bellevue scott
bellevue scott
‎Sep 25, 2023
03:53 PM
1 Upvote
I believe you are correct that the Jump Desktop SW, which is a remote desktop solution SW, was the culprit in this. Thanks for your response, and to Adobe's chat support that was very helpful in identifying the problem.
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‎Sep 25, 2023
10:46 AM
Resolved! I used Adobe chat support because I really need to get on with my day. The answer was: channge default input to no input. That did it!
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‎Sep 25, 2023
10:25 AM
Adobe premiere I'm trying to edit a video in Adobe Premier. I can see the sound is there on the timeline, but it will not play. I get an error that says "sample rate not supported but audio hardware" but it's at 4800 Hz. So I don't understand what the problem is. Sound plays on a web browser, but not in premier, and it appears to be a Mac HW issue. How can I fix this?     Clicking on Attempt to force hardware to sample rate does nothing. thanks
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‎Aug 24, 2023
09:48 AM
wHaT dO YoU MeAn bY... really?
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‎Jul 13, 2023
09:45 AM
Device name XX Processor AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor 3.40 GHz Installed RAM 128 GB Device ID 7B0C736D-FAB4-4F65-A7D0-39BE98AA28C2 Product ID 00330-71458-41090-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points It seems to have resolved itself. I think the slowness was Windows, not LRC. And the screen issue I resolved below. It was stuck, but after cycling through different screen modes a few times it started behaving in Normal Screen Mode.
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‎Jul 12, 2023
11:59 AM
It may be due to LRC going into different screen modes. I've got dual monitors and the main monitor is going into full screen mode or full screen mode with menus, but when I set it to normal it behaves well. I still cant' figure out why it's going into full screen mode though...
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‎Jul 12, 2023
11:20 AM
1 Upvote
LRC 12.4 on Windows 10 today is being super super sluggish. And It goes into full screen with no menus. If I click on the icon in the task bar, then I'll get my menus back for a minute and then it goes wonky again with just one image, no film strip, no menus...
entire monitor screen looks like this
{Thread title updated by moderator}
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‎Jun 22, 2023
11:53 AM
It keeps appearing and it’s not fair. I don’t pay for expensive sw to get inline popup ads that stop my droplets and actions. That’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s a hard no for me. -- Sent from my iThingy
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‎Jun 22, 2023
07:01 AM
I'm having this issue too. I didn't click on maybe later, because I don't ever want to see this again. I didn't know that clicking on maybe later might give a dropdown box. To be clear, I have three subsciptions to Adobe Cloud for six computers. I pay Adobe a lot of money every month, and as a paying customer, I don't EVER EVER EVER want to see popup ads for Adobe products and services in my work routine. Ever, for any reason. I am getting these while running droplets. So for me, I dragged a bunch of images onto a droplet and went to lunch, and came back to find my routine had stopped for a popup ad. The ONLY other company that does this is Intuit/Quickbooks, the worst company in the world in my opinion, and because of it I'm changing accounting SW. Adobe, don't be like that. Don't do this. It's extremely obnoxious. We pay for this software. Just don't do this. Thanks
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‎Jun 20, 2023
02:46 PM
Today while working I got another popup ad from Adobe, asking me if I wanted to use cloud storage. I already have preferences set to save on my computer, so this was not the dialogue you see when you haven't yet chosen. Unfortunately I was with a client, and didn't want to take the time to screen capture it and save it. I was working and with a client. But it was clearly an advertisement by Adobe. What on God's earth is going on with Adobe?!!! When did Adobe decide it was OK to starat giving us in-line ads for Adobe products and services? This is NOT OK at all, and I would very much like someone from Adobe here to respond to this. Thanks
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‎Jun 19, 2023
07:30 PM
1 Upvote
Edit->preferences->auto show home screen is unchecked. Edit: I have checked everything, and I see nowhere in settings where I am allowing popup ads. I really would like to stop this from happening. When I drag multiple files on a droplet, my expectation is that when I return to the computer, my files will have processed. Especially when I'm using droplets that I have used for years. There is no reason ever under any circumstances for Adobe to to be giving me popup ads like this for services they want to push on their users. Any help in fixing this and stopping it from happening would be appreciated. It's clearly not a setting I enabled. It has happened now on two comuters, one Mac, and One Windows, so it's a cross platform issue.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
03:07 PM
Rich tool tips is turned off and has been. Thanks
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‎Jun 19, 2023
02:23 PM
Windows 10 PS 24.5 On two occasions now in the last few days I have run files on a droplet, and have come back to my computer and it has stopped running the droplet and is waiting for me to respond to this Adobe popup ad. How do I stop this? It's interfering with my work flow, to mention nothing of being absolutely obnoxiously intrusive. thanks
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‎Apr 30, 2023
03:22 PM
It may be something else. This has resolved it for me on two computers.
