steps and drag them to the new icon. In the example above there are three play steps. If I shift select all three play steps and dragged them to the new action icon, I would now have six play steps – all without manually playing the action multiple times. I could then shift select all six play steps and duplicate them again, resulting in twelve play steps etc. Glad you found a scripted solution, I love actions – however there is only so far that one can take them.
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Jul 23, 2016
12:29 AM
Thanks, my link was “a little dated”!
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Jul 22, 2016
05:11 PM
Not sure if these will help or not, they show one method of looping through layers: http://www.wou.edu/~areinha/Adobe%20Photoshop%20CS2/Scripting%20Guide/Sample%20Scripts/AppleScript/Crop%20and%20Rotate%2… http://www.dev.bowdenweb.com/js/adobe/jsx/ps/cs6-javascript-examples/win-scripting-plug-in/win64/Sample%20Scripts/AppleS…
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Jul 22, 2016
04:49 PM
Action A is the target action that Action B plays. I manually setup the required number of repetitions in Action B (so not really a loop, which would require a script). Obviously not very elegant but it does illustrate a point. Action A is never played directly by the end user. Only Action B is played by the end user. Action A is a means to an end, action B will play action A. Top image is before, bottom image is the result.
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Jul 22, 2016
04:09 PM
For those that don’t know where to find xtools: xtools
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Jul 21, 2016
11:56 PM
Jul 21, 2016
11:56 PM
It appears that you need to use a leading double, double quote with a trailing single double quote (if that makes sense)… ““Totally Enclosed” And then the text layer variable behaves as expected: “Totally Enclosed” This only appears to be an issue for text beginning with a double quote mark, even a word space before the leading double quote is enough to make this work as expected using a single double quote. While on the general topic, if you are looking for more info on Illustrator Variables, then try here: Prepression: Variables
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Jul 20, 2016
04:21 AM
Bridge can also find based on file size. Image Processor Pro has very flexible output options for files/folders, however without an explicit explanation of your folder structure it is hard to know. Install it and see for yourself. P.S. SuperMerlin is of course correct, there is only so far that out of the box tools will take you, even if they are highly configurable.
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Jul 19, 2016
06:20 PM
I would suggest a combination of Adobe Bridge to filter by file type and subfolders and Image Processor Pro to output the Bridge filtered file types.
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Jul 14, 2016
10:32 PM
In many ways, this is similar to a different forum topic that I answered this morning… Setup an Adobe Camera Raw preset using appropriate settings for auto processing a batch of images. Go into Bridge and use the Edit > Find command similar to the image below: Search at the parent top level folder and include all sub-folders, which will effectively strip away the folders and only show the contents of the folders. You can of course chain together multiple criteria – or work in smaller groups of folders or images. Select all of the images in Bridge that are returned by the Find command or smart collection. Then use Bridge’s Edit > Develop Settings command to apply your previously create batch preset to all selected files. No images need to be opened into Adobe Camera Raw or even Photoshop, the metadata is applied directly to the ACR database or XMP sidecar files. As all you are doing is adding metadata to the selected files, this will only take a fraction of a second per file. You can then run Image Processor Pro from Bridge to create the subfolders and rendered files as required.
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Jul 03, 2016
01:24 AM
Truly SuperMerlin, Paul’s site was a gem and it will be sorely missed. I sadly did not download every script available, only those of interest or that I needed at the time.
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Jul 03, 2016
01:23 AM
The script code is too long to paste here, so a link to the original data can be found here: Dropbox - DIY Metadata.zip
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Jul 03, 2016
01:15 AM
This site is now closed and all content has been removed. Most of the scripts that were on this site were outdated and untested for CC Please try the following sites for scripting solutions... That is right – www.ps-bridge-scripts.talktalk.net has been closed by the owner! The internet sadly has only a few repositories of good scripts for Adobe Bridge. As many discussions on this forum pointed to the DIY Metadata script, I will post the code as a community service (I hope that the author has no problems with recording this important information)…
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Jun 17, 2016
05:38 PM
caric34295532, if your boss wishes to stay away from scripts (why?) – then I would recommend ExifTool. After looking at ExifTool, your boss may then decide to use a script! ExifTool is powerful, however it is CLI based and can be daunting for some users. There are GUI front ends available for ExifTool which may be of help.
I have detailed the basic commands to export and import specific metadata in this following topic:
Need a script to update keywords for 20000 images in Bridge
It is critical to export a sample .csv from an image using ExifTool, because importing needs to use the correct format.
Keep in mind that this example is only for keywords. It is possible to export all metadata or a specific number of fields. You may need to export all metadata first to work out which tags/fields are required for your project.
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Jun 10, 2016
09:41 PM
Thanks Vasily, if Carlos was impressed then I knew enough that something special was going on! That sounds really cool, thanks for the explanation.
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Jun 10, 2016
04:48 PM
Vasily, Carlos – not being a scripter, what am I missing out on here?! I am usually quite critical (scathing?) of Illustrator’s Actions when compared to Photoshop’s implementation, however in this case a single action step (select object) can do the same thing as 124 lines of code! So apart from being able to include this code into a larger script, what is the advantage? Please put me out of my misery! ;]
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Jun 08, 2016
04:21 PM
The batch command is there to batch apply an action. So you need to first create an action to rasterize to a desired pixel width or height, colour mode, bounding box, save options etc. I usually do this with duplicated dummy/test files, then trash them once the action has been recorded. Here is a simple visual example: Next, the batch command needs to reference this action, however it will most likely need to override the recorded open and save steps: This is why scripts such as IP or IPP are usually preferred, they are generally easier to use.
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Jun 06, 2016
06:37 PM
1 Upvote
Add your support to my request or make your own request: Bridge Batch Rename Using Any XMP Data | Photoshop Family Customer Community From a scripting perspective, I am sure that it is possible, however I am guessing that it is not an easy task (what to do if an image has blank metadata in the source field, how to handle metadata characters that are not legal for the operating system file name etc). My solution is to use ExifTool
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May 29, 2016
03:09 AM
More clarity would be good :] Do you have Acrobat Pro? Colour conversions from InDesign don’t provide any great control. I would prefer to work from the PDF file if at all possible. Can you ask them for further detail? * What ICC profile? sRGB would be a lowest common denominator, however if they assume Adobe RGB and ignore your sRGB profiles then your colour his screwed (same for providing Adobe RGB and they assume sRGB). It should not matter if their colour management is setup correctly, however I have seen too many PSP that ignore embedded profiles and assume, which is not good for RGB input. * What CMYK profile should be set as the output intent of the PDF/X-3? * Do they wish for the entire PDF to be RGB, including solid black text as say 0r0g0b rather than 0cmy100k? Or do they wish for only the raster image content to be RGB with the rest of the text and vectors in CMYK? You may need to provide a version each way just in case if they are not going to be specific.
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May 28, 2016
05:57 PM
Further to my previous reply: * What exactly does your PSP require? A PDF which has CMYK text and other content, but all raster images in RGB? Or do they require a PDF with all content RGB, text, imges, vectors etc all in RGB, no CMYK or grayscale content whatsoever. * What exact RGB colour profile do they require (sRGB, Adobe RGB) – or can they work with any ICC tagged RGB without assuming or making a mess of colour when converting from RGB to CMYK? I would feel more comfortable making suggestions once these unknowns are answered. Of course, your PSP should be the one providing specific step by step instructions, you should not have to try to second guess their requirements by crowd sourcing advice on internet forums in lieu of them providing required information.
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