Stephen Marsh
Community Expert
Stephen Marsh
Community Expert
Feb 11, 2016
04:33 PM
The only other option that I know of is using ExifTool: Help in adding path information as keywords
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Feb 09, 2016
04:11 PM
Hi dougofakkad, if you have a solution with Bridge and Smart Collections then that is great. A solution may be possible using ExifTool to add keywords or other metadata to the Illustrator file based on the keywords used in the various JPEG files, however there are too many unknowns as things stand. Good luck with your project.
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Feb 08, 2016
06:38 PM
Thanks Ten A, a forum search kicked this up: Adobe Illustrator Tags
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Feb 08, 2016
05:10 PM
Thanks Ten A, I am very interested in exploring this method! EDIT: Does not appear to work in CS6?
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Feb 08, 2016
12:54 PM
dougofakkad, I would suggest using Bridge and metadata templates after creation of the Ai files, however I don’t know if the info you wish to include is variable or static. Can you describe in more detail what you require? How exactly do you automate saving keywords in Photoshop, via the script events manager via a save or close event and the “Update File Info.jsx” script? If so is this manual entry or metadata template? In CS6, when I place a JPEG that has keyword metadata into Illustrator as a linked image, then use the links panel “link file info” there are NO keywords displayed, which leads me to suspect that Illustrator does not pull through this metadata (however it may be accessible via scripting, this is just the GUI). When I view the linked JPEG in Bridge or Photoshop and use file info, the keywords are listed… So I am guessing that you may need to look outside of Illustrator to obtain the linked file metadata, which is presuming that no images are embedded, just linked. I imagine that a script would need to open up each linked JPEG in Photoshop or Bridge, extract the keywords and then store them in memory and repeat for each placed image, before adding them as metadata to the Illustrator file (or add the keywords one at a time from each linked image rather than storing them in a list. I don’t know how duplicate keywords would be handled). Sorry I can’t help with scripting.
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Feb 08, 2016
12:25 AM
There is also the GraphicsMagick offshoot, that is Windows compatible: GraphicsMagick Download
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Feb 07, 2016
09:08 PM
I just placed a feature request. It would be nice if there was a Bridge script to do so though! Bridge Batch Rename Using Any XMP Data | Photoshop Family Customer Community
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Feb 07, 2016
08:46 PM
Try the following (it is for layered TIFF, however I presume it could also be made to work for PSD or PSB): Find Layered TIFF Files
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Feb 07, 2016
08:45 PM
Try the following (it works for me in Bridge CS6): Re: Re: Custom Info Panel as Bridge MetaData Panel
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Feb 07, 2016
12:27 PM
InDesign CS6 supports the following XMP metadata based possibilities via Object Export Options for Alt Text (object menu/object export options): Alt Text Source = From XMP:Title From XMP:Description From XMP:Headline From Other XMP In the case of “From other XMP”, you will need to find the “namespace” and possibly the “array value”. Select your image in Bridge or open it in Photoshop and go to the File/File Info menu option. Then look on the “Raw Data” tab. I’ll use the “Creator” metadata info that usually contains the author of the file (a person, a company etc). You should find an XMP section such as: <dc:creator> <rdf:Seq> <rdf:li>Stephen Marsh</rdf:li> </rdf:Seq> </dc:creator> You will be interested in the following "namespace": dc:creator As another example, we can look at “Keywords” metadata. Bridge may have two Keywords entered against it for an image, such as: Australia; Sydney <dc:subject> <rdf:Bag> <rdf:li>Australia</rdf:li> <rdf:li>Sydney</rdf:li> </rdf:Bag> </dc:subject> If the goal is to use the second Keyword, then in addition to the “namespace” of dc:subject one would also need to add an “array value” [2] for the second entry: dc:subject[2] An example from InDesign’s Object Export Options for Alt Text: Prepression: InDesign Alt Text from Image XMP Metadata
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Feb 07, 2016
05:03 AM
Is there still interest in this? If the metadata is in the image, InDesign can use it for ALT text. There is no need for a script in Bridge.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Feb 05, 2016
06:51 PM
1 Upvote
Feb 05, 2016
06:51 PM
1 Upvote
A script that resizes layer content to a predetermined pixel width can be found here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/988084
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Feb 04, 2016
05:02 AM
Feb 04, 2016
05:02 AM
Photoshop is not Illustrator or InDesign (yes, I am stating the obvious there, however it needs to be said). The canvas size is the bleed if the file is setup correctly. Photoshop has no concept of uniquely sized PDF page boxes, they are all the same. You can save as the unflattened file as a Photoshop PDF using ZIP compression and elect to retain “vector” objects such as text or shapes. Then you could use Acrobat Pro to set correct media, trim and bleed page boxes, then add printer marks. Or you could place the Photoshop file into an appropriately sized InDesign file or Illustrator file and save out with the correct marks and then adjust page boxes if needed (for example, Illustrator does not correctly set the bleed box in CS6).