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‎Apr 13, 2023
09:38 AM
This is a usless answer.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
11:32 AM
It's an internal SSD. The LRC catalog and all files reside in "documents", although documents is also an icloud synched folder.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
11:31 AM
Thanks for this. That's helpful. I can't believe Adobe's answer is to tell it to just ignore the error, but OK. I don't have a time machine on this machine since it's kind of a roaming work machine and data is offloaded to a file server once any job is done. Again, thanks for the info.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
09:04 AM
New Macbook Pro, Adobe LRC, I'm getting disk permission errors every time I open LR, but I've given LR full disk access as per the instructions.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
08:31 AM
the latest version of Light Room Classic also has disk permission issues, even though I've given it full disk access.
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‎Apr 07, 2023
08:37 AM
adobe suggests the community forum for support but it seems that nobody from Adobe helps here.
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‎Apr 07, 2023
08:36 AM
I have tried this on several computers and Acrobat consistently turns some of the pages upside down and I have to manually go in and rotate the pages. Any ideas? Do Adobe people monitor this forum?
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‎Apr 06, 2023
11:42 AM
1 Upvote
I just want to add that this is exactly why I have at least one prior version of PS installed at all times. I never delete the older version. Since Adobe went to a subscription model in the cloud, I've experienced numerous work stoppage bugs, on such a regular basis that I always have a prior version installed so that nasty bugs like this don't keep me from working. Never let the Adobe installers delete your previous version of PS. Having two versions installed is essential to a smooth workflow.
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‎Apr 06, 2023
11:37 AM
Thanks for this tip. It's been very helpful. But I've found that what this does really is rename photos in LR. I still can't find a way to export files using these custom templates. Am I missing something? I don't want to rename the original photos, I want to export them with a sequential name without renaming the originals.
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‎Mar 31, 2023
05:31 PM
1 Upvote
Rob I searched and searched and couldn't find it. So I did a web search, came upon a video on how to do this on youtube, and this may well have done more to improve my LRC experience than anything ever. Thanks. Nice trick. I had no idea.
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‎Mar 31, 2023
05:21 PM
Thanks! I'll try that.
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‎Mar 31, 2023
02:05 PM
Bump. Anybody?
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‎Mar 31, 2023
02:01 PM
It's a 2013 Mac Pro garbage can with 64GB RAM. I tried the same thing on a newer Windows machine and this doesn't happen. I think clearly I need a new machine. I've been holding out because I don't want to spend $$$$ on a new Mac Pro that is Intel based and I've been waiting years for Apple to get its act together, but it looks like I need to build a new Windows machine. Thanks
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‎Mar 30, 2023
03:46 PM
The crop tool in LRC is super super slow. When I am looking at an image and decide to crop, as soon as I hit the R key for the crop tool, the iamge disappears, I see the grey work area for a couple seconds, then the image comes back and the crop tool appears. Is this normal? Is this a bug? Or is there a setting somewhere that will help with this?
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‎Mar 30, 2023
03:42 PM
Why can't sequential file naming start with a zero? I know I used to be able to do this, and sometimes you want to create a file array with the image files so for example if you have 100 files to export, you will start with 001 so that you have an array from 001-100. But you can't do that in LR. It converts 001 to 1. Is there a way around this?
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‎Mar 30, 2023
02:41 PM
I am scanning a very old book with lots of old cursive handwriting in it. Process is like this: photograph pages with dSLR edit pages in LR, export as tif, clean up in PS Import images as pages in ID 2023 using image directory to CSV script and data merge tool Export PDF from InDesign 2023 Open PDF in Adobe Acrobat Build: 23.1.20093.0 on Mac Pro Use Scan and OCR tool, recognize text The scan and OCR tool/recognize text reduces the file size for 100 pages from 250MB to 57MB, but some of the pages get turned upside down. I've tried it twice now. Out of 50 test pages, several get turned upside down in the PDF. Has anyone ever seen this?
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