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Feb 01, 2016
12:24 PM
1 Upvote
Feb 01, 2016
12:24 PM
1 Upvote
Download link: Dropbox - Select Near Neutrals.atn.zip The first two actions target only near neutrals without selecting pure neutrals, while the others include neutrals and near neutrals with an option to adjust the “fuzziness” to extend the range of near neutrals over the recorded +/- values. In all cases the selection works across the entire L* range. All the various actions do is create a selection, what you do with the selection is up to you. In an RGB workflow, one would probably insert into the action additional steps such as adding a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer set to Color blend mode with Saturation -100. Hope this helps.
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Feb 01, 2016
05:15 AM
Xavier, I have knocked together an action set – if there is any interest I can post a download link… It contains 4 actions – the first two actions target only near neutrals without selecting pure neutrals, while the others include neutrals and near neutrals with an option to adjust the “fuzziness” to extend the range of near neutrals over the recorded +/- values. In all cases the selection works across the entire L* range. Set: Select Near Neutrals.atn Action: Select Near Neutrals - Fine (+/- 5 a* b*) Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: -5 B: -5 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 5 B: 5 0 Make New: channel Name: “Near Neutrals Temp” Color Indicates: masked areas Color: RGB color Red: 255 Green: 0 Blue: 0 Opacity: 50 Using: Selection Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: 0 B: 0 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 0 B: 0 0 Select channel “Near Neutrals Temp” Reset Swatches Exchange Swatches Fill Using: foreground color Opacity: 100% Mode: normal Set Selection To: none Set Selection To: current channel Delete current channel Action: Select Near Neutrals - Coarse (+/- 10 a* b*) Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: -10 B: -10 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 10 B: 10 0 Make New: channel Name: “Near Neutrals Temp” Color Indicates: masked areas Color: RGB color Red: 255 Green: 0 Blue: 0 Opacity: 50 Using: Selection Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: 0 B: 0 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 0 B: 0 0 Select channel “Near Neutrals Temp” Reset Swatches Exchange Swatches Fill Using: foreground color Opacity: 100% Mode: normal Set Selection To: none Set Selection To: current channel Delete current channel Action: Select Neutrals - Fine (+/- 5 a* b*) Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: -5 B: -5 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 5 B: 5 0 Action: Select Neutrals - Coarse (+/- 10 a* b*) Color Range Fuzziness: 0 Minimum: Lab color Luminance: 0 A: -10 B: -10 Maximum: Lab color Luminance: 100 A: 10 B: 10 0 Action: Info Stop Message: “Select Near Neutrals Version 1.0 ©2016 Stephen Marsh http://prepression.blogspot.com.au”
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Jan 31, 2016
12:13 PM
I too have used Lab mode and layer blend if sliders, however that was because I was in Lab colour mode. If you don’t wish to have a mode conversion in the original file, one can switch to Lab mode to create a mask from the blend if transparency and then place the mask into the original image so that the original image does not go to Lab mode. If I was in RGB or CMYK and I did not wish to change modes, then I would probably use the Select/Colour Range command (which records Lab values, even when in RGB/CMYK mode). Then you could use a desaturate command from say 50-80% (sometimes one may not wish to truly neutralise to true gray) I would also set the colour adjustment to Colour blend mode. There may be no need for scripting, an action could probably accomplish this task (or record script listener to capture the script code).
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Jan 30, 2016
03:00 PM
1 Upvote
I currently have 8 pages documenting Vasily’s VariableImporter script: Prepression: Illustrator – Introducing the VariableImporter Script
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Jan 27, 2016
07:17 PM
Further to my previous reply, ICC profiles have both an “external” name (OS level file name) – and an “internal” (profile name). So perhaps try: highResOpts.outputIntentProfile=“GRACoL2006_Coated1v2” ???
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Jan 27, 2016
07:10 PM
I can’t help with scripting… however your script is using the PDF export preset “Hi-Res NC”, while your screen capture uses what I presume is a standard “out of the box” PDF/X-1a preset that ships with Illustrator? When driving this via the GUI, changing the destination profile changes the output intent profile to match, and vice versa… So can you somehow make: highResOpts.outputIntentProfile=“GRACoL2006_Coated1v2.icc" into: highResOpts.outputIntentProfile="COLORDESTINATIONWORKINGCMYK" ???
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Jan 23, 2016
03:43 AM
One possible work around is a script that creates custom crop marks, in conjunction with a PDF export option that does not use the default marks. Have a look at the following – post #4: Re: Crop mark from CMYK to grayscale post #11: Re: Crop mark from CMYK to grayscale
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Jan 19, 2016
04:48 AM
An old thread, but worth updating, a case a serendipity, I was searching the forum for JavaScript code to recursively scan subdirectories in Bridge… At least in CS6, keywords live in an XML file. On the Mac, this could be: /Users/loggedinusername/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CS6/Adobe Bridge Keywords.xml By default the contents is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<keywords version="2">>
<set name="Events" disclosed="true">
<item name="Birthday" />
<item name="Graduation" />
<item name="Wedding" />
<set name="People" disclosed="true">
<item name="Matthew" />
<item name="Ryan" />
<set name="Places" disclosed="true">
<item name="New York" />
<item name="Paris" />
<item name="San Francisco" />
<item name="San Jose" />
<item name="Tokyo" />
The “Other Keywords” that are “persistant” (roman text) would appear at the foot of the code shown above (after line 18):
<set name="Other Keywords" disclosed="true">
<item name="Additional Keyword" />
<item name="Another keyword" />
The “non persistant” text that is indicated in italics is resident in a selected file, however it is not resident in the Adobe Bridge Keywords.xml file. To extract the keywords from many files, folders and subfolders, one can use ExifTool: ExifTool by Phil Harvey
exiftool -r -T -subject '/Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/source_directory/' > exiftool-keyword-dump.txt
The previous command line code is from the Mac, on Windows simply change the single quote ' to double quotes " with the correct platform specific path to the top level folder. A tab delimited text file titled “exiftool-keyword-dump.txt” would be created in /Users/loggedinusername/ (or an explicit output location could be coded). One could then manipulate the text file adding XML tags for a set and item and paste this into the Adobe Bridge Keywords.xml file (create a backup of this file first for recovery purposes). You would now have every keyword used in all of your loose files added to the keywords of Adobe Bridge! Hope this helps somebody in a similar position to the OP.
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Jan 18, 2016
07:31 PM
How robust and or how long would one expect a Flash based solution to be viable for? I would be concerned that a lot of work could go into this, only to find that Adobe drop support for it tomorrow in favour of another technology.
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Jan 12, 2016
03:10 AM
More info is ideally required, or better yet, a link to sample of the PDF.
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Jan 12, 2016
03:07 AM
What was the source file/program that created the document? It is generally best to re-create the PDF from the source file/s. There are Acrobat Pro Preflight Profiles or Single Checks for image resolution that can be run before saving as PDF/X and then again afterwards.
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Jan 11, 2016
08:06 PM
Another option could be to use a dedicated tool/service, which has better time capturing that is not as rich in other areas: https://www.openhour.com/features/#profeatures
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Jan 03, 2016
04:46 AM
Great Stuff, thanks! I never had any feedback on whether my find solution excluding the keyword “Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw” worked outside of CS6, so it is good to have another method.
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Jan 03, 2016
02:09 AM
An old thread, but hey… I would simply do this via an action (because I can’t script, however does one really need a script?), then batch the action on all afflicted files. The colour swap could be done by recording a mode change to multichannel mode, moving the channel order around, then changing back to RGB mode and assigning sRGB… However I would probably just use a channel mixer move, B=R and R=B, then assign sRGB. Channel Mixer Preset Kind: Custom Output Red: is a mixture of Blue: 100% Output Green: is a mixture of Green: 100% Output Blue: is a mixture of Red: 100% I guess another option would be to create a custom sRGB profile and swap the channel order around so that it is BGR, then convert to sRGB – however this would mess with the files numbers/values when the previous two methods would not. EDIT: If this is needed to fit into a larger scripting workflow, you could just insert the moves for the channel mixer and or assign profile steps. If one is not after elegant code, the ScriptListener plug-in would do the job of recording the moves.
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Jan 03, 2016
01:51 AM
Thanks again SuperMerlin, this is exactly what I was looking for and it is within my scripting “skills” to enable/disable existing code if I would like TIFF instead of PSD.
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Jan 02, 2016
11:15 PM
OK, so my Frankenstein’s monster code is below, I have commented out the JPEG options and transplanted some code for saving PSD, however I think that I am going wrong somewhere on line 23? I have tried different combinations of code from the commented lines 02 and 03. I have commented out the original JPEG options for reference (lines 24, 38-46). I am like a bull in a china shop when it comes to code!
// https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2034807
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796764/from-photoshop-actions-to-photoshop-scripting
// https://github.com/joonaspaakko/Photoshop-Auto-Save-PSD-script/blob/master/Auto%20Save%20PSD.jsx
#target photoshop;
function main(){
if(!documents.length) return;
var Path = activeDocument.path;
alert("You save your document before running this script!");
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var now = doc.activeHistoryState;
var Snaps = snapShotList();
var outputFolder = Folder(Path + "/History Snapshots as PSD");
if(!outputFolder.exists) outputFolder.create();
for (var z in Snaps){
revertNamedSnapshot(Snaps );
var saveFile = File(outputFolder + "/" + Snaps .toString().replace(/\./g,'_') + ".psd");
PhotoshopSaveOptions(psdOptions, true);
// SaveForWeb(saveFile,80);
doc.activeHistoryState = now;
//Save as PSD
var psdOptions = new PhotoshopSaveOptions();
psdOptions.alphaChannels = true;
psdOptions.annotations = true;
psdOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
psdOptions.layers = true;
psdOptions.spotColors = true;
// function SaveForWeb(saveFile,jpegQuality) {
// var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
// sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
// sfwOptions.includeProfile = false;
// sfwOptions.interlaced = 0;
// sfwOptions.optimized = true;
// sfwOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
// activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions);
// };
function snapShotList(){
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var hs = doc.historyStates;
var now = doc.activeHistoryState;
var Name = new Array();
for(var a =0;a <hs.length;a++){
if(hs.snapshot) {
doc.activeHistoryState = hs;
doc.activeHistoryState = now;
return Name;
function revertNamedSnapshot(name) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putName( charIDToTypeID('SnpS'), name );
desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref );
executeAction( charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
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Jan 02, 2016
04:10 PM
Thank you SuperMerlin, that is fantastic – greatly appreciated! I should be able to edit this script to use a lossless format like TIFF or PSD. I’ll post back if I run into problems. JJMack, I hear what you are saying and as I have been using Photoshop since v2.0 I do take a lot of past learning for granted. That being said, I am pretty much a GUI user, that is how I think. Learning text based languages are simply just not as easy for me. I have tried, I struggle with GREP/RegEx!
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